北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 14-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:a014b).zip

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Unit 4 Whats the weather like?Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14Lesson 14 Mikes friend He is from Canada He will Visit Beijing He wants to know the weather in Beijing He is coming early next month He will stay for 6 weeks He will see different places in China Q1: Where is Jim going this weekend? Q2: Whats the weather like there? Q1: Where is Jim going this weekend? cool Q:How many seasons are there in Beijing? How about Kunming? springsummer winterautumn Whats the weather like in the four seasons? How do you feel? 2. When will they leave? 3. How long will they stay in Kunming? 5. How long does it take them to get there? 4. How do they go to Kunming? Ss activity : read the dialogue and underline the answers of the following questions. 1. Who will Jim go with ? 1. Who will Jim go with ? 2. When will they leave? 3. How long will they stay in Kunming? 4. How do they go to Kunming? 5. How long does it take them to get there? Listen and repeat Read with your Read with your partnerpartner Role-reading time Why will Jim go to visit Kunming? Ss activity: Group work lets make a travel plan for Jim. How to make a travel plan? Step one: If we want to travel to a city, what should we know about the city? (把你想知道的内容用问题的形式表达出来) 1. 2. 3. Whats the weather like there? Whats the temperature (温度)? How do we get there? How long does it take to get there? How long will we stay there? What do we wear? What should we take? Whats the famous food? Whats the famous places? What can we do there? What can we buy? weather clothes timeFood and places City Weather 1.Whats the weather like there? 2.Whats the temperature(温度)? Clothes 1.What do you wear? 2.What should you take? Time 1.How do you get there? 2.How long does it take to get there? 3.How long will you stay there? Food and places 1.Whats the famous food? 2.Whats the famous places? 3.What can you do there? 4.What can you buy? Step two: Make a travel plan for Jim. (为Jim做一个旅行计划) (Jim just stay in China for about 6 weeks. You should make a feasible (可行的)travel plan.) Hello, Jim. Would you like to ? There are many famous places, such as. The most famous food is. How about the weather? You should wear . You should take. It takes about to get there by . You can stay there for aboutdays. Welcome to . Travel planTravel plan If you are Jim, where will you go? Which city do you like better? Which city do you like best? Why? Homework: 1.Read the dialogue. 2.Make a travel plan for Jim in a poster.1 北京版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 是否属于否 2 地方课程或校本课程 学科英语学段:第 3 学段(5-6 年级)年级六年级 相关 领域 设计应用 教材书名:书名:英语 出版社:出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:出版日期:2014 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者无 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准中指出:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力, 促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动, 形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。 