- 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT FIVE IS MAY DAY A HOLIDAY _Lesson 15_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:804b5)
- 四下Lesson 15课件
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- Is May Day a Holiday .pptx--点击预览
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Unit Five Lesson 15 Show Time April 22nd Friday World Earth Day Look and guess 看图猜节日 April 22nd We are going to .We are going to . make a cardmake a card make a cakemake a cake have a partyhave a party sing and dancesing and dance saysay Listen and say(听一听,说一说) 1.What are they talking about? Labour Day / May Day 2. When is Labour Day? In China In the USA May 1st the first Monday of September Listen and say(听一听,说一说) 3. Labour Day is a holiday for the_________________. working people 4. What is Guoguo going to do on May Day? They are going to_______________ in Shanhaiguan. visit the Great Wall 节日 Holidays 目 录 New Years Day.1 元旦 Labour Day.5 劳动节 Tree-planting Day 11 植树节 Childrens Day.14 儿童节 Teachers Day.20 教师节 Halloween25 万圣节 Christmas Day31 圣诞节 *.* * Labour Day / May Day 劳 动 节 May 1st Childrens Day 儿童节 June 1st Christmas Day 圣诞节 December 25th Tree-planting Day 植树节 March 12th A plan(计划) of Labour Day April 30th May 1st May 2nd Labour Day is coming. On April 30th, Im going to visit the Great Wall with my parents. On May 1st , Im going to play basketball with my friends. On May 2nd , Im going to do homework at home. I will have a good time. visit the Great Wall in Badaling play basketball do homework Homework 1. Read the dialogue: Lesson 15 (读课文) 2. Write your plan of Labour Day (写劳动节计划) Labour Day / May Day working people Labour Day is a holiday for the working people. the Great Wall We are going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan. have a party travel watch the football match1 Unit Five Is May Day a Holiday? Lesson 15 一、一、概述概述 本课是北京教材四年级下册第五单元 Is May Day a holiday?中的第 1 课。本课对话 场景从谈论劳动节 Labour Day 入手,呈现如何恰当地讨论节日、节日的意义及相关活动的 安排,同时感受中外文化的差异。学生在课文情境中学会运用“What are you going to do on?及其应答语 We are going to . ”的基础上,给学生提供更丰富的语用空间, 进行拓展练习。教学内容主要是掌握以下知识: 交际用语和句型:-What are you going to do on? -I am going to 1.2. 词汇掌握:Labour Day,visit,working people 英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提 高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、 开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信 心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学 生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力;培养 学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神;帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异, 拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的 基础。 本单元的教学内容涉及“人际交往”话题中的“合作与交流” ,其语言功能围绕“节日” 展开。本课为这一单元的第一课,在学习了之前单元的基础上,渗透和学习新的语言知识。 本单元的内容贴近学生的日常生活,引导学生在真实的语境中进行有效的语言操练,更能 体现出学以致用的教学效果。 二、教学目标分析二、教学目标分析 过程与方法:培养学生与同伴合作的能力和创新能力。 情感态度与价值观:能够通过对话的学习,体会生活的乐趣。 三、学习者特征分析三、学习者特征分析 四年级的孩子大多数活泼、大胆且独立。许多学生掌握一些文具的名称。且经过训练, 学生比较熟悉教师的课堂用语,他们喜欢上英语课,特别是游戏以及在一定的真实的语境 中学习英语更受他们的欢迎。 通过课前调查得知: 1.学生已经初步学习了表达计划和打算的用法 2.部分学生能够初步认读,个别词的正确认读和理解上还会出现问题 知识与技能:1.能正确理解课文对话,并朗读课文。 2.能够获取课文中的相关信息,进行情景对话表演。 2 3.个别学生英语认读理解水平还很差。 四、教学策略选择与设计四、教学策略选择与设计 多媒体创设真实的语言环境,通过复习导入,游戏激发兴趣,交际贯始终,引导学生 积极与同伴交流互动,通过各种教学活动,让学生积极参与,大胆表达,在学会本课功能 句型的基础上,学会运用。 五、教学资源五、教学资源与课件设计与课件设计 整合点整合点作用时间作用时间应用方式和作用应用方式和作用 1 复习3 分钟通过图片,直观感受 2 理解课文内容10 分钟通过声、图结合,快速准确理解课文内容 3 情境对话10 分钟图片展示情境,让学生在真实的语境中学习操 练 4 巩固提升5 分钟让学生学以致用 (整合点:整合点:一节课中任意一个教学步骤(环节、活动) ,只要信息技术支撑它的实施比 常规教学手段好就称之为整合点 使用时间使用时间:资源在课堂教学中使用的时长 应用方式和应用方式和 作用作用:该资源在教学中如何使用?它起什么作用?包括突出、强化教学重点,突破、化解 教学难点) 3 六、教学过程六、教学过程 这一部分是该教学设计方案的关键所在。 在这一部分,要说明教学的环节及所需的资源支持、具体的活动及其设计意图以及那 些需要特别说明的教师引导语。 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学教学 环节环节 教学活动教学活动 环节环节 意图意图 复备复备 一、 Greeting 二、 Show time 三、 Lead in Who want to be a little teacher? S: Good morning. Nice to meet you, What is the date today? What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? 1.Introduce 2.Ask and answer 1.Tomorrow is April 22nd ,is a special day. What is it? World Earth Day What are you going to do on? We are going to . (板书) 2.Look and guess Look at other holidays. Look at pictures, guess the holidays Ask: When is ? 3.Tomorrow is also a special day for Sara. Saras birthday T: What are you going to do on Saras birthday? S: We are going to T: Sara is very happy. Then she went to the amusement park with Guoguo. 