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1、八年级英语基础测试(八年级英语基础测试(Unit 1-3) 一一单项选择单项选择。 (每小题每小题 4 分,分, 共共 60 分分) ( ) 1. I was surprised to see Joe at the park. I didnt expect _ him there. A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting ( ) 2. When I arrived at home, I saw him _ the 2015 FIVB Volleyball Womens World Cup. A. watch B. watching C. watc

2、hed D. to watch ( ) 3. Amy enjoyed _ at the party because all her friends were there. A. her B. you C. herself D. yourself ( ) 4. Jack, if you have problems _ the job, you can ask me for help. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished ( ) 5. Mr. Black, you are becoming healthier and healthier.

3、 Please keep on _ morning exercises. A. watching B. doing C. to watch D. to do ( ) 6. If you dont need the clock any more, you can _ either to a charity or to a friend. A. give away it B. give it away C. give out it D. give it out ( ) 7. Parents often tell their kids _ too much junk food because its

4、 bad for their health. A. to eat B. eating C. not to eat D. not eating ( ) 8. Mrs. Miller used to _ a bike to work, but now she is used to _ to work. A. ride; walk B. riding; walking C. riding; walk D. ride; walking ( ) 9. Helen, the more careful you are during the exam, _mistakes youll make. A. the

5、 more B. the fewer C. fewer D. more ( ) 10. Bob, hurry up! We only have 15 minutes to catch the bus. Oh, Dad. 15 minutes _ enough for us. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( ) 11. I dont mind _ if you are tired. A. to drive B. drive C. driving D. to driving ( ) 12. Sally, its your job _ new members to the

6、 club. Please take it seriously. A. welcome B. expect C. to welcome D. to expect ( ) 13. Joe, who did you _ the CD from? My cousin. She _ it to me yesterday. A. borrow; lent B. borrow; lends C. lend; borrows D. lend; borrowed ( ) 14. If Helens brother doesnt go to the zoo, _. A.she will either B. sh

7、e will neither C. either will she D. neither will she ( ) 15. We should learn to listen. Listening is _ important _ speaking. A. too; to B. enough; to C. as; as D. so; as ( )16. - Mom, I have _ toothache. What should I do? - You should go to the doctor and get _ X ray. A. a, a B. a, an C.the, a D. t

8、he, an ( )17. - He looks tired , do you know the reason? - I hear that he spent _ time _ computer games. He must stop it. A. too many, in B. many too, in C. much too, on D. too much,on ( )18. -Jane loves animals and she is _ in volunteering at the zoo. - Yes. How _ the animals are! A. interested, in

9、teresting B. interested, interested C. interesting, interesting D. interesting, interested ( )19. -Do you feel for being abroad these years? -Not at all. I enjoy living instead. A. alone, alone B.lonely, alone C. lonely, lonely D. alone, lonely ( )20. To our _, the boy finished his homework by himse

10、lf and there were no mistakes on it. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprises ( )21. Molly had to _ her trip because she was ill. A.put on B. put up C. put off D. put down ( )22. I didnt go to the party not _ the weather but _ I didnt feel well. A. because of; because B. because ;because

11、of C. because ; because D. because of; because of ( )23. Do you know _ yesterday? Yes. He went for the boat race. A.Why didnt Peter go to school B. why doesnt Peter go to school C.Why Peter didnt go to school D. why Peter doesnt go to school ( )24. - I didnt hear you come in just now. - Thats right.

12、 We tried _ any noise, for you were sleeping. A. not make B. not to make C. to make D. making ( )25. Internet makes _ possible for students _ classes at home now. A. it, to have B. this, having C. it, having D. this, to have ( )26. I made the cake by _. Help _, Tom. Thanks, it tastes delicious. A. o

13、urselves, yourself B. myself, yourself C. myself, you D. me, himself ( )27. Did you see him _ his model plane here when you walked by? Yes, and when he finished it, he went to fly it with his friends. A. flying B. flew C. making D. made ( )28. Joe used _ shy, but now he is used _ friends with differ

14、ent people. A. to be; to making B. to ; to make C. to; to making D. to be; to make ( )29. According to a survey, people _ are able to speak two languages can manage two things at the same time more easily. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who ( )30. We should try our best to help those in need. _. To he

