北京版(四下)UNIT FIVE IS MAY DAY A HOLIDAY -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:f063a).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT FIVE IS MAY DAY A HOLIDAY _Lesson 15_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:f063a)
    • May Day.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案f063a.doc--点击预览
    • 美国大罢工.flv


Lesson 15 What are they talking about? They are talking about__________. When is Labour Day in USA? Its on______________ of __________. the first Monday of September In China,what is Guoguo going to do? She is going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan Shanhaiguan Jiayuguan Jiayuguan is the beginning of the Great Wall. Shanhaiguan is the end of the Great Wall. Its so long and so big. So we call it WangLi chang cheng. ( ) In China, Labor Day is on the May 1st. ( ) Labor Day also is on May 1st in USA. May Day is coming. We also call it May Day is coming. We also call it _____________. It_____________. Its on ____________.in s on ____________.in China.China.But in USA, Labour Day is But in USA, Labour Day is on_______________ of September. Iton_______________ of September. Its a s a holiday for___________________. Guoguo holiday for___________________. Guoguo is going to ________________ in is going to ________________ in Shanhaiguan on that day.Shanhaiguan on that day. Talk about May Day 语言支撑: We also call. Labour Day is for. In China, its on., people are going to. But in USA, its. Lets watch the video. This Labour Day comes from the workers big strike(大罢工) of American Chicago(芝加 哥).On May 1 in 1886, the working people of Chicago in order to fight(战斗) for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike. At last, they won the victory(胜利). The working people like this holiday.They go to parks or see films. Labour Day has a history(历史) of over 100 years. But in China, people had Labour Day in 1918. This Labour Day comes from the workers big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, the working people of Chicago in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike. At last, they won the victory. The working people like this holiday.They go to parks or see films. Labour Day has a history(历史) of over 100 years. But in China, people had Labour Day in 1918. The Labor Day is for working people. May 1st Lets talk! What do you know about this day? Thank you for listening! Talk about May Day the first Monday of September watch a performance and firework the working people the first Monday of September watch a performance and firework the working people Lets act!1 1 1指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 语言有着丰富的文化内涵,是文化的载体,也是传播文化的工具。文化意识作为英语 课程目标之一,承载着帮助学生接触和了解英语国家文化的任务。 新课程标准指出,在教学中,教师应根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,逐步扩展 文化知识的内容和范围。基于上述理论,我将本课定位为通过节日文化知识的学习与介绍, 培养学生建立跨文化意识。 本节课还将通过阅读的方式,以语言为载体,使学生获取更多的文化信息, 拓展文 化 视野。 2 2教学背景分析教学背景分析 教材分析教材分析 Holidays 与本单元关系 Unit5 Childrens Day 本单元知识 Unit5 Childrens Day 2 本课书的场景为 Sara 和果果在游乐园玩儿,边玩儿边讨论即将到来的五 一劳动节,讨论节日活动,练习表述计划句型。 