(广东)粤人版三下Unit 7 Time-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:d0daa).docx

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1、1 广东版开心英语三年级下册教学设计 Unit 7 Time 课题课题 Unit 7 Time 教材分析教材分析 本课是广东版开心英语三年级下册第七单元的第一课时, 是新授课, 也是词汇和句型新 授课,本单元承接复习了上一册所学到的数字一至十, 新词汇为 eleven 和 twelve,主题是 时间, 本模块的重点是“What time is it? Its oclock.”结构,这一结构难度不大,而且学 生学过 1-10 的数字,教学重点在于培养学生的综合语言运用能力上。 学情分析学情分析 本节课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生, 大部分学生对英语具有浓厚的学习兴趣, 具有 一定的听说读写能力。

2、这个阶段的学生年龄特点是活泼好动,求知欲强烈,但课堂注意力不 集中,词汇量积累和故事阅读量较少,因此课堂上要采取多样化的教学模式,将听说读写玩 演唱融于一体,充分调动学生学习的积极性。 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂,会说, 能写出单词: :one oclock, two oclock ,three oclock, four o clock, five oclock, six oclock, seven oclock, eight oclock, nine o clock, ten oclock, eleven oclock, twelve oclock 2. 能听懂,会说句型:1:A:wha

3、t time is it? B:Its oclock. 3. 通过情境学习、任务完成环节,学生能四会掌握:eleven,twelve; 4. 学习策略:通过熟知的游戏学习英语; 5. 培养学生自学、互学、合学的能力,提高英语学习的兴趣;学完整节课,学生能 懂得时间的重要性,学会珍惜时间。 教学重难点教学重难点 “What time is it? Its oclock.”的句型的掌握和词汇 eleven 和 twelve 的拼写和记忆。 教学流程教学流程 教学环节及 时间 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I Warming up & Review 5 1. Free talk 2. Watch a

4、 video and sing a song. 3. T: There are many numbers in this song. Do you remember? What are they? 4. Review the number one to ten. 1 Free talk 2 Watch a video and follow the song. 3 Ss: one two three 4 Ss use their fingers to write one to ten in the air. 1. 通过唱英文歌 的形式复习旧知, 活跃气氛。 2. 用手指在空中 书写,复习书写,

5、同时强调对旧知 的书写的重视。 II Words 1. Think and say 1 Student know the 1. 通过简单的数 2 learning & Lead-in 3 T: You are good at math. Do you know what ten add one is? How about ten and two ? Present: Eleven and twelve 2. Set up a new situation: Xiyangyang and his fellows are my good friends. Two activies to check

6、weather Ss master the number one to ten well. answers and learn to write new words: eleven and twelve. 2 Meet Xiyangyang and his fellows. And read the phone numbers out. Help Xiyangyang to solve the puzzles. 学题, 引出对新词 汇的学习。 2. 通过故事引 入,生动形象有 趣,且贴近生活, 并能吸引学生的 注意力; 3. 学科融合教 学, 用英语也能表 达和解决简单的 数学问题, 有趣味

7、性, 学生能再次巩 固旧知识。 III Sentences -learning 13 1. The present leads to the topic of this unit: time. 2. Watch a video to learn the sentence:Its . oclock. T:What can you know from the video? 3. Listen and learn the new sentences: What time is it? Its. oclock. T:What can you hear? 1 Learn the word: time 2

8、 Learn the new sentence: Its . oclock. 3 Listen and learn. 1.通过谜语引出 本单元主题: Time,富有趣味 性。 2.新知不是直接 讲授, 而是学生通 过看视频或者听 歌曲后自己总结 发现的, 视频或音 频能吸引学生的 注意力, 加深对新 知的印象。 IV Task and Practice 12 1 . Task one: Pair work Practice the new sentences in pairs. 2. Task two: Help the Cunzhang to tell him the time. 3. Ta

9、sk three: Sharp eyes Finish the games to help Lanyangyang. 4. Task four: Do the exercise well like Feiyangyang. T: Look and fill. Then take the pictures with pads. 1 Everyone takes out the clock. Then one student asks the time and the other answers. 2 Ask the time and listen the sound, then answer t

10、he time. 3 Look and say out the time quickly. 4 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. Then 1 通过简单的对 话,运用目标语 句, 完成真实的任 务, 进行真实的交 流。 邀请个别同事 展示, 也给其他同 学任务,认真聆 听。 2 设置几项任务 不断巩固新句型, 由浅入深地设计 问题难度, 操练新 句型。 同时让孩子 了解到可以通过 不同的方式如听 钟声, 看不同的钟 面也能读出时间。 3 通过书面练习, 3 take pictures. 可看出学生这节 课的掌握情况, 并 通过平板展示,

11、进 行及时讲评, 具有 时效性。 IV. Production and Show time 10 Group work: Watch a video first and then sum up the key words in it. Guide Ss to act out “My day”. Invite one or two groups to show out before the whole class. Appraise and elect the best showing group. Guide students to cherish the time and arrange t

12、he time properly. Watch the video and then know how to talk about “My day”. Then discuss in a group and try to act out. The active groups can come out to present their show. 熟练单词和句型 后, 通过视频唤起 学生的旧知, 结合 自己的实际, 在小 组内讨论, 学生可 以进行创造性的 表演。 表演后评选 最好的小组, 同时 进行思想渗透, 引 导学生珍惜时间, 合理安排自己的 时间。 V Summary 1 1. What

13、 have we learnt today? 2. Whos the winter today? 1. Summarize the lesson. 2. Celebrate. 对本课所学进行 总结归纳, 帮助学 生进一步加深记 忆和理解。 V Homework 1 1. Write down your own weekend schedules. 2. Recite the numbers:1-12 Finish the homework after the class. 巩固课堂所学知 识,反复练习记 忆, 形成语言运用 能力。 板书设计板书设计 Unit7 Time What time i

14、s it? Its eleven oclock. Its twelve oclock. G1 G2 G3 G4 学案学案 4 班级:班级: 姓名:姓名: 学号:学号: Look and fill 看图图填空: 1. What time is it ? Its _ oclock. 2、What time is it? Its _ oclock. 3、What time is it? Its _ oclock. Discuss the daily schedules in a group. 小组讨论制作一个时间表,并且策划表演动作。小组讨论制作一个时间表,并且策划表演动作。 What time it is? What time it is? What time it is? Its _. Its _. Its _. Its time _. Its time _. Its time _. Word bank 参考词组参考词组 get up have breakfast go to school have lunch do homework play basketball/football watch TV read books go to bed sleep


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