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1、Personal Health Promotion 涉外护理英语高级教程涉外护理英语高级教程 Unit One OUTLINE Related Information Notes to Text A Notes to Text B Key to Exercises Text A Key to Exercises Text B Warming-up Activities Reference Key to Warming-up Exercises 3 Warming-up Activities Difficult Sentences and Key Words 1 longevity:长寿;长命:

2、长寿;长命 Example: Human longevity runs in families. 人类的长寿具有家族遗传性。 The main characteristic of the strike has been its longevity. 这次罢工的主要特点是持续时间长。 4 Warming-up Activities These are outstanding landmarks on the pathway of human evolution, and could not have occurred without the tremendous advances in medi

3、cine and public health. 参考译文:参考译文: 这些都是人类进化史上杰出的里程碑,当然实现这些必须 归功于医药和公共卫生方面巨大的进步。 Difficult Sentences and Key Words 2 5 Warming-up Activities Difficult Sentences and Key Words 2 landmark:地标;里程碑;转折点地标;里程碑;转折点 Example: The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark. 国宾 大饭店是洛杉矶的地标性建筑之一。 The baby was one

4、of the big landmarks in our relationship. 孩子的出世是我们俩关系中的一个重要转折点。 6 Key to Warming-up Activities 1. How has life expectancy for the majority of the world population changed over the past half century? 2. What, according to the author, have been the causes of these great changes? 3. Do you agree with t

5、he statement that the quality of human life is at least as important as its quantity? Why or why not? Exercises 7 I. Questions to think over and answer. Key to Warming-up Activities 4. What is health expectancy? Why can a longer life be a penalty as well as a prize? Exercises Key to question 14 (Ope

6、n.) 8 I. Questions to think over and answer. Key to Warming-up Activities Live 1. John is 25 years old and still lives off his parents. 2. These children seem to live on nothing but chips and chocolate. 3. Doctors and nurses sometimes have to live with their patients moodiness and short tempers. 4.

7、The old man was very sad and said that he had nothing to live for. 5. She works so hard to live up to her familys expectations. 依赖依赖 以以为食为食 为为而生活而生活 Exercises 9 接受;忍受接受;忍受 II. Learn the use of phrasal verbs with the help of a dictionary. 不辜负不辜负 Related Information life expectancy(预期寿命): Life expecta

8、ncy is a statistical measure of the average time an organism is expected to live, based on the year of their birth, their current age and other demographic factors including sex. 10 Related Information The most commonly used measure of life expectancy is at birth (LEB), which can be defined in two w

9、ays: while cohort LEB is the mean length of life of an actual birth cohort (all individuals born a given year) and can be computed only for cohorts born many decades ago, so that all their members died, period LEB is the mean length of life of a hypothetical cohort assumed to be exposed since birth

10、until death of all their members to the mortality rates observed at a given year. 11 Related Information Health expectancies are a family of summary measures of population health (SMPH) bringing together data on the quantity, or length of life, and its quality, by dividing life expectancy into years

11、 lived in different health states. 12 Related Information Composite health indicators such as HE are particularly useful to assess whether increasing LE is due to postponing the onset or progression of disabling diseases (compression of morbidity) or due to extending survival of ill and frail people

12、 by advances in medical care (expansion of morbidity). 13 1 infirmity: the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age) Example: Older people often try to ignore their infirmities. 年纪大的人常常试图忽视自己年迈体衰的事实。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 14 2 demented: affected with

13、 madness or insanity Example: At what point does it become necessary to place a demented person in a nursing home? 到了什么时候算是有必要把早老性痴呆病人送到养老院去? Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 15 3 It ignores states of health between disease and full health, and it emphasizes the physiological dimens

14、ion of a person, considering only the body as being either ill or healthy and overlooking the complex interrelationships among a persons five dimensions. 参考译文: 这种态度忽略了介于健康和疾病之间的状态,只强调了一 个人的生理层面,仅考虑身体是否生病而忽略了一个人在 如下五个方面之间的复杂的关系。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 16 3 注意句子中considering

