北京版(四下)UNIT FIVE IS MAY DAY A HOLIDAY -Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:602f2).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT FIVE IS MAY DAY A HOLIDAY _Lesson 17_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:602f2)
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    • 端午节介绍视频.wmv


Unit 5 Is May Day a holiday? Lesson17 Lets have a race What festival can you see? Today we will learn a Chinese festival. What is the festival? boatboat dragodragon dragon boatdragon boat What holiday is it? Dragon Boat Dragon Boat FestivalFestival Does Sara know this festival? Does Sara know this festival? Maomao will tell her more Maomao will tell her more about this Chinese festival.about this Chinese festival. Sara doesnt know the Sara doesnt know the festival, festival, because it is our Chinese because it is our Chinese festival.festival. Whats Whats specialspecial about this day? about this day? SpecialSpecial Whats special about this day? In many places people eat zongzi. They also have Dragon boat races. It sounds fun. Whats special about this day? In many places people eat zongzi. They also have Dragon boat races. It sounds fun. eat zongzi have dragon boat races Read follow the video No, I dont. Tell me more. Its a Chinese festival. Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? Whats special about this day? In many places people eat zongzi. They also have Dragon boat races. It sounds fun. Read by yourself No, I dont. Tell me more. Its a Chinese festival. Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? Whats special about this day? In many places people eat zongzi. They also have Dragon boat races. It sounds fun. Read in pairs No, I dont. Tell me more. Its a Chinese festival. Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? Whats special about this day? In many places people eat zongzi. They also have Dragon boat races. It sounds fun. Read together Lets checkLets check 正确的用正确的用T T表示,错误的用表示,错误的用F F表示表示 1. ( ) Sara wants to know more 1. ( ) Sara wants to know more aboataboat the Dragon Boat the Dragon Boat Festival.Festival. 2. ( ) In many places people eat 2. ( ) In many places people eat baozibaozi. . 3. ( )On Dragon Boat Festival, people often have dragon 3. ( )On Dragon Boat Festival, people often have dragon boat races.boat races. T T F F T T zongzizongzi Show me your Show me your preview homeworkpreview homework Dragon Boat Dragon Boat FestivalFestival Dragon Boat Dragon Boat FestivalFestival on the fifth day of the fifth on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendermonth in the Chinese calender eat zongzieat zongzi have dragon boat raceshave dragon boat races drink realgar winedrink realgar wine show respect(show respect(尊敬尊敬) to Qu Yuan. ) to Qu Yuan. wear a special ringswear a special rings What When Special Whats for? The Dragon Boat The Dragon Boat FestivalFestival wear special ringswear special rings have dragon boat raceshave dragon boat races on the fifth day of the on the fifth day of the fifth month in the fifth month in the Chinese calendarChinese calendar eat eat zongzizongzi show respect to show respect to QuQu YuanYuan drink drink realgarrealgar winewine Listen, look, and learnListen, look, and learn Whats special about this day? eat zongzi In many places people eat zongzi . Dragon Boat Festival In many places people . Whats special about this day? visit their friends and visit their friends and relativesrelatives Chinese New Year Spring Festival relatives In many places people . Whats special about this day? visit their friends and relatives They also . eat jiaozi go to the temple fire Lantern Festival In many places people . Whats special about this day? see lantern shows at night They also . eat yuanxiao go to the temple fire visit their friends and relatives eat jiaozi see lantern shows at night eat yuanxiao The Mid Autumn DayThe Mid Autumn Day Lets do Summar y . HomeworkHomework 1. Introduce the Dragon Boat Festival to your parents. 