(新教材)2022版北师大版英语选择性必修第一册同步练习:UNIT 3Period 2 Lesson 1 (含答案).doc

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1、UNIT 3 Period Two 题组 A 基础练 (建议用时:10 分钟) 单词拼写 1It is reported that some rare _(物种) have been discovered in this mountain. 2The number of students in some rural schools have _(减少) sharply in recent years. 3Nobody but I should be to _(责备) 4The sharp noise from the construction site badly _(影响) my healt

2、h. 5These _(濒危的) animals should be under careful conservation. 6As you know, _(太阳的) energy does no harm to our planet. 7The little boy tried to _(孵化) these eggs by putting them under his arms. 8It will take many years before the ecology in this area _(恢复) 9The climate this year is quite _(异常) from a

3、verage years. 10You can see _(各种各样的) animals and plants in this forest. 【答案】 1 species 2 decreased 3 blame 4 affects 5 endangered 6 solar 7 hatch 8restores 9unusual 10varied/various/different 单句语法填空 1His father, known _ a skilled surgeon, will come to give a lecture in our school. 2In the last thirt

4、y years, there _(be) great changes in every walk of life in our country. 3The dog barked a whole night, _ kept me awake all night long. 4_ he has failed many times in his experiment, he doesnt want to give up trying. 5It is quite certain _ their team will lose the game in the end. 6Without the Inter

5、net, our life _(be) different from what it is. 7The number of these _(endanger) animals is on the increase these years. 8My hen has _(lay) twenty eggs this month. 9It is up _ you to decide where to have our dinner party. 10Ten students were praised at the meeting, _(include) Li Ming and Wang Fei. 【答

6、案】1as 2have been 3which 4Though/Although 5that 6would be 7endangered 8laid 9to 10including 完成句子 1She can type _ _ _ _ 60 words every minute. 她可以每分钟 60 词的速度打字。 【答案】at the rate of 2In the past thirty years, _ _ _ great progress in many aspects in our country. 在过去三十年里,我们国家在许多方面都取得了巨大的进步。 【答案】there has

7、been 3_ _ quite obvious _ he is confident about his life in the future. 很显然,他对未来的生活很有信心。 【答案】It is; that 4Without air or water, we _ _ unable to live. 要是没有水和空气,我们就不能生存。 【答案】would be 5_ _ _ _ to protect these wild animals. 应当采取措施,保护好这些野生动物。 【答案】Steps/Measures must be taken 题组 B 提升练 (建议用时:30 分钟) 阅读理解

8、The African elephant will disappear within two decades if urgent action is not taken to save one of the worlds most iconic animal species; the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has warned in a new campaign fundraiser. The population of these elephants the largest animal currently walking the earth ha

9、s declined by 70 percent in the last 40 years, in large part because of the illegal ivory trade, which is the biggest driver of elephant poaching,_according to the non- profit. In fact, 20,000 elephants are killed every year to feed this trade. Once an elephant is killed, poachers harvest the ivory

10、to meet a growing demand for products made from this material. Ivory can be turned into ornaments and decorations, as well as being used in traditional Asian medicine for its intended therapeutic value. Elephants are also sometimes killed to provide a source of meat. This poaching takes place despit

11、e a global ban on ivory sales under the CITES multilateral treaty (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) which was introduced in 1990Above the poachers are powerful organized criminal networks which commonly engage in corruption, money laundering and as

12、sassinations. Part of the issue in policing the problem is that the governments of nations where African elephants live often lack sufficient resources to protect and monitor elephant herds, which often reside in remote and inaccessible habitats. When the animals are killed, they often suffer a brut

13、al death. African elephants are found in 37 countries across the continent and are categorized as “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with a remaining population of around 415,000 in the wild, according to WWF. These animals play a crucial role in the ecosystem,

14、 helping to maintain healthy habitats for many other species. This is because African elephants help to disperse seeds. The population of African elephants which are split into two subspecies once numbered between three and five million during the last century. However, this figure has fallen dramat

