北京版六下UNIT FIVE WE'RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL-Lesson 20-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b2ad8).zip

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Unit 5 We re going to high school. LessonLesson 2020 What are they doing? They are making the speech. UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) Maomao made a speech. What did Maomao talk about in the speech? UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) How did Maomao make the speech? Page 1-3 UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) Number the Steps( P4) UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) 3 3 UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) 1.What1.What diddid hehe dodo inin hishis firstfirst grade?grade? 2.What2.What diddid hehe dodo inin hishis thirdthird grade?grade? 3.What3.What diddid hehe dodo inin hishis fifthfifth grade?grade? UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) 1.What1.What diddid hehe dodo inin hishis firstfirst grade?grade? HeHe satsat nextnext to to Guoguo.Guoguo. TheyThey wishedwished theythey werewere likelike thethe olderolder kids.kids. UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) 2.What2.What diddid hehe dodo inin hishis thirdthird grade?grade? TheyThey celebratedcelebrated ThanksgivingThanksgiving andand ChristmasChristmas withwith Sara.Sara. UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) 3.What3.What diddid hehe dodo inin hishis fifthfifth grade?grade? HeHe travelledtravelled withwith MikeMike to to CanadaCanada andand visitedvisited MikesMikes grandma.grandma. HeHe playedplayed ping-pongping-pong andand footballfootball games.games. HeHe alsoalso joinedjoined thethe PekingPeking operaopera club.club. UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) What did you do together in the past six years? UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) What did you do together in the past six years? UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) UnitUnit 5 5 WereWere goinggoing to to highhigh schoolschool(L20L20) Homework for April 17th Write a Thank-you card to your parent/teacher/friend.U5 Were going to high school Hello and welcome.Parents,teachers and friends,thank you for coming! My name is Li Maomao and its my pleasure to speak in front of you all today. Im sure all of us have sweet memories of life at this school.In the first Grade,Guoguo and I sat next to each other. We wished we were like the older kids. In the third grade, we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas -1- with Sara. In the fifth grade we travelled with Mike to Canada and visited his grandma.I still remember the football and ping-pong games we played together. I am truly proud that I was a member of the Peking opera club, and we won the first place out of 60 schools. It hurts to realize(意识) this period of time in our lives is coming to an end.We are going to say goodbye to our teachers and friends.We are lucky to have our teachers, parents and