北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 14-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)(编号:72a13).zip

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Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 14 Where will Jim visit next month? What does Jim want to know about Beijing? 1. is Jim travelling? A. Beijing B. Kunming C. Guilin 2. will go with Jim? A. His parents. B. His friends. C. His cousin. 3. will they leave? A. They will leave this weekend. B. They will leave tomorrow. C. They will leave on Friday. Listen and Choose the weather in Kunming Weather Record in 2016 Jan. 5th 1 17 Feb. 5th 4 15 Mar. 5th 12 18 Apr. 5th 24 25 May 5th 27 26 June 5th 32 25 July 5th 33 26 Aug. 5th 33 24 Sep. 5th 28 23 Oct. 5th 23 25 Nov. 5th 17 22 Dec. 5th 6 18 Beijing Kunming But in Kunming, Here in Beijing, we have The Spring City four clear seasons. it feels like spring all year round. Lets read What do you know from this part? If I travel to Kunming, I will go there by ______, because _______ It takes ___________ hours to get there by ________, its __________. How will Jim go to Kunming? Pair work 1. Read the dialogue 2. Help each other with the new words 3. Take turns 4. Show the dialogue for the class Jim and his parents are going to ___________ this ________. They wont travel by train because trains are _______. They will go by plane. It will take them _________________ hours. They will stay there for ___________. Mike tells Jim the weather in Kunming is nice. It feels like _______ all year round. The four ________ are not very ________ there. Lets retell Kunming Friday too slow three and a half three days spring seasons clear Jim and his parents are going to ___________ this ________. They wont travel by train because trains are _______. They will go by plane. It will take them _________________ hours. They will stay there for ___________. Mike tells Jim the weather in Kunming is nice. It feels like _______ all year round. The four ________ are not very ________ there. Lets retell May Day is coming. Do you have any travel plan on May Day? Make a new travel plan Travel Plan weather How to go How long will you stay? When will you go? Where to go Step1: talk in groups Step2: write it down in the chart Step3: Share with the class Follow this Read the dialogue at home. Finish the travel plan and share with friends. Talk about the plan with your parents.Unit4 Whats the weather like? 一、一、教学内容教学内容 本课为北京版六年级下册 Unit Four Whats the weather like? Lesson 14,是本单 元的第二课时。 二、二、指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 三、三、教材分析教材分析 本单元涉及话题内容天气、打电话、交通、时间和生病,而时态知识点侧 重于一般将来时和过去时的复习。通过本单元的学习可以丰富学生的口语交际 内容。而本课 Lesson14 重点复习的是天气、交通工具和时间,旅游的话题贴近 学生生活,可以在生活中进行实际的应用。 三、三、教学背景分析教学背景分析 学生在之前已经学习过如何谈论天气,在上学期也学习过询问旅行交通方 式及达到目的地的时间,也可以简单谈论旅行感受,本课重点是丰富学生词汇 和句型,以便在真实情境中能更好的应用。 六年级学生具备一定小组合作学习的能力,乐于从事小组活动。 本节课将采取讲授法,情景教学法,讨论法和体验学习教学法,鼓励学生 通过观察、分析、比较,自己理解和建构课文对话的主要信息。知道如何了解 某个城市的天气,如何制定旅行计划。 本课需要运用信息技术手段的支持。 四、四、教学目标教学目标 知识与技能: 1. 理解和正朗读本课对话,并尝试复述对话内容; 2. 通过学习对话,提取重点信息,能知道制定旅游计划时都需要考虑哪些因素。 过程与方法: 1. 知道如何获取旅游计划方面的信息,如比较城市天气,旅行路程,时间等等。 2. 能够在小组活动中正确运用 Where will you go? How will you go there? Whats the weather like there? What will you take? Who will you go? How long will you stay?等语句简单交流旅行计划,并在制定一个简单的计划。 情感态度与价值观: 知道合理安排假期出行,知道根据个人喜好选择适当的出行方式。 五、五、教学重点教学重点 1. 理解和正朗读本课对话,并尝试复述对话内容; 2. 通过学习对话,能知道制定旅游计划时都需要考虑哪些因素。 3. 能够在小组活动中简单交流旅行计划,并在制定一个简单的计划。 六、教学难点:六、教学难点: 2. 通过学习对话,能知道制定旅游计划时都需要考虑哪些因素。 3. 能够在小组活动中简单交流旅行计划,并在制定一个简单的计划。 七、七、教学准备:教学准备: 电脑课件,小组活动材料 八、八、教学过程教学过程 Step1: Review 复习旧知 复习上一课中 Jim 打电话的内容,为学习新的对话做准备。