人教版八年级下册英语 unit 1 What's the matter 单元检测试卷(含答案).docx

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1、1 8 年级下册 Unit 1 Whats the matter? 单元检测试卷 (时间:100 分钟 总分:120 分) .单项选择单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.Beijing Expo 2019 opened to the public_29th April. It will last over five months. A.at B.in C.on D.of 2.They had trouble_out of the forest with-out help. A.get B.to get C.getting D.got 3.Did you see the boys ye

2、sterday afternoon? Yes. I saw them_the fence(栅栏)when I passed. A.climb B.climbed C.to climb D.climbing 4.What_wrong with you last week, Li Hua? I had_ fever. A.is;the B.was;a C.were;the D.are;a 5.Every one of us_always breathe the same breath and share the same future as the people. A.might B.should

3、 C.could 6.It is unhealthy for you_ so late every night. A.sleep B.sleeping C.slept D.to sleep 7._ of them felt tired but quite happy after_ sports meeting. A.Every one;the two-day B.None;a two-day C.Everyone;two days 8.Have you seen the film The Wandering Earth(流浪地球)? Yes.Its the best one_I have ev

4、er seen. A.that B.which C.what D.it 9.Id like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? I like coffee_sugar. 2 A.than B.for C.with D.to 10.Its too hard for me to be a pilot. Never_. Believe in yourself. A.put up B.give up C.hurry up D.look up .完形填空完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) If you want to lose weight

5、 over the long haul(长期), your best bet (赌注)is to make sustainable(可持续的), long-term lifestyle changes. But sometimes life comes at you fast and you 1_ a fast solution. One smart lifestyle change is to eat plenty of 2_especially for someone looking forward to losing weight. Vegetables 3_nutrient-packe

6、d (营养丰富的). Another healthy change that will help you 4_better is to cut back on salt. Sodium (纳) causes your body to hold onto excess water, so 5_a high-salt diet means youre likely storing more water 6_necessary. If youre in a rush to lose weight fast, cut out added salt as much as possible. It is

7、better to drink a glass of water7_a meal, which can decrease the amount you eat at meals. Its hard for your eyes to be bigger than your stomach when youre already full from drinking plenty of 8_! Keep a water bottle 9_you at all times, and aim for drinking eight-glasses of water a 10_. Dont drink so

8、da, juice, or sweetened coffee or tea. Throw in lemon slices or fruit and so on to your water to add flavor(口味)it will encourage you to drink more! 1.A.help B.need C.get D.use 2.A.fruit B.meat C.food D.vegetables 3.A.am B.is C.are D.be 4.A.look B.see C.read D.watch 5.A.eat B.ate C.eating D.eats 6.A.

9、then B.than C.in D.among 7.A.before B.ago C.after D.between 8.A.bread B.tea C.food D.water 3 9.A.for B.with C.to D.on 10.A.week B.month C.year D.day .阅读理解阅读理解(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) A Name:Li Ping Job:A teacher Trouble:She has two classes every day. She has a sore throat. Advice:Dont talk too much. Drink a

10、 lot of hot water. Name:Xu Feng Job:A cook Trouble:He cooks plenty of dishes every day. He has a pain in his left arm. Advice:Do some exercise. Take some medicine. Name:Zhang Wei Job:An engineer Trouble:He often works overtime in front of the computer. He has a sore back. Advice:Have a good rest. 4

11、Name:Xu Li Job:A policewoman Trouble:She doesnt eat regularly( 有 规 律 地 ). She has a bad stomachache. Advice:Go to the doctor and take some medicine. 1.Whats the matter with Li Ping? A.She has a sore back. B.She has a stomachache. C.She has a sore throat. D.She has a toothache. 2.What causes Xu Fengs

12、 trouble? A.He talks too much. B.He cooks too many dishes. C.He often works in front of his computer. D.He doesnt eat regularly. 3.Whats the advice for Xu Li? A.Going to the doctor. B.Doing exercise. C.Having a good rest. D.Drinking much hot water. 4.Does Xu Li have a stomachache? A.Yes, she does. B

13、.No, she doesnt. C.We dont know. D.Maybe. 5.Which of the following is true? A.Li Ping has three classes each day. B.Xu Feng should take some medicine. C.Zhang Wei works with children. 5 D.Xu Li has a bad toothache. B Sore necks are very common these days. How to avoid a sore neck? Here are the thing

14、s you should know. Take precautions(预防措施)after an unusual activity. Many people report having a pain in their necks after doing something that they dont often do, such as a new exercise or packing and moving. If you know youve done something that puts you a risk, massage(按摩)your neck, do it with dif

