北京版五下UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY -Lesson 26-Now I can understand Now I can say Now I know the sound-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:d0dc5).zip

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the old Beijing noodles jajianmien is a most important food for people in Beijing. I show you how to make jajiangmian . First, Put a little water in the bean sauce , mix thoroughly; add soy sauce seasoning mix, cooked; Second, boiled bean sprouts, cucumber, shredded; Third, Boil the noodles in the water. Finally, Put the bean sprouts and cucumber on the noodles, along with fried bean sauce. Fried sugar ear Because its shaped like human ear. Young and old people like this snack very much. Its soft and sweet.We can buy it from traditional grocery store. Douzhi and Frid ring In the morning many old Peking men eat fried rings and Douzhi as breakfast. Fried rings is very crispy and appetizing. When you eat you should add some pickles. You can have a try. Maybe you will like it. We should take some medicine. dramamine 晕车药 antidiarrheal 止泻药 band-aid 创可贴 cold medicine 感冒药Trip Comprehensive Practice 北京版小学英语五年级下册 Where ? Sanya What questions do you have about the trip? What questions do you have about the trip? trip What Who Wher e When Why How 1.How do you take the trip? 2.Where do you take a trip? 3.What do you take when you have a trip? 4.What should/shouldnt we do ? 1.How do you take the trip? These are the modern life. But in the ancient, Trip is very difficult. How did people take a trip? Group working 1.Visiting and enjoying in Beijing 2. Having fun in America 3. Carrying articles(物品)(物品) 4. Should and shouldnt The Palace Museum The Forbidden City The Largest complex wooden structure in the world. The Great Wall Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu province Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei province The Birds Nest The Summer Palace Longevity Hill Kunming Lake row a boeat on Kunming lake greener and fresher gallery Peking Roast Duck Mutton Hotpot Noodles with Soybean Paste bean sauceSoy sauce sprouts Shredded boil the noodles Douzhi and Fried rings Sweet sugar ear The United States The Statue of Liberty _____ ______ 91 meters hold 40 people 25 windows The White House the U.S.President live and work in . Chinatown Chinese building Peking Opera Performances Lion Dancing Dragon Dancing Disneyland What do we carry when we take a trip? sports clothes sneakers Necessary Articles swim suit Swim goggles Common medecine camera Cell phone charger tickets map local money the universal power outlet electronic dictionary chat with local people take photos and send the photos to them obey the traffic rules We should look right first. Thats all right! Dont make a mess! Dont make too much noise! Home work: Make a travel plan with parents. I will go to Sichuan this summer. I will go by train. I will see pandas. I will take camera and sunglasses. I will be polite. I shouldnt break branches. Thank you so much!