北京版五下UNIT THREE HOW DO SEEDS TRAVEL -Lesson 11-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:219c8).zip

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Which season is it now? Spring is here. What will happen in spring? 6 Whats the English for different parts of a plant? 6 Seeds inside the fruits. Whats the English for different parts of a plant? Lets do We get most of our food from plants. watermelons sweet potato carrot potato tomato apples cabbage celery peas peanuts Task: Group the vegetablesfruitsseedsstemsleavesroots Which parts do these food come from? TheyThey areare havinghaving a a picnic.picnic. WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking ? ? rice the seeds of rice 水稻种子水稻种子 the plant of rice 水稻水稻 the seeds of wheat flours 小麦小麦 the plant of wheat 小麦种子小麦种子 水稻种子水稻种子 小麦种子小麦种子 Wheat and rice are both seeds. 都 What are seeds? Dandelions seeds. HowHow dodo seedsseeds travel?travel? 根据课文内容判断:根据课文内容判断: 1.Plants have seeds. ( ) 2. Seeds travel in only one way. ( ) 3.Seeds can travel with wind. ( ) 4.Seeds cant travel with people. ( ) 1.1.利用利用ipadipad跟读课跟读课 文。文。 2.2.选择其中一图,选择其中一图, 根据板书内容复述课根据板书内容复述课 文。(文。(3 3人一组)人一组) 净化空气净化空气 防风固沙防风固沙隔离噪音隔离噪音 clean the air stop the sands block noise get fruits 获取食物获取食物 Seeds of willow. 小常小常识识: 柳絮是柳树的柳絮是柳树的种种 子,子,雌性雌性柳树才柳树才 会产生飞絮会产生飞絮, ,给给 柳树打柳树打节育针节育针 ,主要把它的,主要把它的 生殖营养调整为生殖营养调整为 生长营养。生长营养。 Homework: 1.利用英语趣配音跟读课文, 并用微信发到朋友圈, 师生共赏。 2. 写作: How do they travel? (people, mails, goods,knowledge .)1 UnitUnit 3 3 HowHow dodo seedsseeds travel?travel? LessonLesson 1111教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能够听懂,会说,认读 in water,with people and animal,with wind,with bird,with themselves,with rain 等相关的词组,并能够描述种子的不同传播方式。 2.能用结合生活实际,用“How dotravel?” 描述身边事物的传播方式,并用 Some,and others”句型结构表达不同的事物会有不同的传播方式。 3.能读懂并正确、流利的朗读课文对话。并认读词汇 wheat, rice。 4.通过本课的学习,体会不同传播方式给生活带来的变化,引导学生关注生活,细心 观察。 5. 能借助平板电脑的交互功能,进行知识性抢答和自学文段,在自主学习中提高自 我认知能力和学习英语的能力。 教学重点:教学重点: 帮助学生初步了解种子是通过多种途径传播的,了解一些传播途径,并能用英语正确 进行表达。 教学难点:教学难点: 能用结合生活实际,用“How dotravel?” 描述身边事物的传播方式,并用 Some,and others”句型结构表达不同的事物会有不同的传播方式。 教学准备:ppt 课件,平板电脑,睿课堂互动平台,互联网,相关视频,单词卡片 教学过程:教学过程: 一一Warming-upWarming-up andand leanlean inin 2 (一)春天导入话题: T:Spring is here.What will happen in Spring? S:Trees turn green./Grass comes out./ T:In spring,the pants will comes out,and grow up to be a new plant. (二)复习植物部位图片。 T:This is a plant,Whats the English for the different parts of the plant? S:They are roots,stem,leaves,seeds and fruit. T:Which parts do we eat? S:We eat fruits. T:Where is seeds of this tomato plants? S:Seeds inside the fruits. T:We know the most of our food from plants.Do you know these foods name? S:They are. 设计意图:由春天引入,通过询问学生春天的变化来复习讨论植物的变化;同时复习不 同植物部位的特点与作用,开启学生与植物有关的知识储备,可能来源于以往经历、生 活实际、其它学科。 (三)平板活动: (1)将食物和相应的植物部位搭配。 Which parts do these food come from? (2)学生利用平板电脑,完成任务. 3 (3)展示,呈现梳理后图片.T:Peanuts and peas are both seeds. Do you know both? 理解学习 both. 过度:In our life,We get some food from seeds. This lesson .well learn more about seeds. 二二PresentationPresentation 1.出示主题图 1 (1)T:Who are they?where are they?what are they doing? S:Baobaos family. In the park. They are having a picnic. (2) T:They prepare many food for this picnic.Lets look. (食物图片) T:What food do they prepare? S: There are some nuts,rice,peas,bread,corn.,watermelons,apples. 寿司:T:Whats this? S:Sushi. T: What is sushi made of? S: Rice.(米饭) 4 T:Rice is from the plant of rice.So its kind of seeds too. 面包:T:Whats this? S:Bread T: What is bread made of? S: Flours. T: How can we make use of flours? S:We can make hamburgers,sandwiches,cake,baozi,and so on,. T: Flours are come from the plant of wheat. So,wheat are seeds . Wheat and rice are both seeds.理解 both 总结:T:What are seeds? S:They are peas,peanuts,corn,nuts,wheat and rice. 2.出示主题图 2 (1)T:After lunch ,they are taking a walking . Whats in Baobaos hand? S:Dandelions. T:Is dandelion a kind of seeds? S:Yes. T:Dandelions are flying.We can also say:Dandelions are traveling. 看视频:T: How do they travel? S:They travel by wind. T:Some seeds travel by wind.Such as danlions. 5 (2)T: Do all seeds travel by wind? S:No. T:Seeds travel in many ways .How do seeds travel?播放视频。 (3)学生利用平板再次观看视频 2,然后完成习题。 (4) 师总结。 3.平板活动:Read and tick. Tor F。 操作要求:1.师出示 4 道课文习题,学生在平板上操作。判断正误。 2.生提交答案,大屏统计结果。 3.针对错题进行再讲解。 4.平板活动:朗读对话内化语言 (1)Read the text with your Ipad. (2) Choose 1 picture ,role play it in your group. 将对话分成两个部分, 学生朗读课文 (3) Show time.(根据板书,复述课文) 6 三三PracticePractice (一) 出示几张不同传播途径的种子的图片,并且向学生介绍名称。 T:I will give your some pictures of more seeds.How do these seeds travel? (二) 平板观看视频,完成习题。 开展小组活动,连线。 (三).展示答案。 设计意图:通过引导学生观看生动的 Flash 动画,帮助学生更好的了解本课的重点内容。 (四)渗透 Why do seeds travel? 7 四情感教育 1.种子传播的原因。 T:Why do seeds travel? S:Make new plant to other places. 师引导:为了传播下一代。 2.植物的作用。 T:What can we make use of plant. S:We can get fruit,./plant can clean the air./ stop the sands./block the noise. T: Plant help us a lot.So we should protect our enveriment. 3.杨柳絮也是种子,但给人们造成困扰,应制止其传播。 T:But ,Look the picture,Are they snow? They are seeds of willow.The seeds fly everywhere.Some seeds travel bring troubles to people.so we have to stop them travel. 五Homework:1. 利用英语趣配音跟读课文,并用微信发到朋友圈,师生共赏。 2. 完成小作文 How do travel? (people, mails, goods, knowledge .) 板书设计板书设计 8
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