15、only the body as being either ill or healthy部分,在句子中作为补足语,对前面论述的观点 做进一步的补充说明。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 17 3 physiological: of or relating to the biological study of physiology Example: Almost anything that we like to do - eat, shop, gamble- contain the potential for psycholog

16、ical and physiological dependence. 我们喜欢做的几乎任何事吃饭,购物,赌博都可 能引起心理和生理的依赖。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 18 3 overlook: leave undone or leave out Example: We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health. 我们忽视有关自身健康的种种预警信号。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Word

17、s 19 4 The definition of health adhered to by health care workers should be individualized to the client, and should take into consideration a clients basic human needs. 参考译文: 医护人员对健康的定义应该针对不同病人进行个性化分析, 综合考虑其基本需求。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 20 4 Synonyms: adhere to stick to pe

18、rsist in insist on Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 21 4 individualize: make personal or more personal Example: Doctors feel that a more individualized approach to patients should now be adopted. 医生们认为现在对病人应采用更加个性化的治疗方案。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 22 5 A perso

19、ns attitude toward health involves much more than the absence of illness or disability. 参考译文: 一个人对于健康的定义应该不仅仅局限于没有疾病或者没 有残疾。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 23 5 much more than 不只是,远远超过,一般在突出表达或为 了强调某一含义时使用。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 24 5 maximal: the greate

20、st or most complete or best possible Example: The authors also point out that cycles of maximal productivity and deep recovery allow for consistent and continuous usage of our full capacity. 作者还指出,最大生产力和深度恢复的循环使我们可以持 续不断地满负荷使用精力。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 25 6 infection: a di

21、sease caused by germs or bacteria. Example: Ear infections are common in pre-school children. 耳部感染在学前儿童中很常见。 Notes to Text A Difficult Sentences and Key Words 26 Key to Exercises Text A I. Choose the best answers to the following questions. 1. Which of the following reflects the popular attitude tow

22、ard health among most health professionals? A. Health refers to a good state of a persons mind. B. Health is the opposite of disease or the absence of disease. C. Health is shown as a perfect state of a persons physical functions. D. Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-

23、being. Text Comprehension 27 Key to Exercises Text A 2. Which of the following is one argument against the definition of health put forward by the WHO? A. It is unrealistic for anyone to achieve such an ideal state. B. It is difficult to determine scientifically whether one is healthy or not. C. Thi

24、s definition ignores the basic human needs. D. This definition is not based on the current condition of healthcare services. Text Comprehension 28 Key to Exercises Text A 3. Which of the following variables is NOT included in external environments that help to maintain a state of total well-being? A

25、. Economic variables. B. Social variables. C. Spiritual variables. D. Physical variables. Text Comprehension 29 Key to Exercises Text A 4. What conclusions can be drawn from the examples given in Paragraph 6? A. Respiratory infections only result from neglecting to stay warm and dry in winter. B. Re

26、spiratory infections caused by life-styles should not be considered an illness. C. Some illnesses can be considered manifestations of a persons life-style. D. Treating an infection may have no effect on the pattern of behavior. Text Comprehension 30 Key to Exercises Text A 5. Why is it wrong to have

27、 a rigid attitude towards health and illness? A. Because illnesses are normal and usual aspects of life. B. Because a rigid attitude may not help a client to improve his or her future health. C. Because clients do not always accept the nurses definition of health. D. Because the attitudes of clients

28、 and nurses toward health rarely coincide exactly. Text Comprehension 31 Key to Exercises Text A II. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What seem to be the problems with the traditional attitude toward health? _ _ _ _ _ _ Text Comprehension 32 There are problems with this attitude: it ignore

29、s states of health between disease and full health, and it emphasizes the physiological dimension of a person, considering only the body as being either ill or healthy and overlooking the complex interrelationships among a persons five dimensions: physiological, emotional, intellectual, social, and

30、spiritual dimensions. Key to Exercises Text A 2. Why can it be difficult to define health? _ _ _ _ _ Text Comprehension 33 Defining health is difficult, because it is not an acquired piece of scientific knowledge, nor is it a thing, a part of the body, or a function of the body. Health is a state of