2. Read 17.指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准提出:课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导参与、 实践、合作与交流的学习方式,发展学生的语言综合运用能力。而真正有意义的语言学习是发 生在学习者能主动参与的时候,学生能够对所学知识感兴趣,主动参与学习才能真正学会运用 知识。本科我采用的教学核心素养是学生自主学习,本着这一教学理念,我在教学设计中,让 学生利用对端午节的已知知识作支撑,再通过查阅资料,自主学习,进一步丰富对端午节的了 解,在课堂也给学生搭建展示平台,并进一步详细的向 Sara 介绍中国的传统节日。感受过节 的快乐和中华深厚的文化积淀,激发深入了解和继承中国传统文化、友好对待国际友人的感情, 培养学生具有综合实践语言的能力,提高课堂效益。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 【教材分析教材分析】 本节课是一节对话课,本节课的三个版块都围绕着节日展开。在本单元中 L15 介绍五一劳动 节 ,L16 介绍六一儿童节,L17 介绍我国的端午节。这三课的内容紧密联系、层层递进。本科 涉及到的中国传统节日较多,知识点也比较分散,对于节日的意义,时间等表达起来有难度, 都需要学生记忆。所以,就这一问题,需要学生课下自主学习,通过查阅资料丰富端午节。课 本中提到了端午节的名称,和习俗,我通过整合 L18 课 Lets write 板块中的内容,把端 午节的日期表达 Its on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese calendar。提炼 到这节课中,再丰富端午节的习俗,如,wear special rings, drink realgar wine 等内容。 这样学生对端午节的学习更加完整。在 Let do 环节中创设端午节情境,让学生融入到猜节 日的语境中, ,使活动具有趣味性和情境性,使学生在真实的情境中产生学习的欲望,自然的 交流中习得语言,提高运用语言的能力。 【学情分析学情分析】 所教授的班级为四年级学生,班中有 41 名学生,经过课前的调查,有 16 名学生对一些节 日,如儿童节,父亲节,母亲节,植树节,国庆节等能够比较熟练地认读,他们的学习兴趣较 为浓厚,能积极参与课堂教学活动,乐于开口表达。有 18 名学生认读端午节,元宵节,春节 这些节日,做不到脱口而出,需要给一定的思考时间。而另外 7 名学生认读这些节日有一些困 难,准确率也不高。 在前二课时的学习中,学生基本了解了劳动节,儿童节的意义及节日的相关计划安排,并 且能运用计划的基本用语来描述自己的节日计划。所以本课在 L15、L16 的基础上进一步递进, 需要掌握端午节的相关习俗,我校为农村校,学生节日习俗的认知比较少,这也是教学的一个 难点。这需要在有限的时间内,尽量提供大量的民俗文化信息,增加学生对我国传统文化的热 情、热爱和传承的愿望。 【教学方式教学方式】: 线索引领、创设情境、任务驱动、思维导图、交际运用 【学习方式学习方式】: 自主学习、互动资源、多感官调动 【教学手段教学手段】: 通过任务驱动的教学模式和自主学习,引导学生观察故事中的人、物、环境,通过 文字、插图、思维导图文等信息理解意义。通过问题链的引领和不同层次的任务设置,层层引 导学生逐步体会、学习、练习、熟知和运用所学句型和相关词汇,并引导体验运用语言的成功 感。 【技术准备技术准备】: flash 课件、PPT 演示文稿、音频、词卡、句卡、课本、教参、学生练习页 教学目标教学目标 【教学目标教学目标】: 1.能用”Whats special about this day?”In many places people eat zongzi.”在特定的情境中,对 中国传统节日习俗进行简单交流。 2.能认读 Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese calendar, special, race, relatives, lantern show 等单词和词组。 3.能正确流畅的朗读课文对话。 4.培养学生深入了解中国传统节日-端午节及其传统习俗,对中国年和元宵节也进行学习, 感受中国传统文化。 【教学重点教学重点】: 能用”Whats special about this day?” In many places people eat zongzi.”在特定的情境中,对 中国传统节日习俗进行简单交流。 【教学难点教学难点】: 1. 听懂、会读” Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese calendar, special, race, relatives, lantern show 等单词和词组。 2.根据实际情境运用学过的语言” Whats special about this day?”In many places ”对传统节 日进行交流。 教学过程教学过程 .Warm-up(2) 1 Greetings T: Good morning boys and girls. S: Good morning, teacher. T: Look ,we will have a race. Boys are group1,girls are group2. 由 race 引出评价机制 .Preview(3) T:Look, What festival can you see? S:I can see. T:教师 PPT 展示播放节日图片,学生观看,回答问题 【设计意图】:通过展示节日图片,来引导学生说出图片中出现的节日,复习 Childrens Day, Womens Day, Fathers Day, Labor Day, Mothers Day。 .Presentation(10) 1. T: Today we will learn a Chinese festival. Lets see together. 播放课件视频,整体感知课文大意 S: See the video. T: What is the festival? S: The Dragon Boat Festival. T: 利用 PPT 课件拆分讲解 Dragon Boat Festival T: In our country dragon is a very mysterious (神秘的)animals 借助图片帮助学生理解 dragon 再出示龙舟图片,由 dragon 引到 dragon boat S: Learn the Dragon Boat Festival . have students to guess T: Does Sara know the festival? 2.学习课文图 1 S: No ,she doesnt. 教师追问为什么不知道?引发学生思考 S: Sara is from American, in her country there is no this festival. Its our Chinese festival. T: So Maomao will tell Sara more about this festival. 3学习课文图 2. T: 整体播放图片 2 视频,设置问题 Whats special about this day? (板书) S: See the video T: 讲解 special 帮助学生理解问题,由图片来讲解。 S: answer the question In many places people eat zongzi .They also have dragon boat races. (板书) T: 展示一些 zongzi 和 dragon boat race 的图片,更好的帮助学生理解 【设计意图】:从整体感知课文内容,到分解内化课文。