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1、试卷第 1 页,总 7 页 人教人教 PEPPEP 版版四年级英语四年级英语下册期末满分必刷卷下册期末满分必刷卷 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 听力部分听力部分 一、一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 (_) 1. Apear Bpretty Cpants (_) 2. Ashorts Bshirt Cskirt (_) 3. Afloor Bwall Cball (_) 4. Afat Bhat Ccat (_) 5. Athirty Bthree Cthirteen (_) 6. Asheep Bhorse Ccow (_) 7. Aclothes Bpants Cdress (_) 8

2、. Aumbrella Bsunglasses Cglove (_) 9. Ayours Bthose Cthese (_) 10. A get up B go home C go to school 二、二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 (_) 1. AIs it cold? BIs it cool? (_) 2. AThis is the teachers office. BThis is the teachers desk. (_) 3. AWhat are they? BWhat are these? (_) 4. AIts too cheap. BIts too small. 试卷第

3、 2 页,总 7 页 (_) 5. AWe have a lot of animals. BWe have a lot of shoes. (_)6. AIts 7:20. Lets go to school. BIts 4:20. Lets go home. CIts 3:20. Lets play football. (_)7. ADo you have a computer room? BDo you have a music room? CDo you have an art room? (_)8. AHow many teachers are there in your school

4、? BHow many students are there in your school? CHow many students are there in your class? (_) 9. AThese are your shirts. They are yours. BThese are your pants. They are yours. CThese are your shorts. They are yours. (_) 10. AThe food here is very expensive. BThe food in the country is nice and chea

5、p. CThe food here is nice and cheap. 三听录音,选择正确的答语。 (_) 1. A Twenty B Im twelve. C I like cows. (_) 2. AIts pretty. BTheyre on the bed. CIts on the bed. (_) 3. A Its fifty yuan. B They are fifty yuan. C They are yellow. (_) 4. AYes, it is. BNo, they arent. CHere you are. 试卷第 3 页,总 7 页 (_) 5. AThank y

6、ou. BThis is the weather report. CIts hot and sunny. (_) 6. AIts on the first floor. BI have a big computer room. (_) 7. ALets play football. BIts warm. (_) 8. AYes, we do. BThis is our music room. (_) 9. ASure. Here you are. BNo, you cant. (_) 10. AIts warm. BYes, it is. 笔试笔试部分部分 四四、选择题、选择题 1_ do y

7、ou like the scarf? ( ) AWhat BHow CWho 2Its time _ English class. ( ) Afor Bto C/ 3_ students are there in your class? ( ) Forty-five. AHow old BHow many CHow 4_ the teachers office? ( ) Its on the second floor. AWhere BWheres CWhats 5What are _? ( ) Theyre cows. Athis Bthat Cthose 试卷第 4 页,总 7 页 6-

8、Can I go outside now? ( ) - _. AYes, you do BNo, I dont CNo, you cant 7Its time _ go to school. ( ) Ato Bfor Cat 8What size? ( ) _. ASize five BFive yuan CIt is cheap 9Whats the weather like today? ( ) _ AIts rainy and cool. BNo, it isnt. CIts 8:00 oclock. 10The teachers office is _ the first floor.

9、 ( ) Ato Bon CAt 五五、英汉互译。 1here you are_ 2size 6_ 3试穿_ 4当然_ 5just right_ 6too small_ 7. cool _ 8. pretty_ 9 放风筝_ 10.wonderful _ 六六、按要求写单词。 1potato(复数) _ 2its(完整形式) _ 3tall(反义词) _ 4that(复数形式) _ 试卷第 5 页,总 7 页 5sheep(复数) _ 6cheap (反义词) _ 7nice (同义词) _ 8Ill (完全形式) _ 9those (单数) _ 10Ill take it (中文) _ 七七

