北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:60014).zip

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Task1:Listen and choose. 1.Whats the weather like, yesterday? A. It was sunny. B. It was cold and rainy. C. It was cloudy. 2.Where did Baobao go yesterday? A. He went to the cinema. B. He went to the school. C. He went to the supermarket. 3.Why did Baobao catch a cold? A. Because he ate too much. B. Because he drank cold water. C. Because he got all wet in the rain on his way home. Task2:Make a new dialogue, you can use these sentences. Doctor: 1. Whats the matter with you? 2. Whats wrong with you? Patient: 1. I have a headache. 2. I hurt my right leg. Advice: 1. You should be careful not to . 2. Im afraid you 3. You must drink a lot of water and stay in bed. 4. Dont worry. Youll get well soon.Unit 4 lesson 15Unit 4 lesson 15Unit 4 lesson 15Unit 4 lesson 15 Whats wrong with you?Whats wrong with you?Whats wrong with you?Whats wrong with you? You say ,I say Where?Who ? Whats wrong with Baobao? Whats wrong with Baobao? He caught a cold yesterday. He has a runny nose, and a fever. I caught a cold yesterday. I have a runny nose, and a fever. Hi, Baobao! Whats wrong with you? 1.Whats the weather like yesterday? A. It was sunny. B. It was cold and rainy. C. It was cloudy. 1.Whats the weather like yesterday? A. It was sunny. B. It was cold and rainy. C. It was cloudy. 2.Where did Baobao go yesterday? A. He went to the cinema. B. He went to the school. C. He went to the supermarket. 2.Where did Baobao go yesterday? A. He went to the cinema. B. He went to the school. C. He went to the supermarket. 3.Why did Baobao catch a cold? A. Because he ate too much. B. Because he drank cold water. C. Because he got all wet in the rain on his way home. 3.Why did Baobao catch a cold? A. Because he ate too much. B. Because he drank cold water. C. Because he got all wet in the rain on his way home. Lets read!Lets read! Role playRole playRole playRole play MAKE A NEW DIALOGUEMAKE A NEW DIALOGUE Show TimeShow Time Homework: 1. Read the story, try to retell or recite the dialogue. 2. Make a new dialogue.北大附小丰台分校第二届教学评优北大附小丰台分校第二届教学评优-教学设计教学设计 姓名姓名学科学科英语英语授课班级授课班级六(六(1) 授课内容授课内容Unit 4 Lesson15 Whats wrong with you? 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准中指出,英语教学要力求面向全体学生,为学 生发展综合语言运用能力打好基础,教学中既要体现英语教学的工 具性,又要体现其人文性,教师在授课过程中,要“结合实际教学 需要,创造性地使用教材”。在现阶段所提倡的英语核心素养中, 也提到要注重培养学生的思维品质。因此,在教学中要注重学生的 思维能力的培养。现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学 习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在 此基础上学习和运用语言。在以上理念指导下,设计过程中,重点 体现在以下两个方面: 突出英语学科工具性的特点:培养学生用语言做事情的能力。 本节课围绕 Baobao 生病,躺在床上,妈妈照顾他,Maomao 来看望 Baobao,谈论了天气变化导致 Baobao 生病,并引出 Baobao 生病后 应该做什么,吃什么,以及 Maomao 安慰 Baobao 的话语。通过设置 情景,语言输入和输出,游戏等一些活动方式,为学生提供真实的 语境,使学生在思考中主动学习、探究,在任务中学习英语、运用 英语。在整节课上,教师充分调动学生的积极性,指导学生参与编 写剧本和表演,激发学生用英语表演的兴趣,为学生创设宽松和谐 的课堂氛围,让学生体验在戏剧表演过程中的乐趣。 突出英语学科人文性的特点:本节课围绕“生病 关心他人” 这个大主题下展开,学生在精心设计的各个活动中,充分体验语言 的魅力。 教学背景分析(教材分析、学情分析)教学背景分析(教材分析、学情分析) 教材分析:教材分析: 本教材是京版英语六下第四单元。本单元涉及的话题内容有的 均在以往教材中出现过,谈论天气,打电话,看病三个话题,曾经 出现过,第 16 课是科学小品文是初次见面。在四年级下册第二单元 学习过如何就医和描述病情的对话用语“Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter with you? I have a terrible headache /toothache/ stomachache/ a fever.”在六年级上册第二单元再次出现就医话题 “What happened to your neck?” “I hurt my leg.” 以及用一般过去时 描述导致生病的原因“Why did you ?”“I wanted to .”本单元丰 富了学生的口语交际的内容。Baobao 生病,躺在床上,妈妈照顾他, Maomao 来看望 Baobao,谈论了天气变化导致 Baobao 生病,并引 出 Baobao 生病后应该做什么,吃什么,以及 Maomao 安慰 Baobao 的 话语。 学情分析:学情分析: 六年级学生经过六年的英语学习,对于本单元话题初步接触过, 有一定的语言基础,也有很浓的兴趣。本课出现的一般现在时态掌 握较好,大部分同学都能够理解并运用该时态。孩子们在六年级上 册学过动词过去式,对已学的过去式时态也较为熟悉,能够理解和 初步运用过去式表达。 本课时的教学对象是本校六年级的学生,对于感兴趣的话题,就 要充分调动学生的积极性,指导学生参与编写剧本和表演,激发学 生用英语表演的兴趣,为学生创设宽松和谐的课堂氛围,让学生体 验在戏剧表演过程中的乐趣。 教学资源准备:教学资源准备: 1. 常规资源:课本,教学 U 盘 2. 补充资源: 教学课件、卡片、图片。 教学目标及重难点教学目标及重难点 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 学生能够在看望病人的情景中正确运用“Whats wrong with you?” “I caught a cold./I have a runny nose/ a fever.”