Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing (新教材)人教版(2019)必修第二册课件.pptx

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1、英 语 Section Listening and Talking 院子院子 2. snack n.点心点心;小吃小吃 3. county n.(英国、爱尔兰的英国、爱尔兰的)郡郡;(美国的美国的)县县 4. feast n.盛宴盛宴;宴会宴会;节日节日 5. roll vi.(使使)滚动滚动 n.卷卷(轴轴);翻滚翻滚 6. dot n.点点;小小(圆圆)点点 vt.加点加点;遍布遍布 7. cattle n. 牛牛 8. roar vi.咆哮咆哮 9. ocean n.大海大海;海洋海洋 10. scent n. 气味气味;气息气息 11. pub n. 酒吧酒吧;酒馆酒馆 12. win

2、e n.葡萄酒葡萄酒;果酒果酒 13. beer n. (一杯一杯)啤酒啤酒 14. stew n. 炖菜炖菜(有肉和蔬菜有肉和蔬菜) vt.煨煨 15. custom n. 风俗风俗;习俗习俗;习惯习惯 16. transition n. 过渡过渡;转变转变;变迁变迁 词汇拓展词汇拓展 17.eager adj.热切的热切的;渴望的渴望的 eagerly adv.急切地急切地;渴望渴望 地地 18.poet n.诗人诗人 poem n.诗诗 poetry n.诗歌诗歌;诗意诗意 19.greet vt.问候问候;迎接迎接 greeting n.问候问候;招呼招呼 20.sensory adj

3、.感觉的感觉的;感官的感官的 sense n.感觉感觉;意识意识 sensitive adj. 敏感的敏感的 21.striking adj.引人注目的引人注目的;显著的显著的 strike vi.打打;撞击撞击; 罢工罢工;敲敲 词汇精讲词汇精讲 1.【教材原文】【教材原文】I was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that.(Page 43) 我很渴望我很渴望/惊讶看到惊讶看到/了解了解/听到听到。 考点考点eager adj.热切的热切的;渴望的渴望的 be eager for sth 渴望得到某物渴望得到某物 be eager to do 渴望做某

4、事渴望做某事 eagerly adv.急切地急切地;渴望地渴望地 语境领悟语境领悟 (1)We are eager for news about them. 我们渴望得到他们的消息。我们渴望得到他们的消息。 (2)Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn. 班上每个人似乎都热爱学习。班上每个人似乎都热爱学习。 (3)“So what do you think will happen?” he asked eagerly. “那么你觉得会发生什么那么你觉得会发生什么?”他急切地问道。他急切地问道。 学以致用学以致用 句型转换句型转换 (1)She i

5、s eager for her parents approval. She is eager to get her parents approval. 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (2)Robert was eager to talk (talk) about the life in the army. 2.【教材原文】【教材原文】 On a quiet morning in the mountains,feel the sun on your skin,and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the n

6、ew day with their morning song.(Page 44) 在一个安静的早晨在一个安静的早晨,在山上在山上,感受阳光照在你的皮肤上感受阳光照在你的皮肤上,呼吸呼吸 清新的花香清新的花香,与此同时鸟儿用它们的晨歌迎接新的一天。与此同时鸟儿用它们的晨歌迎接新的一天。 考点考点greet vt.问候问候;迎接迎接 be greeted with/by sth 对对做出反应做出反应 greet sb with sth 用用和某人打招呼和某人打招呼 greeting n.问候问候,招呼招呼;问候语问候语(复数复数) 语境领悟语境领悟 (1)We will greet you wit

7、h open hearts and with love and admiration. 我们将敞开心扉向你们致敬我们将敞开心扉向你们致敬,带着爱与敬佩。带着爱与敬佩。 (2)His proposals were greeted with cheers. 他的建议受到了热烈欢呼。他的建议受到了热烈欢呼。 (3)She greeted him with a smile. 她微笑着跟他打招呼。她微笑着跟他打招呼。 学以致用学以致用 单句改错单句改错 (1)I always greet my classmates a warm “Hi!”. 在在classmates后加后加with (2)I did

