闽教版三年级下册Unit 8 Children’s Day-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:5051a).zip

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Unit 8Unit 8 Sing,sing, I can sing. Run,run,I can run.Sing,sing, I can sing. Run,run,I can run.Draw,draw,I can draw.Draw,draw,I can draw.Dance,dance,I can dance.Dance,dance,I can dance.Swim, swim, I can swim.Swim, swim, I can swim.Ride a bike, ride a bike, I can ride a bike. Ride a bike, ride a bike, I can ride a bike. Lets go! Lets go! Lets ride a bike. Lets ride a bike. Go go go! Lets go! Lets go! Lets ride a bike. Lets ride a bike. Go go go! Childrens Day kid children happy kids C Childrens hildrens D Dayay Part APart A Unit 8Unit 8 What holiday are they celebrating? 他们们在庆庆祝什么节节日呢? Happy Childrens Day! What What can you do on can you do on Childrens DayChildrens Day? ? singdancerun drawswim ride a bike skatejump play WhatWhat are they talking about? are they talking about? 他们正在讨论什么呢?他们正在讨论什么呢? Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you, Mom. will they gowill they go B. park A. zoo WhereWhere Where Where will they gowill they go B. park A. zoo farm car card armar Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you, Mom. Lets go to the park. Yeah. p__ Lets_____________. ar go to the park He is _________.in the park k /a:/ 温馨提示: 当你表示赞同别人的 建议或邀请,你应该 如何回答呢? A. Yeah. B. Great. C. Good idea. can do can doWhatWhat I can play football in the park. football football I can ___________.play football I can play football in the park. I can play football in the park. I can fly my kite in the park. fly kite fly a kite I can __________. fly a kite I can fly my kite in the park.I can fly my kite in the park. a fly my kite 2 Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you, Mom. 1 Lets go to the park. Yeah. I can play football in the park. I can fly my kite in the park. 34 Are you ready? Yes. Lets go! 2 Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you, Mom. Lets go to the park. Yeah. I can play football in the park. I can fly my kite in the park. Are you ready? Lets go! Yes. 2 Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you, Mom. 1 Lets go to the park. Yeah. I can play football in the park. I can fly my kite in the park. 34 Are you ready? Yes. Lets go! 2 Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Thank you, Mom. Lets go to the park. Yeah. I can play football in the park. I can fly my kite in the park. Are you ready? Lets go! Yes. Pair Work (两人读) Read together (小组齐读) Read by yourself (自己读) 选择一种自己喜欢 的方式读读课文吧 ! Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day!Hi, kids. Happy Childrens Day! Lets go to the park.Lets go to the park. Thank you, Mom.Thank you, Mom. Yeah. I can play football in the park. I can play football in the park. I can fly my kite in the park.I can fly my kite in the park. Are you ready? Are you ready? Yes. Lets go!Lets go! 英语语趣配音! What can we do on Childrens Day? A: Lets go to the___________. B: Good idea. I can____________________. park dance (in the park) ride a bike (in the park) fly a kite(in the park) A: Lets go to school. play football (in the school)B: Great. I like________________. zoo monkeyscats Lets go to the park. I can play football in the park. I can fly a kite in the park. Eva 儿童节就要到了,我 们想想去哪儿玩吧! Sofia OK! Lets go to Zhongshan Park. Good idea. I can draw in the park. Lets go to Lianhuashan Park. Good idea. I can .Good idea. I can run in the park.Great. I like hamburgers. Lets go to KFC.Lets go to Longyan Library. Great. I like books. I can read books. (读书) Lets go to Huyuan. Great. I like tigers. I can ride a bike. Great. I like . I can . WhereWhereHowHowHowHowWhenWhenWhenWhen China June. 1st (6.1) Longyan 北京欢乐谷特别为北京的孩子们打造“六一儿童周” ,端午节+六一双节联过,动情又走心!四驱车展演 赛、水枪节戏水趴、少儿街舞大赛。 万寿公园特为孩子们开设了“动手栽多肉,欢乐度六一”的 DIY亲子体验活动,通过孩子们的努力,每人完成一个创 意独特的DIY作品,既调动他们的动脑能力,也提高动手 能力,让他们度过一个十分有意义的节日! 厦门的孩子们可以到厦门文化艺术中心体验国内独一 无二的12级台风、经历国内唯一的7.8级大地震,“怪 屋”、“怪镜”、“怪洞”还有迷宫,无奇不有;还能瞬间 跳到未来世界,看机器人舞剑、和机器人下棋。 厦门的家长们可以带着孩子一起来五缘湾体验 帆船! Japan (日本 ) March .3rd (3.3) May 5th (5.5) November. 15th (11.15) 日本小朋友的节日七五三节。世界上通用把6月1日视为儿 童节。但是,日本却别具一格,继续沿用自古以来的儿童节日 :3月3日是女孩节;5月5日是男孩节,还有11月15日的七五三 儿童节。 这是特别为7岁和3岁的女孩,以及5岁的男孩过的节日。11月15 日这一天,男孩穿和式群裤,女孩着色彩艳丽的和服,由父母 领着到神社,买千岁饼吃。 Sweden (瑞典) August 7th (8.7) 小龙虾节是瑞典喜庆传统节日之一,又称小男孩节。每年 8月7日起,男人们带着家里的小男孩,乘船出海捕捞龙虾。 人们希望通过这种活动,培养孩子们吃苦耐劳、坚韧不拔的 品质。如果能满载而归,将标志着这个小男孩一年里聪明好 学,有好运气。 2018.6.12018.6.1 A: Lets go to ______. B: Good idea. I can ________. I like_________. 六一遐想 Conference Words A: Hi,_________. Happy Childrens Day! B: Thank you! A: Lets go to (the) _________. I like _____________. I can _____________(in the_______). B: ________.(Great./Good idea./Yeah.) I like___________. I can__________(in the_______). (参考词汇 ) Activities(活动): sing, dance, draw, run, swim, play football, fly a kite, ride a bike, skate, read Animals(动物): cats, dogs, tigers, monkeys, rabbits, ducks Food(食物): apples, oranges, bananas, eggs, hamburgers, ice cream park, zoo, farm, school, KFC, Zhongshan Park, Zijinshan Park, Lianhuashan Park, Tulou, Huyuan (地点) What Where Eva Huyuan tigers zoodraw monkeys singzoo 小朋友们,六一马上就要到了,你们会提出怎样的六一 计划呢?请以4人一小组进行讨论,同时邀请你的小伙 伴一起合作创编一个对话,并分享给大家听吧! 好好学习,天天向上 ! HomeworkHomework 1.Read and recite the text. ( 熟读课文并背诵。 ) 2. Finish the workbook. (完成活动手册) 3. Search for other Childrens Days in other countries, and finish the table below. (查找别的国家的儿童节并完成下列表格。)A: Hi, _________. Happy Childrens Day! B: Thank you! A: Lets go to the________. I like _____________. I can _____________(in the_______). B: ________(Great./Good idea./Yeah.) I like___________. I can__________(in the_______). 参考参考词汇词汇: : Activities(活(活动动) ): sing, dance, draw, run, swim, play football, play basketball(打打篮篮球球), fly a kite, ride a bike, skate, jump, play the seesaw(玩玩跷跷跷跷板板), watch a film(看(看电电影),影),read a book( (读书读书) ) Animals(动动物)物): cats, dogs, tigers(老虎)(老虎), monkeys, rabbits Food(食物)(食物): apples, bananas, oranges, eggs, hamburgers, ice cream, ,cake, milk(牛奶)(牛奶),fruit salad(水果沙拉水果沙拉) park, zoo, farm, school, KFC, library(图书馆图书馆), ,Zhongshan Park, Zijinshan Park, Lianhuashan Park, ,Tulou , Huyuan Park What Where( ( 地点)地点)1 教学设计参赛信息教学设计参赛信息 姓名姓名性别性别 出生年月出生年月工作单位工作单位 邮政编码邮政编码通讯地址通讯地址 联系电话联系电话电子邮箱电子邮箱 所用教科书书所用教科书书 名名 闽教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学闽教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学英语英语 (2012 新版教材)新版教材) 所教年级所教年级 三年级三年级所教册次、单元所教册次、单元第二册、第八单元第二册、第八单元 设计主题设计主题 闽教版三年级下册闽教版三年级下册 Unit 8 Childrens Day PartA 一一 教学背景教学背景 本课是新版闽教版三年级起点第二册 Unit8 Childrens Day PartA 部分。PartA 以即将到 来的“六一”儿童节为契机,学习去公园庆祝儿童节可做的活动,是 Unit2 Ability 的延伸, 同时又为 PartB 学习描述某人正在做某事的句型奠定基础。 本课的对象是三年级的学生。三年级已经学习了一个多学期的英语,对英语已经有一定 的了解和基础。加之小学生求知欲望强,对新鲜的事物充满好奇,本课恰以学生期待的“六 一”为载体,切合学生的兴趣点。因此,虽然句子较长,只要训练得法,应该不是问题。 二二 整体设计思路、指导依据整体设计思路、指导依据 因这节课以儿童节为载体,我根据小学英语课程标准中要求教师在英语教学中创造性地 设计贴近学生生活实际的教学活动原则创设了儿童节情景,以 Happy Childrens Day 这首歌 曲为课前热身歌,利用多媒体手段营造儿童节气氛,力求让学生在情境下感知、学习、使用 英语。同时结合本课内容特点通过运用 TPR 教学法,运用动作、图片、音乐、多媒体课件等 多项活动的有机结合,来启发学生,活跃学生的思维。 上课伊始,我先用歌曲结合 PPT 画面将学生带入儿童节情境,接着利用 TPR 教学法带着 学生一边做动作一边说 chant,复习会做的活动,为新课的学习进行了铺垫。再本着从文本开 始,又回到文本的原则,充分利用文本学习本课的重点词汇和句型。在这个过程中,我结合 本课内容特点,利用自然拼读法培养学生自主拼读单词的能力。然后通过游戏和竞赛巩固了 重点和难点,最后让学生在儿童节场景中用合作学习的方式讨论和展示想怎样庆祝自己的节 日,达到语言的内化和输出,完成本课的学习任务。整个过程倡导体验、实践、参与与交流 的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,完成教学目标。同时注重 过程评价,促进学生发展。 三三 教学目标教学目标 1.1. 知识目标:知识目标:能听说读写新词 park、 fly、play football. 2 能听说读词组 Childrens Day、go to the park、fly my/a kite 能用 Happy Childrens Day 互祝节日;能用 Lets go to the.提议儿童节可去的地 方,用 I can.句型描述儿童节可做的活动。 能正确读出字母组合 ar 在单词中的读音并拼出单词。 2. 能力目标:能力目标:运用自然拼读法自己尝试拼读单词。 了解中外儿童节的一些知识,能在课堂小环境中感知实际生活情境,进而融入 社会大环境,真正做到学以致用。 3. 情感目标情感目标:继续培养学生学习英语的习惯,培养学生积极参与活动的热情和学习兴趣。 四四 教学重难点教学重难点 重点: 学习新词 park、 fly、play football.,词组 Childrens Day、go to the park、fly my/a kite 以及运用句型描述儿童节可去的地方和可做的活动。 难点:长句 I can play football/flay a kite in the park 的学习。 