冀教版一年级下册-Unit 3 My Home-Lesson 17 At Home-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:00486).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_一年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 My Home_Lesson 17 At Home_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:00486)
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At HomeLesson 17 what do you do at home?what do you do at home? 你在家的时候做什么?你在家的时候做什么? watch TV cook sleep I do you guess Lets play!Lets play! 我做你猜 Passing words Find their home in the kitchenin the bedroomin the living room (让它们回家) Where are theyWhere are they? ? 他们在哪儿?他们在哪儿? I watch TV in the I sleep in the I cook in the living room. bedroom. kitchen. Yes or No? listen and read make a surveymake a survey 做调查 who (谁谁) what (什么) where (哪) mothercookkitchen We should love our family and all the family together is most importent. 家人的陪伴是最重要的Lesson 17 At Home 教学设计 知识目标:学生能理解并使用 watch, sleep, cook 能理解并使用 I watch TV/sleep/cook in the living room/in the bedroom/ in the kitchen.句型 能力目标:学生能够用英语介绍自己在哪干什么. 情感目标:培养学生勇敢交际的能力 Step1 Greetings Step2 warming up Sing a song (设计意图:歌曲导入,增加趣味性的同时,复习了上节课 所学内容) Step 3 New concepts 1. T: Today is rainy. All the family is at home. (ask the students whats the meaning of at home) Today well learn lesson 17 At Home. What do you do at home? Do you know what do I do at home? (Show some pictures of teacher at home) yes, I watch TV at home. Read the word for several times. 2. T: sometimes I watch TV, sometimes I cook, Sometimes I sleep. Read the words with games. The teacher read the words quietly, let the students guess. 3. Game time (1)I do you guess (2)Passing words 4. Find their home Show some pictures about rooms and things, match them. 5. T: Ok, everything goes home. Today, Jennys family is at home, too. But I cant find them. Can you find them? Now lets listen, and then you tell me, Where are they? 6. T: yes, you are so clever, now lets read the sentences one more time. 7. Play a game Yes or No? (设计意图:新授单词我用自己的照片举例,让学生更加直 观的理解新授单词,利用看口型猜单词的游戏让学生巩固 练习,紧接着加入一个我做你猜的游戏,随后是神奇传话 筒游戏,增加趣味性的同时,再次让学生练习了新授单词。 随后的连线复习了有关房间的单词,同时练习了短语。采 取听音填空的方式,引出本课句型。利用句卡练习本课句 型。随后设计了一个判断句子正误的游戏,再次让学生练 习本课句型。) Step 3 Reading time 1. Listen to the video 2. Read after teacher 3. Read by themselves 4. Read by someone (设计意图:听读相结合处理文本,使学生再次巩固本课句 型) Step 4 Homework Make a survey (设计意图:通过做调查的形式让学生复习本课句型) Step 5 Emotional Game We should love our family, all the family together is most important. (设计意图:让学生体会本课情感目标,家人的陪伴最重要) 教学反思 今天我所执教的课是冀教版一起一年级下册第 17 课 At Home。本课的教 学目标是学生能认知,理解并运用 watch TV, cook, sleep。学生能理解并使 用句型 I watch TV/sleep/cook in the living room/in the bedroom/ in the kitchen.句 型。.综合本学期的教研主题“加强任务型教学在学生学习过程中的运用” ,我 认为本节课的成功之处是: 1. 歌曲导入,以达到复习的目的,同时为本课的内容作好铺垫。 2. 在处理文本时,利用自制教具,单词卡片,句卡和人物图片以及多种形式的 机械半机械操练来学习本课单词及句型,通过大量的练习,大部分学生掌握 了本课的重难点。 当然我也有很多不足之处,在处理单词句型时,操练略少,导致有的学生没有 熟练掌握,在文本处理时。领读次数略少,少部分学生没能熟读课文。如果让 我再次执教此课,我会把更多的时间放在文本领读上,让更多的学生熟读课文。
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