湘少版六年级下册-Unit 4Planting trees is good for us.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:53c80).zip

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Unit4 Planting trees is good for us. 12 Q:Which picture do you like ? Trees can make our school beautiful. Planting trees is good for us. 2017/03/27 09:59 We should plant more trees. Q:What should we do ? is good for Planting treesus. Q:Do you like to plant trees? I like to plant trees. I enjoy planting trees. Planting trees is fun. What do you want to know?你想知道什么呢? Tips:Tips:以问促听,为下一环节主动听做好准备。 When is Tree Planting Day? Do they like to plant trees? Why should we plant trees?/What can trees do? 植树节植树节 When is Tree Planting Day? Do they like to plant trees? 植树节植树节 Listen and answer !Listen and answer ! Tree Planting Day Tree Planting Day Tree Planting Day Tree Planting Day in China is in China is in China is in China is on on on on 12th March . March . March . March . Do they like to plant trees? Tips:Tips:带着问题听文本,抓住关键句子。 My friends and I enjoy planting trees. Planting trees is good for us . I like to plant fruit trees. Planting trees is fun. Do they like to plant trees? Read and Read and underlineunderline! ! Why should we plant trees? Tips:Tips:带着问题听文本,抓住关键句 子。 plplantant /pl/pl/ beefood Tips:利用学习的正迁移,培养学生自主合作学习能力。 Trees can keep us cool. Trees can make the place beautiful. Trees can keep the air clean. Listen and check.Listen and check. Why should we plant trees? Tips:Tips:带着问题听文本,抓住关键句 子。 keep the air clean . hair What cancan trees do ? Trees cancan keep us cool . What cancan trees do ? Trees cancan make the place beautiful face space What cancan trees do ? Trees cancan Listen and repeat!Listen and repeat! Tips:Tips:注意语音语调的模仿! Role Play!Role Play!( (角色扮演角色扮演) ) Tips:Tips:注意语音语调的模仿! Trees can____________. Planting trees is good for us. Planting trees is good for animals. Lets say:What can trees do? Watch and think.Watch and think. What What shouldshould you do? you do? WhatWhat can can you you do?do? what what will will you do ? you do ? Free talk: What Free talk: What shouldshould you do? you do?我们我们应该应该做点什么呢?做点什么呢? What What can can you do?you do?我们我们能能做点什么呢?做点什么呢? What What willwill you do ? you do ? 将做点什么呢?将做点什么呢? . . plant more trees water the young trees look after the trees make houses shouldt waste paper Love trees,love home. cant cut down the trees freely keep the air clean and fresh keep us cool make us cool Planting trees is good for us. What What shouldshould you do? you do? WhatWhat can can you do?you do? what what willwill you do ? you do ? Remember: Love trees, love home, love Mother Earth. Homework:Homework: 1、Be sure to read the text fluently .做到流利朗读课文。 2、Lets take actions to make our Earth more beautiful. Remember:Love trees,love home,love Mother Earth. 谨记:爱绿,植绿;爱家,护家;热爱地球母亲。设计理念设计理念 本课课型本课课型:听说课型。在课堂中运用多种方法促使学生多听、 多读、多说,以问促听,以听促读以问促听,以听促读,形成自主、探究性学习。自主、探究性学习。让 学生掌握本节课的知识,在互动、交流的活动中建立起自信,掌 握良好的学习方法,形成有效的学习策略。 教法:教法:按照学生的认识规律,采用导入法,多媒体教学法, 任务型教学法、讲授法进行教学。 评价机制评价机制:Boys 和 Girls 进行竞赛:Who can plant more trees?学 生们在各种实践活动中肯定和被肯定,体验学习乐趣和成就感。 情感教育:情感教育:爱绿,护绿,植绿,争当环保小卫士,爱护地球妈妈 我们正在行动! 教学目标教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词 Tree Planting Day, air, place 2、句型:能用“be good for.”告知他人种树的好处;能 用“I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth.”告知他人自 己喜欢种树的意愿;能用“trees can keep.”表达种树的好处。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 能听懂、会说、认读新单词 Tree Planting Day, air, place; 能听懂、会说词组 plant trees ,keep the air clean,keep us cool,make the place beautiful. 