15、ically as a result of poaching and other factors, such as habitat fragmentation or loss. 1The word “poaching” in Paragraph 2 probably means _. Adesperate desire Bsevere damage Cillegal hunting Dcruel killing 2What is the main reason for the sharp decline in the number of African elephants? AThey wer

16、e hunted by other animals. BThey failed to survive the natural disasters. CThere is no suitable living environment. DThey were illegally traded for ivory. 3Which of the following can be learned from the passage? AAbsence of bans or regulations on ivory sales is the biggest driver of elephant poachin

17、g. BElephants living in remote habitats are less vulnerable than those living in nations with adequate resources. CIf the African elephant disappear, the ecosystem there is likely to be ruined. DAfrican elephant herbs usually migrated in large population. 4Whats the best title for this passage? AAfr

18、ican Elephants Will Be Gone in The Future BAfrican Elephants, Leading Role in Ecosystem CThe Population of African Elephants DDifferent Types of African Elephants 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了由于人类的破坏行为,如果不采取紧急行动, 非洲象将在未来的 20 年内消失。 1C 词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“the largest animal currently walking the earthhas declined by 7

19、0 percent in the last 40 years, in large part because of the illegal ivory trade”可知, 大象数量下降很大程度上是因为非法象牙贸易,从而根据后句的非限制性定语从句可以猜 测,因为非法象牙贸易的存在,成为大象偷猎的最大推动力。所以 poaching 的含义为“偷 猎”之意。故选 C 项。 2D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The population of these elephantsthe largest animal currently walking the earthhas declined by 70 p

20、ercent in the last 40 years, in large part because of the illegal ivory trade, which is the biggest driver of elephant poaching.”和第四段 “Once an elephant is killed, poachers harvest the ivory to meet a growing demand for products made from this material. Ivory can be turned into ornaments and decorati

21、ons, as well as being used in traditional Asian medicine for its intended therapeutic value. ”可知, 非洲象数量急剧下降 的主要原因是非法象牙贸易。故选 D 项。 3C 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“These animals play a crucial role in the ecosystem, helping to maintain healthy habitats for many other species. This is because African elephants help

22、to disperse seeds.”可推断出,如果非洲象消失了,那里的生态系统很可能会被 破坏。故选 C 项。 4A 标题推测题。根据文章第一段“The African elephant will disappear within two decades if urgent action is not taken to save one of the worlds most iconic animal species, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has warned in a new campaign fundraiser.”及全文内容可 知,

23、文章主要介绍了由于人类的破坏行为,如果不采取紧急行动,非洲象将在未来的 20 年 内消失。所以这篇文章最好的题目是“非洲象将在未来消失”。故选 A 项。 完形填空 For years, I followed the materialistic standards around me. I thought that without the purses, shoes, and all the other “_1_” things, I would not be as pretty, smart, or important as others of my age. As a freshman (新

24、生) of my high school, I thought top social status could be gained by doing everything to fit in. So I became a(n) _2_ and bought fake (伪造的) designer purses. I felt popular and important, and I loved it. But, my parents couldnt understand my strong _3_ to be someone just to impress others. They tried

25、 endlessly to convince me that I was hurting myself, but I wouldnt listen. I felt _4_ with this way of my life until one day I looked at myself in the mirror and saw someone with makeup and the product- filled hair wasnt me. That person was _5_. So I quit cheerleading and _6_ swimming again, somethi

26、ng I had loved for eight years before high school. I also attended my schools top vocal (声乐) performance group, and _7_ myself whole- heartedly to community service. I wrote articles in my school newspaper that questioned the materialistic _8_ of many students at my school. I started _9_ my limits a

27、cademically, which I previously considered less important than improving my social status. I found a new group of friends who _10_ me, unlike my old friends. I found I no longer needed to impress others materialistically. Starting over was _11_. My classmates looked at me as if they didnt know me. I

