湘少版四年级下册-Unit 11 Do you have a ticket -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:20705).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 11 Do you have a ticket _ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:20705)
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a train ticket Unit 11 Do you have a ticket? 1.Does Peter have a train ticket? (Peter 有火车票吗?) 2. Does Mingming have a train ticket? (Mingming有火车票吗?) 3. Where is Mingmings train ticket? (Mingming的火车票在哪里?) 1. Does Peter have a train ticket? -Yes, he does. 2. Does Mingming have a train ticket? -Yes, he does. 3. Where is Mingmings train ticket? -Its in his sock. Do you have a ticket? Yes, I do. Do you have his ticket? No, I dont have his ticket. Whats in your sock? Oh,its my ticket. a train ticket a plane ticket a ship ticket bus tickets Go travelling:(去旅行) 1.Choose one place you want to go! (选择你们想去的地方。) 2.Free talk :Whatll happen in your travle? (用提前设计好的票进行对话练习 :你们的旅途中将会发生什么事情 ?) Homework 完成英语宝里的作业: 1.“课文动画”板块: 听录音,跟读课文A.B.C部分。 2.“单词听写”板块: 听录音,完成本课单词听写。 3.“听力训练”板块: 完成老师勾选的听力题。【主题概述主题概述】 一一教学目标分析: 本课主题为简单的打招呼,教材为四年级下册内容,教学对象为一 年级学生。本课的主要教学目标为了解如何用外语进行最简单的打 招呼,会用所学句型和自己身边的小朋友,大人打招呼。通过这堂 课,使学生学会礼貌对人,积极建立和谐的温馨氛围,享受与人交 流的快乐。 二教学内容: 1. Word: (四会) train ticket shirt pocket a pair of socks (三会)hurry late got have 2. Drills: 三. 教学重点难点: 1. The pronunciation of the new words. 2. Students can use the drills fluently to communicate with each other. 3. Students can know something about the foreigners. 四教学用具: 1 多媒体课件 2. 单词、句型卡片 3.头饰,火车票。 【教学策略教学策略】 1.创设真实的情境:以两个男孩子 Peter 和 Mingming 为贯穿整个课 堂教学的主线,在课前的序幕里播放火车到站的声音片段,引起学 生的好奇心,同时为新课学习做铺垫。 2.与学生互相问候,互相介绍,在最短的时间里拉近与学生的距离。 3.采用图片导入的方法,让学生看着小火车,一边介绍小火车和奖 励方法,一边导入新单词:train ticket。然后向大家介绍课文的 主人公。用主人公今天所发生的事情来整理课文。首先给学生展示 几个问题,然后播放教学视频,让学生带着问题看视频,思考课文 内容。播放两到三遍之后,请学生回答老师设计的问题,减少课文 新知的难度。然后引出新句型的学习。在学习了课文内容后,请学 生用主题句来进行来实际交流的操练。 4.当学生完全理解课文内容之后,再次出示 flash,并且出示主人 公的图片,请同学们分角色扮演,运用课文里出现的简单句子进行 看图说话。和自己的组员们进行对话的练习。 5.知识拓展:生活中的票据设计:请学生根据自己的出行地点,设 计一张或两张相符合的票据,然后展示给大家看,评选出最有特色 的几份进行表扬。 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1:Step1: WarmWarm upup T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im Eva! Ss: Good morning Eva. T: Im very happy to see you here! Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: Great! Its a fine day today, firstly lets do some actions, Ok? Ss: Ok! T: Lets sing some English songs! “Youre my sunshine” “The days of my past” Step2:Step2: Presentation:Presentation: T: Oh! Very good, maybe most of you are the little singers! Before our class,I want to know,whos on duty today? S:I am. T:What day is it today? S:Today is Saturday. T:Whats the weather like today? S:Its Wednesday today. T:Is everybody here today? S:Yes,everybody is here. T:Thank you!Sit down please.Boys and girls,please look at here!Do you know what is it?(请学生看到黑板上画好的火车) S:A train. T:Yes,Its a train.Today Ill bring some of you to a beautiful place!Look,this is a train ticket!(向学生展示 一张火车票)If you do a good job,Ill give you a train ticket!And then you can go with me!OK? S:Yes! T:Ok,let me see who is the first one to get my train ticket?Please read after me:train ticket.(让学生跟读,给 读得特别好的同学发一张火车票。) (向学生展示主人公明明,Peter 的图片。 ) T:Look,our friends Peter and Mingming will have a travel.Where are they going?(播放火车进站的声音。) Ah,Theyll go to Changsha.There are some interesting things on their trip. Whats happened? Lets have a look!Firstly Ill show you three questions.Please look at the screen! (播放 ppt,让学生看清楚三个问题) 1. Does Peter have a train ticket? 2. Does Mingming have a train ticket? 3. Where is Mingmings train ticket? T:OK,Remember the questions and listen to the radio for twice. 给学生播放课文视频,听完一遍之后让学生根据所听内容找到三个 问题的答案,然后再听一次,展示问题,学生回答对了之后给学生奖 励一张火车票: T:Ok,lets look at the answers!The first one: Does Peter have a train ticket? Who can answer it? S:Yes,he does. T:Does Mingming have a train ticket? XX,please! S:Yes,he does. T:Where is Mingmings train ticket?XX,please! S:Its in his sock. T:Everybody did a good job.Ill give you a train ticket and please write down your names on the ticket.(请获得火车 票的学生把自己的名字写在票上面。) T:I think you can understand the key points of this dialogue.Now ,lets open our books and try to read the dialogue!Please read after it!(播放录音文字版,逐句跟读。 ) After reading,show ss the key sentences:(播放 ppt) T:Do you have a ticket? S:Yes,I have./No,I havent.(给还没有获得火车票的同学送上一 张。) T:What do you have in your sock? S:Oh,Its my ticket. T:Very good!A train ticket for you!All of you did a good job!Now I want to see,who has got a train ticket!(再次请学 生回答问题,继续给没有获得火车票的同学送上一张票。) 教师完成这一步之后,请学生上台来试试,扮演小老师的角色,去 想台下的学生提问。 T:Who wants to be a little teacher,and send more tickets to everybody?(选 4.5 个同学上台进行问答操练) 当学生基本熟悉这些句型之后,分小组进行表演。 T:Ok,everybody did a good job!I think you can read the key sentences.Now,lets have a try !Read all the sentences together.(向学生展示主题句,课文对话里的重点句型。) Ithink you are very clever.Lets have an action,OK? Ok,Ill be the conductor,boys are Peter.Girls are Mingming.Ok? Hurry,we are late! Boys,ready go!(读一读对话, 集体表演。) T:I think boys are better.Is there someone can act it? Who wants to be Peter?(出示头饰。) 选择 3-5 组自由组合的学生上台进行分角色表演。表演的出色的几 组在黑板上的小火车上计分。 学生分组表演完之后,进行知识的拓展:向学生展示生活中会遇到 的一些票:公共汽车票,飞机票,船票,动物园门票,公园门票。 T:Boys and girls, all of you did a good job today! We know something about Peter and Mingming. Do you know any other tickets? For example : a ship ticket(展示一张船票。)然后请 学生根据所展示的图片说一说。 学生说完各种票据之后,设计一个出行的环节,请学生根据所要达 到的地点,选择一种票据进行设计。 学生设计完了之后,进行展示和评比。 T:Very clever pupils! Thats all for our class. Now, Lets have a check for the lesson. Which group is the winner? 对学生一节课的努力进行表扬评价。 T:Im so happy! So much for this class! Good bye, boys and girls!Thank you! Ss: Good bye,Eva! Step3:Practise: 1.Group work:(当学生基本熟悉这些句型之后,分小组进行表演。) T:Ok,everybody did a good job!I think you can read the key sentences.Now,let s have a try !Read all the sentences together.(向学生展示主题句,课文对话里的重 点句型。) T:Ithink you are very clever.Lets have an action,OK? Ss:Ok. T:Ill be the conductor,boys are Peter.Girls are Mingming.Ok? Hurry,we are late! Boys,ready go!(读一读对话,集体表演。) 2.Actions: Choose some ss to act about the story. T:I think boys are better. Is there someone can act it? Who wants to be Peter?(出示头饰。) 选择 3-5 组自由组合的学生上台进行分角色表演。表演的出色的几组在黑板上的小火车上 计分。 T:Boys and girls, all of you did a good job today! We know something about Peter and Mingming. Do you know any other tickets? For example : a ship ticket(展示一张船票。)然后请学生根据所展示的图片说一说。
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