(广东)粤人版三下Unit 3 My Room-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:1000c).docx

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1、开心学英语三年级下册开心学英语三年级下册 Unit 4 Fruit(Story)Unit 4 Fruit(Story)教学设计教学设计 一、学情分析一、学情分析 三年级学生年龄在 8-9 岁左右,他们天真可爱、活泼好动,表现欲望强,勇于尝试。他 们刚接触英语,对这门生动活泼的新学科充满着幻想,有着浓厚的学习兴趣。在各种有趣的 课堂活动吸引下,他们能积极参与课堂学习活动。但他们的注意力集中时间略短,动静结合 的课堂教学能让他们学得更好。 二、内容分析二、内容分析 本节课的教学内容是粤人版小学英语 Book 6 第四单元的第二课时 story。在第一课时学习中,,学生已经 掌握了 8 种水果单复数

2、的形式以及单数句型的问答:Whats this? Its . Is this a/an .? Yes,it is. /No, its isnt. 和复数句型的问答:What are these ? Theyre. Are these. Yes, they are. / No, they arent.本节课通过小故 事的教学,让学生学会运用句型在不同的情景中灵活应用。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)(一)语言能力语言能力 1.语言知识目标 (1)词汇:supermarket , touch , Dont touch. (2)句型:What are these? Theyre . . Are t

3、hese . ? Yes , they are ./ No, they arent. Theyre . . 2. 语言技能目标 听:能听懂 story,根据老师给出问题进行回答以及给出的指令做出正确的反应。 说:能在正确的语境中运用句型 What are these? Theyre . Are these . ? Yes , they are ./ No, they arent. Theyre . .进行问答。 读:能扮演不同的角色正确朗读 story,并获取相关的信息。 看:能通过观察图片与话题,联想到与水果有关的图式。 (二)学习(二)学习能力能力 (1) 让学生运用本课重点句型用对话的形

4、式进行交流, 进一步提高他们口头表达的能力。 (2)通过设置任务,让学生在真实的语境中运用英语进行交际的能力。 (三)文化意识(三)文化意识 通过学习,增强学生的安全意识。让学生了解到水果是健康食品,在日常生活中养成健 康饮食的习惯。 (四四)思维品质思维品质 通过创设情境,让学生进行句型 What are these? Theyre . Are these . ? Yes , they are ./No, they arent. Theyre . .思考与运用。培养学生良好的语音语调,培养学生的合作意识 和自主探究能力,培养他们综合运用语言的能力和创新思维。 四四、教学重、难点、教学重、难点

5、 教学重点:正确运用句型:What are these? Theyre . . Are these . ? Yes , they are ./ No, they arent. Theyre . .会说、会读、会演本课故事。 教学难点:单词 touch 的教学和句型单复数形式在真实的语境中正确运用。 五、教具准备五、教具准备 课件 PPT, 学生导学案,教学卡片,图片,真实水果。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1.Free talk T: Hello ! Boys and girls , T: How are you? S1: Im . T: What about y

6、ou ? S 2 : . T: What do you like? S3 : I like. T: And you? S4:. T: Do you like singing? Ss: Yes. 【设计意图】通过谈话拉近师生之间的距离,让学生产生亲切感,有利于新 课的顺利开展。 2、Sing a song together. T: Well done . Lets sing a song. What do you like? Stand up . follow me, please. T: Wow! You did a good jobl. Lets be hands for us. 【设计意图

7、】Lets sing .既复习旧知识,又活跃气氛,使孩子们带着一种愉快的 心情进入新的学习。 3、Revision, Look and say T: Boys and girls. I have a magic tree. There are many kinds of fruit on the tree. Lets look and say. T : Whats this ? S : Its a /an . . T : Are these . ? S : Yes , they are. /No, they arent. 【设计意图】以游戏的形式对学生进行问答,可以较好地帮助学生复习前面所 学

8、的单词和句型,为下面新授环节打好铺垫。 Step 2: Lead in 1、Lead in with fruit salad. T :The fruit is yummy. Theyre good for us. We can make fruit salad. I like fruit salad . Do you like fruit salad ? Ss : Yes. 2、Watch the video and choose the best answer. T: Boys and girls, look ! Who are coming? Ss: Gogo and Jenny. T:

9、Good ! Gogo and Jenny all like fruit salad very much , too. They want to make it. Where can they buy the fruit? Lets watch and choose. Ss : Watch the video and choose. Ss : Learn the new word “supermarket”. T : Look ! This is a supermarket . There are many fruit in the supermarket. Gogo and Jenny ar