8、not want to greet to them,and I do not want to talk to them. 去掉去掉greet后面的后面的to 句型剖析句型剖析 【教材原文】【教材原文】With all this beauty,it is not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions that include music,dancing,and dining.(Page 44) 有了这些美景有了这些美景,爱尔兰发展了包括音乐、舞蹈和餐饮在内的爱尔兰发展了包括音乐、舞蹈和餐饮在内的 强大的传统也就不足为奇了。

9、强大的传统也就不足为奇了。 句法分析句法分析 it在句中做形式主语在句中做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句真正的主语是后面的从句that Ireland has developed strong traditions that include music,dancing,and dining。当不定式。当不定式(短语短语)、动词、动词-ing形式形式 (短语短语)或从句在句子中做主语时或从句在句子中做主语时,为保持句子结构前后平衡为保持句子结构前后平衡, 避免头重脚轻避免头重脚轻,常用常用it做形式主语置于句首做形式主语置于句首,而将真正的主语而将真正的主语 放在句尾。此时放在句尾。此时it本

10、身无词义。另外本身无词义。另外,在该主语从句中在该主语从句中,宾语宾语 strong traditions后面是由后面是由that引导的定语从句。引导的定语从句。 语境领悟语境领悟 (1)It is very important to learn a foreign language. 学一门外语非常重要。学一门外语非常重要。 (2)It is no use arguing about it. 争吵是没有用的。争吵是没有用的。 (3)It is uncertain who will come. 谁要来还不确定。谁要来还不确定。 学以致用学以致用 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1) It was

11、really surprising that she married a man like that. (2)It is believed that China will become one of the strongest countries in the world. 完成句子完成句子 (3)昨天你没有去看电影真遗憾。昨天你没有去看电影真遗憾。 It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film yesterday. 典题示例典题示例 读后续写读后续写 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整使之构成一

12、个完整 的故事的故事。 Mo was waiting in the corridor outside her class.She was feeling sick.She had two exams that day and physics was the first.She really hated physics.It was her worst subject.Terry looked back at her from the front of the line,and then looked away quickly.Mo thought she looked guilty.She d

13、idnt have a problem with physics.She didnt have a problem with anything.Miss Perfect! “Hi,Mo,its your favourite exam today.” said Nina, laughing as she joined the line.Terry was looking at Mo again. “So whats wrong with her?” asked Nina.“I thought you were friends.” “Yes,so did I.” said Mo.“But she

14、hasnt spoken to me for two weeks now.She promised to help me review for the physics exam too,but then she ignored all my calls and texts. And when I rang her house,her mum just told me she was busy.Shes forgotten who her friend is!” said Mo angrily. “Are you listening to me?” Mr Reed was talking to

15、the class and the other students were going into the exam room.Mo gave Nina a worried look and followed them. Mo couldnt answer question number five.She looked up and saw Terry sitting two rows in front of her.Mo couldnt believe it!Terry was holding her phone on her knee under the table and reading

16、from it.Was that how Terry always got such good grades?She felt really angry at Terry,but she didnt know what to do.She thought about telling the teacher,but what would everyone else think of her?“Stop writing and put your pens down.” said Mr Reed as he started to collect the exam papers. Oh no,Mo h

17、adnt answered two of the questions.She was going to fail again! Mo wanted to talk to Terry at lunch time,but she couldnt find her anywhere.The next exam was history.That was Mos favourite subject but she wasnt feeling good.Mo went to the library to study,but she couldnt concentrate. She didnt know w

18、hat to do about Terry.She thought about telling a teacher,but everyone would hate her if she did that.“It isnt fair!” she thought.“Terry was getting good grades by cheating all that time.” thought Mo.Just then,Mr Reed walked past her table.“Mr Reed.” Mo was sitting behind Terry again in the history

19、exam that afternoon.Mo was feeling terrible.Why had she told Mr Reed?But it was too late now.And anyway,Terry didnt want to be her friend!Mr Reed wanted her to look at him and nod if she saw that Terry was cheating in the exam. 注意注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为所续写短文的词数应为150左右左右; 2.至少使用至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语个短文中标有下划线的关

20、键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: She was working on the last question when she saw that Terry had her phone under the table. Paragraph 2: Mo was walking towards the school gate,when she heard footsteps behind her. 写作指导写作指导 1

