北京版五下UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY -Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:24789).zip

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Unit 7 Are you going away for the holiday? Lesson 25 where weather GuilinGuilin My summer holiday famous for interesting places delicious f food how long -Where is Guilin?-Where is Guilin? -It is in Guangxi province, -It is in Guangxi province, the south of China.the south of China. -How is the weather in Guilin?-How is the weather in Guilin? -Its cool in summer and -Its cool in summer and warm in winter .warm in winter . - -whatwhat is Guilin famous for? is Guilin famous for? -Its famous for its mountains -Its famous for its mountains and rivers .and rivers . - -whatwhat are the interestingare the interesting places places in Guilinin Guilin? ? - There are many interesting places- There are many interesting places In Guilin. In Guilin. For example, the Elephant For example, the Elephant TrunkTrunk Hill, the Hill, the LijiangLijiang River and the West River and the West Street in Street in YangshuoYangshuo . . the Elephant Trunk Hill(the Elephant Trunk Hill(象鼻山)象鼻山) take photostake photos the the L Lijiangijiang River River(漓江)(漓江) go bamboo raftinggo bamboo rafting the West Street in the West Street in YangshuoYangshuo (阳朔西街)(阳朔西街) go go shopping and eat good foodshopping and eat good food - -WhatWhat delicious food we can eatdelicious food we can eat in Guilinin Guilin? ? -We can taste Guilin Rice Noodles,-We can taste Guilin Rice Noodles, River Snails Rice Noodles and River Snails Rice Noodles and Beer-braised Fish .Beer-braised Fish . Guilin Rice NoodlesGuilin Rice Noodles (桂林米粉)(桂林米粉) River Snails Rice NoodlesRiver Snails Rice Noodles (螺蛳粉)(螺蛳粉) Beer-braised FishBeer-braised Fish (啤酒鱼)(啤酒鱼) - -How long does it take to How long does it take to get to Guilinget to Guilin? ? -It takes more than 11 hours -It takes more than 11 hours by bullet train. .by bullet train. . It takes more than 3 hours It takes more than 3 hours by plane .by plane . Task ListTask List Introduce more cities Introduce more cities Group 6Group 6 Group 1Group 1 Group 2Group 2Group 2Group 2 Group 3Group 3 Group 4Group 4Group 4Group 4 Group 5Group 5 Beijing Beijing Beijing Beijing Beijing Beijing Kunming Kunming Kunming Kunming Kunming Kunming Suzhou Suzhou Suzhou Suzhou Suzhou Suzhou SanyaSanya SanyaSanya SanyaSanya Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Hangzhou Hangzhou Hangzhou Hangzhou Hangzhou Hangzhou To love beautiful scenery, To love beautiful scenery, to love our motherland! to love our motherland! Homework Homework 1 1、Read the E-mail I wrote to Lucy.Read the E-mail I wrote to Lucy. 2 2、Write down the introduction of Write down the introduction of the city.the city. Tips: You can write with the help of my E-mailTips: You can write with the help of my E-mail or you can write by yourselves.or you can write by yourselves.Beijing