28、 am to _12_ the materialistic culture. I am confident, talented, and optimistic. I know who I am. Im motivated to explore even more of my _13_ as a student and a member of my community. I took one of the worst _14_ in my life but I turned it around and _15_ something beautifula life that fits me, wi

29、th meaning and happiness. 1Astrange Bnecessary Cconventional Dstupid 2Aassistant Bwinner Cactress Dcheerleader 3Apromise Brefusal Cdesire Dfailure 4Apleased Btired Cconfused Dbored 5Ahappy Bbusy Cattractive Dsad 6Astarted Bsuggested Cregretted Davoided 7Aforgave Badmitted Cdevoted Dcollected 8Adoubt

30、s Bsystems Creforms Dbehaviors 9Apushing Bclarifying Cfinishing Dremembering 10Aprotected Bsupported Cdiscovered Dblamed 11Anatural Bsimple Chard Dspecial 12Ateam up with Bmake up for Ctake advantage of Dsay goodbye to 13Ahistory Bbelief Cpotential Dexperience 14Asituations Bchanges Cremarks Ddecora

31、tions 15Atested Bcreated Ctaught Daffected 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,起初作者追求物质财富,认为外在形象可以帮助树立 良好的社会地位。后来她改变了对自己的看法,重新开始游泳,学习声乐课并努力完成社区 服务活动,创造了适合自己的美丽的生活。 1B 考查形容词辨析。strange 奇怪的;necessary 必要的;conventional 传统的;stupid 愚蠢的。“我”遵循享乐主义的生活标准,所以“我”追求的是物质财富。名牌包和服装对 “我”来说都是必需的物品。故选 B 项。 2D 考查名词辨析。assistant 助手;winner 胜利者;

32、actress 女演员;cheerleader 啦啦 队员。 根据第四段中“So I quit cheerleading and _6_ swimming again”可知后来“我”放弃了 啦啦队,说明“我”之前是啦啦队员。故选 D 项。 3C 考查名词辨析。promise 诺言;refusal 拒绝,回绝;desire 欲望,目的;failure 失败。 “我”想通过外在形象给别人留下深刻印象, 父母无法理解“我”这样的欲望。 和“诺 言、拒绝、失败”无关。故选 C 项。 4A 考查形容词辨析。pleased 高兴的, 满意的;tired 疲惫的;confused 困惑的;bored 乏味的

33、,无聊的。因为成功融入了新环境,作者对于自身情况很满意。故选 A 项。 5D 作者原来对自己很满意,直到有一天她照镜子,看到镜子里的浓妆艳抹的自己, 感觉自己成了另外一个人,非常难受,后来放弃了啦啦队,返璞归真。故选 D 项。 6A 考查动词辨析。start 开始;suggest 建议;regret 后悔,遗憾;avoid 避免。句意: 意识到自己的变化以后,“我”重新开始游泳,学习声乐课并努力完成社区服务活动。故选 A 项。 7C 考查固定搭配。devoteto致力于;努力做;其余三个动词都没有这 个搭配。句意:意识到自己的变化以后,“我”重新开始游泳,学习声乐课并努力完成社区 服务活动。故

34、选 C 项。 8D 考查名词辨析。doubt 怀疑;system 系统;reform 改革;behavior 行为。句意: “我”在学校的报纸上写了有关质疑唯物主义的行为的文章。 根据前段可知作者对唯物主义 的思想产生了怀疑。故选 D 项。 9A 考查动词辨析。push 推动;clarify 澄清;finish 完成;remember 记得。纠正了之 前物质主义的行为以后, “我”开始努力推进自己在学业上的进程, 之前“我”认为学习并 不重要。故选 A 项。 10B 考查动词辨析。protect 保护;support 支持;discover 发现;blame 责备。现在 “我”有了新朋友,和之

