北京版六下UNIT TWO CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT HER -Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)(编号:a3468).zip

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Unit2 Can you tell me more about her? Lesson 7 Listen to a song! What jobs do you know? What jobs do you know?What jobs do you know? Do you know coach? 1Where are Baobao and Sara? 2.Is Sara happy? Why? 3.What are they talking about ? Lets watch and find! Can you tell me more about Miss Wu ? Watch again! 1.How old is she? 2.What does she look like? 3.What is she good at? 4.What did she do before? a nice lady 职业运动员 Lets retell . This is Saras first _____________. Ms Wu is her_______. She feels _______. Baobao tells her that Ms Wu is very ____. She has a ________ and big _____. She_______ a lot . She is good at ___________________ . And she is a _____lady. ping-pong class coachnervous kind round face eyessmiles teaching girl students nice repeat Miss Wang had badminton lessons 30 years later. This is my coach . coach tall and thin good at teaching boys students has a long face small eyes serious not kind 40years old black and short hair Guess! Who ? She is short and thin. She has long black hair. She has a round face and small eyes .She is wearing a glasses. She smiles a lot. She is good at cooking and teaching English. She loves her students. This is a boy. He istwelve years old.He is a student. He is in class five.He is strong. He has short hair and round face. He has broad shoulders and huge hands.He is not good at studying. He is good at playing model plane. Guess who is he ? Describe(描述) your good friend /favorite teacher/your coach /your classmate to your parents. Write a short passage. Homework1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 2Can you tell me more about her? 学科英语学段: 高年级年级六年级 相关 领域 思想品德 体育 教材书名:义务教育教科书英语六年级下出版社:北京出版社出版日期:2015 年 1 月 是否已实施是 指导思想与理论依据 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动,激发和培养学生学习英语 的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力与合作创 新的精神,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。根据小学生的年龄特点和新课标的新理念, 力求通过不同形式的活动引导学生认识,体会,理解和运用新的语言材料。本课通过 创设真实的情境,设计不同层次的问题和任务,让学生在各种活动中理解故事,积累 知识和运用语言。 教学背景分析 教学内容教学内容:本课为北京版小学英语六年级下册第五单元的第三课时课文教学。 从而贯 穿德育教育。 学生情况:学生情况:小学六年级年级的学生正处于学习和掌握语言的关键时期,他们活泼好动, 思维活跃,对直观形象事物敏感,乐于参与教学活动并能够进行自主的学习。 教学方式:教学方式:任务型教学,体验式学习,自主学习和合作学习,引导学生运用联想、归纳 2 等不同学习活动方式。 教学手段:教学手段:采用多媒体教学手段。 技术准备:技术准备:教学课件,多媒体课件,等 教学目标(内容框架) 知识与技能知识与技能:1. 能运用功能句型“Can you tell me more about.?” “He/She is”在情境中询问或介绍他人年龄、样貌、性格、擅长做的事情 等情况。 2. 使学生能够正确理解故事大意,初步朗读故事,试着复述故事. 3. 能写出一段话来介绍自己或他人年龄面貌以及擅长做的事。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1 教学重点:(1)理解对话内容,能运用功能句型介绍他人年龄、外貌、性情、擅长 等信息。 (2)能够在关键词的支撑下复数本课课文内容。 2 教学难点:复数课文故事 过程与方法过程与方法: : 1.导入环节。通过教师节图片引出教师节的话题。 2.新授环节。设计不同的任务和问题来逐图学习,理解故事,体会功能 3 句用法。 3.内化,运用环节。通过不同的活动来给学生消化,吸收的自学时间, 给学生知识产出的机会。 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观: : 通过体验式的学习方式,使学生们形成良好的生活和学习品质。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图 Warm-up& Lead in 1、 Greeting. I wanted to be a doctor? What will you do in the future? 2. Listen to a song with questions: What jobs can you hear in the song? 3. Brainstorm: What other jobs do you know? 4.Show the pictures of the coach. Do you know this job? These are the coaches. Is there any coaches in our school? 1.Greeting. I will be a 2. Listen to a song . Answer the questions: I heard . 3.Brainstorm: Say some other job words as more as they can. 4.Answer the questions. Learn the words of coach. There are some coaches in our school club. 通过歌曲,引出话题, 调动了学生的兴趣, 集中了学生的注意 力,为理解课文打 下基础。 通过头脑风暴培养 学生的发散性思维, 激活学生语言,培 养学生学习英语的 兴趣。 由 coach 引出学校 自己的教练以及学 校的一些社团,自 然引出本课主题。 presentation 1. Talk about the Topic Diagram 5 The same to you, There are many club in Saras school, look at this picture. Does Sara look happy? Where are they ? 2. Sara looks not happy . Can you guess what happened to her? What are they talking about ? Lets watch and find the answer. 3. OK, Baobao is introducing their coach Miss Wu. Can you tell me more about Miss Wu? Lets watch again. And then tell me some information about her. (1)How old is she? (2)What does she look like? (3)What is she good at ? (4)What did she do before? Explain the phrase “professional player” with pictures. So from their talking they think Miss Wu is a nice 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions: No, she is not happy. They are in the table tennis club. 2Wjatch story with questions. Answer the questions: This is her first pingpong class. She is nervous. They are talking about their coach. Watch the story again. Try to find some information about their coach, Miss Wu. After watching they answer the following questions. 引导学生观察主题 图,为故事教学奠 定基础。 带着问题直接导入 故事,同时用这个 任务把学生带进到 故事中,在真实的 情境中去感受理解 故事。 通过问题的提示引 导学生主动观察、 体会、思考。使学 生进一步了解故事 内容。 分层设计问题,让 全体同学都能参与 课堂学习。 6 lady. Production &practice (一)Lets read 1.Retell the story according to the key words. 1.Listen point and read the text. 2.Read the text by themselves. 3.Role play the story with students. 4.Let the students work in pairs. 5. Role play the story with partner. (2)Tell me more about him/her. 1.Show a picture of a coach . 1.Try to retell the story . 2.Listen point and read the text. 3.Read the text by themselves. 4.Role play the story with teacher. 5.Role play the story with partner. 1.通过引导学生复 述故事,使学生巩 固已掌握的课文内 容。强化学生的记 忆能力和连贯思维 表达能力。 2 学生通过角色扮 演,使学生更好的 理解课文,提高学 生的口语运用能力。 锻炼学生的表演力 和语言运用能力。 激活学生的语言, 提高学生语言表达 7 Let students talk about the coach. 2 Guessing game. Let the students read a short passage and guess . 1.look at the picture and talk about the coach. He is tall and thin. He has short black hair with a long face. He has small eyes. 2.Read and guess who is she/he? 能力。 。 development Let the students describe a Classmate, Read the passage and let others guess who is Try to describe a classmate, Listen and guess. 1 she/he? homeworkhomework Describe your favorite friend /teacher/classmate to your parents. 巩固所学内容,培 养学生在生活中运 用英语的习惯。
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