Where is Beijing Beijings special food intrersting placesfamous for Beijing peking duck old Beijing noodles with soy bean paste pea cake Ma tofu BeiJing in the north of China The Palace Museum Summer Palace The Great Wall Temple of Heaven Winter Palace Olympic park Water Cube Tiananmen Square Thank you for looking! Chengdu 张茹芯,张严月,邱娜,黄南遇,张镕显 旅行社 Travel agency 旅行社 Travel agency 成都之旅讲解 Tour of Chengdu Sichuan noodles with peppery Sichuan noodles with peppery sausesause Steamed chickenSteamed chicken with chili with chili sausesause Chengdu is a beautiful city. Do you like Chengdu? Thank you! 李晓春、常昊彤、姚思艺、 赵欣然 、王元正、徐小策 HangzhouHangzhou Lingyin TempleLingyin Temple Qiandao LakeQiandao Lake SongchengSongcheng West Lake Fish in Vinegar GravyWest Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy Dongpo porkDongpo pork Have a tryHave a tryHave a tryHave a try: Where is HangZhou in China? Where is HangZhou in China? Where is HangZhou in China? Where is HangZhou in China? How long does it take from Beijing to How long does it take from Beijing to How long does it take from Beijing to How long does it take from Beijing to HangZhou by plane?HangZhou by plane?HangZhou by plane?HangZhou by plane? What is the delicious food in HangZhou?What is the delicious food in HangZhou?What is the delicious food in HangZhou?What is the delicious food in HangZhou? Thank Thank you!you! Every Every one!one! Kunming 王艺霏、杜岳、贾茹、付天辰、刘佳翰、魏萌 Question : Hows the weather in Kunming? It is like spring all the year. Question: What is Kunming famous for? It is famous for its flowers. Question: What are the interesting places ? There are lots of interesting places in Kunming. For example: the Stone Forest and The World Horti-Expo Garden The World Horti-Expo Garden The Stone Forest SanyaSanya 赵晨阳、陈凯伦、康舒雨、 张潇洋、贾靓贤、王子康 张斯政、杨怀程、李梦然、梁雨然、韩汶严 Suzhou 拙政园 The Humble Administrators Garden 周庄 Zhouzhuang1 教学设计个人信息 姓 名单 位联 系 方 式 设计者 教学基本信息 课题Unit7 Are you going away for the holiday? Lesson 25 (第二课时) 学科英 语学段:高年级学段年级五年级 相关领域英语综合实践课 教材北京版小学英语教科书 1.指导思想与理论依据 小学英语新课程标准强调教师应合理安排教学内容和步骤,组织多种形式的课堂互动,鼓 励学生通过观察、模仿、体验、探究、展示等方式学习和运用英语,尽可能多地为他们创造语 言实践机会,引导他们学会自主学习和合作学习。教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境, 采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法,培养学生用 英语做事情的能力。活动不仅限于课堂,还可延伸到课堂之外。活动要有明确的交流目的、真 实的交流意义和具体的操作要求,并为学生提供展示学习成果的机会,使学生能够在个体和合 作的实践活动中发展语言与思维能力,并能在展示活动中感受成功。 新课标中还指出,根据实际教学目的和学生学习需求,对教材中的部分内容和活动进行替 换,也可以根据需要添加活动步骤。教师还可以适当扩展教学内容或延伸原有的教学活动,从 而满足学生的需求。 2.教学背景分析 学习内容分析:学习内容分析: 本节课是北京版小学英语五年级下册第 7 单元第 25 课的 Listen,look and learn,Listen and choose, Lets do 三个环节。Listen,look and learn 环节,课本呈现的是 Sanya, Beijing, Kunming 和 Suzhou 四个城市,以及这四个城市以什么著称的英文表达。Listen and choose 环节 呈现 Chengdu,Beijing 和 Hangzhou 三个城市,以及三个城市相对应的著名景观和代表饮食。 Lets do 环节要求学生能够正确书写某一城市以什么著称。教师根据教学需要将本课的学习内 容进行了适当的调整和拓展。 学情分析:学情分析: 本班学生对英语学习有浓厚的学习兴趣,英语学习基础较好,大多数学生愿意主动参与到 课堂活动中合作、探究、交流,并且经过五年的英语学习积累一部分学生能够有创造性的用英 2 语发表自己的观点和想法。