31、 being that each person defines in relation to his or her own values. Key to Exercises Text A 3. Why is it necessary for the nurse to have individualized plans when caring for different patients? _ _ _ Text Comprehension Because the attitudes of client and nurse toward health may not coincide exactl

32、y, the nurse works with the client and family to plan individualized nursing care and goals. 34 Key to Exercises Text A I. Choose the correct word from the following to complete each of the following sentences. Change their form(s) where necessary. 1. The interests of employers and employees do not

33、always _. 2. Of course, we also have to_ our lifestyles_ . Vocabulary coincide take 35 into consideration Key to Exercises Text A 3. When you go to a new country, you must _ yourself _ new manners and customs. 4. Many flu _ are available without a prescription. 5. The new recruits are not used to th

34、e _ disciplines of the army. 6. _ customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized. Vocabulary adapt medications rigid In terms of 36 to Key to Exercises Text A 7. For eight months he _ a strict no-fat low- salt diet. 8. In this country womens earnings are still very low _ mens. Vocabulary has

35、 adhered to in relation to 37 Key to Exercises Text A II. Complete the following sentences by putting in the proper word in the right form. 1. He is a very _ person, and he really enjoys going to all kinds of parties. 2. I hope he will actually do some work at college; he seems to spend all his time

36、 _ . Vocabulary social sociable socialize sociable socializing Key to Exercises Text A 3. She always thinks and _ it shows in what she does. 4. Schools at different levels are encouraged to offer_ educational programs. Vocabulary individual individualized individually individually individualized Key

37、 to Exercises Text A 5. We need_ nurses who are willing to learn new skills. 6. Alcohol and drug use often appear as a result of poor _ to ones surroundings. Vocabulary adapt adaptable adaptation adaptable adaptation Key to Exercises Text A I. Complete the sentences below by adding something suggest

38、ed in the text, following the models given. Model: In the past, most individuals and societies have viewed health as the opposite of disease or the absence of disease. Grammar and Structure 41 Key to Exercises Text A 1. Some healthcare providers emphasize the physiological dimension of a person, con

39、sidering only the body as_ . 2. Health care professionals are still struggling to accept the definition of health as_ _. Grammar and Structure 42 being either ill or healthy and social well-being a state of complete physical, mental, Key to Exercises Text A Model: If the condition is being controlle

40、d with diet, exercise, or medication, the client may feel healthy and experience no change in functioning. Grammar and Structure 43 Key to Exercises Text A 3. A person who neglects to stay warm and dry in winter may even not consider a respiratory infection an illness at all if_ . 4. Some people bel

41、ieve that many in the underdeveloped countries would not be considered healthy if _ . Grammar and Structure 44 WHOs definition of health has been totally accepted it seems a“ normal” or usual aspect of life Key to Exercises Text A II. Complete the following passage logically with the phrases given.

42、what you want out of life how your mind, body and emotions interrelate where you live, work or go to school feel more powerful and confident take care of themselves take responsibility for Grammar and Structure 45 Key to Exercises Text A To achieve a healthy life, simply live healthfully. Apply some

43、 of the principles of health science, coupled with an understanding of 1_ . Set some health goals for yourself, and follow through in achieving these goals. The first step in achieving a healthy lifestyle is to 2 _ your own health and well-being. Take responsibility for your feelings, your relations

44、hips, your diet, your level of physical activity, Grammar and Structure 46 what you want out of life take responsibility for Key to Exercises Text A Grammar and Structure 47 your drug-taking behaviour (including smoking cigarette and drinking alcohol) and your social environment. Social environment

45、means 3_ , and the stresses that may result from them. All these factors, to a certain extent, lie within your power to control, change, or accept, depending on 4_ _. where you live, work or go to school how your mind, body and emotions interrelate Key to Exercises Text A Grammar and Structure 48 On

46、ce you take responsibility for your health and well- being, you will begin to 5 _. People usually find that it feels better to 6 _ than to abuse themselves - to engage in nurturing rather than self-destructive behaviors. feel more powerful and confident take care of themselves Key to Exercises Text A I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 1. 直到今天仍有一些人将健康视为与疾病相反的事物或者


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