进入学习英 语的情境, 让学生组织 教学 课前两分钟, 让每个学生 都有展示自 己的机会 结合现实生 活,进入学 习的情境 利用游戏的 方式,吸引 学生的注意 4 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学教学 环节环节 教学活动教学活动 环节环节 意图意图 复备复备 四、 New lesson 五、 Practice 1.Listen and answer: (1) What are they talking about? Labour Day(板书) (2) When is Labour Day? In China: May 1st In the USA: the first Monday of September (板书) (3) Labour Day is a holiday for the working people . Working people(板书) (4) What is Guoguo going to do on May Day? They are going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan. Visit the Great Wall(板书) 2.Sara is from the USA. What is American going to do on May Day? Let s enjoy: have a party Travel Watch the football match 3.Listen and repeat 4.Read the dialogue in pairs 5.Show 1.I have a book about holidays. Do you want to see? (1) Labour Day: In China, Labour is on May 1st . In the USA, Labour Day is the first Monday of September. Labour Day is a holiday for the working people. We are going to visit the Great Wall.(指着思维导图说) 从听力入手, 培养学生的 听力习惯和 理解能力, 体现任务型 教学 了解中西方 文化的差异 5 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学教学 环节环节 教学活动教学活动 环节环节 意图意图 复备复备 6 六、 Homework (2) Tree-planting Day in China in the USA (学生自己说) (3)Choose one holiday. Complete the mind map. Say with partner. Show (4)Show my sons plan of Labour Day. Listen and fill in the blanks Read the text Read the dialogue: Lesson 15 Complete your plan of Labour Day. 让学生绘制 思维导图, 理清思路 听力练习, 结合实际, 留作业 7 最后,画出教学过程流程图。 热身 呈现 Greeting Oral practice 让学生进入学习英语的 情境 Show a main picture Answer the questions Understand the text 激发学生兴趣,进 入本课情境 产出 无 练习Read the dialogue in roles Act out Read and fill in the blanks Learn the dialogue Make some new dialogues Activity book Emotional education 巩固课文的掌握情 况 培养学生语言综合 运用能力 熟练掌握课文内容 考察学生对本课重 点内容的掌握 联系实际,贴近生 活 PPT 课件 PPT 课件 PPT 课件 8 七、教学七、教学反思反思 一、教学目标的达成 本节课中,教师通过情境的创设,引导学生学习如何请求帮助和帮助别人,并利用各 种图片,实物,生动直观的课件、教具和形式多样的教学形式,激发了学生的学习兴趣。 绝大多数学生能够掌握本课重点知识,因此,基本达成了本课的教学目标。 二、教学重难点的突破 1.本课内容与学生生活息息相关,让学生在各种游戏和活动之中,灵活掌握本课内容, 与生活紧密相连,因此学生掌握的比较牢固。 2. 在运用环节中,为了引导学生运用本节课新句型,我设计了不同的活动,让孩子们 在实际情景中感受和体验,最后设计了在不同的情境中练习本课句型,并进行对话表演, 给予客观的评价,这样活跃了课堂气氛,使学生乐于参与,并为每个学生提供了展示的机 会。 三、不足与改进 在本节课的设计和实施中还存在着一些瑕疵。如:读书的方式还是比较单一,还有个 别孩子没有被关注到,练习还不是很到位等,导致有个别孩子学习得还不够充分,在今后 的教学中,还要继续改进。Unit Five Lesson 15 Show Time April 22nd Friday World Earth Day Look and guess 看图猜节日 April 22nd We are going to .We are going to . make a cardmake a card make a cakemake a cake have a partyhave a party sing and dancesing and dance saysay Listen and say(听一听,说一说) 1.What are they talking about? Labour Day / May Day 2. When is Labour Day? In China In the USA May 1st the first Monday of September Listen and say(听一听,说一说) 3. Labour Day is a holiday for the_________________. working people 4. What is Guoguo going to do on May Day? They are going to_______________ in Shanhaiguan. visit the Great Wall 节日 Holidays 目 录 New Years Day.1 元旦 Labour Day.5 劳动节 Tree-planting Day 11 植树节 Childrens Day.14 儿童节 Teachers Day.20 教师节 Halloween25 万圣节 Christmas Day31 圣诞节 *.* * Labour Day / May Day 劳 动 节 May 1st Childrens Day 儿童节 June 1st Christmas Day 圣诞节 December 25th Tree-planting Day 植树节 March 12th A plan(计划) of Labour Day April 30th May 1st May 2nd Labour Day is coming. On April 30th, Im going to visit the Great Wall with my parents. On May 1st , Im going to play basketball with my friends. On May 2nd , Im going to do homework at home. I will have a good time. visit the Great Wall in Badaling play basketball do homework Homework 1. Read the dialogue: Lesson 15 (读课文) 2. Write your plan of Labour Day (写劳动节计划) Labour Day / May Day working people Labour Day is a holiday for the working people. the Great Wall We are going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan. have a party travel watch the football matchHomework: A plan(计划)(计划) of Labour Day May 1st May 2nd May 3rd Labour Day is coming. On May 1st , Im going to _________________. On May 2nd , Im going to _________________. On May 3rd , ___________. I will have a good time. Homework: A plan(计划)(计划) of Labour Day May 1st May 2nd May 3rd Labour Day is coming. On May 1st , Im going to _________________. On May 2nd , Im going to _________________. On May 3rd , ___________. I will have a good time. Write / draw and say:Write / draw and say: May 1st visit the Great Wall the first Monday of September World Earth Day Labour Day / May Day