但个别学生英语学习存在困难,教师将在课堂中进行分组互助学习 和分层教学,给予不同英语基础的学生设定不同的教学目标和教学任务。 教学方式与教学手段:教学方式与教学手段: 本课采用多媒体教学方式,运用启发式、练习法、情景教学法、体验学习教学法等教学手 段完成教学。 技术准备:技术准备: 教师 PPT、图片、学生自制 PPT 及道具 前期准备:前期准备: 教师根据班级学生情况进行分组,并下发任务单。 学生以小组为单位根据任务单进行英语情景剧编排,定期向教师汇报小组排练情况,并按 教师改进意见继续进行调整和排练,形成最终的情景剧。 3.教学目标(含重、难点) 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与技能知识与技能: 1. 学生能够运用句型“What is famous for? ”“It is famous for its .”询问及表 达, 并正确书写某个城市以什么而闻名; 2. 学生能够积极参与小组活动,综合运用所学旅行相关知识,介绍某一城市位置、天气、特 色景观及饮食、如何前往、需要花费多长时间等信息; 3.学生能够积极倾听,从其他小组的表演中获得更多的城市信息,增强获取信息的能力; 情感态度价值观情感态度价值观: 4. 激发学生以祖国为荣,热爱祖国的爱国之情。 重点:重点: 学生能够询问及表达,并正确书写某个城市以什么而闻名 难点:难点: 在情境中综合运用所学旅行知识谈论某个城市以及旅行计划。 4.教学过程 一、 Warm-up and lead-in Show an e-mail from Lucy. Ask a student to read the e-mail. 【设计意图:复习一般将来时,引出本课话题设计意图:复习一般将来时,引出本课话题“to introduce the cities in China” 。 】 3 二、Presentation 1、The teacher shows the city she wants to visit this summer holiday. Then encourages the students to ask questions according to the key words so that to know more information about this city. 2、The key words are: where , weather, famous for, interesting places, delicious food, how long 3、Help the students to ask: (1) 、Where is Guilin? (2) 、Hows the weather in Guilin? (3) 、What is Guilin famous for? (4) 、What are the interesting places in Guilin? (5) 、What is the delicious food in Guilin? (6) 、How long does it take to get to Guilin? 【设计意图:通过学生与老师的问答,引出想要了解一个城市的一系列英语功能句。为设计意图:通过学生与老师的问答,引出想要了解一个城市的一系列英语功能句。为 学生接下来的英语实践活动做准备。在真实的语境中完成真实的任务,极大的提高了学学生接下来的英语实践活动做准备。在真实的语境中完成真实的任务,极大的提高了学 生的学习兴趣。生的学习兴趣。 】 三、Expansion and practice 1、Tell the students why the teacher asks them to search for the information about the six cities in China. 2、The students from the six different groups come to the front to show their play they prepared before class. 【设计意图:学生小组展示课前排练好的情景剧。通过表演生动的情景剧操练如何用英设计意图:学生小组展示课前排练好的情景剧。通过表演生动的情景剧操练如何用英 语询问了解某一城市。有趣的情景剧能够成功的吸引其他同学认真观看和倾听,从而顺语询问了解某一城市。有趣的情景剧能够成功的吸引其他同学认真观看和倾听,从而顺 利完成获得其他城市信息的任务。利完成获得其他城市信息的任务。 】 3、Show more beautiful pictures about the six cities of China. 【设计意图设计意图:德育教育,激发学生以祖国为荣,热爱祖国的爱国之情。德育教育,激发学生以祖国为荣,热爱祖国的爱国之情。 】 四四 Homework 1、 Read the e-mail the teacher wrote to Lucy. 2、 Write down the introduction of the city. 4 五五 Blackboard 5.教学设计特色 我将本课定义为一节英语综合实践课。在实施过程中教师采用分层教学以及小组合作学习 的方式。 活动前期分组时,教师根据本班学生的实际英语能力进行分配,确保每个小组成员均有不 同英语水平的学生组成。分配任务单时,注意给予不同英语基础的学生设定不同的教学目标和 任务。学生根据任务单,以小组合作的形式完成本组任务。 学生发展核心素养,主要指学生应具备的,能够适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格 和关键能力。学生的核心素养主要包括文化基础、自主发展和社会参与三大方面。 课堂实施的过程中,教师始终注重学生核心素养的培养。 在学生以小组为单位,根据老师下发的任务单,进行前期的情景剧准备过程中,学生们会 自行根据组内成员的特长进行任务的分配,英语表达能力强的同学负责编写剧本,擅长计算机 的同学负责网络上查找资料、制作幻灯片,擅长绘画的同学负责绘制海报,动手能力强的同学 负责制作道具等等。每个同学都有自己的责任和任务,并积极参与其中。 任务单中,教师只给出了基本的结构框架,表达的方式和所需要的信息都需要学生们自己 去查找、探究和取舍。学生们通过此次实践活动学生自主学习,学会了怎样选择正确的学习方 式,并对这种学习方式乐此不疲。 在排练过程中还会出现各种问题,学生们解决问题的过程也是学生们学会如何更好的与人 相处的过程。 课程中学生们领略了祖国的美景、美食和历史文化,激发了学生们对祖国的热爱之情。同 时,也激发了学生对生活的热爱和努力学习的信心。课后,学生们纷纷表示现在一定努力学习, 5 为自己能够去领略祖国的美好河山做准备。
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