湘少版六年级下册-Unit 9 Look a tthese beautiful places in the world.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:001bc).zip

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1 Look at these beautiful places in the world. Teaching aims: 1. Be able to know the new phrases: the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Great Wall, Big Ben, place of interest, take pictures 2. Be able to get keywords by reading instruction. 3. Learn to use target sentences to introduce familiar places. 4. Learn how to get information from different ways. Teaching emphasis: 1. Use target sentences to introduce the places of interest. 2. Be able to know we can get information from many ways. Teaching difficulties: Get some detail information about these 4 places of interest in the world Teaching tools: PPT, pictures, video, post cards Teaching steps: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Free talk Where did you go? What did you do? What did you see? 3. Show a world map T: Boys and girls, youve been to many places before. Do you want to know some new places today? So, lets travel around the world with me. Look! There are so many countries in the world. Can you tell me what they are? (在地图上相应的国家位置出示国旗,学生说出国家名 称) Ss: the USA/ Canada/ Australia/ the UK/ France/ Korea/ Japan/ China Step 2: Presentation 1. Show 4 pictures of the places of interest T: Each country has some places of interest. There are some children are 2 talking about these places in different countries. Please listen and find out which places are they talking about? What are they? (教授新词,音频带读) 2. Show a picture of the Great Wall T: There is a famous place in our country. So, how about the Great Wall? What do you know about it? (分别提问,并将疑问句补充完整) Lets listen and find some key words. Where is it? 1 Listen again, and pay more attention about: When did Lingling 2 go to the Great Wall? How did she go there? What difference ways can you go to Beijing? ( 出示长沙-北京地图, 选择交通工具) (学生听音频,完成有关长城的表格). placecountry 1 city 1 when 2 way(by) 2 what 3 How? 4 the Great Wall Pair work 3 T: We have known a little about the Great Wall. Lets try to know more. This time please open your books and read the text in your group. Find out: What did people do on the Great Wall? (小组自由读文本) T: Of course, there are more detail information about the Great 4 Wall. I searched for a video from the internet, maybe it can help you to get more information. What else do you know ? How is the Great Wall? (看视频,补充表格) 3. Listen and repeat T: You know there are so many interesting places like the Great Wall in many other countries. Lets read the book and find them. Step3: Practice 3 1. Task 1: T: Now, you can choose one of the places you are most interested in, find more information from the text, such as Part A and Part D. Fill in your blanks. (学生小组内完成表格,根据黑板上已有疑问句,组与组之间相互提问) T: You can choose these questions to know more about . How did Peter think about the Eiffel Tower? Can you describe it in your own words? ( I have a picture of the ______ Eiffel Tower.) What did Anne do on the Golden Gate Bridge? What else can you do? ( I ________ on the Golden Gate Bridge.) Big Ben is very old, is it working now? How do you know that? 2. Task 2: T: Now, we know much more about these four places of interest. You can choose one of the task, and finish it in groups. Retell 1 Talk and act 2 Introduce the place in your own way. 3 3. Show time Step 4: Consolidation 1. T: Boys and girls, Today we have known these four places of interest. And we known how to introduce a place in different ways. T: So, if you want to introduce a place to your friends. What can you say? What information do you want to tell them? Yes, its name/ Where is it?/ How is it?/ How to get there?/ What can we do?/ What can we see?. (老师描述一个地方) 2. Homework T: There are so many beautiful places in the world, we can travel there someday. And there are some beautiful places in our hometown, 4 too. Lets introduce these places to the world, ok? placecountrycityway(by)whenwhatHow is it? the Great Wall the Eiffel tower Big Ben The Golden Gate BridgeDo you know Big Ben? Its a famous landmark(地标) in London. Now its new name is the Elizabeth Tower(伊丽莎白塔). It was built in 1858, so its more than 160 years old, but the clock is still working. It is the largest four-faced chiming(报 时) clock in the world. The people in London like to hear the big bell striking(敲响) on the hour. BONG!BONG!BONG! The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. Its the symbol(象征) of France. Nobody will miss the chance to visit it when he arrives in Paris. The tower is made of iron and it is about 700 tons(吨) in weight. Its about 325 meters high, and its the tallest building in Paris. Its more than 100 years old. The tower has three platforms(平台). You can see the wonderful view of Paris from the platform.Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world. places of interest places of interest Big Ben the Great Wall the Golden Gate Bridge the Eiffel Tower Listen and find some information go to Beijing by train by plane by bus by bike by car by ship on foot Read the text, circle the key word What did people do on the Great Wall? Lets know more! Read the text after video Task 1 1. Choose one of your favorite places. 2. Find more information from the text. 3. Finish the form in groups. Whats its name? Where is it? How is it? How to get there? What can we do? What can we see? Task 2 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Talk and act. 3. Introduce the place in your own way. Homework: Make your post card Its a famous place in Changsha. This is __________. Its very_________. We can go there ________. We can _________. Welcome to Changsha! Word Bank: big/ old/ tall/ long/ nice/ famous/ beautiful/wonderful by plane/ by train/ by car/ by ship/ by bike/ on foot take pictures/ play games/ fly kites/ climb the walls/ eat delicious food/ see beautiful views/ have a rest/ take a walk/ look at the flowers/ buy some gifts Thank Thank you!you! I have a picture of the _______ Eiffel Tower. Word Bank: big/ old/ tall/ nice/ strong/ beautiful/ interesting famous(著名的)/ huge(巨大的) great (雄伟的)/ wonderful(极好的) amazing(惊叹的)/ fantastic(漂亮的) I __________ on the Golden Gate Bridge. Choose the suitable(合适的) phrases : take a walk play games see beautiful views drive a car climb the walls look at the flowers have a rest fly a kite eat delicious food enjoy the windplacecountrycityway(by)whenwhatHow is it? placecountrycityway(by)whenwhatHow is it
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