friends always standing by our side.Thank you all for helping us coming this far. -2- Now,we are ready for high school.Well face new challenges,but we are not afraid. Well have new teachers and new friends to help us.Well do our best in our study and life in high school. At the end of my speech,I wish you all a happy summer vacation.Thank you,Ill miss you all! -3- U5 Were going to high school Task 1 Speech Recall (think back)the past activities. Introduce himself/herself. Thank the parents,teachers and friends. Greet the parents,teachers and friends. -4- U5 Were going to high school Word Bank: -5- Activities played games together watched movies had school sports day went to the museums did homework celebrated New Year together . U5 Were going to high school Task Two My speech Hello and welcome! . My name is . Im sure we all have sweet memories. In the _____ grade,_________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. At the end of my speech,___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. -6- U5 Were going to high school Task 3 -7- Thank you Card Dear _________, I want to say thank you because you___________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ I I1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 5 Were going to high school (L 20) 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 属于地方课程 学科英语学段:高年级 年级六年级 相关 领域 演讲 教材书名: 北京版小学英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2015 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者 其他参与者 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 2 本课时以“毕业典礼”的话题为载体,引导学生学习“演讲”体裁的英语阅读。借助“演讲” 契机,回顾学生在校六年级的美好生活。通过 PPT、图片、视频、板书等媒介手段,辅助学生理解 文章,积累写作素材,为最终形成个人演讲奠定语料基础。 结合本节课的教学目标,教师将教材内容做出调整、取舍,并设计了 Handbook(详见下图及 附件) ,以更有利于教学活动的开展与实施。通过自主阅读排序、问题引导等方式,学生自主探究 英文演讲结构,与教师共建板书,最终借助“记忆时刻”卡片、板书等素材,完成撰写个人演讲稿。 在“中国学生发展核心素养”中提出学生应具备“自主发展”的能力, “自主发展”中“学会 学习”将是学生从小学过渡到初中所必须具备的主要能力。因此,教师设计了引导学生排序“演讲 框架结构”的教学活动,以培养学生在阅读类课型中逐步掌握独立解决问题的能力 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教学内容:教学内容: 1.单元整体分析 本节课是北京版小学英语六年级(下)册第 5 单元 Lesson 20,单元话题是“我们将要升入初中” ,功能句型为将来时的表达:“What will . ?Itll ./ Were going to.”;询问地点方位的句型: “Where is the.?It is ./Can you tell me the way to.?/How can I get to.?”,涉及到的词汇包含:方位介 词、地点类名词、国家、服装等。 在三年级下册第一单元出现了询问“活动计划”的句型,如:“What are you going to do this afternoon? /We are going to plant trees.”第五单元 Childrens Day 节日活动话题里,出现了表达打算做 某事的句式:“I will dance. /I will play the piano.”四年级下册第四单元 holidays 话题中又复现了“What are you going to do on May Day?/We are going to visit the Great Wall in Shanhaiguan.” “毕业典礼”这一话题在六年级下册第一次出现,主要功能句型“将来时的表达”则在六年级 上学期第三单元、六年级下学期第四单元均有出现。 2.本课时分析 本课时是单元中的第四课时,本节课主要学习以“毕业典礼”为话题载体的“个人演讲”英文 阅读语篇。文中介绍了主人公李毛毛的毕业典礼代表发言内容,包括“欢迎来宾” 、 “自我介绍” 、 “回顾在校生活” 、 “表达感谢”四部分组成。 本课为阅读课,共有两大板块: 第一个板块“Can you read?”,共包括 6 个阅读语段,主要语段配有相应的插图。其中,第一语 3 段是“欢迎来宾” ;第二语段是“自我介绍” ;第三语段是“回顾在校生活” ;第四、五、六语段是 “表达感谢” 。 第二板块“Task”,Task1 是三道多项“选择题” ;Task2 是“对某人或某事表达感谢,并写出原 因” ;Task3 是“完成自己的毕业演讲稿” 。 学生情况:学生情况: 六年级年级学生处于高年级,学生的学习特点和学习行为产生了潜移默化的改变,例如:他们 更倾向于做一名倾听者,对于表达自己的意见更为谨慎,希望教师给予更多学习策略上的指导。 