Talk about the dialogue in lesson 13. Jim is calling Mike from Canada. Q: Where does Jim want to travel? What does Jim want to know about Beijing? 【设计意图:复习就对话,通过教师提问,引发学生思考,为学习新授对话时 的设问做准备。 】 Step 2: Presentation 新授对话 1. 出示本课的主题图,引入 Jim 已经来到中国北京,他和朋友 Mike 谈论自己 的旅行计划。引出对话学习。听对话,选答案。Show the picture of dialogue in lesson 14. Jim is in Beijing now. He is talking about his travel plan with Mike. Lets listen to their talking and choose the correct answers. 2. 首先,谈论一下获取天气预报信息的方式。Talk about the weather in Kunming Q: What does Jim want to know about Kunming? (the weather) Q: If you want to know the weather in Kunming, what can you do? (discuss in pairs) 【设计意图: 同伴讨论,互相激发,引发 学生联系生活实际,思考解决问题的多种方 式,想了解某个地方的天气,可以有很多不同的方法。 】 接下来,教师出示提前搜集的北京和昆明天气温度记录,对比两地的温差,理 解对话中关于昆明天气的内容。Teacher will show three pictures from the internet, and tell the students how to a little research about the weather in Kunming and Beijing. Then compare the data of these two cities. Let them figure out that Kunming is a spring city. The weather is Kunming is very different from here in Beijing. 九、九、板书设计:板书设计: 【设计意图:教师通过展示数据资料,帮助学生了解获取信息的途径,从而理 解课文中关于昆明与北京天气特点的描述,知道昆明作为“春城”的特色缘由。 】 3. 学生自读对话前半部分,小结对话 的主要信息。Read the first part of the dialogue, talk about what we should concern when we are making a travel plan. 【设计意图:提高学生自主学习能力,小结对话主要信息,为复述对话信息做 语言准备。 】 4. 出示北京至昆明的路线图,讨论出 行方式。Show them the map of the way from Beijing to Kunming. Q: Look at the map, its a long way from Beijing to Kunming. If you want to travel to Kunming, how will you go? And why? (discuss in pairs) 【设计意图:在语言支持下,同伴之间讨论自己喜欢的出行方式,鼓励学生说 出自己的真实想法。 】 5. 对比火车和飞机时刻表,知道不同方式的优缺点。Show them two pictures of timetable, let them compare two transportations. 6. 学生自读对话后半部分,理解 Jim 为何选择乘飞机去昆明。Show the rest part of the dialogue, and have them read it by themselves. Figure out how Jim will go to Kunming. 【设计意图:对比火车和飞机两种出行方式所花费的时间,学生学会看数据, 搜集有用信息。 】 7. 整体观看对话动画,理解课文大意。Watch the movie from the beginning to the end. Step3: Practice 练习巩固 1. Read the dialogue with the movie. 2. Read the dialogue in pairs. 3. Show the dialogue for the class. 4. Lets retell. Read the retelling text and fill in the blanks with key words. Practice the retelling in pairs while seeing the key words. Show the retelling without keywords. 【设计意图:通过跟读,两两读,以及复述对话,充分理解对话信息的内容, 对谈论出行计划需要包括哪些内容,有整体的把握。 】 Step4 Production 产出活动 五一假期就要到了,小组讨论一起制定一 个简单的出行计划。May Day is coming, let s make a new travel plan for May Day. Group work: Make a travel plan. Work in groups and make a little presentation when they are finished. 每个人选取一到两个问题,有针对性的进行讨论。Everyone in the group will get a small piece of paper with simple questions and structures on. So they can talk in groups by looking at it. 【设计意图:小组活动,在一定的语言支持下,讨论一个简单的出行计划,并 尝试写出来。锻炼学生运用语言,解决生活实际问题的能力。 】 Step5 Homework Read the dialogue at home. Finish the travel plan and share with friends. Talk about the plan with your parents. 板书设计: Lesson 14 Travel Plan where weatherhow 本次教学设计的特色本次教学设计的特色 1. 挖掘文本信息,体现全学科阅读 在对话中,主人公 Jim 选择的去昆明旅行的出行方式是乘坐飞机,因为他 认为这种方式非常快。在充分考虑到语言表达的实际需要后,我决定先让他们 两人一组讨论:呈现北京昆明的路线图,思考如果自己要去昆明,愿意选 择哪种出行方式,并阐述理由。综合学生提出最多的两种方式:飞机和火车, 我呈现先了列车和航班时刻表。让学生重点观察这些生活中常见的信息,自己 发现运行时间,到底有什么差别。从而得出结论: “The train is too slow, it takes only three and a half hours to get there by air. ”这个过程可以帮助学生关注 阅读生活中的相关信息,培养学生的阅读习惯和意识。 2. 突出思维训练,注重学习方法指导 对话中,描述北京和昆明的天气特点的内容比较抽象。为了解决这个重点, 我让学生自己讨论,如何能知道昆明的天气情况。并总结了几种常用的方法, 如:电视天气预报,手机应用,上网查阅等等。之后教师出示自己查阅资料的 图片和对比数据,引导学生观察思考,一年中气温变化的规律,自己得出结论: 北京四季分明,而昆明四季如春。从而,自然而然引出昆明被称为“春城”。这 样的处理方法,我认为可以让学生对文本信息有清晰的梳理,培养了学生自主 探求的方法。 who when how long l
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