在图文或场景下灵活谈论儿童节及其活动。 五五 教具准备教具准备 卡片,录音机,课件,教室布置 六六 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up (1 分钟)分钟) Listen and sing: Happy childrens Day. 【设计意图设计意图 热身:热身:播放儿童节歌曲,PPT 滚动播放孩子们过“六一”画面,营造节日气氛, 为导入和复习做准备。 】 Step2 Greeting and revision (5 分钟)分钟) 1. Greeting: T: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? S: Im fine, thank you. T: Are you happy? S: Yes! T: Can you? S: Yes. 2. Revision: (1) Say the chant and do the actions. S:(教师提示动作,学生边说边做) Sing, sing, I can sing. Run, run, I can run. Draw, draw, I can draw. 3 (2) Quick response. T: (指 PPT 播过的画面) What can you do on Childrens Day? S: I can sing/ dance 【设计意图设计意图 复习:复习:通过课前热身歌曲和 chant 活跃气氛,调动孩子的热情。通过 PPT 里孩子 们过儿童节的画面引出 Unit2 的复习内容 I can., 并用快速反应游戏增加趣味性,使学生精 神集中到课堂上来,激发他们的学习兴趣。 】 Step 3 Presentation and practice (18 分钟)分钟) 1. Lead in. Learn the new words: kid, kids, children, Childrens Day. T: (PPT) Look, what holiday are they celebrating? Yes! Theyre having Childrens Day. June 1st is Childrens Day. Today well learn Unit8 Childrens Day. 【设计意图设计意图 引题:引题:再次运用 PPT 引题,学习 Childrens Day.,力求过渡自然。同时点出本 文任务,让学生有目的的学习。 】 2. Learn the text (1) Talk about the picture in the PPT: What are they talking about? Where will they go on Childrens Day? (2) Watch listen and think. (教师播放课文视频,让学生带着问题思考。教师播放课文视频,让学生带着问题思考。) (3) Listen and learn: Happy Childrens Day! Thank you. / Happy Childrens Day! Lets go to the park. T: (PPT) Where is it? Its a park. (师指 ar 读a: ,提示学生运用自然拼读法自己拼出p-a:- k . (Pronounce more words: arm, farm, card, car) T: Which park do you know? (提示学生学出熟悉的或周边公园名称) Do you want to go to the park? 4 T: Lets go to the park/zoo/dicos. (做邀请手势) Yeah! /Good idea. Question: What can Ben do on Childrens Day? I can play football in the park. T: Whats this? (动作) play football ,play (师点 ay 读ei, 提示学生拼读l- leI p-leI. play football (TPR: 边说边做,传球说词组) play football I can play football I can play football in the park. (用手势、动作 加节奏, 由短至长分解学习长句) Question: What can Sally do on Childrens Day? I can fly my/a kite in the park. T: Whats this? (演示动作) fly a kite, fly (师点 y 读ai ,请学生拼出l-ai f-lai ,f, f, f . Pronounce more words: football, fish, four, five) fly a/my kite (TPR: 边说边做,高低声) fly my kite I can fly my kite I can fly my kite in the park. (用手势、动作加 节奏, 由短至长分解学习长句) 【设计意图设计意图 难词难句:难词难句:学习词组时结合动作词组特点,采用 TPR 教学法,边说边做,加深 理解。在学习难点长句时,采用由短至长,配以动作和节奏的方式不断重复检查学生,力求 5 突破难点,为学生的顺利输出做准备。 】 Are you ready? Yes. Lets go. (4) Listen and imitate. (5) Read the text by themselves or in groups. (6)Role play . (利用 PPT 设计英语趣配音游戏,引导学生分组扮演角色朗读课文。) 【设计意图设计意图 新课:新课:让学生整体感知课文,充分利用文本,先让学生带着问题感知课文场景 和内容,再在课文中逐字逐句学习本课内容和重点,并利用趣配音游戏引导学生进行角色扮 演,激发学生学习的兴趣。 