闽教版六年级下册-Unit 6 Dream Job-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:71543).zip

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练习一:练习一: is very good at . She wants to be a . Singers often work . They can make people . wants to be a doctor. Doctors can make people . 练习二:练习二: What do you want to be ? I want to be a . Why? Because .Unit 6 Dream JobUnit 6 Dream JobUnit 6 Dream JobUnit 6 Dream Job Part Part A A -What does he do? -He is a_____. -What does she do? -She is a_____. -Whats his job? -He is a_____. basketball player -Whats her job? -She is a_____. dancer -What are their jobs? -They are_____. police officers Who is she ? She is Ms. Dai. What s my job? I am a teacher. Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6 Dream JobDream JobDream JobDream Job Part APart APart APart A Teacher is my dream job. Do you want to be a teacher?要成为 Yes , I do . No, I dont. What do you want to be? 要成为 I want to be a . 1. What does Julia want to be? A . Singer. B .Dancer. Listen and choose. (听第一段对话 ) 1. What does Julia want to be? Listen and choose. A . Singer. B .Dancer. Julia wants to be a singer. Why? Listen and answer. 1 . 2. (听第一段和第二段对话 ) Why ? Why ? Julia wants to be a singer. Why? She is very good at music. Singers can make people feel happy. Listen and answer. 1. 2. 歌唱演员能使人感到开心。 . can make people feel happy. Dancers can make people feel happy. Police officers can make people feel happy. Singers often work on holidays. Singers can make people feel happy. 歌唱演员常常在假期工作。 Dancers often work on holidays. Police officers often work on holidays. Doctors often work on holidays. Nurses often work on holidays. . often work on holidays. What does Yang Ming want to be? Why? Listen and answer. (听第三段对话) What does Yang Ming want to be? Why? What does Yang Ming want to be? Why? What does Yang Ming want to be? Why? Listen and answer. Doctors can make people strong and healthy. He wants to be a docoter. 医生能使人变得强壮和健康。 Listen and repeatListen and repeatListen and repeatListen and repeat Read by yourselfRead by yourselfRead by yourselfRead by yourself Some jobs can make yourselves and others feel happy . 有些工作能让自己和别人感到开 心。 They are great jobs . 这样的工作就是伟大的工作。 driver taxi driver bus driver train driver Lets chantLets chantLets chantLets chant What do you want to be? What do you want to be? What do you want to be? What do you want to be? Singer , singer , I want to be a singer. Driver , driver, I want to be a driver. What do you want to be? Dancer, dancer, I want to be a dancer. Doctor , doctor, I want to be a doctor. What do you want to be? What do you want to be? What do you want to be? What do you want to be? ( ) is very good at music . She wants to be a ( ) . Singers often work ( ) . They can make people ( ) . ( ) wants to be a doctor. Doctors can make people ( ). PracticePractice Julia singer on holidays feel happy Yang Ming strong and healthy Group workGroup work 四人为一小组,把自己梦想的职 业写在纸上,并互相交流。 What do yo want to be ? I want to be a . Why? Because . A: What do you want to be , B? B: I want to be a . . Because. . What do you want to be , C ? C: I want to be a . . Because . . What do you want to be , D? D: I want to be a . .Because . . What do yo want to be , A? A: I want to be a . . Because . . I can : retell the text . (选 做) I can : I can : describe your dream job (描述你梦想的职业) 1 2 3 HomeworkHomeworkHomework(作业) Finish the Activities Book. Thank you!Thank you!Unit 6 Dream Job Part A 教学目标: 语言知识目标 1.学习单词:true,driver。 2.学习句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a . 3.学说韵律诗:What Do You Want to Be? 4.功能:谈论梦想的职业。 语言技能目标 1.能用所学的语言表达自己或他人梦想的职业。 2.能用所学的语言简单描述某一职业的特点及工作性质。 情感态度 培养学生热心为他人服务的意识,同时树立远大的理想。 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 Step 2 Review 1.复习有关职业的单词和句子。 (1)快速说出关于职业的单词。 (2)教师出示句子 What does he/she do?和 Whats his/her job? 学生根据图片进行问答。 Step 3 Presentation 一导入 (1)教师对学生说:“When I was a child,I wanted to be a teacher. So teacher is my dream job. Do you want to be a teacher?” 引导学生用 Yes , I do ./ No, I dont . 回答。 告诉学生,want to be 是“要成为” 的意思。 (2)教师根据一个回答 No 的同学继续提问:“What do you want to be?”引导学生用 I want to be a .来回答,不会用英文表达的可以用中文说。 教学句子 What do you want to be?和 I want to be . (3)出示本人的图片,引导学生说出我的职业。 (4)揭示课题。 Teacher is my dream job. Do you have your dream jobs? Today Lets talk about our dream jobs.” 板书课题:Unit 6 Dream Job Part A。 二课文教学 (一)阅读课文第一段对话。 1.教师提出问题,请学生带着问题读课文对话。 What does Julia want to be? 2.根据学生的回答,教师出示“歌唱家”的图片,复习巩固单词 singer。 (二)再读课文第一段和第二段对话。 (听两遍) 1.教师再提出问题,请学生带着问题再读第一段和第二段对话,并在答案下画线。 Julia wants to be a singer. Why? 原因一: 原因二: 2.根据答案,学习句子 You are very good at music.和 They can make people feel happy. 板书句子:They can make people feel happy. 练习:教师出示其他职业让孩子继续学习和巩固句子.can make people feel happy. 如:Dancers can make people feel happy. Police officers can make people feel happy. . 3.教师说:“Singers are very busy.They often work on holidays.” 板书句子:They often work on holidays. 练习:请学生说一说还有哪些职业是需要经常在节假日工作的,如: Dancers often work on holidays. Police officers often work on holidays. Doctors often work on holidays. Nurses often work on holidays. (三)学习课文的第三段对话。 (听两遍) 1.教师说:“What does Yang Ming want to be ? Why?” 2.学生阅读第三段对话,找出问题的答案,复习巩固单词 doctor , 然后板书句子: Doctors can make people strong and healthy. 接着教学该句子。 (四)情感教育。 教师出示以下句子:Some jobs can make yourselves and others feel happy.These jobs are great jobs.What will be your job? (有些工作能让自己和别人感到开心和幸福。这样的 工作就是伟大的工作。帮助学生理解它们的含义,然后说一说。 (五)熟读对话 1.教师播放课文录音,学生模仿跟读。 在跟读过程中教学单词 true 和句子 Thats true. 2.请学生自读对话,理解并熟读对话。 Step 4 巩固拓展 1.Pair work-完成课本第 44 页的 Ask and answer.部分。 (1)教学单词 driver,并拓展操练 bus driver,taxi driver,train driver 等。 (2)同桌之间进行问答,请几组学生进行表演。 2.教师出示下列句子,请学生根据课文内容完成下列小短文。 is very good at . She wants to be a . Singers often work . They can make people . wants to be a doctor. Doctors can make people . 3. Group work-综合活动:我梦想的职业。 (1)请学生在纸上写出自己梦想的职业,如: I want to be a teacher. I want to be a police officer. (2)学生四人为一小组,互相交流,如: A:What do you want to be,B? B:I want to be a .Because I can . What do you want to be,C? C:I want to be a .Because I can . What do you want to be,D? D: 请个别学生起立汇报。 Step 5Homework 1.复述课文。 2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。 3.描述你梦想的职业(选做) 。 板书设计: Unit 6 Dream Job Part A What do you want to be ? I want to be a . can make people feel happy. often work on holidays. singer true 确实的 driver 司机 can make people strong and healthy. doctor
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