(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 2 Animals at the zoo-Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:02a8c).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Animals at the zoo_Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:02a8c)
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冀教版英语三年级(下册)冀教版英语三年级(下册) The Clever Monkey Listen and answer.(听录音回答问题)听录音回答问题) Who helped the wolf? Who helped the sheep? Listen and repeat.( 听录音跟读、圈出不会读的单词)听录音跟读、圈出不会读的单词) Who is clever? Who is bad ? Who is nice? Read by yourseves then practice in small groups of three.(自读、小组分角色练习)自读、小组分角色练习) action 动作 expre- ssion 表情 tone 语气 The Clever Monkey Help! Help! Oh! Its a wolf! Mr. Sheep! Please help me! Pull me out! No! you will eat me. I will not eat you. You are a nice sheep. Pull me out, please. Okay. Ha! Ha! Im out. Now Ill eat you. No, please! Help! Help! Hey! What happened? I helped the wolf. But now he wants to eat me Do it again! Okay. Okay. HELP! action 动作 tone 语气 expre- ssion 表情 The Clever Monkey The Clever Monkey The Clever Monkey Order the sentences according to the story. (根据故事内容给句子排列顺序)根据故事内容给句子排列顺序) ( ) The clever monkey helps the sheep . ( ) The sheep pulls the wolf out . ( ) The wolf wants to eat the sheep. Lets think Which character(哪个角色) do you like the most sheep,wolf or monkey? Why? What do we learn from the story? Lets think(小故事大道理)(小故事大道理) Do yo think the wolf will ever get out of the hole?What will happen? .(你觉得狼最终会从里你觉得狼最终会从里 面出来吗?将会发生什么面出来吗?将会发生什么.) Lets think 2.Find more stories about clever animals or people. Homework 1.Tell the story to your parents after class.冀教版三年级(下)冀教版三年级(下)Unit 2 Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey 教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标:掌握词汇:clever、bad 、nice 能力目标:通过情境表演感知故事 wolf、sheep and monkey 之间发生了什么事情。 情感目标:对待朋友要真诚,做人要学会感恩。 教学重点:学生能在图片和老师的帮助下读懂、表演故事。 教学过程: 1.Sing a song How are you . Step 1:Lead in . 2.Play a guessing game . T: It is an animal . It is brown . It is thin .Its tail is long . It lives in a tree .It likes to eat bananas . Can you guess what it is ? S: . (Its a monkey.) T: Do you like to listen to the story . This lesson we will learn a story The Clever Monkey. Write the title on the blackboard and read it . 【设计意图设计意图】开场以歌曲活跃气氛,拉近与学生的距离,利用 guessing game 充分引起孩子的好奇心和学习兴趣,顺其自然地引出 了课题。 Step2. Pre-reading . 1. Look at the cover . T:Who is in the story ? Can you guess what will happen? S: . 2.T: Now lets look at the pictures to check your guessing. 【设计意图设计意图】读故事绘本的封面,让学生初步预测故事大意,使他 们的思维活跃起来,随后检测是否与文本相符,学生积极性高、参 与度广。 Step3. While - reading. 1.Listen and answer: Who helped the wolf? Who helped the sheep? T:Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Check the answers. 【设计意图设计意图】第一遍听录音,整体感知故事大意,培养学生抓取关 键信息的能力。 2.Listen and repeat . 听录音并模仿跟读,体会故事中人物的语言、神态、动作及心理, 特别注意语音、语调,圈出不会读的词。 【设计意图设计意图】第二遍播放故事视频,学生模仿大声跟读,使学生更 全面、细致地学习文本细节置身于故事中,体会故事中人物的语言、 神态、动作及心理,特别注意语音、语调。如果有不会读的词可以 提出来,鼓励会读的孩子当小老师教其他学生,老师只补充不会 的词“will 、again”。 3.Reading . T: Girls and boys ,please read the story by yourselves then answer the questions: Who is clever? Who is bad ? Who is nice ? 4.Role-play . (1)T:Now act out the in small groups of three then present to the class. (2)T:Class,who can act as a wolf?Who can act as a sheep?Who can act as a monkey? S: . 【设计意图设计意图】通过自读、回答问题,帮助孩子理解故事中的人物形 象,为后面展演中表现人物形象的语音、语调加深理解。小组内分 角色扮演为后面的班级表演打基础,从语音、语调、神态、停顿等 方面对学生加以指导,使其养成良好得得阅读习惯。班级展演给学 生提供一个大舞台展现英语的魅力,进一步激发孩子的学习乐趣。 Step4 .Post -reading . 1.Order the sentences according to the story.(根据故事内容 给句子排列顺序) ( ) The clever monkey helps the sheep . ( ) The sheep pulls the wolf out . ( ) The wolf wants to eat the sheep. 【设计意图设计意图】通过让学生给句子排列顺序,检测学生是否理解了故 事梗概。 2.Discuss. (1)T:Which character(哪个角色) do you like the most sheep,wolf or monkey? Why? S: . (2)小故事大道理 T:What do we learn from the story?(可以用汉语回答) S: . (3)T:Do yo think the wolf will ever get out of the hole?What will happen? .(你觉得狼最终会从里面出来吗?将 会发生什么.) 【设计意图设计意图】引导学生分析故事中三个角色的人物形象,你最喜欢 的角色是什么、原因是什么,慢慢上升到从故事中体会到的道理, 这个故事和孩子们知道的寓言故事农夫与蛇的寓意是一样的, 对待朋友要真诚、做人要学会感恩、遇到危险要机制化解,使我们 的文本学习走向生活,这是一种无声的情感教育,凸显了文本主题 的意义。第三个问题的提出给了学生发挥想象力的空间,激发学生 的深度思考,可以是一个故事的“续集”。 Step 4.Homework. 1.Tell the story to your parents after class. 2.Find more stories about clever animals or people. 【设计意图设计意图】语言学习需要课内和课外想结合,课内学习必须延伸 到课外。在课内激发学生学习及阅读兴趣,课外继续阅读书籍,使 学生的学习达到可持续发展。 板书设计: Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey nice bad clever 图片(羊) 图片 (狼) 图片 (猴子) help want to eat help
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