15、lp others is to help ourselves. A. Youre welcome B. Youre right C. Lucky you D. Its up to you ( ) 31What happened _ you yesterday? I hurt myself in P.E. class. A. to B. on C. at D. with ( ) 32To _ surprise, the five-year-old boy can sing so many English songs. A. my B. me C. I D. mine ( ) 33Sue came

16、 to the small town five years ago and she _ here now. A. is used to live B. is used to living C. used to living D. used to live ( ) 34Your temperature is 39 C. Maybe you _. A. have a cold B. have a headache C. have a fever D. have a sore back ( ) 35I didnt feel like _ in bed, so I decided _ around t

17、he room. A. stay; walk B. staying; walking C. staying; to walk D. to stay; to walk ( ) 36They were tired and hungry, so they had problems _. A. to keep work B. to keep working C. keeping working D. keeping to work ( ) 37If you dont mind _, youre sure to succeed (成功) one day. A. take risks B. have ri

18、sk C. taking risks D. having risk ( ) 38The boy is_ creative that we all like him very much. A. so B. such C. very D. too ( ) 39There is something wrong with my _. I cant see you. A. eyes B. arms C. ears D. feet ( ) 40 Whats the matter with your sister? She had _ toothache, and she went to see _ den

19、tist. A. a; / B. an; the C. the; / D. a; a ( ) 41Im going to London next week. I hope youll have a good _. A. letter B. satisfaction C. journey D. notice ( )42What are you packing so many books for, Grandma? Ill _ to the kids in West China. A. give them up B. give them away C. give them off D. give

20、them in ( ) 43When Bob had the flu, his mother _ him day and night. A. found out B. took up C. cared for D. took away ( ) 44You neednt go to the guitar lesson tomorrow. The teacher _. A. put off it B. put it off C. fixed up it D. fixed it up ( ) 45Linda worked hard and finally she _ get an A in the

21、exam. A. was able to B. had to C. is able to D. has to ( ) 46I dont think I can finish the work in _ a short time. A. so B. such C. very D. too ( ) 47I think we should all work for peace. Each of us can make _difference A. the B. a C. / D. an ( ) 48My computer doesnt work. Could you help _ it, Dad?

22、A. share B. solve C. delete D. repair ( ) 49The heavy snow didnt make a difference _ the sports meeting. A. for B. to C. at D. on ( ) 50Im _about the_football match A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting ( )51. Keep on. Dont stop. The _ you climb, the _ y

23、ou will see. A. highest; farthest B. highly; father C. high; far D. higher; farther ( )52. Which do you prefer, rice or noodles? _, thanks. I am not hungry. I only need some water. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. All 二二. 词词汇运用汇运用。选择所给词语的适当形式填空。选择所给词语的适当形式填空。(每小题每小题 4 分,共分,共 40 分分) 1. Mr. Miller stre

24、ssed (强调) the _ (important) of careful preparation at the meeting. 2. I knew that Tim and I wouldnt be able to do the whole job by _ (our). 3. The _ (die) of a friend is always sad. 4. Dont play with _ (knife). Its dangerous. 5. Youre growing up, so you must learn to stand on your own two _ (foot).

25、6. I have a _ (feel) that something terrible is going to happen. 7. I once asked him if he had any _ (difficult) in sending five children to school. 8. After a months _ (train), I can drive a car now. 9. She _ (throw) the ball up and caught it again. 10. Molly hates _ (sit) quietly without anything

26、to do. 11.Peter, we need to clean the house. Could you please s_ the floor? 12.Its raining w_ the sun is shining. How amazing it is! 13.Can you _ (借)your English book to me? 14. Our teachers are _ (公平的)to everybody in our class. We all love them. 15. That company _(提供)us with 3, 000 dollars in 2014.

