山西教育实验中心2020-2021 学年度第四次月考试题 英 语(含听力)深度解析.zip

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山西教育实验中心 2020-2021 学年度第四次月考试题 英 语 第 I 卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟 的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where is the womans sports bag now? A. On the table.B. On the floor.C. In the car. 2.When does the woman want to leave? A. At 1:40. B. At 1:50. C. At 2:15. 3.What will the man probably do this afternoon? A. Attend a wedding. B. Visit his cousin. C. Work in the office. 4.What are the speakers talking about? A. A book. B. A subject. C. A hobby. 5.What is the womans sweater like? A. Its got a V-neck. B. Its got a round neck. C. Its got a polo-neck. 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作 答时间。每段对话或 独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6.How did the man get home last night? A. By car.B. By bus.C. By subway. 7. What does the woman say about Andres car? A. Old-fashioned. B. Good-looking. C. Modern. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8.What about the play did Windy think was worth seeing? A. The actors.B. The staging C. The costumes. 9.When does the conversation take place? A. Before the play starts. B. When the play is on.C. After the play is over. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 l2 题。 10.Where does the man work now? A. In a bank.B. In a school. C. In a travel company. 11.From whom did the woman get the mans news? A. Anna.B. Claire. C. Sue. 12.What is the probably relationship between the speakers? A. Former colleagues.B. Old schoolmates. C. Old neighbors. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13.What does the woman think matters least for windsurfing beginners? A. Related experience.B. Great effort. C. Expensive equipment. 14.How did the woman learn windsurfing? A.She taught herself. B. She joined a course. C.She learned from a friend. 15.What does the woman like best about windsurfing? A.She can release pressure. B.She has become healthier. C.She can try new things. 16.What does the woman like to do in the future? A. Be a coach. B. Enter some races. C. Do some land-based sports. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17.What is under repair now? A. The roof. B. The entrance hall. C. The outside walls. 18.Which room contains the attractive ceiling? A. The bedroom. B. The music room. C. The dining room. 19. Which place provides food every day? A. The kitchen. B. The garden. C. The tearoom. 20.How much is the ticket for a 10-year-old child? A. 3.50. B. 5.50. C. 7.00. 【参考答案】1-5. AACAB 6-10. ABCAA 11-15. BBCBA 16-20.BCBCA 【听力录音】 山西教育实验中心第四次月考英语听力 【听力原材料】 (Text 1) M: Can I put your sports bag on the floor, Sarah? I want to work on the table. W: Sorry, Ill put it to the car. (Text 2) M: Whats wrong, Ruth? W: Ive got another doctors appointment today at a quarter past two. Last week I left at ten to two but I got there late. So I am wondering if I can leave ten minutes earlier today. (Text 3) M: Im sorry that I cant get away from the office this afternoon. Could you mention that Ill give the hat to my cousin just before her wedding next month? W: OK. But she will be disappointed if you cant call round to her place. (Text 4) W: Its unusual to see you reading a book on science. What do you think of it? M: This? I got it for my birthday. But Im not that interested in science really. (Text 5) W: Excuse me. I left my sweater by the pool. Has anyone handed it in? M: Let me see Weve got a V-neck sweater and a polo-neck one. Which one is yours? W: Neither. Mines got a round neck. Oh, there it is! (Text 6) W: So how did you get home from the party last night? The subway should have stopped running at that time. M: Yeah, so does the bus. In the end I got a lift with Andre. Have you seen that thing he drives? It looks so old-fashioned. W: Oh no, I