21、.通读全文通读全文,理解大体故事情节理解大体故事情节,把握主线。把握主线。 本文为记叙文本文为记叙文,本文的主人公本文的主人公Mo和和Terry是一对要好的朋是一对要好的朋 友友,Mo不擅长物理不擅长物理,Terry 原本答应帮原本答应帮Mo辅导辅导,但是连续两个但是连续两个 星期星期Terry 都不接都不接Mo的电话也不回她的短信。的电话也不回她的短信。Mo认为认为Terry 已经忘了她这个朋友。当已经忘了她这个朋友。当Mo在考试时发现在考试时发现Terry看手机看手机,她她 内心纠结、矛盾内心纠结、矛盾,最终她把情况报告了老师最终她把情况报告了老师,我们将续写她报我们将续写她报 告老师之后

22、的情节。告老师之后的情节。 2.分析关键词及段首提示分析关键词及段首提示,展开想象进行合理推测。展开想象进行合理推测。 在读懂原文的基础上在读懂原文的基础上,紧扣原文中心紧扣原文中心,以原文的结局为起点以原文的结局为起点, 写出故事情节的发展和变化。文章最后一段提到写出故事情节的发展和变化。文章最后一段提到Mr Read告告 诉诉Mo,如果发现如果发现Terry作弊作弊,就向他点头示意就向他点头示意,以便抓住以便抓住Terry作作 弊。续写的第一段可以延续故事情节弊。续写的第一段可以延续故事情节,在下一场历史考试在下一场历史考试 中中,Mo发现发现Terry通过手机作弊通过手机作弊,在一番纠结

23、后在一番纠结后Mo告诉了老师告诉了老师, 然后老师抓住然后老师抓住Terry作弊作弊,Terry 被赶出了考场。被赶出了考场。 本段中规中矩本段中规中矩,开放性相对较小。第二段有很大的开放性。开放性相对较小。第二段有很大的开放性。 根据第二段首句提示根据第二段首句提示,可知本段要写可知本段要写Mo和和Terry考试后相遇考试后相遇, 如何解释并解决矛盾。该段有两条思路如何解释并解决矛盾。该段有两条思路,一是一是Terry被老师证被老师证 明真的作弊了。明真的作弊了。Terry怪罪怪罪Mo,而而Mo因为没得到物理辅导而因为没得到物理辅导而 怪罪怪罪Terry,导致二人相互责骂导致二人相互责骂,两

24、人的友谊岌岌可危。然而我两人的友谊岌岌可危。然而我 们在构思文章的时候要注意另外一个思路是想象们在构思文章的时候要注意另外一个思路是想象Terry不是不是 真的作弊。真的作弊。 她看手机究竟是什么原因她看手机究竟是什么原因?从这个角度考虑从这个角度考虑,可以想象可以想象Terry 跟跟Mo解释了自己不理她的原因是她父亲病了解释了自己不理她的原因是她父亲病了,并且今天有一并且今天有一 场十分重要的手术场十分重要的手术,她不顾考场纪律看手机她不顾考场纪律看手机,就是想知道父亲就是想知道父亲 的情况。最终两个人和好如初。对比两条思路的情况。最终两个人和好如初。对比两条思路,第二条思路第二条思路 宣传

25、正能量、突出教育意义宣传正能量、突出教育意义,所以选择第二条思路更好。所以选择第二条思路更好。 高分范文高分范文 Paragraph 1: She was working on the last question when she saw that Terry had her phone under the table.Feeling uneasy and restless,she looked at Mr Reed and nodded.With her eyes fixed on the phone,it wasnt until the teacher patted on her back

26、 that Terry noticed Mr Reed. Immediately,Terry was asked to leave.Terry rushed out of the class,crying all the way.Instead of feeling relaxed,Mo had ants in her pants.She felt guilty for telling Mr Reed about it,which had resulted in Terrys not finishing her exam. Paragraph 2: Mo was walking towards

27、 the school gate,when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to find it was Terry who had just come out of the teachers office.Feeling embarrassed,Mo wanted to run away.However,Terry stopped her and said,“Mo,Im sorry I havent kept my promise to help you review,but my father has been badly ill fo

28、r two weeks. Today he had a significant operation.I was so worried about him that I kept on reading the texts on the phone sent by my mother to get the latest news about him,so Mr Reed forgave me.Can you forgive me?” “Of course!Lets go to the hospital to see your father.” Mo couldnt wait to reply. 名