15、ferent exercises and take a warm bath before bed. Make sure your workstation is correct. If you work long hours at a desk, you may want to make sure that your work environment is set up to be the most relaxing. Make sure that your body is being treated right. Keep your feet on the floor. This will o

16、ften depend on how high your chair is, so adjust(调整) it in time to achieve good results. Change your posture often. Sitting in one position for long periods of time is not healthy. Sit with your back straight for most of the time. Take a 5-minute break if you can and walk around every hour. Exercise

17、. Find somethingswimming, running or climbingthat makes you excited and feel alive. Make it into a usual way. Your body will feel better and your mind will feel more relaxed. 1.In Paragraph 5,the underlined word“it”refers to(指)_ . A.the desk B.the chair C.your neck D.your body 2.The underlined word

18、“posture”in Paragraph 6 probably means“_”in Chinese. A.姿势 B.方向 C.方式 D.状态 3._can avoid a sore back according to the passage. A.Making your work environment be quiet B.Sitting with back straight for a moment C.Packing and moving for a long time 6 D.Exercising often like swimming or running 4.After doi

19、ng something unusual, you may do the following things except_. A.doing it with different exercises B.massaging your neck C.taking a warm bath before bed D.looking at your phone for too long 5.This passage mainly tells us_ . A.how to do exercise well B.exercising often is good for people C.how to avo

20、id a sore neck D.being healthy is the most important C Everybody will have some health problems. Here are Mr. Blacks problems and his doctors advice. I hope they can help you. Mr. Blacks problems My name is David Black. I live in a small house. I never go out when the weather is cold or hot because

21、I am worried Ill have a cold. I dont go out often because I dont want to talk with others. I hardly exercise, but sometimes I take a walk in my garden. After walking for a few minutes, I have to take a rest. I am always very weak and tired. I often have a headache, but I dont want to see a doctor. W

22、hat should I do? Dr. Smiths advice Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. I think you have too much yin because you are always worried about something and you dont like going out or talking with others. I think you should eat some yang foods, like beef a

23、nd you need to exercise more. Also, talking with others can make you feel relaxed. And if you dont feel very well, its important for you to go to see a doctor. And you will feel better after you take some Chinese medicine. 7 根据以上内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。 ( )1.Mr. Black doesnt go out when the weather is co

24、ld or hot because he is worried he will have a cold. ( )2.If you are always worried and you dont like going out, maybe you have too much yin. ( )3.Mr. Black often has yang foods. ( )4.Mr. Black has to have a rest after a short walk. ( )5.Mr. Black often sees a doctor when he feels bad. .任务型阅读任务型阅读(每

25、小题 2 分,共 30 分) A Cold passers-by leave the fallen old man to die On the afternoon of Wednesday, an 83-year-old retired official, Mr. Zheng, fell down and died on the street in Fuzhou. Although many passers-by saw him fall, no one actually helped him. A witness(目击者),Mr. Chen, said he saw the old man

26、was walking and fell down suddenly and he guessed that the old man might have stepped on some little stones and slipped(滑倒).When Mr. Zheng fell down, there were about five to six people near him who quickly surrounded(围绕)and watched him, but no one did anything to help him. The most beautiful teache

27、r in China Zhang Lili is a teacher at No. 19 Middle School in the city of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province. These days,many people think she is the most beautiful teacher in China, because she saved her students from a traffic accident. On that day, Zhang and her two students were crossing the road ou

28、tside the school gate when a bus suddenly lost control and ran fast towards them. Zhangpushed the students out of the way, but she herself was hit by the bus. As a result, the 29-year-old teacher lost her legs. The principal of No. 19 Middle School, Jiamusi City, said,“Zhang is a great teacher in ou

29、r school. Shes also the most popular teacher among the students. For the students, she is like a sister.”Zhangs bravery and kindness moved a lot of people in China. 8 根据以上内容填空,每空词数不限。 Information Card Mr. Zhengs age 1._ What happened to the old man while he was walk-ing? 2._ Zhang Lilis job 3._ The

30、people Zhang Lili saved in the accident 4._ What was wrong with Zhang Lili? 5._ B A young man couldnt sleep well every night. He was very worried. One day he went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully. But nothing was wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again an

31、d a-gain. “Keep doing it until you fall asleep,” the doctor said. After a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man was even worse than before! “Didnt you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did,” the young man answered. “But ev

32、ery time when I reached eight, I couldnt help jumping from bed.” “But why?” the doctor wanted to know. The young man said, “I am a boxer (拳击运动 员).” 1.Why did the young man have to go to see a doctor? _ 2.Was there anything wrong with the young man? _ 3.What did the doctor tell the young man to do? 9