教学背景分析 学习内容分析: 本课复现了天气、旅游的话题,丰富了学生的口语交际内容。本课涉及的话题内 容在以往教材中出现过,学生在三年级上册第五单元学习了如何谈论天气“whats the weather like?” “Its sunny/warm rainy/windy/cold/snowy.”等;在本单元 的第一课时 lesson 13 中也出现了。另外,从对话内容来看,本单元 lesson 13 和 lesson 14 两课联系非常紧密,呈现递进关系。lesson 13 对话内容是:Mike 的同学 Jim 从加拿大给 Mike 打电话商量要来北京,并且询问北京的天气状况,还打算去中国 的其他的地区旅游;紧接着,lesson 14 对话内容呈现了:Mike 到了北京后,Jim 和 Mike 一边骑车,一边商量周末去昆明的事情,同时谈论到昆明的天气、出行方式和逗 留时间。如:“Its cooler in Kunming than in Beijing now.” “it feels like spring all year round.” “How long does it take to get there?” “Are you going by train?” 学情分析: 通过五年半的英语学习,学生已经有了一些相关的知识储备,并且有较好的语言 3 教学目标设计 一、学习目标: (一)通过观看动画和图片,学生能够理解课文对话,能朗读课文,尝试表演或转述 主课文。 (二)通过本节课学习,学生能够在谈论旅游计划的情景中运用“Whats the weather like there?”“Its cooler in Kunming.”等语句提问和回答旅游目的地 的天气状况;运用“How long does it take to get there?” “It will take ushours to by.”等语句提问和回答旅游出行的交通方式和路上所用的时间; 并能够在谈论旅游计划的情境中与他人进行顺利的交流。 (三)通过拓展活动,学生能够从天气、穿着、著名景点、当地美食以及时间等方面 为 JIM 提出旅行建议。 (四)通过本节旅游话题的学习,学生能够学会从多方面了解一个城市,了解祖国的 大好河山。 二、学习重点: (一)学生能够理解对话内容并熟地朗读对话、表演对话。 (二)学生会运用“Whats the weather like there?”“Its cooler in Kunming.”来询问和回答旅游目的地的天气;运用“How long does it take to get there?” “Ii will take ushours to by.”等语句提问和回答旅游出行的交 表达能力、获取信息的能力。同时本节课的话题是有关旅行的,对学生来说并不陌生, 对话中提到的景点以及拓展活动中的几个城市,许多学生也都有过旅行的经历。本节 课拓展活动中综合各种信息来全面的介绍一个城市,对个别学生有一定的难度,需要 小组合作,互助学习。 教学方式:采用师生互动,生生互动。 教学手段:利用图片、视频、动画等多种手段创设情境,激发兴趣,提高实效。 技术准备:教师: 单词卡片。 4 通方式和路上所用的时间; 三、学习难点: 学生能够从天气、穿着、著名景点、当地美食以及时间等方面为 JIM 提出旅行建议。 四、 学习活动设计 教学活动教学环节 教师活动学生活动 活动设计意图 Step1.leadinStep1.leadin g g inin Step2:Step2: PresentationPresentation 课件出示 Mike,电话铃声 响 T:who is calling to Mike? 课件出示 Jim 的图片 T: what do you know about Jim? 学生自由表达后,课件中 以思维导图的形式总结。 1.通过复习,猜测对话内 容 T:Jim wants to see different places in China. Where will he go? Can you guess? And why? 2.观看课文动画,回答问 题,整体把握对话内容。 Ss: Its Jim. Ss: hes Mikes friend. He is from Canada. He is going to visit Beijing. He wants to know the weather in Beijing. Hes coming early next month. Hes going to stay in China for about six weeks. He wants to see different places in China. Ss guess. 通过思维导图, 帮助学生回忆 上节课所学内 容、所学的相 关句型结构, 以及与本节课 的联系,为本 课的教学内容 做铺垫。 通过动画、声 8 Q1:Where is Jim going this weekend? Q2: Whats the weather like there? 3.听录音,回答问题。 Q3:How many seasons are there in Beijing? How about Kunming? T: Whats the weather like in the four seasons? How do you feel? What do you often wear? Can you say something? 4.学生自己阅读 lesson 14 对话,回答细节问题, 进一步理解对话。 Who will Jim go with? When will they leave? How long will they stay in Kunming? How do they go to Kunming? Why? How long does it take them to get there? 5.Practice the dialogue (1)听录音模仿跟读,并 进行朗读指导。 (2)学生分角色朗读对话 和展示。 (3)根据板书提示,复述 对话内容。 6.6.观看昆明视频观看昆明视频 Why will Jim go to visit Kunming? Discuss Ss: Jim is going to visit Kunming. Its cooler in Kunming than in Beijing now. Ss: In Beijing, we have four clear seasons, but in Kunming, it feels like spring all year round. Ss talk about it. Ss: Jim will go with his parents. They will leave on Friday. They will stay there for 3 days. It will take them three and a half hours to get there by air. It is faster. 音、视频等手 段帮助学生理 解对话中人物 谈论的内容, 从整体到细节 把握对话内容, 并且形成头脑 中的思维导图。 