totally disagree . I think its really cool to go around in something like that. Its so different. M: Yes, but I cant help thinking that “different” doesnt mean good-looking! W: Well, I think some of the old styles look better than the modern ones. Anyway, we shouldnt be under pressure to buy new stuff. M: I couldnt agree more. (Text 7) W: Im glad we got here early to find our seats. I know that this is a sold out performance. M: The actors are supposed to be really good. I read a review of the play in the paper last week. It said that the leads and the staging are perfect. Windy saw it a couple of weeks ago and she said that the costumes were really something to see. W: Im really glad. The last time I came to a play at this theater, it was terrible. The two lead actors werent up to their parts and the whole production was amateur. It closed early after only two weeks. M: That wont happen with this play. Hey, the curtain is going up. (Text 8) M: Its amazing to see you again, Anna! W: Yes, after all this time. You havent changed at all! M: I dont think I had grey hair or quite such a big belly in high school, did I? W: Well, you look just the same to me. What are you doing these days? You went into banking, didnt you? M: Yes, I did after Id done a degree in economics. How did you know that? W: Oh, through Claire. Remember? She and I were best friends all through school. Were still in touch and shes got a job in the same travel company as your sister Sue. (Text 9) M: Today I have Lily Jenkins with me, who will be talking to me about the sport she loves: windsurfing. Lily, do you need to spend a lot of time practicing before youre any good at it? W: Certainly, but it depends on peoples previous experience in related sports, and of course how much effort they put in. Interestingly, buying expensive, high-quality boards doesnt seem to make much difference. M: What in particular helped you progress? W: Well, its a highly technical sport, so I didnt think that I could teach myself, or that I could learn from a friend. Instead I signed up for a six-month course, and it was money well spent. M: Tell me, what is it about windsurfing that gives you most pleasure? W: Oh, lots of things, such as becoming physically fitter and stronger, or doing things Ive never tried before. But if I had to choose one, itd be the way it lets you empty your mind of all the stress. M: Finally, Lily, how do you see your future? W: Well, Ive thought of coaching but that would mean spending a lot of time in practice pools. But I like racing other people. Unlike land- based sports, youre unlikely to hurt yourself. M: Thank you, Lily. (Text 10) M Hello, everyone. We are pleased to announce that the Grand Palace is now open again. The emergency repair work on the roof is now complete, but work is still in progress to repair the outside walls of the building, which were damaged in storms last year. Visitors may like to look at an exhibition of photographs in the entrance hall, which show how this work is done. The Palace was built in the 18th century as a holiday home for the King and his family, and decorated in the classical style. You can admire the beautiful painted ceiling in the music room, which contains the Queens piano. Upstairs are the royal bedrooms, containing 18th-century furniture. Visitors can also walk through the palace kitchens and into the dining room, where the table is laid for 40 guests, with silver dinner plates and beautiful glasses. If you want snacks, home-made cakes, sandwiches, tea and coffee are served in the Queen Anne tearoom. On fine days, snacks are also served in the garden. The Palace is open every day from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. There is an entrance charge of 5.50 for adults or 3.50 for students and children under 14. There is also a