33、 _ 4.Why did the young man come to the doctor again? _ 5.What is the young man? _ C 根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整 When a person is hurt or suddenly becomes ill, people give him immediate(立即的)care. 1 _When there is a sudden situation, time is very important, so first aid is very important. Immed

34、iate action is necessary when someone loses lots of blood or when breathing stops for a short time. Everyone should know something about how to care for a person with a sudden illness. Even a small injury(损伤)can be very dangerous. 2_ When first aiders face a sudden situation, they must be able to ke

35、ep calm(冷静的)and organize other people to help. He or she must know how to control blood and take care of injuries. 3 _ In our country, hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people dont have first aid information. 4_ We may face a sudden situation anywhere. One day someb

36、ody from our family may get hurt or suddenly become ill. 5 _ A.Could you give someone first aid? B.And it may result in death,so everyone should know something about first aid. C.Knowing how to move the injured without causing more injuries is also very important. D.We call it first aid. E.If we don

37、t want to be helpless in such a situation, we have to know first aid. F.If more people know about first aid, more lives could be saved. 10 .语法填空语法填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 The mountain was high and it was cold.Everything 1_(cover)by snow and ice and it was dangerous.

38、I shook in my tent as the storm tried 2_(knock)me back to the bottom.“You will never make it to the top,”everyone said.“No woman has ever climbed this mountain and only a few people have done it by themselves.” I was so confident 3_I would be the first woman to climb up to the top of Whitmore. I had

39、 prepared for several 4_ (month). The wind had gotten much 5_(quiet)when I woke up the next morning. I climbed 6_of my my tent and looked out at the mountain. Everything was white and still.“I will make it to the top today,”I thought to 7_(). I started up the slope. My feet crunched the snow with ev

40、ery step I took. It was a beautiful day. I was climbing quickly. Soon I was going to reach the top. All of 8_sudden, I slipped(滑倒). I moved down the mountain. I was going slowly at first but then I started to slide very fast. I started to turn around and around quickly. After what felt 9_forever, I

41、came to a stop. I had slid all the way to the bottom. I was alive. I couldnt believe it. Three days later, I 10_(make) it to the top. It was a beautiful day and I had a perfect view of everything around me. .口语交际口语交际(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使对话完整、符合逻 辑。(其中有两项为多余选项) W:Hi, Peter!

42、You look terrible! Whats the matter with you? M: 1 _ W:Sorry to hear that. 2 _ M:I cut myself by accident while I was making dinner. W:That sounds bad. 3 _ M:Yes, its kind of serious. W:Have you seen a doctor? 11 M:Yes. 4 _ W:What did the doctor do with the cut? M: 5 _ W:Oh! Dont touch water. And yo

43、u will be better soon. M:OK. Thank you! W:You are welcome. A.How long have you been like this? B.Is it serious? C.I cut my finger yesterday. D.What happened? E.He washed the cut, put some medicine on it and then put a bandage on it. F.Take these medicine three times a day. G.My wife drove me to the

44、hospital. VII.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.昨天晚上你量体温了吗? Did you_ last night? 2.出乎我们的意料,她今天早上迟到了。 _ , she was late this morning. 3.昨天晚上我妈妈同意带我去博物馆。 Last night my mother _me to the museum. 4.他跌倒了,伤到了膝盖。 He_and hurt his knee. 5.多亏了你的帮助,我考试及格了。 _ your help, I passed the exam. 12 6.刚才我看到莉萨正在过马路。 Just now

45、I_Lisa_across the street. 7.如果明天下雨,我们会待在家里。 We_at home if it_tomorrow. 8.不要期待他给你打电话。他总是发电子邮件。 Dont_call you.He always sends emails. 9.如果你想保护眼睛,你需要远离电脑休息一下。 If you want to protect your eyes,you need to_ the computer. 10.老师进入教室,问我们发生了什么事情。 The teacher came into the classroom and asked us_ . VIII.书面表达书

46、面表达(共 20 分) 近年来,学生意外伤害事故频发,给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。 作为中学生,我们该如何有 效地自我保护,免受伤害呢? 我市正在举行以“How to Keep Safe”为题的中学生安全知识英 语征文比赛,请你根据下表提示,写一篇短文参赛吧。 How to Keep Safe Traffic traffic lights, electric bikes(电动车). Swimming rivers, swimming pool. Internet ID number, code(密码), unhealthy websites. . . 要求: 1.短文必须包含提示中所有内容,并适当发挥; 2.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 3.文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名; 4.词数:80100(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 13 How to Keep Safe Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very important._ _


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