通过跟读、分 角色朗读等多 种形式帮助学 生理解和表达 所学到的内容, 为拓展环节打 下基础。 通过观看视频, 帮助学生从当 地的景点、美 8 Step 3 Production in your group Lets watch a video about Kunming.(视频包 含三方面内容:famous places, delicious food, weather 天气方面主要是 呈现四季的温度,进而总 结出四季如春) Jim will see different places in China. Lets make a travel plan for him. How to make a travel plan? Step one: If we want to travel to a city, what should we know about the city? (把你想知道的内容用问题 的形式表达出来) 1. discuss and write in groups 预测学生提出以下问题: Whats the weather like there? Whats the temperature? What do we wear? What should we take? Whats the famous food? Whats the famous places? What can we do there? How do we get there? How long does it take Ss watch the video. Ss talk about the video. discuss and write in groups 食以及天气三 方面更多的了 解昆明这个城 市,同时为学 生提供一个梳 理的思路,为 后面的学习做 好铺垫。 通过概括总结, 学生对相关的 句型进行了复 习,同时让学 生学会做一个 travel plan. 8 Step4:HomewoStep4:Homewo rkrk to get there? How long will we stay there? 2.Group share Step two:. make a travel plan for Jim 1. discuss in your group remind Ss: Jim just stay in China for about 6 weeks. You should make a feasible travel plan. 2.group share 教师给一段 travel plan 介绍的 结构,作为学生的参考。 3.think and talk If you are Jim, where will you go? Which city do you like better? Which city do you like best? Why? 1.Read the dialogue. 总结出四方面的内容: weather, clothes, food and places, time discuss in your group group share 小组汇报交流,用一段话来介 绍一个城市。 通过拓展活动, 让学生将前面 的梳理总结在 本环节中进行 应用,从哪些 方面为 Jim 提 出可行的旅行 建议。 8 2.Make a travel plan for Jim in a poster. 五五. .板书设计板书设计 UnitUnit 4 4 LessonLesson 1414 教学反思:教学反思: 1.1. 思维导图的运用思维导图的运用 课堂热身环节通过一个问题 what do you know about Jim? 来以思维导图的形式 复习上一节课的内容,接着在新课学习的过程中,依然是运用思维导图,让学生清晰明 了的从五个方面:where, who, when, how long, how 来了解对话内容,同时通过思维 导图的帮助,有利于学生复述出对话内容。 2.2. 注重四何问题的设计注重四何问题的设计 在本节课中注重四何问题的设计,除了是何问题以外,如何、为何以及若何问题都 有所涉及,如:why is Jim going to visit Kunming? If you are Jim, where will you go? Which city do you like better? Which city do you like best? Why?这样 可以激发学生课堂上深入的思考,发展学生的创造性思维。 3.3. 注重发展学生思维注重发展学生思维 拓展环节发散学生的思维,让学生一起讨论出出行时都要考虑哪些因素?通过小组 讨论,学生学会了如何制作旅行计划,那么以后在日常生活中去旅行的时候,就会思路 清晰,为自己的旅行做好充分的准备。Unit 4 Whats the weather like?Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14Lesson 14 LiangxiangLiangxiang Primary School Primary School ZuoZuo MengmengMengmeng Mikes friend He is from Canada He will Visit Beijing He wants to know the weather in Beijing He is coming early next month He will stay for 6 weeks He will see different places in China Q1: Where is Jim going this weekend? Q2: Whats the weather like there? Q1: Where is Jim going this weekend? cool Q:How many seasons are there in Beijing? How about Kunming? springsummer winterautumn Whats the weather like in the four seasons? How do you feel? 2. When will they leave? 3. How long will they stay in Kunming? 5. How long does it take them to get there? 4. How do they go to Kunming? Ss activity : read the dialogue and underline the answers of the following questions. 1. Who will Jim go with ? 1. Who will Jim go with ? 2. When will they leave? 3. How long will they stay in Kunming? 4. How do they go to Kunming? 