人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.(Section A 1a-1c)教学设计(部优课).docx

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人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.(Section A 1a-1c)教学设计(部优课).docx_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.(Section A 1a-1c)教学设计(部优课).docx_第3页
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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section A (1a-1c)教学设计 一、一、 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 知识与技能 To learn and master the vocabulary and useful expressions. (1)Vocabulary 掌 握 词 汇 及 短 语 : prefer , sing along with, dance to , remind sb. of 识别词汇及短语: lyric, dislike, gentle,. (2)Useful expressions: What kind of mu

2、sic do you like? I like music that I can si ng along with. What about you? Prefer music that has great lyrics. 2. 过 程 与 方 法 : 提 出 问 题 , 探 究 交 流 , 培 养 学 生 自 学 能 力 Train students listening skills. Train students to express preferences. 3. 情感态度与价值观 Lets enjoy music. It always brings us happiness. 二、 教学

3、重点、 难点:二、 教学重点、 难点: Talk about different kinds of music and their own preferences (1). 重点:Attributive clauses (2). 难点:Useful expressions. 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 定语从句是九年级课本第九单元的语法要点,是在 1-8 单元已 经对该语法知识有所渗透的前提下安排的。 本节课话题是让学生体会音乐在生活 中无处不在,体会不同类型音乐的特点,学会热爱生活;能用简单的定语从句形 式表述自己的观点。通过本节的学习,增强学生对复合句的理解,提高其对此句 式的应用能力。

4、 四、教学策略四、教学策略 Learning Strategies 采用任务型语言教学,实施情境教学法、小 组合作探究法。 五课前准备:五课前准备: 1学生:预习新单词,听录音机,模仿跟读新单词,对定语从句的知识进行预 习(P143144) 。 2. 真实图片(real pictures) ;录音机(A tape recorder) 六教学设计思路:六教学设计思路: 本节课我是以比赛的形式组织整堂课,我设计了四个竞赛 环节:NO.1 是抢答题,No.2 是必答题,No.3 是 Lets enjoy music,NO.4 是 Who is the luckiest.通过这四个环节让学生提高课堂参

5、与度,提高竞争意识, 更 重要的是最大限度的感知、应用定语从句。 七课时安排:七课时安排: 第一课时第一课时 八教学步骤八教学步骤: (一).情境引学 Warming-up and Lead-in(NO.1 抢答题) (1)Play a piece of beautiful light music and join the singing. (2) Guessing: What is the name of the song? What sings the song? What do you think of the song? What kind of music is it? (3) Th

6、en go on listening to many kinds of music and lead the Ss to say I like music that .Provide some phrases describing music such as the following: has great lyrics, is v ery moving, touch people deeply, remind one of one s childhood, singers sing the words clearly 设计意图:通过播放学生所熟知的【最炫民族风】音乐,创设轻松的开课氛围,同

7、时把这一环节设计成抢答环节,可以让学生迅速融入音乐和英语结合的氛围。然 后让学生听不同种类的音乐,让学生在音乐的殿堂里感知并运用句型 I like music that很自然的引入了这节的内容。 (二)、幸运大转盘(No.2 必答题) 1.Let the students say some sentences about the kinds of music 2.Pairwork:What kind of music do you like? I like music that (三)、探究交流(No.3 Lets enjoy music) 1. Presentation (1)There a

8、re many kinds of music such as pop ,jazz, rock Let Ss talk about the k inds of music.(图片展示) (2)Ask and answer in pairs: What kind of music do you like best? Why? I like pop music/classical music/jazz music/country music/dance music, etc.And tell the rea sons. 如:I like music that I can dance to. Beca

9、use I love dancing very much. 设计意图:教师引出话题,带出任务,组织学生进行交流,学生通过思考和谈论 话题“What kind of music do you like? Why?”引入新课题 (3) Let Ss listen to many kinds of music and guess it belongs to what kind of music it is (四)、达标评价 Listening (1)First let s guess what kinds of music they will talk about by reading the th

10、ree headings given. (2)Ask Ss to think of names of bands as many as possible. Think: What kind of musicians do you like? (Say names of bands as many as possible . Try to answer the question using attributive clauses.) 设计意图:为下一节的听力做好热身活动,并初步尝试定语从句的应用 (3)Play the tape. And then check the answers. Ask

11、the students to listen to the recor ding between Carmen and Xu Fei. read 1a. explain the sentences: I prefer music tha t has great lyrics=I like music that has great lyrics better. 设计意图:听是不可缺少的教学活动。通过听力练习锻炼学生的听力能力,交流 提高也就是听力的提高。 (五)、拓展延伸 Choose your lucky gold egg: (1) Let the students choose their

12、gold egg and finish the exercises behind them It incl udes many daily things, such as books, foods, clothes, etc. Ask Ss to say about t heir likes and dislikes using at least two attributive clauses. (2) (A survey First, a dialogue between the teacher and some Ss T: What kind of mu sic do you like ?

13、 S1:I like music that I can sing along with. T: What about you? S2: I prefer music that has great lyrics. Ask the students to ask and answer in groups , then fill in the chart. (3) Write a composition about our daily things. Give them the beginning like this: Hel lo ! I did a survey of our favorite

14、daily things . Here is the result . I like that My friend likes that music, likes and dislikes. If we have time , report the result in front of the class. 设计意图:分组进行对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,增强学生自主学习的能力 和小组合作精神。之后把所练句型以笔头形式连成一篇小短文,达到了讲练 结合的效果,为学生的书面表达能力打下基础。 (六) 、Summary and Homework T: This class, weve learnt

15、how to express our preferences to different music. Afte r class, please, 1. Listen to the conversations again. 2. Try to talk about the kinds of music you like and the reason why you like or dislike them. (七) Blackboard Design Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section A Open our heart to enjoy everything we love. Dont be sad, Dont be bored. This is a world thats full of love. A students composition


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