五年级英语综合实践活动方案五年级英语综合实践活动方案 学情分析:五年级学生对于英语的学习已经有了一定的学习能力,大部分 学生乐于参与学习,乐于与大家分享,但是学生的基础不是很扎实,又很多学 过的内容需要进行重新整合,让学生更好的掌握所学知识。本单元重点是对于 假期旅行进行描述:旅行地点、著名的景点介绍,乘坐的交通工具,本课时本 着在学习课文的基础上让学生进行一次综合实践活动,包括海南的风景介绍, 旅行的各种方式及原因,介绍北京的美景与美食,美国的景点,旅行需要携带 哪些工具,再到文明旅行,孩子们在前期做了大量的资料搜集与整理,有许多 都是结合所学知识拓展的各类词汇,包括传统文化,地方特色,美国的景点, 携带的各类物品,文明旅行的词汇,孩子们表现出了极大的兴趣,各个小组都 很好地完成了前期准备,老师与学生们共同选取素材,进行语言的梳理,学生 的参与过程是学生成长的过程。其中有大量的词汇是跟课堂无关的,但是孩子 们能够勇于面对困难,通过网络学习、老师指导和同学互助等各种方式获取新 知识,学生的各方面能力得到了提高。 教材分析:北京版五年级下册第七单元的最后一个单元,我在此基础上进 行了综合实践活动。本课时是在五年级的最后一个单元,学生们的语言能力已 经达到了能够表达一段话的能力,但是学生由于词汇量不够,很多教材之外的 内容孩子想表达也无法表达的状态,因此本节课是在原有词汇和句型的基础上, 对有关旅行的内容进行了综合性的表达,即依托教材,有在原有基础上进行了 知识的广度与深度的提升,有基本句型的支撑又有新知识的拓展,让孩子们发 挥自己的积极性,努力为孩子创设一个良好的语言发展的环境。 教学目标:1.能够围绕旅行话题就乘坐某种交通工具进行交流。 2.能够通过书本学习掌握现代交通工具以及正确选择交通工具出行。 3.通过上网调查了解古代交通工具的使用情况。 教学重点:谈论三亚的著名景点以及游客在当地的一些活动。 网上搜集资料,对古代交通工具进行了解,并且体会人们出行的艰 辛。 教学难点:上网搜集资料并将资料用英语进行描述。 教学过程: 1.自由对话:出示阳阳图片:Where will Yangyang go this summer?根据课文回答。 设计意图:通过书中的故事人物,引出三亚这一著名的旅游城市。 2.讨论三亚:What do you know about Sanya? 学生通过教师提供的 PPT 图片进 行对三亚的描述,包括自然风光和在当地所做的活动。 设计意图:利用图片和孩子们已有的知识,让三亚这一城市在学生的头脑中显 得更加生动形象,学生在图片的刺激下说出三亚的一些特色活动和景观。 3.Yangyang will have a good trip in Sanya, right? Summer holiday will come, Will you take a trip? Where will you go? 设计意图:学生通过简单的交流自己的假期旅行目的地,学习表达未来计划的 句型。 4.Today well talk about trip. What questions do you have about the trip? 学生说一说自己想到的问题,教师给出六个疑问词, Who,Where,When,What, How,Why,学生说出问题,老师带着学生解决 Who,Why,学生简单交流即可,重点讲解 How do you take the trip?的问题。 设计意图:通过对 trip 进行提问,让学生掌握提问的一些方法,复习我们所学 过的六个疑问词,学生能够自己提出几个问题,再通过老师提供的疑问词,让 学生练习提问题并进行回答。 5.Transportation is very important when we take a trip. How do you take a trip? I will go to Heilongjiang by train this summer. Where will you go and how do you take a trip? Tell your idea in your group. Share your idea please.呈现现代交通工具的图片 We have many ways to take a trip. These are our modern ways to take a trip. But in the ancient, people took a travel very difficult. How did they take a trip? We have collected some information on the Internet. Lets look together.学习古代人 的出行方式。By horse, by sedan chair, by carriage, by boat, on foot. Look,Modern life and ancient life, Which is easier to take a trip? Which is safe? So we are very lucky. 设计意图:通过交通工具的学习,了解古代与现代生活中的交通方式,让学生 感受到现在生活的美好,学生了解有关交通工具的拓展知识。 6.We have talked the ways to go somewhere, now lets talk about “ Where do you go and what do you know? What should we carry? What should/shouldnt we do ? We have devided our class in four groups, We have Beijing, America, carrying article and should or shouldnt groups, Now please show your work to us. 设计意图:学生通过分组汇报,与全班同学分享自己所搜集的资料,利用 PPT 向大家展示自己的内容,提高学生的语言表达能力和自信心。 7.小结:What do you know in this lesson? When we take a trip, we should make a plan. Pay attention to be polite when we take a trip. We will be very popular. 8.Homework Talk with parents, Where will you go this summer holiday? Make a travel plan please. 板书设计: Trip Where do you go ? Why do you take a trip? How do you take a trip? Sedan chair carriage Who do you go with? What do you carry when you take the trip? What should /shouldnt you do
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