special family ticket available for 11. Its for 2 adults and 2 children, so you save 7.00. If you would like further information, please call us on 567488. Thank you. 1 【阅读 A 原文】 There are many places worth visiting in the world. Here are some of the places that almost every person wants to see in their life. Santorini This is one of the most amazing places in the world. It is said to have been destroyed in the 16th century. It has been rebuilt and its beauty increases with every passing day. There are a lot of islands in Greece and sunbathing on any of these would be an unforgettable experience. The Capilano Suspension Bridge An amazing place to visit in the world is the Capilano Suspension Bridge. This bridge is located in Vancouver in British Columbia, a province of Canada. Its beauty appeals to visitors from all over the world. Its almost 140 meters long and 70 meters above the river. Rome Another beautiful place to visit is the ancient city of Rome in Italy. It is also known as the center of Western civilization. This city was founded in 753 BC. The Colosseum (罗马斗兽场), which is one of the world s most symbolic monuments, is also in Rome. The Taj Mahal It is also a good choice to visit the Taj Mahal in India. It is called the monument of love and built to show Mughal Emperor Shah Jehas love for his wife. It is located on the south bank of the Yamuna River. Its ivory-white color attracts many tourists and it is one of the miracles of the Mughal art of building. 21.What can visitors do in Santorini? A.Go sunbathing.B.Visit the monument of love. C. Climb the suspension bridge.D. Experience western civilization. 22.To which country does the Capilano Suspension Bridge belong? A. Italy. B. Greece.C. England.D. Canada. 23.What do we know about the Taj Mahal from the passage? A.Its roof is made of ivory. B.It is a typical Mughal style building. C.It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah as his tomb. D. It is located on the north bank of the Yamuna River. 语篇类型:应用文 主题语境:人与社会 世界上有许多旅游胜地。 【文章大意】文章主要介绍了四个旅行目的地的情况 【答案与解析】21-23 :ADB 21.A【命题意图】 考查细节理解题。 根据第二段中 “There are a lot of islands in Greece and sunbathing on any of these would be an unforgettable experience.(希腊有很多岛屿,在其中任何一个岛屿上进行日光浴 都将是一次难忘的经历 )”可知,游客在圣托里尼岛可以进行日光浴。 故选 A。 22.D【命题意图】 考查细节理解题。 根据第三段中 “This bridge is located in Vancouver in British Columbia, a province of Canada.( 这座桥位于加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华 )”可知,卡皮拉诺吊桥属于加拿大。 故选 D。 23.B.【命题意图】 考查推理判断题。根据最后一段中 “Its ivory-white color attracts many tourists and it is one of the miracles of the Mughal art of building.(它象牙白色的颜色吸引了许多游客,它是莫卧儿建筑艺术的奇迹之一)” 可知,泰姬陵是一个典型的莫卧 儿风格的建筑。故选 B。 【点评】这篇文章中的 3 个题都比较好做,但 23 题如果对泰姬陵的历史有所 了解,做起来就会更顺手。因此对于介绍类的应用文一定要准确捕捉细节信息,并 根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。 【A 篇参考译文】 世界上有许多地方值得一游。这里是一些几乎每个人都想在他们一生中去观光 的地方。 圣托里尼. 这是世界上最神奇的地方之一。据说它在16 世纪被摧毁了。它已经重建,它 的美丽与日俱增。希腊有很多岛屿,在其中任何一个岛上进行日光浴都是一次难忘 的经历。 卡皮拉诺吊桥 卡皮拉诺吊桥是世界上一个令人惊叹的旅游胜地。这座桥位于加拿大不列颠哥 伦比亚省的温哥华。它的美丽吸引着来自世界各地的游客。它差不多有140 米长, 离河有 70 米高。 罗马 另一个美丽的地方是意大利的罗马古城。它也被称为西方文明的中心。这座城 市建于公元前 753 年。罗马斗兽场也是世界上最具象征意义的纪念碑之一。 泰姬陵 参观印度泰姬陵也是一个不错的选择。它被称为爱的纪念碑,是为了表达莫卧 儿皇帝沙耶哈对妻子的爱而建造的。位于亚穆纳河南岸。它的象牙白色吸引了许多 游客,是莫卧 儿建筑艺术的奇迹之一。 21.游客在圣托里尼能做什么? A.进行日光浴。 B.参观爱丰碑。 C.爬上吊桥。D.体验西方文明。 22.卡皮拉诺悬索桥属于哪个国家? A.意大利。 B.希腊。 C.英国。 D. 加拿大。 23.从这段文章我们对泰姬 陵了解多少? A.它的屋顶是象牙做的。 B.它是典型的莫卧 儿风格建筑。 C.它是莫卧儿皇帝沙阿为自己修建的陵墓。 D.它位于亚穆纳河北岸。 