北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:20cc2).zip

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What is the weather like? Its- foggy haze Be a weatherman Who are the boys? Where are they? Mike Jim What are they doing ? 2.What are they talking about? 1.Why does Jim call to Mike? Task 1 A. Live a low-carbon life B. Visit Beijing C. Find lost things 1.Why does Jim call to Mike? A. Food B. Weather C. Clothes D. Time E. Activity 2.What are they talking about? Lets talk about the weather in Beijing. 1.Which season is it in the text ? 2.Which month is it in the text? 3.What s the weather like in June? Task 2 4.What s the weather like in July and August? Its sunny and windy sometimes. It doesnt rain much now. What s the weather like in June? but well get a lot of rain in July and August. Whats the weather like in July and August? Lets talk about the time of Jims travel. SunMon TueWedThu Fri Sat 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 2728293031 Im coming early next month. When is Jim coming to Beijing? JulyAugust Im going to stay in China for about six weeks. How long will Jim stay in China? JulyAugust Im going to stay in China for about six weeks. most of the summer 大部分大部分 Lets talk about the activities of Jims travel. 1.Hed like to see different places in China. 2.He can go swimming and hiking with Mike. What will Jim do in China? Lets read Task 3 China Canada Tibet Sichuan Hangzhou Hainan Jim: Ill travel to Tibet this weekend. Whats the weather like there? Mike: Its sunny sometimes, and it doesnt rain a lot in summer. How will you go there? Jim: Ill go by plane. Im going to stay there for about 3 days. What can I do there ? Mike: You can visit the Potala Palace . You also can climb mountains. Jim: Sounds wonderful! Task 4 Tibet Sichuan Hangzhou Hainan Review Lesson 13. Preview Lesson 14. 1.Jim would like to visit only one place in China. ( ) 2. Mike wants to go fishing and camping with Jim. ( ) 3.Jim is coming to Beijing in summer.( ) 4.Jim will stay in China for two weeks.( ) 5.Jim will spend most of the summer in China .( ) F F different places go swimming and hiking six T F T北京版小学英语六年级下册北京版小学英语六年级下册 课题:课题: Unit 4 Whats The Weather Like? Lesson 13 1 附教材:附教材: 2 3 教学基本信息教学基本信息 课题Unit 4 Whats The Weather Like? 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 是 学科英语学段: 高年级年级六年级 英语课程标准指出:“强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性,主 张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。 ”依据本 课教学目标和教学内容,我尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。鼓 励学生在任务的引领下,通过个人体验、感知实践、自主学习、参与交流及探究合作 等多种教学方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形 成有效的学习策略,学以致用,培养思维能力,发展自主学习能力。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 (一)教学内容分析:(一)教学内容分析: 1.本单元话题围绕旅游和天气展开,第 13 课和第 14 课的 Listen and say 谈论天气 和出游计划,故事情节紧密相连,教师围绕课程与教学目标,根据学生学习的实际情 况,将两课对话进行了整合与拓展,更好地促进学生发展。 (二)学生情况分析:(二)学生情况分析: 就教学内容而言,本课时复习的打电话常用语、询问及描述天气的句型、一般将来 时,均为旧知,但学生已经出现部分遗忘,因此在课上从看图说词,到创编对话,为学生搭建 学习的台阶,为他们最后的语言输出奠定基础。本课通过对话学习,复现并完善了关于 旅游加天气话题的一个完整描述,让学生能够对出行目的地、目的地的天气状况、出 行方式、出行时间等进行询问和回答,将信息进行综合产出是本课的重点也是难点。 三、教学目标(含重、难点三、教学目标(含重、难点) 1.学生能够理解、朗读、复述课文。 2.学生能够认读、运用 rainy,cloudy,windy,snowy 等天气类词汇和“Whats the 4 weather like today?” “Its sunny and windy .” “It doesnt rain much .” “We will get a lot of rain .”等语句,并能简单描述不同地区、不同季节的天气。 3.学生能够通过图片、实物、图表等多种方式,在情境中理解doesnt rain much, get a lot of rain, early next month, spend most of your summer。 【教学重点教学重点】 1. 能够理解、朗读、复述课文。 2.能够运用“Whats the weather like today?” “Its sunny and windy .” “It doesnt rain much .” “We will get a lot of rain .”