10、e in it. They are talking. 【设计意图】结合本课教学内容,创设制造水果沙拉情景,让学生了解购买水果的地 方,引出 Gogo 和 Jenny 购买水果的场景。吸引学生的注意,调动学生学习的兴趣, Step 3: presentation 1、Learn the new sentences. PPT 出示 apple 图片。T : Look ! Whats this? S : Its an apple. PPT 出示 apples 图片。T : What are these? S : Theyre apples. 教师板书句型,并利用水果图片问和答。 PPT 出示 ban

11、anas 图片。 T: Are these bananas? S: Yes, They are. PPT 出示 pears 图片。 T : Are these apples? S: No, they arent. T: What are these? S : Theyre pears. 教师板书句型,并利用水果图片问和答。 PPT 出示 watermelons 图片。T: What are these ? S : Theyre watermelons. Lets chant. T : You are so clever. I like you very much. Can you chant

12、with me? Ss: Lets chant. T: Who can make a new chant? S:Make a new chant。 【设计意图】借助多媒体课件展示水果的图片,在半真实的语言环境中师生进 行问答,既引起学生的兴趣,又在交流的过程中学习新的语言知识。通过 Lets chant 歌谣. 让学生在轻松愉快的学习氛围中巩固本节课所学的重点句型。 2、Learn the new word “touch” . T :well done. Look ! There are so many watermelons at the supermarket. Can Gogo touc

13、h ? Lets watch the picture and answer . Ss : Watch the picture and say. No, he cant. ch/ t / peach touch (多种形式读新单词) T : Very good! . T : Look at the picture. Lets think! What do you want to say to Gogo? Ss: Dont touch , Gogo. T: When its dangerous. We cant touch. PPT 出示图片。T: Look! Boys and girls, Le

14、ts do. We can touch . or Dont touch. Ss: Say and do. 【设计意图】教学新词 touch,通过旧词引出新词,掌握学习新单词的策略。通过图片了 解,增强学生的安全意识。 3. Group work: Finish the dialogue. T: Excellent! You are good students. Lets Finish the dialogue in group. S : Group work. T: Check the answers. 【设计意图】图文并茂的呈现对话,让学生更形象地理解和掌握重点句型,培养学生的 小组合作意识

15、。 3、Group work.Role play. T: Well done. Now, lets read after the tape. Open your book,turn to page 26. Lets go. SS : Read follow the tape and read together. T : You read very well,I love you very much. Can you act out the story? Ss: Yes. T : Now, work in groups and role play the story. Are you ready

16、 ? Lets go. 4、 Show time. T: OK! Stop! Its time to show. Which group can try? You can use the fruit to act out the story. Ss: 学生上台表演。 【设计意图】让学生在听故事中听英语、在讲故事中说英语,在演故事中用英语,大大让学生在听故事中听英语、在讲故事中说英语,在演故事中用英语,大大 调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发他们学好语言用好语言的兴趣。调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发他们学好语言用好语言的兴趣。 Step 3 :Extension Task 1 : Play a ga

17、me. T : Boys and girls . You are so smart I love you very much. Look! There are many things. We can buy them at the supermarket. Lets play a game. Ss: Play a game. Task 2 : Great ! Lets make a new dialogue.(Pair work) Find your partner to ask and answer. 教师示范。This is my partner. Lets do it. Can you

18、ask your partner? Lets go. Ss : Pair work. Ask and answer, then show. 【设计意图】通过创设贴近学生生活的情境,让学生在半真实情境中发挥想 象,开发学生运用语言的潜力,激发他们创造杏运用进行语言进行教具。 Task 3 :Good to know. T : Boys and girls , you are great. The fruit is yummy. They are good for us. Lets eat every day. Look! An apple a day , keeps the doctor awa

19、y. 【设计意图】拓宽学生丰富的知识面,逐步调动他们的学习课外知识兴趣。 Step 4:Step 4: Summary What did we learn today ?(结合板书总结本节课的学习内容) 。 Step 5: Homework 1、 观察学习物品,用 What is this/are these? Its/Theyre . . Are these . .Yes, they are./No, they arent. 与同伴进行问答。 2、 Make fruit salad with your family. 【设计意图】通过作业,让学生利用本课所学的句型,在真实的情景中进行句 型的应用,真正做到学以致用。 板书设计:


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