为了能够帮助学生更顺利地学习知识、习得语言,教师在设计教学活动时突出情境性、多样性, 通过自主阅读语篇、排序演讲步骤等途径,培养学生自主学习的能力。 我校年级有三个同轨班,其中六年(1)班(本次授课班级)的学生表现为学习积极性高,乐 于参与课堂活动,能够积极与教师在学习过程中互动交流,但是本班学生也存在两极分化现象,绝 大部分学生有强烈的表达欲望和表现力,他们总是积极与教师进行互动,同时弱势学生更倾向于聆 听,但是他们也有欲望参与课堂学习,由此,教师在设计教学活动时,也应多关注这部分群体,设 计有梯度、有层次的问题,为其搭建学习平台。 教学方式:教学方式: 以“阅读”这一载体,引出“演讲”文章体例,学生联系自身生活经历,并通过自主阅读、课 前完成“记忆时刻”手卡等途径,辅助其进行课堂活动的开展,激发其学习积极性和主动性。 教学手段:教学手段: 多媒体、PPT 课件,词条、拍立得(相机) 、白板、小视频等。 教学目标教学目标 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能够理解本课语篇含义,并对英文“演讲”步骤进行排序。 2. 能够就“六年的学校生活典型事件”与同伴进行交流。 3. 能够完成简易版个人演讲稿。 4. 在积极的情感体验中,回顾小学甜美生活,展望初中美好未来。 教学重点:教学重点: 理解本篇英文演讲内容,并了解英文演讲步骤。 教学难点:教学难点: 撰写个人毕业典礼演讲稿。 4 教学流程示意教学流程示意( (可选项可选项) ) 、 Leading in(1) 通过看图提问,激 发学生思考,联系 自身经验。 导入主题,看图问 答 While reading ( 20) 学生预测演讲步骤 通过整体阅读短文, 学生自主排序演讲步 骤 围绕主人公在校生活 提问,引导学生重点 阅读,关注语言的表 达。 Post reading (11) Pre-reading(1) 观看视频、回忆活动 以视频引导学生回 忆往昔在校的生活 Writing your speech (6) Homework (1) 完成英文感谢卡、赠予某人升华情感 激活学生背景知识 阅读语篇、自主排 序 问题引导、重点阅 读 结合“记忆时刻”手 卡, 同伴交流 同伴交流,为下一 步书写演讲稿做铺 垫。 根据结构提示,书写讲稿 根据“记忆时刻” 手卡提示,完成书 写。从口语操练过 渡到书面表达。 5 教学过程教学过程 Step1:Leading in(1) T: As you can see from the topic, today we are going to talk about high school. S: Read the topic Unit5 Were going to high school. T: Now look at the pictures please.Who is he? S:He is president Xi Jin Ping. T:Who is she? S: She is Miss Bao. T: What are they doing? S: Speech? 教师引导学生用完整句子说出:“They are making a speech.”并板书关键短语“make a speech”,学生进行跟读。 【设计意图】:在这里设计用学生所熟悉的人物图片,激发学生的学习兴趣,更自然 将学生带入学习情境。 Step2:Pre-reading (1) T presented the picture of Maomao and asked the S,“ Maomao also made a speech.How did he make the speech? S predicted the steps. Step 3:While-reading(20) 1.T: Now guys please open your Handbooks and read P1 to P3. And please try to order the steps of Maomaos speech, ok? S read the passages and try to order the steps. T: Have you finished? S : Yes. 9 T invited four S to come to the front ordering the steps on the board. 但当学生们排列第一步跟第四步的时候,两名学生弄混淆了,教师请另一位同学现场 进行了调整,全班再次核对顺序,取得一致意见。 【设计意图】:本环节教师引导学生先带着问题自主阅读,阅读后进行“演讲”步骤 排序。这样设计是为了培养并提升学生“主动学习”的能力,为小学升初中顺利过渡 逐步做好准备。同时,在出现排序错误的时候,教师请学生进行纠错、并重新排序, 引导学生质疑、解惑。 2. T ask S to read Passage Three and try to answer the three questions as below, S read Passage 3 and underline the answers to the questions. T: What did Maomao do in his first grade? S: He sat next to Guoguo.They wished they were like the older kids. T: What did Maomao do in his third grade? S: They celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with Sara. T: What did Maomao do in his fifth grade? S: He travelled with Mike to Canada and visited Mikes grandma. He played ping-pong and football games. He also joined the Peking opera club. 【设计意图】:本环节设计意图是引导学生重点阅读第三语段,并通过回答问题让学 生找出描述主人公在校生活的词句,为下一环节书写演讲稿做准备。 Step4:Post-reading(11) 1.T:Boys and girls, we knew Maomaos school life in the past years.What about yours? 10 S try to recall. T play the video about Ss activities in the past. S watch the video carefully. T: What did you do in the past six years? S:We went to the Nanhaizi Park. We went to Da Pi Ying Practice Center. . S talk with their partners. T ask some of S to report in the front. S:I went to the Car Museum. T:What did you see there? S: I saw many cars. . 