(广东)粤人版三下Unit 1 Big or Small-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:00e42).docx

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1、广东人民出版社 英语 科三年级下册第一单元 Big or small导学指南 【学习目标】 : Be able to do the oral communication : YoureWereTheyreAre you? 【学习重点】 : 1. Listening and speaking of the new vocabulary. 2. Sentence patterns:Were happy.Hes sad.Are you happy? 【学习难点】 : 1. The right pronunciation of the new vocabulary. 2.To use sentence

2、 patterns to ask and answer questions. 【课时安排】 : 4 lessons 【教具准备】 : ppt,word cards, picture cards. 第一课时 【学习目标】 : 1. Knowledge objectives: Be able to say the new words: big, small, happy, sad. 2. Ability objectives: Be able to do the oral communication : YoureWereTheyre 3.Emotion Objectives 1)Give you

3、r greetings to others gladly. 2)Cooperation in groups and enjoy learning in groups. 【课前自主学习】 : 1.听录音 P15,跟读三遍并家签。 ( ) 2.本节课的重点单词(写出中英文) : _ _ _ _ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) _ _ _ _ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.本节课重点句子: _ _ 4.我对这节课内容的提问是: _ 【教学过程】 : 一、创设问题 1、Greeting.( Hello, Hows your holidays?What did you do?Are you hap

4、py?) 2. The teacher leads the Ss to see each picture and answer the question “Whats this? or Whos he/she?” Then answer “Its a/an _.” or “Shes/Hes-.” Its an _. Its an _. Hes _. Shes _. After showing each picture, the teacher will say an adjective to describe the picture, such as big, small and so on.

5、 【设计意图】 :用一个有趣而且是学生熟悉的游戏来复习代词 Its /Shes/Hes, 并通 过 在 问 答 和 师 生 互 动 中 反 复 地 提 到 “ Were/Theyre” 和 新 单 词 “big/small/happy/sad” ,让学生对本节课的新内容有一个初步的认识和感知。 二、自主探究 1. Listen to the recording of the conversation. 2. Listen again and repeat in a low voice. 3. Listen for the third time and repeat loudly. 4.Read

6、 freely and underline the words you cant read. 【设计意图】:通过循序渐进的听,小声读,大声读使同学们加深对课文的熟悉 程度,为后面的讨论做好准备。 三、讨论解疑 1. Read the new conversation in groups. 2. Help each other in your group. 3.Try to use a new way to act the conversation. 【设计意图】:让同学们在讨论中互相帮助,不仅能激发他们学习英语的兴趣, 还能加强他们的团队意识,更能取长补短,提高英语成绩。 四、展示提升 1、A

7、sk each group to perform in front of the class. 2、 The teacher teaches the new words and the methods of learning these new words, and ask questions ( How are you?),and finish the blackboard design. 【设计意图】 :这一部分设计了两部分的角色扮演,第一部分是老师和每个小组之 间,之后是小组与小组之间的对话,主要是先由老师起个带头示范作用,除了注 重语音语调还加上适当的动作,然后再四个小组进行练习;第二

8、部分是学生之间 的练习, 这就注重学生个人能力的培养和模仿能力, 并且能检查他们的学习效果。 . 五、总结回顾 1、Sum up: What have you learnt ? Read the conversation together. 2、Are you happy in this lesson? Do you enjoy learning in groups? 【设计意图】:学生归纳完老师归纳,等于又帮助学生重新温故了一下本节课学 习的内容。 六、当堂检测 1、Listen ,say and stand up. 2、Point to each picture while listeni

9、ng to the word. 3、Game: How are you? 【设计意图】:加深学生对本节课学习内容的理解和运用。 【板书设计】: Unit 1 Big small sad happy Were=we are Theyre=they are 【设计意图】:将本节课的主要内容板书出来,让学生们一目了然. 【教学反思】 : 第二课时 【学习目标】 : 1. Knowledge objectives: Be able to say the new words: happy,sad,tall,short,hot,cold,big,small. 2. Ability objectives:

10、Be able to do the oral communication : Were.Theyre. 3.Emotion Objectives 1)To have fun from this class. 2)Cooperation in groups and enjoy learning in groups. 【课前自主学习】 : 1.听录音 P14,跟读 遍,家签: 2.根据课文回答以下问题: a.Is Gogo happy? b.Is Tony happy? c.Is jenny happy? 3.我不明白的内容是: _ 教学过程: 一、创设问题 1、Greeting.( Hello,