教学准备教学准备Word cards, Type,CAI 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step1:Warming-up:Step1:Warming-up: T: Look,this are two pictures of our school.Which picture do you like? Why? Teach:Planting trees is good for us. 设计意图设计意图: : 找准切入点,从 学生熟悉、感兴 趣的事情入手, 以问促学,引领 学生复习旧知, 激发学生说的欲 望,逐步把学生 导入新授主题 Plant trees 中 来,并让学生熟 StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentation andand drill.drill. 1. Free Talk : Teacher ask a question:What should we do on Tree Planting Day? Ss:We should plant more trees., Another question:Do you like to plant trees? 2. Enjoy a picture from Part A and let Ss think:What do you want to know ? 3.Listening practice. 1)Listen and answer questions . When is Tree Planting Day? Tree Planting Day in China is on 12th March. Do they like to plant trees? 悉 Trees can make.句型。 设计意图设计意图: : 营造学习英语的 气氛,用提问的 形式调动学生学 习英语的积极性, 点明课题,为新 授做铺垫,并培 养了学生发散思 维的能力。 设计意图设计意图: : 让学生自己提出 问题,并通过 “听”找到关键 词句,主动解决 问题。在解决问 题过程中,通过 “听”的初步印 象结合旧知以及 拼读规则,自主 Listen and repeat the sentences with feeling. 2)Read and underline. Teach the new phrases:keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful 学习新词从“运 用”拼读达到 “高效”拼读, 培养学生自主学 习能力。同时让 学生通过欣赏图 片,听录音,形 成自己的看法, 尝试表达自己的 观点,培养学生 运用英语的能力, 使学生养成用英 语进行思维的好 习惯。教授新词 时尽量做到词不 离句,句不离词, 注重语言的应用, 让学生能用学到 的新知识进行交 流。 Learn to make sentences with the phrases. Trees can . 3)Listen and repeat. 4)Role play. Step3Step3 LetsLets saysay T:From Part A we learnt :Trees can. Q:What else can trees do in our life? Step4Step4 Practice.Practice. 1) Watch and think :what should you do? What can you do? What will you do ? 设计意图设计意图: : 鼓励学生积极参 与,大胆表达, 提高学生对语言 的感受和运用英 语进行日常交际 的能力,教授语 言的最终目的是 用语言进行交际。 学生能够在机械 操练或意义操练 的基础上过渡到 交际性操练,并 在此基础上拓展 创造,从而促进 学生言语交际能 力、创新能力和 自主合作能力的 发展和提高。 3)Let show their opinions. 情感教育:情感教育: 爱绿,护绿,植绿,争当环保小卫士,热爱我们唯一的地球。我们 正在行动!你准备好了吗? Homework:Homework: SummarySummary: T:___are the winners. 课堂中教师应该即时评价激发并保持学生的英语学习兴趣。 设计意图:设计意图: 个性化作业结合 本课内容,联系 实际生活,将英 语学习生活化, 实用化! 设计意图:设计意图: 课堂中教师应该 即时评价激发并 保持学生的英语 学习兴趣。 板书设计:板书设计: UnitUnit 4 4 PlantingPlanting treestrees isis goodgood forfor us.us. keep the air clean. Trees can keep us cool. make the place beautiful. We should plant more trees. Tree Planting Day Girls Boys 教学反思:教学反思: 我的想法:我的想法: 自主学习概括地说就是“自我导向,自我激励,自我监控”的学习。从某种意义 上说,英语课就是在教师指导下的学生自主学习的活动,教师是学习活动的组织 者和引导者,教师的职责是组织、示范、点拨、答疑、激励,而不是越俎代庖。 在执教Planting trees is good for us.教学实践中发现:我给予孩子们自 主学习的空间越大,他们越学得兴趣盎然,学得积极主动、有效。 我的做法:我的做法: 一、引导学生质疑,发展学生思维能力 本节课着重培养了学生发现问题、提出问题、解决问题的能力。一开始,罗老师 以两张学校图片对比的方式,提问:What can you see in the picture?Which picture do you like?引导学生主动思考、质疑,是什么让学校变得如此美丽呢? 仔细观察是 Trees.是花草树木,是人们的爱护环境,让学校校园变得美丽。学生 感受到树木的作用,以及爱护环境的重要。意识到 We should plant more trees. 在进入文本学习前,引导学生观察图片后,提出问题:What do you want to know?再次激发学生主动思考、主动学习,鼓励学生自主提问。 利用文本插图,巧妙设问,逐步挖掘文本 充分利用插图辅助教学,增强学生感观上的刺激,让知识更加直观、形象,从 而提高学生的学习兴趣。 针对文本,设计以下几个问题: Q1: What should we do on Tree Planting Day? Q2: Who can plant more trees?(出示文本图片 1) Q3: Who are they? Q4: What do you want to know? Q5: Do they like to plant trees? Q6: Why should we plant trees? Q7: What can trees do? Q8: What did you know from Part A? Q9: What else can trees do? 恰到好处的提问对激发学生的思维非常重要。在对话教学中,罗老师充分考虑 学生的认知和语言习得规律,根据文本内容,从简到难、由表及里、循序渐进地 设计问题,以帮助学生逐步挖掘文本信息,突破难点,提升思维深度。最后一个 问题 What else can trees do?让学生从文本中走出来,考虑树还能做什么呢? 将思维拓展开来,丰富了话题的内容,激发学生说的热情。 小组合作,在探究与交流中理解、运用所学语言 这对于新授词组的学习给予一定的学习策略指导,如单词的语音正迁移,让学 生在小组内探究、交流。 我的思考:我的思考: 对小学生而言,离开了教师学法的指导谈自主学习,只能是一句空话。学生只 有掌握了正确的学习方法和手段,才能真正地实现自主学习。 我将改变我将改变: 我总觉得英语课堂不应该是教师教授的阵地,而应该是学生知识内化和拓展 升华的舞台。在设计课堂时我将更加注重体现和培养学生的核心素养(学会求知, 学会技能,学会改变。运用知识技能态度,能与别人进行交流,要与别人达成共 识,可以认识自己) 。让学习和改变成为一种常态!
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