29、师点评名师点评 全文叙述有条理全文叙述有条理,发挥自然发挥自然,想象力丰富想象力丰富,充分利用了原文中充分利用了原文中 的关键词的关键词,巧设情节巧设情节,内容与原文紧密相连。第一段所给的关内容与原文紧密相连。第一段所给的关 键点是键点是“Terry had her phone under the table”,所以本段着重所以本段着重 写写Mo提示老师提示老师,Terry被老师发现后的反应以及被老师发现后的反应以及Mo的心情。的心情。 文中用到了文中用到了With her eyes fixed on the phone,rushed out, crying,had ants in her p

30、ants和和felt guilty等等,形象生动地描述形象生动地描述 了整个过程了整个过程,画面感十足。第二段的首句提示在校门口两人画面感十足。第二段的首句提示在校门口两人 相遇了。所以作者着重写相遇了。所以作者着重写Mo遇到遇到Terry时的尴尬以及时的尴尬以及Terry 的解释的解释,最后两个好朋友冰释前嫌最后两个好朋友冰释前嫌,一起去看望一起去看望Terry的父亲的父亲, 与原文的内容紧密相连。与原文的内容紧密相连。 本文作者能熟练运用动词本文作者能熟练运用动词-ing形式形式,如如Feeling uneasy and restless,crying all the way等等,还有还有

31、not until结构结构,以及定语从句以及定语从句 等高级表达等高级表达,语言功底深厚。语言功底深厚。 提分典句提分典句 1.使用动词使用动词-ing短语做状语短语做状语: Feeling uneasy and restless,she looked at Mr Reed and nodded. 2.用用with复合结构做状语复合结构做状语: With her eyes fixed on the phone,it wasnt until the teacher patted on her back that Terry noticed Mr Reed. 3.使用定语从句使用定语从句: She

32、 felt guilty for telling Mr Reed about it,which had resulted in Terrys not finishing her exam. 4.使用强调句使用强调句: She turned to find it was Terry who had just come out of the teachers office. 5.使用结果状语从句使用结果状语从句: I was so worried about him that I kept on reading the texts on the phone sent by my mother to

33、 get the latest news about him,so Mr Reed forgave me. 即学即练即学即练 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整使之构成一个完整 的故事。的故事。 On one pleasant New Year morning,Edward rose and washed and dressed himself very quickly.He wanted to be the first to wish everyone a happy New Year.He looked in every room,and

34、shouted the words of welcome.He ran into the street to repeat them to those he might meet.When he came back,his father gave him two bright new silver dollars.His face lit up as he took them.He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house wi

35、th a light heart,intending to buy the books.As he ran down the street he saw a poor German family,the father,the mother,and three children shivering(发发 抖抖) with cold. “I wish you a happy New Year,” said Edward,as he was happily passing by.The man shook his head.“You do not belong to this country?” s

36、aid Edward.The man again shook his head,for he could not understand or speak the English language.But he pointed to his mouth,and to the children,as if to say,“These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in a very difficult situat

37、ion and required some help.He took out his dollars,and gave one to the man,and the other to his wife. How their eyes sparkled(闪耀闪耀) with gratitude!They said something in their language,which doubtless meant,“We thank you a thousand times,and will remember you in our lifetime.” When Edward came home,

38、his father asked what books he had bought.He hung his head a moment but quickly looked up.“I have bought no books,” said he,“I gave my money to some poor people,who seemed to be very hungry.” 注意注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为所续写短文的词数应为150左右左右; 2.至少使用至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好每

39、段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year,” continued he.His father looked at him with a puzzled look.He explained that it was a German family that was badly in need of help.They even didnt have enough clothes to wear

40、.Edwards explanation made his father understand what had happened and he expressed that he couldnt agree more with him. In order to praise Edward for the work he did,his father bought the books,saying,“Never can we turn a blind eye to those in need.What you have done will make them a happy New Year.

41、” Paragraph 2: Hearing what his father said and holding the books his father gave him in his arms,Edward felt he was the happiest boy in the world.He felt the sweetness of helping others.A few days later, Edward met the family again,and they still thanked him a thousand times.It seemed the city was bathed in brilliant sunshine because of Edwards feelings.Additionally,he knew that help meant that under any circumstances could we all give a hand to people in trouble.Maybe a single word would be enough for them.


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