10、、连词成句、连词成句 1. is, colour , what, it (?) _ 2. time, for, breakfast, is, it (.) _ 3. skirt , your , it, is (?) _ 4. school , your , is, what, bag, in (?) _ 5. you, what, want, do , (?) _ 6. are, How, they, much? _ 7. Lets, football, play. _ 8. yuan, are, They, three. _ 9. ducks, Are, they? _ 10. they,

11、 No, arent. 试卷第 6 页,总 7 页 _ 八八、读短文,完成下面的判断题。 Dear Mom, How are you? Im in New York now. My new school has a big library and a nice garden. I get up at seven oclock everyday.The school begins at nine oclock.The class over at three.The weather in New York is cool and cloudy.I can wear my new sweater a

12、nd new scarf.How about Shanghai? Can you wear your beautiful coat? I miss you very much. Yours,Sally 1Sallys school has a big library. (_) 2Sally gets up at nine oclock. (_) 3The weather in New York is cold. (_) 4Sally can wear her sweater now. (_) 5Sallys mom has a beautiful coat. (_) 九九、阅读短文,选择正确答

13、案。 Hello! My name is Chen Jie. Im a girl. I like the orange skirt and the white Tshirt. This is my good friend, Alice. She likes the green sweater. She doesnt like the white Tshirt. This is my dad. He likes the black jeans. But I dont like the black jeans. I like the blue jeans. This is my mum. She

14、likes the yellow dress. She doesnt like to wear the red blouse. But I like the red blouse very much. 1Chen Jie likes the _ skirt and the_ Tshirt. ( ) Abrown;black Borange;white Cgreen;blue 试卷第 7 页,总 7 页 2Alice likes the_. ( ) Agreen sweater Borange sweater Cpink sweater 3Chen Jies dad likes the_. (

15、) Agray jeans Bblack jeans Cblue jeans 4_doesnt like the black jeans. ( ) AChen Jies dad BChen Jie CAlice 5Chen Jies mother likes the_. ( ) Ared blouse Borange dress Cyellow dress 试卷第 8 页,总 5 页 听力材料听力材料 一、一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 1. pear 2. shirt 3. floor 4. hat 5. thirteen 6. sheep 7. pants 8. umbrella 9.

16、those 10. go to school 二、二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 1. Is it cool? 2. This is the teachers office. 3. What are these? 4. Its too cheap. 5. We have a lot of animals. 6. Its 4:20. Lets go home. 7. Do you have a computer room? 8. How many teachers are there in your school? 9. These are your shorts. They are your

17、s. 10. The food here is nice and cheap. 三听录音,选择正确的答语。 1. How many cows are there? 2. Where is my jacket? 3. How much are the pants? 4. Are they horses? 5. Whats the weather like? 试卷第 9 页,总 5 页 6. Where is the computer room? 7. Whats the weather like in Shanghai? 8. Do you have a music room? 9. Can I

18、 go outside now? 10. Is it cold in London? 参考答案参考答案 一、一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 1A B A B C A B A B C 二、二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 B A B A A B A A C C 三听录音,选择正确的答语。 A C B B C A B A B B 四四、选择题、选择题 1B 2A 3B 4B 5C 试卷第 10 页,总 5 页 6C 7A 8A 9A 10B 五五、英汉互译。 1给你 26 码 3try on 4of course 5正好、恰好 6太小 7. 凉爽的 8. 漂亮的 9. fly a kite 10

19、. 极好的 六六、按要求写单词。 1potatoes 2it is 3short 4those 5sheep 试卷第 11 页,总 5 页 6expensive 7pretty 8I will 9that 10我要了/ 我买了 七七、连词成句、连词成句 What colour is it ? It is time for breakfast . Is it your skirt ? What is in your school bag ? What do you want ? How much are they? Lets play football. Theyre three yuan. Are they ducks? No, they arent. 八八、读短文,完成下面的判断题。 1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 试卷第 12 页,总 5 页 九九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 1B 2A 3B 4B 5C


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