围绕生病的 情况进行提问和回答,并能够用一般现在时描述生病的具体情况, 复习生病时的相关交际用语。 2. 学生能够在看望病人的情景中正确的运用“What did you do yesterday?”“I went to the .”等语句围绕生病的原因进行询问和 回答。 3. 学生能够在看望病人的情景中正确运用“What can I do for you?” “What would you like to eat?” “ I am afraid.”“ Id like some.” “Dont worry. Youll get well soon.”等语句关心。照顾和安慰病人。 4. 学生能够理解课文对话,能朗读课文,尝试表演或转述主课文。 教学重点:教学重点: 复习功能句型: A. 围绕生病情况的询问和回答:“Whats wrong with you?” “ I caught a cold./ I have a runny nose/ a fever.” B. 围绕做过了某事,而导致生病的原因:What did you do yesterday?” “I went to the, and got all wet.” C. 复习要求掌握的词汇:went, cinema, yesterday, nose, all , ill. D. 复习要求认读理解的短语:caught a cold, have a runny nose, have a fever, should be careful not to catch a cold, got all wet, in the rain, on my way home, Im afraid/ Im afraid not, Dont worry, get well soon. 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 提建议:You should be careful not to catch a cold. 2. 确定原因:No wonder you fell ill. 教学过程教学过程 Step 1: Warming up T: Lets play a game. You say, I say! I say windy. Ss: You say windy, I say cloudy. 设计意图:设计意图:教师通过游戏开始课堂教学,吸引学生的眼球,激发学 生的兴趣,使学生能够全身心的投入课堂中。复习已经学习过的相 关词汇,为新授课内容做好铺垫。 Step 2: Leading in T: Show a picture, look at the picture. Who are they? T: Great, They are Maomao, Baobao, and Baobaos mum, look, Baobao is lying in bed. Whats wrong with Baobao? Now, lets watch the video. 设计意图:学生设计意图:学生通过观察图片,了解故事中的人物,根据问题,看 动画,有目的的理解故事内容。 Ss: Students watch the video and find out the answer. S: He caught a cold yesterday. He has a runny nose, and a fever. T: Great, now listen and repeat. Ask two Ss to read. Step 3: Presentation T: Well done, please take out the task paper, lets look at task one. Please watch the video and circle the right answers. 1. Whats the weather like, yesterday? A. It was sunny. B. It was cold and rainy. C. It was cloudy. 2. Where did Baobao go yesterday? A. He went to the cinema. B. He went to the school. C. He went to the supermarket. 3. Why did Baobao catch a cold? A. Because he ate too much. B. Because he drank cold water. C. Because he got all wet in the rain on his way home. T: Play the video. Check their answers. According to the materials, find out the answers. Then let ss listen and repeat. Choose the right the answers and circle them. T: Great, lets listen what Maomao said, and how Baobao said? Ss listen and say. T: No wonder Baobao was ill. T: What did mums advice? Show the picture . Did mum give Baobao hot chocolate? Ss: No, because she said Im afraid not. T: Yes, he should not eat hot chocolate, because they are sweet, they are bad for his health. T: Baobao was ill, Maomao gave him some advice, so he said Now, you can open your books , and find out the answers. Ss: He said ,dont worry, youll get well soon. 设计意图:设计意图:通过问答及观看视频动画,让学生对故事内容有整体了 解。理解故事内容,掌握细节,尤其是与问题相关的句子,能更好 的帮助学生理解,知道所以然。听录音跟读,模仿读,体验语音语 调,培养学生的语感。 Step 4 Practice 1. Listen and repeat. 设计意图:设计意图:通过听录音跟读,注重情感的培养,还有语感的训练。 2. Role-play. 设计意图:设计意图:通过小组合作,培养学生互帮互助的精神,团结合作的 意识。 3. Make a new dialogue. 设计意图:设计意图:通过创编新的小故事,培养孩子的创新能力,真正的做 到学以致用。 Step 5 Product Show play. 设计意图:设计意图:通过多边互动巩固和活用新知。充分理解故事内容,丰 富口语交际的能力。 Step6 Summary Today, weve learned lesson15, look at the blackboard. Doctor: Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? Patient: I caught a cold yesterday. I have a runny nose and a fever. Advice: You should be careful not to catch a cold. He must drink a lot of water and stay in bed. Dont worry. Youll get well soon. You should remember these drills, and try to use them in our daily life. Step7Homework 1. Read the story, try to retell or recite the dialogue. 2. Make a new dialogue. 板书设计板书设计 学习效果评价设计学习效果评价设计 评价方式: 教师课堂评价:根据学生在课堂交流和任务中的参与度、表现等 运用 Good job, Well done, You are a deep thinker. You are very kind. Thank you for your advice 等对学生进行口头评价。对表演最佳的医 生给予奖励。 本教学设计的创新点本教学设计的创新点 让学生成为课堂的主体,充分利用教学资料,激发学生的积极性 和参与度,学生在表演中将所学语言运用生活,体验语言学习的魅 力。通过本课的学习,学生能够在生活中,懂得关心他人,帮助他 人,培养良好的人格品质以及创新能力。
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