湘少版四年级下册-Unit 10 He has two feet.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:600f9).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 10 He has two feet._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:600f9)
    • chant lee.mp3
    • chant.wav
    • my teddy bear.mp3
    • one little finger song.mp4
    • the sound of music pianduan.mp4
    • Unit 10 He has two feet..ppt--点击预览
    • 教案600f9.doc--点击预览


WhatWhat areare theythey playingplaying with?with? 1 1 footfoot 2 2 f feeeet t 1 1 knkneeee 2 2 knkneesees earears s headheads s eyeeyes s leglegs s nosenoses s mouthmouths s armarms s handhands s fingerfingers s LeeLee HeHe hashas L Leeee ,L,Leeee, , I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . F Feeeet, t, f feeeet, t, I I havehave 2 2 f feeeet. t. KnKneeee, , knkneeee, , I I havehave 2 2 knkneeees. s. NiceNice toto mmeeeet t you,you, I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . NiceNice toto mmeeeet t you,you, I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . A chant from Lee I I cancan walk.walk. I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . I I cancan run.run. I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . L Leeee ,L,Leeee, , I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . F Feeeet, t, f feeeet, t, I I havehave 2 2 f feeeet. t. KnKneeee, , knkneeee, , I I havehave 2 2 knkneeees. s. I I cancan walk.walk. I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . I I cancan run.run. I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . NiceNice toto mmeeeet t you,you, I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . NiceNice toto mmeeeet t you,you, I I amam PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . Lets chant like Lee. L Leeee ,L,Leeee, , hehe is is PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . F Feeeet, t, f feeeet, t, hehe hashas 2 2 f feeeet t . . KnKneeee, , knkneeee, , hehe hashas 2 2 knkneeees. s. HeHe cancan walk.walk. HeHe is is PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . HeHe cancan run.run. HeHe is is PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . NiceNice toto mmeeeet t you,you, PuppetPuppet L Leeee. . NiceNice toto mmeeeet t you,Puppetyou,Puppet L Leeee. . Lets chant about Lee. HowHow manymany feetfeet doesdoes it it have?have? It It hashas.feetfeet. . Lets make a puppet. Hello,Hello, ImIm . I I havehave a a fingerfinger puppet.puppet. HeHe hashas . HeHe cancan . Lets introduce my puppet. Lets put on a show with our puppets.教学内容 教材名称湘少版四下英语 课题 UnitUnit 1010 HeHe hashas twotwo feet.feet. 教学目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、会读、理解新单词 foot,feet, leg, knee, puppet。 2.学生能恰当、灵活地运用句型 He/She has He/She can 描 述他人的身体部位及特征和做某事的能力。 3.教育学生生活处处有乐趣,热爱生活享受生活吧。 教学重点 1.能听懂、会说、会读新单词 foot,feet, leg, knee, puppet。 2.能用“He/She has He/She can ”描述他人的身体部位及 特征和做某事的能力。 教学难点 1.理解 foot 单复数的变化。 2.初步感知“I have.”与“He /She has.”的区别。 教学策略情镜教学法 教学准备多媒体课件、视频、单词卡片 教学过程 Teaching Steps: Step 1 Warming up and revision 1.Revise body parts,verbs & numbers. Do actions together. 2.Tell the Ss the encouragement: (卡片教学卡片教学finger,拿出奖励贴画大小拇指,同时复习 big,small,short,long) Step 2 Leading in Watch a puppet show video from The Sound of Music.(1 minute) (卡片教学puppet,黑板贴一个玩偶图片,卡片贴于玩偶上面) Step 3 Presentation 1. Guess something about the puppet. First ,Ill tell you something about him. He is Lee. He has 1 foot. Oh,no. He has 2 feet.(Count other animals feet) He has 1 knee. Oh,no. He has 2 knees. 2. Listen to Lees chant , chant like Lee and chant about Lee. 3. Meet Lee.Play with Lee. 4.Say something about Lee by themselves.(Free talking.) Step 4 Design your own puppet 1.Show the Ss how to make a paper puppet. 2.Listen to My teddy bear song and make a paper puppet. Step 5 Introduce your puppet to the class Step 6 Summary(Life is full of happy things.Enjoy your life.) 板书设计 板书设计板书设计 UnitUnit 1010 I I havehave a a puppetpuppet HeHe hashas twotwo feet.feet. puppetpuppet 图片图片 twotwo kneesknees HeHe cancan walk.walk.
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