以问题作穿引,利用图片,视频 等引导学生学习理解课文以及文中出现的短语、词汇。 4. 回顾课文内容,朗读课文. (1)Read follow the video (2) Read by yourself (3)Read in pairs (4)Read together (5)Show play -role play 【设计意图】:通过多种形式练习朗读课文,形式多样激发学生朗读兴趣。 5. Lets check(3) 正确的用 T 表示,错误的用 F 表示 1. ( ) Sara wants to know more about the Dragon Boat Festival. 2. ( ) In many places people eat baozi 3. ( )On Dragon Boat Festival, people often have dragon boat races. 6 自主学习-展示学生课前作业(5) T: Tell me more about the Dragon Boat Festival. S: Show the preview homework. T:Q1 What? Q2 When ? Q3 Whats for? Q4 Special S: 学生根据老师引导回答四个问题。 1 Its the Dragon Boat Festival. 2 Its on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendar. 3 people want to show respect(尊敬) to Qu Yuan. 4 In many places people eat zongzi. We can have dragon boat races and drink realgar wine(雄黄酒). We can wear a special rings around our hands. T: Chinese calendar. 用日历实物解释 Chinese calendar. 和 calendar. 【设计意图】:通过学生课前自主学习,了解端午节的相关知识,采用思维导图的方法,把 知识点串连起来。对本课学习进行拓展提升,丰富学生知识储备,更全面的学习理解中国传 统的节日。 7 练习(4) Practice Name Class What When Whats for? ConsolidationConsolidation(6) 1 Listen,look, and learn. T: 出示图 1 ,逐图学习 (1)Whats special about this day? Special 1 .on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendar 2. eat zongzi 3. have dragon boat races 4. The Dragon Boat Festival 5. drink realgar wine 6. wear special rings 7. show respect to Qu Yuan S: In many places people eat zongzi. We can have dragon boat races and drink realgar wine(雄黄酒). We can wear a special rings around our hands. (2) T: 出示图 2 T: What is the festival? S: Its Chinese New Year/ Spring Festival. T:When is the Spring Festival? S: Its in January or February in the Chinese calendar. T: Whats special about this day? S: In many places people visit their friend and relatives. T: 讲解 relatives 出示家庭树图片,讲解亲戚这个词。 We can .make jiaozi/ go to the temple fair(去庙会) 引导学生开阔思路 (3)出示图 3 T: Look, Whats this? 引出 lantern Can you guess what is the festival? S: Its the Lantern Festival. T: When is the Lantern Festival? S: Its on the fifth day of the frist month in the Chinese calendar.(阴历正月十五) T: Whats special about this day? S: In many places people see lantern shows at night. We can.eat yuanxiao/ make lanterns引导学生开阔思路 S: 句型问答练习 2 Lets do.(4) T: Look this picture, what do they eat? What is the festival ? 引出 mooncake 月饼中秋节the Mid-Autumn Day Look ,they are playing a game. Lets play a game too.( 在 PPT 上呈现猜问的句子结构 Is it a Chinese holiday? Do you? When is the holiday? Whats special.? What do you eat?.) T: 教师做示范(根据上图教师口语解释) S: 参与游戏 游戏内涉及到这些节日 Lantern Festival /Dragon Boat Festival /Spring Festival /the Mid- Autumn Day/Childrens Day 学生以图中你问,我猜的形式,运用教师给提示的句子结构进行问 答游戏。 【设计意图】:通过游戏的形式,操练重点句型,对已经学过的节日进行巩固,学生对游戏 比较感兴趣,在教学中既激发了学生的学习乐趣,又活跃了课堂氛围。 Summary (2) 以思维导图的形式在幅黑板上呈现,串连小结本课知识点。 . Homework(1) 1. Introduce the Dragon Boat Festival to your parents。 2. Read l17 板书设计板书设计 , 教学特点教学特点 一、渗透德育教育,关注学生情感。渗透德育教育,关注学生情感。 本课的主题为“Chinese Festival(节假日) ” 。在小学英语学科德育 指导纲要中。对“节假日生活”的德育要点是“了解(传统)文化, 激发热爱祖国的情感。感受生活的美好和节日的快乐” 。而文化是“国家 的历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、行为规范、文学艺术、 价值观念等” (引自英语课程标准 2011 年版 ) 本课 Maomao 主动向 Sara 介绍端午节的背景,使学生感受到中外 小朋友友好交流的情感;通过本单元中连续三节课对节日的学习归纳和 总结,使学生更好的了解节日文化,学生的自主拓展学习更深入的了解 端午节的历史、时间、风俗等,同时唤起北京孩子对民俗风俗的向往、 体验和传承。 二、创设情境,线索引领,导图拓展,提高时效创设情境,线索引领,导图拓展,提高时效 通过对教材的分析,教师将有关本单元“节日”主题的内容进行了 整合。本科以两条线索贯穿,第一天线索是中国传统节日线索。通过学 生课前的自主学习,教师利用思维导图,什么节日什么时间特点 节日意义,将端午节串联起来,使学生对端午节的学习更加丰满和充实, 让学生了解更多的端午节习俗。第二条线索是主人公 Sara 的情感认知线 索。Sara 由不知道端午节,毛毛向她介绍,学生向 Sara 介绍了更多的中 国传统节日习俗,春节和元宵节,体现出 Sara 对中国传统节日的浓厚兴 趣。突出了中外小朋友友好交流的情感。Lets do 环节中创设玩游戏猜谜 的情境,学生在真实语境中学习和练习,学生。参与度较高,兴趣盎然。 大大提高了教学时效 教材复印页教材复印页
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