
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:1159045 上传时间:2021-03-09 格式:PPT 页数:52 大小:15.51MB
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1、If you see a phrase, read it and act it out. 如果你看到了一个词组,请把它读出 来并表演出来。 If you see a tiger, clap your hands twice. 如果你看到了一只老虎,拍两下手。 Rules (规则) Lets play Lets play stand up sit down look at the blackboard open your book close the window open the book close the book open the door open the window rubber

2、Game over!Game over! close the door come in parrot listen to me stand up sit down open the book close the book open the window close the window open the door close the door come in look at the blackboard Dont listen to the parrot. Lets read Lets read stand up * dont=do not 不不 * = dont 不;不要不;不要 标志 si

3、t down close the book Dont sit down. Dont close the book. Dont close the window open the door Dont open the door. Dont close the window. Dont Look and judge 判断在英语课上,哪些行为是礼貌的, 哪些行为是不礼貌的? 礼貌的,用 表示。 不礼貌的,用 表示。 Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Imp

4、olite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? Polite or Impolite? How to be polite?(怎样有礼貌一些?) Dont eat. 不要吃东西。 eat 吃吃 How to be polite?(怎样有礼貌一些?) Dont drink. 不要喝。 drink 喝喝 Dont talk. 不要说话。 talk 说话;谈话说话;谈话 Dont sleep. 不要

5、睡觉。 sleep 睡觉睡觉 Dont . run 跑;跑步跑;跑步 Dont run. 不要跑。 Dont . shout 喊;叫喊;叫 Dont shout. 不要喊。 Lets read drink eat run shout sleep talk drink eat run shout sleep talk Game time When you see the word, please say it loudly! When you see “Hurray”, please lift up your hands! 看到单词看到单词, 大声说出来!大声说出来! 看到看到Hurray,立刻

6、举起双手!,立刻举起双手! shout eat run talk sleep drink Lets read drink sleep run talk eat shout Dont . shout eat run talk drink sleep Where are they? In the library.在图书馆里在图书馆里 Listen and count 听听数数 Dont. Five! 5 Watch and order 看动画排序看动画排序 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Watch and order 看动画排序 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 ( ) ( ) 4 5

7、 Listen and read 跟读 shout Shh 嘘嘘 叫,喊(动词)叫,喊(动词) Dont shout. Dont run, Liu Tao. 跑(动词)跑(动词) Dont run. run No, thank you. Dont eat here. eat 吃(动词)吃(动词) Dont eat. here 这里这里 sweet 糖果糖果 talk 说话(动词)说话(动词) Dont talk. Shh 嘘嘘 sleep 睡觉(动词)睡觉(动词) Dont sleep. sorry 对不起对不起 In the library Dont _. Dont _. Dont _. D

8、ont _. Dont _. Dont shout run eat talk sleep Dont drink. drink 喝(动词)喝(动词) Dont . eat Dont . shout Dont . talk Dont . run Dont . sleep Say a rhyme Dont talk, Tom. Dont talk, Tom. I want to sleep, want to sleep, want to sleep. Dont sleep, Tim. I want to talk, want to talk, want to talk. 想要想要 Lets sing. 总结: 1.告诫他人不做某事, 我们可以说: 2.说一说上课时我们不 能做的事情吧。 Dont . Dont shout/eat/run/talk/ sleep/drink. Homework 1. Copy the new words. 抄写新单词。抄写新单词。 2. Listen to the tape and read Story time and the new words. 听录音并读故事和新单词。听录音并读故事和新单词。


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