冀教版一年级下册-Unit 3 My Home-Lesson 14 Where Are They -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:80148).zip

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What can you hear(听到) ? I can hear________. How many livingrooms ? How many bedrooms? How many kitchens? How many bathroom? Questions Lets sing! Home home Welcome to my home. Home home Ill show you my home. Lesson 14 Where are they ? Where is my mother ? She is in the living room. Where is my father ? He is in the bedroom. Where is my brother ? He is in the bathroom . Questions: Where is Jennys mother? She is in the________. Where is Jennys father? He is in the________. Where is Jennys brother? He is in the________. Play a game: Where are you? In the _______. Where is my mother ? Can you see ? She is in the kitchen. Cooking for me! lets chant!lets chant! Good Good byebye!Lesson 14 Where are They? 一、教学目标: 知识目标: 1.能正确地听、说、读家中的地点名词 livingroomlivingroom ,bathroom,bathroom ,kitchen,kitchen,bedroombedroom 2.能综合运用所学的语句进行交际。 WhereWhere isis mymy mother/father/brother?mother/father/brother? -She/He-She/He isis inin the___.the___. 二、 能力目标:通过活动培养学生能够运用所复习的词汇和新学的句 子来正确表达周围的具体实物。 三、情感目标:促使学生积极运用所学知识进行表达与交流。 四.教学重、难点:能够运用所复习的词汇来正确表达自己周边的具体 实物以及运用所学的句型进行语言交际。 五、教具:课件,光盘,教师用卡片和,奖励用的小笑脸和小动物贴 画。 学具:家中地点的简笔画 六、 教学过程: 1.Greetings.Greetings T:T: GoodGood afternoon,afternoon, boysboys andand girls.girls. S:S: GoodGood afternoon,afternoon, MissMiss WangWang T:T: HowHow areare you?you? S:S: I I amam fine,fine, thanks.Andthanks.And youyou、 T:T: I I amam finefine too.Nicetoo.Nice toto meetmeet you!you! S:S: NiceNice toto meetmeet youyou too!too! (设计意图: 营造活跃轻松的课前气氛,使学生带着积极的心态投入 到学习中去,也为下面的复习做铺垫。) 2.ReviewReview thethe placesplaces atat homehome Step1.listenStep1.listen carefullycarefully Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls.Igirls.I willwill showshow youyou mymy home.Thishome.This isis thethe livingroomlivingroom。ThisThis isis thethe kitchen.Thiskitchen.This isis thethe bedroom.Thisbedroom.This isis thethe bathroom.Thisbathroom.This isis thethe bedroombedroom too.too. (课件出示家里的图片。) Questions:Questions: S S:WhatWhat cancan youyou hear?hear? T:T: I I cancan hear_____.(hear_____.(板书板书 livingroom,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom)livingroom,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom) Step2.ListenStep2.Listen againagain andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questionsquestions HowHow manymany livingrooms?livingrooms? HowHow manymany kitchens?kitchens? HowHow manymany bathroom?bathroom? HowHow manymany bedrooms?bedrooms? Step3. Have a competition. (小贴画奖励) T:T: WhatsWhats this?this? Ss:Ss: ItsIts a a livingroom/bedroom/bathroom/kitchenlivingroom/bedroom/bathroom/kitchen. Step4. Lets sing a song. Home home Welcome to my home. Home home Ill show you my home. Step5 Now go to the blackboard and show me you home.(小贴画奖励) (设计意图:通过一系列的活动,进一步巩固了客厅,卧室,厨房, 卫生间这四个单词,为下一步的句型学习做好了铺垫。) 2. Have the new lesson: Lesson14 Where are they? Step1.Learn the new phrases by ppt. Where is my mother/father/brother? She/He is in the livingroom/bedroom/bathroom/livingroom/bedroom/bathroom/. Step2.Listen the text and answer the follow questions:(小 贴画奖励) Where is my mother/father/brother? She/He is in the______. Step3 Play a game. Ask four students to the blackboard and one student acts out the teacher(Clap your hands 作为鼓励) Where are you? In the _______. (设计意图:这三个步骤,通过课件给学生创设家的情境,自然引入 到本课的内容,通过学生认读,师生对话,做游戏等活动方式,扎 扎实实的进行本课句型的听、说、读、训练,帮助学生巩固已学知 识,同时熟练的掌握了新句型) Step4.Lets chant. Where is my mother,Can you see? She is in the kitchen,cooking for me. Step5. Homework: Practice (练习)the phrases(句型): Where is my mother/father/brother? She/He is in the livingroom/bedroom/bathroomlivingroom/bedroom/bathroom. Step6.Class is over. Good bye 板书: Lesson14 Where are They? livingroomlivingroom Where is my mother/father/brother? bedroombedroom bathroombathroom KitchenKitchen She/He is in the______.
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