11、 What had we learnt yesterday?Look at the pictures and retell the story.) 2、After ha ha mirror,how many places do they visit? 【设计意图】:先用图片帮助同学们回顾上一节课学习的内容,再利用一个游玩 的过程中 Gogo 和同伴们的感受来引入这节课要学习的新单词。 二、自主探究 1. Listen to the recording of the new words. 2. Listen again and repeat in a low voice. 3. Listen f

12、or the third time and repeat loudly. 4. Read freely and underline the words you cant read 【设计意图】:通过上一个环节老师的引导,同学们对本节课将要学习的八个新 单词已经稍有印象,再通过反复地读,基本能够正确读出八个新单词。 三、讨论解疑 1. Read the new words in groups. 2. Check the pronunciation of each word. 【设计意图】:同学之间相互帮助,不会读的同学会读,会读的同学更加加深印 象。 四、展示提升 1、Ask each grou

13、p to read the words. 2、The teacher teaches the new words and the methods of reading these new words. 3、Ask some groups to perform the meaning of the new words in their own way. 【设计意图】:通过同学们自己对新单词的理解,自己设计动作来表达单词的意 义,对他们记忆单词有很好的作用。 五、总结回顾 1、Sum up: What have you learnt ? Read the words together. Helpi

14、ng others will make you happy! 2、Are you happy in this lesson? Do you enjoy learning in groups? 【设计意图】:回顾本节课所学的内容,并引出本节课的情感目标:帮助别人会 使自己快乐,让学生们不仅会学会,也要会做人。 六、当堂检测 1、Listen and repeat. 2、Point to each picture while listening to the word. 3、Listen and number. 【设计意图】:测试本节课学习的内容,掌握学生的学习情况。 【板书设计】 : 【设计意图

15、】 : 第三课时 【学习目标】 : 1. Knowledge objectives: review the knowledge in this unit. 2.Ability objectives: Be able to do the oral communication : YoureWereTheyreAre you? 3.Emotion Objectives 1)Give your greetings to others gladly. 2)Cooperation in groups and enjoy learning in groups. 【课前自主学习】 : 1.听录音 P19,跟

16、读 遍,家签: 2.音标字母是: 3.本节课字母发音单词(写出中英文) : _ _ _ Unit 1 Happy sad Tall short Hot cold Big small ( ) ( ) ( ) _ _ _ ( ) ( ) ( ) 4.我还知道课外发 b, p, j 音的单词: 5.我不明白的内容是: _ 教学过程: 一、创设问题 1、Greeting.( Are you?.) 2、Divide the class into two groups. One group asks, the other answers. 【设计意图】 :利用分组一问一答的形式活跃课堂,使课堂一开始便进入

17、高潮。 二、自主探究 1. Listen to the recording of the words and song. 2. Listen again and repeat in a low voice. 3. Listen for the third time and repeat loudly. 4.Read freely and underline the words you cant read. 【设计意图】:对八个单词进行跟读,但是跟前面几节课不同的是这八个单词是 按音标分类读的,上个学期已经学过 26 个字母在单词中的普遍发音,现在是归 纳发音规律。 三、讨论解疑 1. Read

18、 the words one by one in groups. 2. Make dialogues with the words you have learnt. 【设计意图】:小组同学互相纠正读音,不明白的地方可以向老师提问,这能养 成他们良好的学习习惯。 四、展示提升 1、Having a competition between each group. 2、Read the alphabet and find the correct pictures. 【设计意图】:不论发音标不标准,能有勇气上台表演老师都应该给予鼓励,这 样才不是“哑巴英语”,不断地展示一定会进步的。 五、总结回顾 1

19、、Sum up: What have you learnt ? Read the words together. 2、Are you happy in this lesson? Do you enjoy learning in groups? 【设计意图】:让学生们自己总结,开放他们的思维,给他们最大的空间发挥能 力。 六、当堂检测 1、Sing the song and answer the questions. 2、Acting: Using your body language to show the eightwords. 3、Guessing: What am I saying? 【设计意图】 : 通过有趣的活动来检测同学们学习知识的情况, 既不枯燥又实用, 同学们也乐于参与。 【板书设计】 : 【设计意图】: Unit 1 Happy hello Sad animal Big good Tall table


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