5. How long does it take them to get there? Listen and repeat Read with your Read with your partnerpartner Role-reading time Why will Jim go to visit Kunming? Ss activity: Group work lets make a travel plan for Jim. How to make a travel plan? Step one: If we want to travel to a city, what should we know about the city? (把你想知道的内容用问题的形式表达出来) 1. 2. 3. Whats the weather like there? Whats the temperature(温度)? How do we get there? How long does it take to get there? How long will we stay there? What do we wear? What should we take? Whats the famous food? Whats the famous places? What can we do there? What can we buy? weatherclothes time Food and places City Weather 1.Whats the weather like there? 2.Whats the temperature(温度)? Clothes 1.What do you wear? 2.What should you take? Time 1.How do you get there? 2.How long does it take to get there? 3.How long will you stay there? Food and places 1.Whats the famous food? 2.Whats the famous places? 3.What can you do there? 4.What can you buy? Step two: Make a travel plan for Jim. (为Jim做一个旅行计划) (Jim just stay in China for about 6 weeks. You should make a feasible (可行的)travel plan.) Hello, Jim. Would you like to ? There are many famous places, such as. The most famous food is. How about the weather? You should wear . You should take. It takes about to get there by . You can stay there for aboutdays. Welcome to . Travel planTravel plan If you are Jim, where will you go? Which city do you like better? Which city do you like best? Why? Homework: 1.Read the dialogue. 2.Make a travel plan for Jim in a poster.Group work Step one: If we want to travel to a city, what should we know about the city? 把你想知道的内容用问题的形式表达出来: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Group work Step two: Make a travel plan for Jim. (为 Jim 做一个旅行计划) (Jim just stay in China for about 6 weeks. You should make a feasible (可行的)travel plan.) city Weather 1.Whats the weather like there? 2.Whats the temperature(温度)? Clothes 1.What do you wear? 2.What should you take? Time 1.How do we get there? 2.How long does it take to get there? 3.How long will you stay there? Food and places 1.Whats the famous food? 2.Whats the famous places? 3.What can you do there? 4.What can you buy1 北京版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 学 校: 房山区良乡小学 姓 名: 左萌萌 2 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段:第 3 学段(5-6 年级)年级六年级 相关 领域 设计应用 教材书名:书名:英语 出版社:出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:出版日期:2014 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者左萌萌北京市房山区良乡小 学 实施者左萌萌北京市房山区良乡小 学 指导者 课件制作者左萌萌北京市房山区良乡小 学 其他参与者无 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准中指出:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力, 促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动, 形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。 教学背景分析 学习内容分析: 本课复现了天气、旅游的话题,丰富了学生的口语交际内容。本课涉及的话题内 容在以往教材中出现过,学生在三年级上册第五单元学习了如何谈论天气“whats the weather like?” “Its sunny/warm rainy/windy/cold/snowy.”等;在本单元 的第一课时 lesson 13 中也出现了。另外,从对话内容来看,本单元 lesson 13 和 lesson 14 两课联系非常紧密,呈现递进关系。lesson 13 对话内容是:Mike 的同学 Jim 从加拿大给 Mike 打电话商量要来北京,并且询问北京的天气状况,还打算去中国 的其他的地区旅游;紧接着,lesson 14 对话内容呈现了:Mike 到了北京后,Jim 和 Mike 一边骑车,一边商量周末去昆明的事情,同时谈论到昆明的天气、出行方式和逗 3 教学目标设计 一、学习目标: (一)通过观看动画和图片,学生能够理解课文对话,能朗读课文,尝试表演或转述 主课文。 (二)通过本节课学习,学生能够在谈论旅游计划的情景中运用“Whats the weather like there?”“Its cooler in Kunming.”等语句提问和回答旅游目的地 的天气状况;运用“How long does it take to get there?” “It will take ushours to by.”等语句提问和回答旅游出行的交通方式和路上所用的时间; 并能够在谈论旅游计划的情境中与他人进行顺利的交流。 (三)通过拓展活动,学生能够从天气、穿着、著名景点、当地美食以及时间等方面 为 JIM 提出旅行建议。 (四)通过本节旅游话题的学习,学生能够学会从多方面了解一个城市,了解祖国的 大好河山。 留时间。如:“Its cooler in Kunming than in Beijing now.” “it feels like spring all year round.” “How long does it take to get there?” “Are you going by train?” 学情分析: 通过五年半的英语学习,学生已经有了一些相关的知识储备,并且有较好的语言 表达能力、获取信息的能力。同时本节课的话题是有关旅行的,对学生来说并不陌生, 对话中提到的景点以及拓展活动中的几个城市,许多学生也都有过旅行的经历。本节 课拓展活动中综合各种信息来全面的介绍一个城市,对个别学生有一定的难度,需要 小组合作,互助学习。 教学方式:采用师生互动,生生互动。 教学手段:利用图片、视频、动画等多种手段创设情境,激发兴趣,提高实效。 技术准备:教师: 单词卡片。 4 二、学习重点: (一)学生能够理解对话内容并熟地朗读对话、表演对话。 (二)学生会运用“Whats the weather like there?”“Its cooler in Kunming.”来询问和回答旅游目的地的天气;运用“How long does it take to get there?” “Ii will take ushours to by.”等语句提问和回答旅游出行的交 通方式和路上所用的时间; 三、学习难点: 学生能够从天气、穿着、著名景点、当地美食以及时间等方面为 JIM 提出旅行建议。 四、 学习活动设计 Step1.leadingStep1.leading inin 课件出示 Mike,电话铃声响 T:who is calling to Mike? Ss: Its Jim. 课件出示 Jim 的图片 T: what do you know about Jim? Ss: hes Mikes friend. He is from Canada. He is going to visit Beijing. He wants to know the weather in Beijing. Hes coming early next month. Hes going to stay in China for about six weeks. He wants to see different places in China. 学生自由表达后,课件中以思维导图的形式总结。 【设计意图】通过思维导图,帮助学生回忆上节课所学内容、所学的相关句型结构,以 及与本节课的联系,为本课的教学内容做铺垫。 9 Step2:Step2: PresentationPresentation 1.通过复习,猜测对话内容 T:Jim wants to see different places in China. Where will he go? Can you guess? And why? Ss guess. 2.观看课文动画,回答问题,整体把握对话内容。 Q1:Where is Jim going this weekend? Q2: Whats the weather like there? Ss: Jim is going to visit Kunming. Its cooler in Kunming than in Beijing now. 3.听录音,回答问题。 Q3:How many seasons are there in Beijing? How about Kunming? Ss: In Beijing, we have four clear seasons, but in Kunming, it feels like spring all year round. T: Whats the weather like in the four seasons? How do you feel? What do you often wear? Can you say something? 4.学生自己阅读 lesson 14 对话,回答细节问题,进一步理解对话。 Who will Jim go with? When will they leave? How long will they stay in Kunming? How do they go to Kunming? Why? How long does it take them to get there? 9 Ss: Jim will go with his parents. They will leave on Friday. They will stay there for 3 days. It will take them three and a half hours to get there by air. It is faster. 【设计意图】通过动画、声音、视频等手段帮助学生理解对话中人物谈论的内容,从整 体到细节把握对话内容,并且形成头脑中的思维导图。 5.Practice the dialogue (1)听录音模仿跟读,并进行朗读指导。 (2)学生分角色朗读对话和展示。 (3)根据板书提示,复述对话内容。 【设计意图】通过跟读、分角色朗读以及填空等多种形式帮助学生理解和表达所学到的 内容,为拓展环节打下基础。 6.6.观看昆明视频观看昆明视频 Why will Jim go to visit Kunming? Discuss in your group Lets watch a video about Kunming.(视频包含三方面内容:famous places, delicious food, weather 天气方面主要是呈现四季的温度,进而总结出四季如春) 【设计意图】通过观看视频,帮助学生从当地的景点、美食以及天气三方面更多的了解 9 昆明这个城市,同时为学生提供一个梳理的思路,为后面的学习做好铺垫。 Step 3 Production Jim will see different places in China. Lets make a travel plan for him. How to make a travel plan? Step one: If we w
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