冀教版(一起)六下-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 20 Looking at Photos-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:312e7).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home_Lesson 20 Looking at Photos_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:312e7)
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Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos 课堂习题 一、照样子,写词组 swim in the sea ______ on the playground _________ ping-pong ________ on the beach ________ a birthday party ________ a summer camp _ ________ cards ________ a snowman 二、把动词和相应的动词过去式连起来并分类。 动词 动词过去式 规则变化(- ed) 三、看图写句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. talked felt saw was taught flew hit said went wanted want talk see hit is fly say go feel teach 不规则变化冀教版英语六年级下册冀教版英语六年级下册Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos Look at photos swim in the sea make a snowman play football play ping-pong play on the beach go to a summer camp have a birthday party play cards Can you say? 1.What is Li Ming doing? 2.What did he find? He is getting ready to go home next week. He found some photos. Read in pairs Say sentences Danny wanted to play basketball with a ping- pong ball. I taught him to play ping -pong, but he hit his hand. I went to the shop with Danny. We bought Christmas gifts. Then Danny saw Santa. We talked to Santa. 讲述发生在过去的事情,要 用一般过去时来表达,句子 中动词要用动词过去式。 We know that Practice: Read and match want talk see hit is fly say go feel teach talked felt saw was taught flew hit said went wanted 动词 动词过去式 规则变化(-ed形式 ) 不规则变化 want-wanted talk -talked see-saw hit -hit is -was fly -flew say-said go-went feel-felt teach-taught Last year swim in the sea make a snowman play football play ping-pong play on the beach go to a summer camp have a bithday party play cards swam in the sea made a snowman played football play ping-pong played ping-pong played on the beach went to a summer camp had a bithday party played cards Talk and write Jenny flew a kite in the park last Sunday. Danny saw pandas in the zoo last Sunday. Steven went to the surpermarket last Sunday. Homework Take some your photos and talk to your friends.(运用一 般过去时) Summary 复习一般过去时及常见动词过去式Lesson20 Looking at Photos 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与技能:知识与技能:1. 能够听说读写单 found,taught,hit,went,bought,saw,talked 等动词过去式。 2. 能够运用一般过去时描述照片中发生的事情。 过程与方法:过程与方法:通过出示李明的一些照片,让学生通过说词组到说句子,练习运 用一般过去时。 情感态度价值观:情感态度价值观:积极营造真实情境,使学生感受李明在加拿大生活的乐趣, 并在学习过程中体验学习的喜悦。 教学重点:教学重点:能用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。 教学难点:教学难点:能够正确的动词过去式及句型进行描述。 教学过程:教学过程: 一一. . ClassClass openingopening 1. Greeting T:Good morning,everyone. 2.Free talk T:I have some photos. Do you remember these photos? They are from Li Ming. We know that he will go back to China. So he will take these photos home. T:(课件出示照片) Look at photos. What is Jenny doing? S: She is swimming in the sea. T: Show: swim in the sea(依次问答练习八张照片) 设计意图:设计意图:轻松的问答练习让学生进入英语学习的氛围之中,为新课的学习做 好准备,学生能够很容易说出常见的动词词组,并练习现在进行时句型。 二二.Presentation.Presentation Part 1 T:(出示课件) Do you know what is Li Ming doing now? Lets watch a short movie about Li Ming and Jenny. And think about two questions. (出示问题)1. What is Li Ming doing? 2. What did he find? T: Play the movie. T: Can you find the answers? Lets students talk with his partner. Then take out book and read by themselves.(学生自由朗读课文并试着找出 答案) T: Who can answer this question? Put up your hand.(学生举手回答,全班 订对) Then show the answers.1.He is getting ready to go home. 2.He found some photos. T:Yes. Can you find something words about these photos? (学生自由读出课文中语句) (课件出示并用红色标记句子中动词,让学生注意到与动词原形的不同。) T: Look at these words in red.(讲授新单词) (板书动词原形及过去式) T:本课主要内容:运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情,并明确句子中动词要 用其相对应的动词过去式。 设计意图:通过让学生带着问题去观看小视频帮助理解课文,再通过朗读课文 加深对课文的理解,并让学生回答问题,找出描述照片的语句。学习本课出现 的动词过去式,最后点出本课主要内容,让学生明确学习目标。 Practice:明确目标之后进行动词和过去式连线练习、规则变化和不规则变化 分类练习。 设计意图:对常见动词及过去式进行巩固练习,为第二部分句子练习打好基础。 Part 2 T: (再次出示课前的八张照片)时间:Last year T: Can you say something about these photos? T: Now look at the first photos. What did Jenny do? S: Jenny swam in the sea.(图片下面出示 swam in the sea) 依次问答练习,让学生说出句子,教师课件出示动词词组。 设计意图:通过再次利用课前出示的照片,让学生尝试运用一般过去时,只出 示词组是为了让学生关注动词的变化。 Part 3 (出示第三部分四张照片) 1.对话练习。(practice in pairs) A: Where was ____ last Sunday? B: _____ was ___________. A: What did ______ he/she do ? B: He/She ______________. 2.照例子,写句子。Try to write one sentence. Ask someone to say a sentence and show it to all the students. 设计意图:对话练习锻炼学生的语言表达能力,然后进行写话练习,学生从听 说过渡到写的练习。 三Summary T:What have you learned in this class? 课件出示总结本课主要内容 设计意图:引导学生总结本课学习内容,培养学生的自我梳理知识的能力。 四四HomeworkHomework 课件出示课后作业 Take some your photos and talk to your friends.(运用一般过去时) 设计意图:课后作业帮助学生巩固加深课堂所学内容,并进行拓展。 五五. .板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 20 Looking at Photos want-wanted teach-taught hit -hit go -went buy-bought see-saw talk -talked find-found 六教学反思:六教学反思: 所讲内容是冀教版六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 20 Looking at Photos 。本册书主要讲李明来在加拿大的第二个学期所发生的一些故事。本单 元的主题是:Li Ming Comes Home。本课是本单元的第二课,属于描述性对话 课, 本课由三部分组成,语法主要复习一般过去时。本课针对第一和第三部分 进行讲解。我对本课的教学反思总结为以下几点: 首先是自己认为比较好的方面。一是设计思路清晰,抓住了本课的重点内容, 能够为学生创设英语情景。二是注重自己的英语发音,为学生做出好的表率。 其次就是通过这次活动我发现自身许多的缺点和不足。 一是导入环节,设计得很好,但课堂上由于提问地学生过多,占用了过多时间。 二是师生互动太少,教师在教学过程中不够活泼,缺乏激情,不能很好地带动 学生,课堂气氛沉闷。 三是在知识点练习活动中,形式单一枯燥,高估学生的学习水平,认为这些知 识很简单,没有真正的站在学生的角度去思考,在以后的教学中要多去感受学 生的学习过程,设置多种形式进行操练。 四是扩展性练习做得不到位,课堂环节应环环相扣,每个环节都要为下一个环 节铺垫,注意过渡性语言。 五是教师课堂英语用语要规范准确,作为英语老师要为学生做出表率,只有老 师说得英语多了给学生创设真的英语语境,久而久之学生听懂了学会了,才能 爱上英语课。 总之,通过这节课我觉得自己不足还不止以上这些,我将在今后的英语教 学中继续保持自己好的方面,并不断地摸索让自己的英语教学更加生动,让我 的学生们爱上我的英语课。
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