学生情况:学生情况: 我教授的四年级 14 班学生爱好兴趣广泛,大部分学生的英语基础较扎实,一部分学生 口语表达能力较强,学习中思维活跃, 对中、西方文化差异感兴趣,乐于积极了解所学国 家节日的相关信息。 同时通过学前调查,得知学生们有 100%以上的学生知道劳动节的日期,而且大部分学 生很有想法,在我国五一小长假学生们会选择出自己或家人喜欢的出行地旅游(北京周边、 海边、上海、扬州等中国能够看花的或是有些故事的城市),制定自己的出行计划。 3.3.教学目标教学目标( (含重、难点含重、难点) ) 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 1 通过本课学习,学生能听、说、读、写 also、labor、China、visit 等单词,能够运用所 学过的动词短语对功能句型 What are you going to do on May Day? We are going to 或 I am going to.进行简单运用,并正确朗读课文。 2. 学生能根据关键词综合描述劳动节的名称、日期、劳动节所属人们、打算,及美国的劳 动节与中国的劳动节的差异等。 3. 通过阅读拓展学习,了解并能简单介绍美国劳动节的日期及人们在劳动节的活动。 过程与方法目标过程与方法目标 1.通过操练单词, 使学生学习理解并能运用新单词。 2.通过操练句型, 使学生能够掌握功能句,并能在实际生活中运用。 3.通过阅读劳动节的语篇,及教师提供的关键词,学生能够对中、美国家的劳动节进行 三年级下册 Unit5 Childrens Day 三年级下册 Unit6 Fathers Day -What are you going to do on May Day? -We are going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan. 已有知识 Unit5 Childrens Day 与今后的联系 Unit5 Childrens Day 3 简单的描述。 4.通过小组活动,按照思维导图提示学生能够复述对话内容以及美国劳动节。 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 通过日历对比,让学生了解同一个节日,不同的日期和过法,了解中西方节日文化差 异,培养学生建立跨文化意识。 教学重点教学重点 1.根据所学劳动节的知识,对中、美劳动节进行简单的描述。 2.在实际情景中,针对节日所做的打算 What are you going to do on that day? I am going to 或 We are going to进行交流。 教学难点教学难点 1.理解 Labor Day is a holiday for working people. 2.简单综合描述美国及其他国家的劳动节与中国的劳动节的差异。 4.4.教学过程教学过程 I. Lead-in 导入导入 活动活动 1:Talk about holiday 【活动目标活动目标】通过描述学生所知道的一些节日名称以及日期,引入本节课话题劳动节 【教师语言教师语言】Today we are going to have a new lesson. In this lesson, we are talking about holiday. What holiday do you know in May? Its May Day. Great!What do you know about this day? 【实施方法实施方法】教师利用谈话的方式,直接导入本课话题,让学生谈论关于劳动节的知识, 以及还有想知道些什么。 【设计意图设计意图】通过谈话方式,勾起学生对于五一劳动节的元认知,为谈论本课劳动节 May Day 话题做好铺垫,建立学习节日的思维方法思维导图。 活动活动 2:建立思维导图,弄清学习主要内容:建立思维导图,弄清学习主要内容 【活动目标活动目标】通过谈话让学生思考劳动节知识,明确本节课学习的重点内容。 【教师语言教师语言】 May Day is important holiday for our people, we have no work or no school on that day. What do you want to know about May Day? 预设: 学生已知:May Day is on the June 1st. Its for working people.(看书知道,但是对于 working people 并不真正的理解) On that, people do some interesting things,for example: go to famous places or do 4 some housework. 学生想知道:How does the May Day come from?(May Days history) Does the other country have the day? When is it? . II. Presentation 呈现新知呈现新知 学习新课文学习新课文 活动活动 3:观察主题图,听录音,学习课文,了解中国劳动节以及:观察主题图,听录音,学习课文,了解中国劳动节以及 Guoguo 去长城游玩。去长城游玩。 【活动目标活动目标】通过听课文对话引出学生认知,了解学生对于五一劳动节日期以及人们要做 的事,让学生深刻体会劳动节对中国人的意义,建完成思维导图中内容。 Step 1: Listen to the dialogue and know Guoguo and Sara talk about May Day. 【教师语言教师语言】 T:Look at the picture , Guoguo and Sara, they are very happy in the amusement park, they have no school.What are they talking about? 预设:S: They are talking about May Day. T: Great, So we also call May Day Labour Day.