35、前的朋友不一样,他们非常支持“我”。故选 B 项。 11C 考查形容词辨析。根据后句可知同学看着“我”好像不认识“我”一样,因为 “我”和以前不一样了,对“我”来说重新开始非常困难。故选 C 项。 12D 考查动词词组词义辨析。短语 team up with 与合作;make up for 弥补;take advantage of 利用;say goodbye to 和说再见。作者改变了价值观,和之前的物质主义说 再见。故选 D 项。 13C 考查名词辨析。名词 history 历史;belief 观点;potential 潜力;experience 经验, 经历。 现在“我”变得更加自信乐观

36、,愿意挖掘自己的潜力。 与“历史、 观点、经历”无关。 故选 C 项。 14A 考查名词辨析。名词 situation 情景,情况;change 改变,变化;remark 评论; decoration 装修,装饰。“我”接受了人生中最糟糕的情况,但最终“我”做出了改变,重 新回归自“我”。故选 A 项。 15B 考查动词辨析。“我”做出了改变,改变了原来的人生观,也创造了适合自己 的美丽的生活。故选 B 项。 语法填空 Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam. For decades, he had been struggling to rid his family 1_ h

37、unger. However, it always confused him how 2_ (expand) the output of his crops. This 3_(disturb) problem led to his regretting being a farmer. He would rather have chosen 4_job. One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longping. He underlined Yuans nationality and occu

38、pation, and then 5_(focus) on his discovery and the statistics of his research. He found the knowledge Yuan circulated very 6_(practice). Therefore, he made a summary and began to build up a new farming method. He planted super grain of rich nutrition and equipped 7_(he) to keep his crop roots free

39、of bacteria and pests. He also enriched minerals in the soil while 8_(reduce) chemical fertilizers. Though it cost him more time and 9_(free), he was full of hope. The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with 10 _(he) production very much. Thanks to Yuan Longping, he not only won the battle a

40、gainst hunger, but he could also export his crops abroad. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了越南农民 Tuan 受到袁隆平故事的激励而 努力去提高农作物产量。 1of 考查介词。句意:几十年来,他一直在努力让他的家人摆脱饥饿。rid sb. of 固 定短语,“使某人摆脱”。故填 of。 2to expand 考查动词不定式。句意:但是,如何扩大农作物产量这个问题一直困扰 着他。 此句是“疑问词不定式”作主语, 根据句意“如何扩大农作物产量这个问题一直困 扰着他”可知。故填 how。 3disturbing 考查现在分词。句意:这

41、个令人烦恼的问题导致他后悔当了一个农民。 形容词修饰名词作定语。故填 disturbing。 4another 考查代词。句意:他宁愿选择另一份工作。another job “另一份工作”。 故填 another。 5focused 考查时态。句意:他在袁隆平的国籍和职业下画了线,然后开始专注于他 的发现和他的研究数据。根据“He underlined Yuans nationality and occupation”的时态,可知 谓语动词用一般过去时。故填 focused。 6practical 考查形容词。句意:他发现袁隆平的知识非常实用。此处形容词作表语。 故填 practical。 7

42、himself 考查代词。句意:他种植了营养丰富的超级谷物,并配备了防止作物根部 细菌和害虫的设备。本句的主语为 he。主语与宾语为同一个人或者事物时,宾语用反身代 词,所以此处用反身代词 himself 作宾语。故填 himself。 8reducing 考查非谓语动词。句意:他还增加了土壤中的矿物质,同时减少了化肥的 使用。分析句子可知,此处是非谓语动词作状语,he 和 reduce 在逻辑上是主谓关系,应用 现在分词。故填 reducing。 9freedom 考查名词。句意:虽然这让他失去了更多的时间和自由,但是他充满了希 望。此空与 time 并列,作宾语。故填 freedom。 10his 考查代词。句意:第二年,Tuan 虽然晒黑了,但对自己的产品很满意。名词 前应用形容性物主代词。故填 his。

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