Last year, my oldest son Matthew went off to college. Things at home were not as “busy” as they used to be. We still had our 15-year-old son Gabriel with us, but we missed having Matthew around. My wife soon had a crazy idea. “Lets get a dog.” she suggested. I wasnt exactlythrilled with the idea, but I agreed. I mean, what better way to replace a kid that has gone off to college than to get a dog. When we got to the animal shelter, it seemed like every dog was a pit bull (比特犬). Id had many bad experiences with pit bulls as a child, so I didnt want to take one of them home with me. While I walked along the rows and rows of cold metal cages, a dog caught my eye. He was scared, and looked like hed given up on life. There was only one problem: he was a pit bull. As he looked at me with his big, beautiful eyes, I could see into his soul. I could see how scared he was and that he just wanted a happy life. I couldnt just walk awayI had to at least go over and look at him. I approached his cage, and he just sat there, looking at me. I stuck my finger through the hole in the cage and petted him on the head. I expected him to get mad, but he didnt. I knew that this dog had never felt love before, and that he was enjoying every bit of the love I could give him in that moment. Tears began to stream down my face because I felt everything that this poor creature was feeling right then. He just wanted to be loved; he just wanted a home and a family. Its been a year since we took the dog home, and our lives have been changed forever. Now, his favorite thing to do is give us kisses with his giant tongue every morning. He is always there to greet us when we come home with a huge smile. Hes shown us more love than any other living creature on Earth ever had before. And every time I look into his eyes I see love,compassion and gratitude things I never thought that a pit bull was capable of feeling. 24.Why did the authors wife want to get a dog? A.Because she liked a pit bull. B.Because she thought it was a crazy idea. C.Because she wanted the dog to replace her kid. D.Because one of their children was admitted to college. 25.Which word has the similar meaning to the underlined word “thrilled”? A. Accepted.B. Excited.C. Frightened.D. Delighted. 26.What was the author and his wifes life like with the pit bull? A.They missed having Matthew around even more. B.They found it hard to get along with him. C.They lived a life full of love. D.They regretted adopting him. 27.What is the main purpose of the article? A.To share a warm story about adopting a pet. B.To stress the benefits of keeping a pet. C.To suggest people keep a pet of their own. D.To give advice on how to keep a pet. 阅读理解: B 语篇类型:夹叙夹议文 主题语境: 人与动物-个人经历-收养动物带来 的乐趣。 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了作者和妻子收养了一只斗牛犬,他们过着充满爱 的生活。 【答案与解析】24-27 :DBCA 24.D 【命题意图】 考查推理判断题。根据第一段 Last year, my oldest son Matthew went off to college,but we missed having Matthew around.My wife soon had a crazy idea.“Lets get a dog.” she suggested. 可知,作者 的妻子为了解决儿子上学不在身边感到孤单的问题,提出了养狗的想法故选 D 25.B【命题意图】 考查词义猜测题。根据 My wife soon had a crazy idea. “Lets get a dog.” she suggested. I wasnt exactly thrilled with the idea, 根据后文的 but I agreed. 可知虽然我对这个想法并不太满意(兴奋), 但我同意了。 I mean, what better way to replace a kid that has gone off to college than to get a dog.(我是说,还有什么比养条狗更好的办法来代替一个 上大学的孩子呢。)此句可还原为: .what (is the)better way to replace a kid that has gone off to college than to get a dog? 故选 B。 26.C【命题意图】考查细节理解 题。根据倒数第二段 He is always there to greet us when we come home with a huge smile Hes shown us more love than any other living creature on Earth ever had before可知,他们过着充满爱的生活.故选 C 27.A【命题意图】考查主旨大意 题。阅读全文,根据文章内容可知,本文主要 讲述了作者和妻子收养 了一只斗牛犬,他们过着充满爱的生活,其目的分享关于收养宠 物的温暖的故事 故选A 【B 篇参考译文】 去年,我的大儿子马修上了大学。家里的事情不像以前那么 “忙”。我们还有 15 岁的儿子加布里埃尔在身边,但我们错过了马修的陪伴。 我妻子很快就有了一个疯狂的想法。 “我们去养条狗吧。 ”她建议道。我对这 个主意并不(太满意)十分兴奋,但我同意了。我是说,有什么比养条狗更好的 办法来代替一个上大学的孩子呢。 当我们到达动物收容所时,似乎每只狗都是斗牛犬。我小时候和斗牛犬有过很 多糟糕的经历,所以我不想带其中一只回家。 当我沿着一排排冰冷的金属笼子走的时候,一条 狗吸引了我的眼球。他很害怕, 看起来他已经放弃了生活。只有一个问题:他是个斗牛士。 当他用他那双美丽的大眼睛看着我时,我能看透他的灵魂。我看得出他有多害 怕,他只是想要幸福的生活。我不能就这么走开 我至少得过去看看他。我走 近他的笼子,他就坐在那里,看着我。我把手指伸进笼子的洞里,抚摸他的头。我 以为他会生气,但他没有。 我知道这只狗以前从未感受过爱,它享受着我在那一刻给予它的每一点爱。泪 水开始从我的脸上流下来,因为我感觉到了这个可怜的家伙当时所感受到的一切。 他只是想要被爱,他只是想要一个家
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