】 Step 4 Practice:( 8 分钟)分钟) Game: What can we do on Childrens Day? 快速说出邀请的句子以及引导学生学会应答邀请。 【设计意图设计意图 练习:练习:充分利用低年级学生注意力不长,喜欢玩,不甘落后的心理特点,利用 孩子们喜欢用手机拍照的习惯, 采用快速反应游戏和竞赛放松情绪,操练巩固重点难点词 汇和句型,同时对以前学习过的活动再次复习,为学生能顺利用英语谈论儿童节的活动做准 备。】 Step5 Summary (1 分钟)分钟) Lets go to the park. I can play football in the park. I can fly a kite in the park. 【设计意图设计意图 总结:总结:对学习的内容进行总结评价,明确学习的主要内容,提高学生学习效率。 课堂评价实施不仅回到了文本重要内容,还能使学生有成功的喜悦。 】 Step 6 Consolidation (8 分钟)分钟) Guess and say T: Childrens Day is a happy day; How do they spend their holiday? 6 Step 7 Extension(8 分钟)分钟) 1. Do you know about our Childrens Day? (PPT) The celebration of Childrens Day in different countries and cities? (图片简单介绍 其他国家儿童节的时间,庆祝的方式) 2. Plan Talent Show about Childrens Day (设计六一计划) Fill in the blank then communicate in groups T: Childrens Day is coming, How do you spend your Childrens Day? Where do you want to go? What can you do or what do you like? Use these sentences and conference words : Lets go to the park/. Good idea. I can . Lets go to the zoo. Great. I like . . Show in front. 【设计意图设计意图 巩固巩固、提升、升华:提升、升华:组织小组活动,设置模拟生活场景,让孩子在讨论怎么过 儿童节的活动中学会合作学习,辅优补差,达到语言的内化和输出,真正做到学以致用。简 单了解国外孩子怎样过儿童节,培养孩子的跨文化意识。】 StepStep 7 7 homeworkhomework(1 1 分钟)分钟) 7 1.What else can you do on Childrens Day? You can study hard and make progress every day! 2. Homework 【设计意图设计意图 德育德育、作业:作业:先给学生进行加强德育渗透,升华主题。第一题作业,让全体学 生参与,让学生把所学的知识通过内化后输出,达到学以致用的教学目的,减少学困生对英 语学习的畏难情绪,提高他们的自信心;第二题作业为活动题,作为课堂朗读操练的延伸, 巩固课堂学习的内容;第三题作业是进一步巩固本课的句型,还学习到应用到语言实践中。 三道作业的梯度设计,体现面向全体和因材施教的教学理念。 】 七七 教学评价教学评价 评价内容:评价内容: 评价是英语课程的重要组成部分,直接影响到学生的学习效果和教师的教学质量。通 过对学生在上课过程中的学习态度、学习习惯、参与度、学习能力以及是否互相帮助、集体 合作进行评价,使学生看清自己的学习状态,学会不断提高自身参与学习活动的能力和水平。 评价方法:评价方法: 精神鼓励:在评比过程中贯彻精神鼓励,一句鼓励的话语、一种信任的眼神、一次理解 的微笑,一回亲切的扶摸,给予学生鼓励、唤醒、鼓舞,真正做到评价为教学服务。 八八 板书设计板书设计: 简评:简评: 龙岩市松涛小学英语组组长,蓝茶贞:龙岩市松涛小学英语组组长,蓝茶贞: 这节课上得非常成功,杨老师的先进理念、教学能力与教学智慧,使教学目标的设定、 重难点的把握、教学环节、教学方法和评价办法的选择及每个教学环节都独具匠心。整节课 气氛和谐,学生积极参与活动,取得了良好的教学效果。特别是在运用情景教学法学习对话, 利用自然教学法进行语音教学方面取得了极好的效果,很具有指导意义,使听课教师受益匪 浅。 8U8 Childrens Day PartA 课堂练习课堂练习 一、一、 根据图片写单词或短语。根据图片写单词或短语。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、二、 选择合适的单词填空。选择合适的单词填空。 Let can play fly go to 1、_____us go to the zoo. 2、I_____ sing in the park. 3、Lets________the school. 4、I can _____ a kite in the zoo. 5、I can _____ football in the park. 三、连一连。三、连一连。 1、I can sing. A、Yes. 2、Are you ready? B、I like monkey. 3、Lets go to the zoo. C、Thank you. 4、Lets go to the park. E、I can sing , too. 5、Happy childrens Day! F、Good idea! 四、说一说四、说一说,练一练。练一练。 1、I can __________in the park. 2、Lets go to_________.
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