27、 16. These engineers successfully _ (开发)a new kind of energy-saving car last year. 17. Did you use to get _ (stress) when you see the school report from your teacher? 18Im too _(stress) out, let me listen to some music now. 19My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _(health) every day. 20Its easy _

28、(say), but difficult _(do). 21What kind of v_ work do you think I could do? 22He has no friends here, so he feels l_. 23My car doesnt work. I need to ask someone to r_ it. 24The old man cant walk and move his arms easily. He is d_. 25I dont u_. Could you explain that again, please? 26Can you really

29、mend a b_ heart? 27Its hard to i_ how he can improve English so quickly. 28Have you any d_ in doing this work? 29Do you think Mr. Smith is the o_ of the shop? 30He was wearing a new cap, but I didnt even n_ it. 31He is a _(disable) man.Lets do something for him. 32Lucy makes a big _(different) to my

30、 life. 33Mr.White is the _(own) of a big farm. 34We must overcome all the _(difficult) in life. 35I love animals and I am _(excite) about the idea of having a cat. 36Im feeling terrible, I have a _ (stomach). 37You should _ (drink) enough water every day. Our body needs much water. 38He _(have) a he

31、adache last week. But now he is _(feel)better. 三、句型转换(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1Why not go to the park with your friends on weekends? Why_ _go to the park with your friends on weekends? 2What was the matter with Emma yesterday morning? What_ _ _ Emma yesterday morning? 3Mary runs quickly so that she could ca

32、tch up with Tom. Mary runs quickly _ _ _ catch up with Tom. 4I believe she can look after the old woman. I believe she can_ _ _the old woman. 5The history book must be Lisas. The history book _ _ Lisa. 6We may become ill if we eat this kind of food. We may_ _if we eat this kind of food. 7Mike has no

33、 stones in his hands. Mike_ _ _ stones in his hands. 8Daming is the tallest student in his class. Daming is _ than _ _ student in his class. 9While I was watching TV, my mother came back. _ my mother came back, I was watching TV. 10We plan to cheer up the sick kids because they are often sad. We pla

34、n to _ the sick kids _ because they are often sad. 四、完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 1他下了火车,然后就回家了。 He _ _ the train and then went home. 2多亏了那位老人,我们找到了回家的路。 _ _ the old man, we found our way home. 3请记住当你生气的时候,不要做决定。 Please remember not to _ _ _ when you are angry. 4为了能赶上火车,我六点钟就出发了。 I left at six _ _ I could c

35、atch the train. 5为了成功你不得不去冒险。 You have to _ _ in order catch to succeed. 6我们有许多要捐赠的衣服。 We have lots of clothes to _ _. 7你觉得募捐的最佳方式是什么? What do you think is the best way to _ _? 8这些队要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。 These teams are going to _ _ for the Olympic Games. 9振作起来! 情况不会那么糟。 _ _! It cant be as bad as all that.

36、 10凯特一点儿也不像她妈妈。 Kate doesnt _ _ her mother at all. 八年级英语基础测试(八年级英语基础测试(Unit 1-3)答案答案 二二单项选择单项选择。 (每小题每小题 4 分,分, 共共 60 分分) 1-5 BBCBA 6-10 BCDBB 11-15 CCADC 16-20 BDABC 21-25 CACBA 26-30 BAADB 31-35 AABCC 36-40 CCAAD 41-45 CBCBA 46-50 BBDBB 51-52 DA 三三. 词汇运用词汇运用。选择所给词语的适当形式填空。选择所给词语的适当形式填空。(每小题每小题 4 分

37、,共分,共 40 分分) 1. importance 2. ourselves 3. death 4. knives 5. feet 6. feeling 7. difficulty 8. training 9. threw 10. sitting 11. sweep 12. while 13. lend 14. fair 15. provides 16. developed 17. stress 18. stressed 19. healthy 20. to say, to do 21. volunteer 22. lonely 23. repair 24. disabled 25. und

38、erstand 26. broken 27. imagine 28. difficulty 29. owner 30. notice 31. disabled 32. difference 33. owner 34. difficulties 35. excited 36. stomachache 37. drink 38. had feeling 三、句型转换(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1. dont you 2. was wrong with 3. in order to 4. take care of 5. belongs to 6. fall ill 7. doesnt have any 8. taller any other 9. When 10. make happy 四、完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 1. got off 2. Thanks to 3. make a decision 4. so that 5. take risks 6. throw away 7. raise money 8. try out 9. Cheer up 10. look like


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