教师选择了 3-4 名学生进行反馈,并有针对进行了追问,进一步引导学生就典型事件 进行回忆,为下一步撰写个人演讲稿做准备。 T guide the S to mesmerize the activities together. S read the phrases together with the T. 3.T and S a little game called “OUR MOMENT TIME” 教师邀请一位学生到讲台前,从“记忆时刻”盒子里随意抽取一份同学的记忆时刻手 卡,进行朗读,全班猜测这是哪一位同学书写的内容,猜中的同学得到随堂奖励。 10 S read their Memory Card to any certain S by mingling in the classroom. 【设计意图】:本环节中,首先观看视频,引导学生联系自身经历,再通过同桌交流, 补充彼此阐述的内容。接着,教师请学生拿出课前准备好的第 17 课拓展课作业-记忆 时刻手卡,让全班起立自由结组、互相朗读分享彼此的美好回忆,进一步为下一步书 写个人演讲稿做铺垫。 Step5: Writing your speech(6) T guide S to go over the speech pattern again.Then S write their own speeches for like 5 minutes. S read her speech in the class. Step6: Homework(2) Write a Thank-you card to your parent/teacher/friend. 10 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 Were going to high school(L20) Speech Tips Step 1: Greet the parents,teachers and friends. make a speech Step 2: Introduce himself/herself. sweet memories Step 3: Recall the past activities. celebrated Step 4: Thank the teachers,parents and friends. joined=took part in 学习效果评价设计学习效果评价设计 【目标目标 1】1】能够理解本课语篇含义,并对英文“演讲”步骤进行排序。 【检测检测 1】1】1.T: Now guys please open your Handbooks and read P1 to P3. And please try to order the steps of Maomaos speech, ok? S read the passages and try to order the steps. T: Have you finished? S : Yes. T invited four S to come to the front ordering the steps on the board. 但当学生们排列第一步跟第四步的时候,两名学生弄混淆了,教师请另一位同学现场 进行了调整,全班再次核对顺序,取得一致意见。 【目标目标 2】2】能够就“六年的学校生活典型事件”与同伴进行交流。 【检测检测 2】2】.T:Boys and girls, we knew Maomaos school life in the past years.What about yours? S try to recall. T play the video about Ss activities in the past. S watch the video carefully. T: What did you do in the past six years? S:We went to the Nanhaizi Park. We went to Da Pi Ying Practice Center. S talk with their partners. T ask some of S to report in the front. 10 S:I went to the Car Museum. T:What did you see there? S: I saw many cars. 教师选择了 3-4 名学生进行反馈,并有针对进行了追问,进一步引导学生就典型事件 进行回忆,为下一步撰写个人演讲稿做准备。 T guide the S to mesmerize the activities together. S read the phrases together with the T. 4.T and S a little game called “OUR MOMENT TIME” 教师邀请一位学生到讲台前,从“记忆时刻”盒子里随意抽取一份同学的记忆时刻手 卡,进行朗读,全班猜测这是哪一位同学书写的内容,猜中的同学得到随堂奖励。 S read their Memory Card to any certain S by mingling in the classroom. 【目标目标 3】3】能够完成简易版个人演讲稿。 【检测检测 3】3】T guide S to go over the speech pattern again.Then S write their own speeches for like 5 minutes. S read her speech in the class. 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500(300-500 字数字数) ) 本次教学设计与以往的不同之处在于: 1.本课时为阅读课型,属于“演讲”体例,学生初次接触这一体裁的阅读语篇,但学 生对文章内容的理解是有一定基础的。学生处于六年级,面临升入初中的现状,因此, 教师在讲解阅读理解的过程中,须为学生未来的英语学习技巧、方法等奠定基。执教 教师在设计教学活动时,没有按照以往的授课模式,而是先引导学生自主阅读,进行 “演讲”步骤的排序。接着,按照从口语交流到书面表达的自然过渡,在各环节处均 为最后的助学做好前期铺垫。 2.本节课的设计利用本单元第 17 课拓展练习为口语媒介,书写”记忆时刻“手卡,使 之变为课上口语资源,首先带领学生里游戏形式活跃气氛,并引导学生进行打乱同桌 顺序、任选一名同伴进行口语交流。以达到以点带面的效果!
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