北京版五下UNIT TWO WHAT DO FLOWERS DO -Lesson 6-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:40402).doc

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1、1 High School attached to CNU 北京版 五年级(下) Unit 2 Lesson 6 What do flowers do ? 学学 科:科:英英 语语 姓姓 名:执教年级:五年级名:执教年级:五年级 2 教学基本信息 课题 What do flowers do ? 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 是 学科 英语 学段: 高段 年级 五年级 相关 领域 小学英语 教材 书 名 义务教育教科书 出版社:北京出版社 出版时间:2013 教学设计参与人员 姓名 单位 联系方式 设计者 3 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 学生能够听懂、正确朗读对话内容。 2. 学生能够听懂、 认

2、读表达各个部分功能的短语: “hold the plant in the ground, carry food and water to the leaves, grow up to be plants, make food, make seeds”。 3. 学生能够以小组为单位在语段支撑下对植物各个部分及其功能进行简单介绍。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 植物各个部分及其功能的英文表达。 2. 正确使用功能句对植物各个部分的功能进行问答。 教学难点:教学难点: 语段形式整体介绍植物部分及其功能. Teaching process Step 1 Lead in 1. T guides stude

3、nts to review five parts of plants with blackboard design. T: Before our class, I d like to share some pictures I tool in my daily life. What are the pictures about? Ss: They are about plants. We can see many kinds of beautiful plants everywhere. What do you know about plants? Ss: There are five par

4、ts of a plant. They are. (Students help T stick flashcards on blackboard.) 2. Discuss different jobs of five parts. T: Look! For a little seed ,people plant it in the ground, what will it grow up to be? Ss: It will grow up to be a plant. T: Little seeds can grow up to be beautiful plants. Different

5、parts must have different jobs. What are their jobs? Ss: Roots get water and food from soil. . (T adds notes on blackboard.) (设计意图:教师带领学生复习植物五个部分名称,预测植物部分功能,唤醒已知,以(设计意图:教师带领学生复习植物五个部分名称,预测植物部分功能,唤醒已知,以 旧带新。)旧带新。) 4 Step 2 Presentation 1. Watch and answer Ss watch the video and answer questions. T: W

6、hat else do they do ? Ss watch and answer questions as possible as they can. 2. Read and Answer 1)Students read the text silently and try to find out(underline) the answers. 2)Students discuss in pairs. 3)Share ideas in class. Students will answer questions like: *Ss: Roots hold the plant in the gro

7、und. T presents pictures that wind blows the tree hard in class. T: Why doesnt the tree fall down the ground? Ss: Because roots hold it in the ground. T: Yes, Roots could help the tree. Which part could help the tree two? Ss: Trunk also holds the tree above the ground. *Ss: Stems carry food and wate

8、r to leaves. *Ss: Leaves make food for the plant. T: How do leaves make food? T presents picture of photosynthesis to explain how leaves make food with water, air,carbon dioxide and sunlight. (设(设计意图: 结合整体听、学生自读方式引导学生提取文本信息,锻炼听、 说能力同时,计意图: 结合整体听、学生自读方式引导学生提取文本信息,锻炼听、 说能力同时, 发展学生自读能力,小组讨论学习,提升小组合作学习能

9、力。)发展学生自读能力,小组讨论学习,提升小组合作学习能力。) Step 3 Practice 1. Watch and Read Students watch the video and read the text together. 2. Read on their own. 3. Read in pairs Students read the text with their friends. Students read text indifferent ways to correct their pronunciation. 4. Watch Answer and Rap 5 1) St

10、udents fill in the blanks in pairs. 2) Finish practice in class. 3) T guides students to rap together. (设计意图:以跟读、自读、互读方式纠正读音,内化文本语言;以(设计意图:以跟读、自读、互读方式纠正读音,内化文本语言;以 rap 形式趣味操练形式趣味操练 语言,为后续小组语言输出做铺垫。)语言,为后续小组语言输出做铺垫。) Step 4 Application Introduce plants to our new friends in groups. Students try to in

11、troduce plants and the functions of five parts by group presentation. Sentences pattern demo: Hello, everyone: Were going to introduce. Im the. We have different jobs. Roots. Seeds. Stems. Leaves. Flowers. Thank you for listening! (设计意图:小组形式共同介绍植物及其功能,锻炼学生口语表达能力及学生小组合作(设计意图:小组形式共同介绍植物及其功能,锻炼学生口语表达能力及学生小组合作 能力,部分学生能够根据已知进行创编,初步发散学生思维能力,部分学生能够根据已知进行创编,初步发散学生思维能力。)能力。) Step 5 Homework *Students finish their own plants posters. *Recite Lesson6 (设计意图:手抄报形式作业,初步锻炼学生写的能力。)(设计意图:手抄报形式作业,初步锻炼学生写的能力。) Blackboard Design:


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