人教版八年级下册英语Unit 10完成句子专项练习(含答案).docx

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1、Unit 10 根据中文意思,完成下列句子 1. 我已经长大,不再是个小孩子了。 Ive grown up. Im_ _a child. 2. 你是怎样处理这些图书馆的书的? What did you_ _the library books? 3. 我已经从卧室里面清理出许多东西。 Ive already_ _a lot of things from my bedroom. 4. 我刚上初中的时候,谁也不认识。 When I was new in_ _ _, I knew no one. 5. 说实话,我对汤姆的学习有几分担心。 _ _ _, I am kind of worried abou

2、t Toms study. 6. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。 We are collecting money for children_ _. 7. 如果你完成了你的试卷,你就自己先检查一下。 If you finish your papers, _it_by yourself first. 8. 请把糖果分给孩子们。 Please_ _the candies to the children. 9. 我不愿放弃这些小猫中的任何一只。它们太可爱了。 I dont want to_ _any of the little cats. They are so lovely. 10. 至于我的愿望,我想在一

3、个安静美丽的地方休息两个月。 _ _my wish, I want to rest at a quiet and beautiful place for two months. 11. 根据这项调查,许多人都愿意努力工作以达到他们的目标。 _ _the survey, many people are willing to work hard to achieve their goal. 12. 警察正在全城搜寻那个失踪的孩子。 The policemen are_ _the missing child all over the city. 13. 我每月去图书馆一次或两次。 I go to t

4、he library_ _ _a month. 14. 他已经将近三年没有回过家了。 He hasnt been back home in_ _three years. 15. 当你在生活中遇到困难时,你应该把它们视为挑战。 When you meet problems in your life, you should_them_ challenges. 16. 几百万中国人离开乡村去城里找工作。 _ _Chinese leave the countryside to search for jobs in cities. 17. 为了筹款给儿童之家,我们举办了一场慈善募捐。 _ _ _rais

5、e money for the childrens home, we have a charity donation. 18. 那些照片可以给人们带来很多美好的回忆。 Those photos can_ _many pleasant memories to people. 19. 学生看起来对慈善募捐活动很感兴趣。 The students_ _be really interested in the charity donation. 20. 老实说,我不喜欢你的生活方式。 _ _ _, I dont like your lifestyle. 21. 他每月去看望那位老人一两次。 He vis

6、its the old man _ _ a month. 22. 他的粗心大意让这家公司损失了数百万美元。 His carelessness made the company lose_ _dollars. 23. 他们正在搜寻那个失踪的男孩。 They are _ _ the missing boy. 24. 我以前经常弹钢琴。 I _ _ _ the piano. 25. 你知道你的家乡发生了怎样的变化吗? Do you know _ your hometown _ _? 26. 他过去的十年都住在北京. He has lived in Beijing for _ _ _ _. 27. 在

7、我看来,你的决定是明智的. _ _ _, your decision is wise. 28. 我们将近三年没见过李华了. We havent seen Li Hua for _ _ three years. 29. 根据我们的计划,第一个地点是芝加哥. _ _ our plan, the first place is Chicago. 30. 他在十八世纪变得很有名气. He became famous _ _ _ _. 31. 我的很多同学都去过北京。 Many classmates of mine_ _ _Beijing. 32. 我哥哥不在家。 他去海南度假了。 My brother

8、isnt at home. He_ _to Hainan for a holiday. 33. 他们在东京已经有三个月了。 They_ _in Tokyo for three months. 34. 为什么每年上百万的中国人离开农村? Why do_ _Chinese leave the countryside every year? 35. 每年许多毕业生寻找工作。 Many graduates_ _the jobs every year. 36. 我叔叔过去常常每年回家一次。 My uncle_ _ _ _once a year. 37. 真遗憾他没来。 _ _ _he didnt com

9、e. 38. 我们认为她是个很有天赋的演员。 We_her_a very talented actress. 39. 吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。 I sat_ _him during the meal. 答案 1. no longer 2. do with 3. cleared out 4. junior high school 5. To be honest 6. in need 7. check; out 8. give away 9. part with 10. As for 11. According to 12.looking for/searching for 13. once o

10、r twice 14. close to 15. regard; as 16. Millions of 17. In order to 18. bring back 19. seem to 20. To be honest 21. once or twice 22. millions of 23. searching for 24. used to play 25. how; has changed 26. the last ten years 27. In my opinion 28. close to 29. According to 30. in the eighteenth/18th century 31. have been to 32. has gone 33. have been 34. millions of 35. search for 36. used to return home 37. What a shame 38. regard, as 39. opposite to


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