(板书 Labour Day 学习 生词 Labour) Step 2: Listen to the dialogue again and know they will do something on that day. What is Guoguo going to do on that day? She is gong to visit the Great Wall. Step 3 Know the working people and the Great Wall Its a holiday for the working people. Jiayuguan,is the beginning of the Great Wall. Shanhaiguan is the end of the Great Wall. 5 There is 6300 kilometer, is 12600Li long, so we call it wanglichangcheng. Show the pictures, It takes us more than 3hours to Shanhaiguan by car, but it takes one day from Jiayuguan to Shanhaiguan by car. The Great Wall is so great , the people building the wall is great. They built the Great Wall with their hands, no car, no train or no plane. Its a holiday for working people. Guoguo is going to visit the Great Wall on Lbour Day. 【实施方法实施方法】通过听录音知道果果在劳动节要去的地方,同时在老师的图片以及讲解中了 解长城全程长度,介绍长城开始与结束的关卡,通过利用现在科技导航了解沿着果果去的 路线需要花费时间,感知山海关离北京距离,并体会 6300 公里的到底是多长。 【设计意图设计意图】通过这个环节让学生进一步体会当时建造万里长城的建造者艰辛与困难,明 确劳动节为了那些辛苦的劳动者而创设。 活动活动 4:读课文,了解美国劳动节日期:读课文,了解美国劳动节日期 【活动目标活动目标】学生模仿朗读课文原文,培养学生从文字中获取信息的能力。 【教师语言教师语言】OK, now lets read the text and think that when it is in USA. When is Labour Day in the USA? Its on the first Monday of September. 【实施方法实施方法】教师出示课文 ppt 让学生跟读课文,从中获取美国的劳动节信息,并回答老 师的问题,学生回答后,教师出示 ppt 每年九月日历解释 the first Monday of September 【设计意图】了解美国的劳动节日期,帮助、强化学生理解劳动节的意义,为后面语言的 输出做准备。 【设计意图设计意图】引出课文,学习新知。 III. Practice 操练操练 活动活动 5:句型操练:句型操练,课文复述课文复述 6 【活动目标活动目标】通过补充课文内容让学生能够通过关键词汇简单复述课文内容 【教师语言教师语言】Today we learn Labour Day , now lets fill in blanks. Step 1 : Fill in the blanks. May Day is coming. We also call it _____________. Its on ____________. But in US, Labour Day is on _______________ of September. Its a holiday for _________________. Guoguo is going to _______________ in Shanhaiguan on that day. Step 2 Retell the text with the mind map. Retell the text in pair 【实施方法实施方法】出示课文部分内容以及相关匹配的图片,让学生看着图片,将本课内容填写 完整,同时结合思维导图用自己的语言转述课文内容。 【设计意图设计意图】进一步理解课文,体会中美文化的差异 IV. Product:Know more about Labour Day 【活动目标活动目标】培养学生在阅读中寻找有用信息的能力 【教师语言教师语言】 Now you have known the Labour Day in China and America. And some of you want to know the history of Labour Day. Step 1 Lets watch a video. (芝加哥工人罢工) Step 2: Read the passage and what you know. This Labour Day comes from the workers big strike(大罢工) of American 7 Chicago(芝加哥).On May 1 in 1886, the working people of Chicago in order to fight(战斗) for practicing eight hours to work to make so hold the big strike. At last, they won the victory(胜 利). The working people like this holiday. They go to parks or see films. Labour Day has a history(历史) of over 100 years. But in China, people have Labour Day in 1918. 【实施方法实施方法】通过学生收看视频了解芝加哥大罢工背景,再默读短文寻找一些有关劳动节 由来的关键词汇或句子,提炼关键信息,补充思维导图内容,能够简单描述劳动节历史。 【设计意图设计意图】通过阅读短文,可以解决学生们想要知道的知识,从而达到拓展知识面的目 的,深刻了解不同国家的文化差异,达到文化可以相互交流。 The Key words: the workers big strike practicing eight hours to work won the victory has a history of over 100years go to parks or see films Step 3: Retell the passage in pair with yours T: Do you know why we talk about the Labour Day of the USA? S: Because Labour Day comes from the USA. Homework: 1. Listen and read the text 2. Retell the text and the passage 【设计意图】自主性作业的设计,使学生将所学知识延伸到课堂之外的实际生活中,调动 了学生学习的热情和多种智能的共同运用。 六、板书设计:六、板书设计: Unit 5 IS THE LABOUR DAY A HOLIDAY? Lesson 15 May Day (Labor Day) 8 Please tell something and underline them:(1-2 句) ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
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