描述天气。 3.学生能够通过图片、实物、视频等多种方式,在情境中理解doesnt rain much, get a lot of rain, early next month, spend most of your summer。 【教学难点教学难点】学生能够通过图片、实物、图表等多种方式,在情境中理解doesnt rain much, get a lot of rain, early next month, spend most of your summer。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1:Warming up & leading in 谈话直入主题 Today our topic is weather. Look at the symbols,Do you know these weather symbols? 看图识天气。教师利用教学课件出示天气符号,复习天气单词,操练询问天气语句。 T: Whats the weather like? S: Its Windy. 拓展解天气图标 foggy 和 haze。 Be a weatherman/weather woman 以谈论 Tianjin 这个城市的天气为例,根据图标描述天气。 9 T: I am a weather woman. I report the weather for you. Hello everyone, I am in Tianjin now, Its foggy today, and will turn sunny tomorrow. 同桌问答谈论这些城市的天气。 T: You can choose the city and talk about the weather there with your partner. 学生进行单独汇报展示。 【设计意图】活跃课堂气氛,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的兴趣, 唤起已学知识的 记忆,快速进入角色,自然导入新课。 Step 2:Listen and say (1)利用课文主题图,初步了解课文。 教师出示课文主题图,让学生观察,提出以下问题: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? T:播放课文前半部分录音 S:根据课文回答问题。 (2)学习课文后半部分,整体把握课文。 T:教师播放录音 S:听录音完成 Task 1: Why does Jim call to Mike? A. Low-carbon life B. Visit Beijing C. Lost things What are they talking about? A. Food 3 B. Weather C. Clothes D. Time E. Activities (3)学生小组阅读课文,深入理解课文。 Talk about the weather in Beijing T: Whats the weather like in Beijing? S:打开书,朗读天气部分句子。 T:Lets study the details of the weather. S:小组合作获取问题答案,完成 Task 2。 A. Which season is it in the text now? B. Which month is it now? C. What is the weather like in this season? D. What is the weather like in July and August? 师生共同学习天气部分,教师用图表呈现对比,帮助学生理解课文。 Talk about the time of Jims travel T: When is Jim coming? How long is Jim going to stay in China? 学生打开书通过阅读课文,圈划关键词句来获取信息完成 Task 3。教师通过月历图片 解释 early next month , stay for about six weeks , most of the summer。 Talk about the activities of Jims travel (4)教师整体播放课文录音,学生跟读课文。 .同桌分角色朗读课文。 3 同桌展示读课文 (5)师生根据板书复述课文。 (6)学生独立完成 Task 4(Read and write)部分后朗读。 Mikes friend Jim is _______from Canada. He is coming to visit China in__________. He will _____in China for six weeks. Mike tells him it is ______ and _______sometimes in Beijing now, but it will get a lot of_____ in July and August. He will come ______ next month. He wants to see _________ places. Mike wants to __________and _______ with Jim. 【设计意图】使学生通过具体真实的情景体验、充分操练和表演,体会理解人物语言 所表达的含义,并运用语言,使语言更生动,体现了语言的实用性。 Step 3:Make a new dialogue (1)教师通过自制课件为学生创设 Jim 来到了中国,参观了北京的名胜古迹后,想 要去中国不同的地方看一看的情境。 T: Jim is going to stay in China for six weeks. After visiting Beijing, there are about five weeks left. He would like to see different places in China. Where would Jim like to see? 学生能够积极思维,结合自己的生活经验,说出中国一些的著名的旅游景点。 (2) 教师呈现四个著名景点,师生共同完成创编对话的示范。 Jim: Im travelling to Tibet this weekend. Whats the weather like there? Mike: Its sunny sometimes, It rains a lot in July and August. How will you go? Jim: Well go by plane. Im going to stay there for about 3 days. What can I do there? Mike: You can visit the Potala Palace. You also can climb mountains. Jim: Sounds wonderful! (3)学生根据提示同桌合作创编新对话后展示。 【设计意图】使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,加深理解,再次巩固运用,促进学生 将所学语言运用在真实的情景中,全方位多角度培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 3 Step 4:Homework (1)Review Lesson 13. (2)Preview Lesson 14. 板书设计:板书设计: 3 六、教学设计特色说明与教学反思六、教学设计特色说明与教学反思 1. 寓教于乐 教师课堂上运用多种教学手段和多维度的思维方式帮助学生理解课文,使课堂的容量 加大。学生在多种感官的刺激下不会感觉课堂乏味。 2. 整合教材 教师把联系紧密的 13、14 课有机的结合起来,既整合了教材又使学生的知识有整体性, 利于学生对知识的系统掌握。
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