陕旅版四年级英语下册 unit 8全套单元课件.pptx

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1、陕旅版陕旅版 四年级下册英语单元优质课件四年级下册英语单元优质课件 Unit 8 Part B Part C Part A Unit 8 What can you do? Part A 陕旅版陕旅版 四年级下册四年级下册 Lead-in What can the ducks do? What can the monkeys do? What can the fishes do? What can you do? 说话说话 New words 听;听到听;听到 看;看见看;看见 帮助帮助 开;打开开;打开 关;关闭关;关闭 照片照片 好地;很好好地;很好 New words Circle wha

2、t you can do? Play roles What can you do? I can play ping-pong. What can you do? I can swim. Think and tick Can they.? Play roles Can tigers run? Yes, they can. Can chicken swim? No, they cant. Lets learn speak 说话说话 hear 听;听到听;听到 see 看;看见看;看见 help 帮助帮助 open 开;打开开;打开 close 关;关闭关;关闭 take photos 拍照片拍照片

3、 play the music 播放音乐播放音乐 What can you do? I can swim. Look! I can swim very well. Lets talk What can the monkeys do? They can climb the tree. What can the dog do? It can help the man. 1. What can you do? 你能干什么?你能干什么? 含有情态动词含有情态动词can的特殊疑问句,其句型为的特殊疑问句,其句型为: “特殊疑问词“特殊疑问词+can+人称人称+动词原形?”动词原形?” 例句:猴子能摘到什

4、么?例句:猴子能摘到什么? What can the monkey pick? 它能摘到一些香蕉。它能摘到一些香蕉。 It can pick some bananas. Language points 拓展:常用的情态动词还有拓展:常用的情态动词还有may (可以可以) must (必须必须) need (需要需要)等。等。 注意:注意:情态动词无人称和数的变化情态动词无人称和数的变化,不能单独使用,不能单独使用, 必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语 。 2. I can swim very well. 我能游得很好。我能游得很好。 very well 意思是“很好;非常

5、好”意思是“很好;非常好”,在此句,在此句 中用来表示对一件事情能够做到的程度。中用来表示对一件事情能够做到的程度。 例句:他们排球打得非常好。例句:他们排球打得非常好。 They play volleyball very well. Unit 8 What can you do ? Part B 陕旅版陕旅版 四年级下册四年级下册 New words 尝试;努力尝试;努力 有帮助的有帮助的 我们(宾格形式)我们(宾格形式) New words Lets learn more We are going to have a party. What can you do, Su Nan? I ca

6、n sing a song. Can you sing an English song? Yes, I can try. Can you play the music at the party? No, I cant. but I can take photos for you. Thank you. You are helpful. What can Kevin do? He can draw some pictures for us. Thats good. Language points 1. Can you sing an English song? 你能唱一首英语歌吗?你能唱一首英语

7、歌吗? 以情态动词以情态动词can提问的一般疑问句提问的一般疑问句 句型为“句型为“can+人称人称+动词原形?”动词原形?” 肯定回答为“肯定回答为“Yes,人称,人称+can.” 否定回答为“否定回答为“No,人称,人称+cant.” 例句:猴子会游泳吗?例句:猴子会游泳吗?不,它不会。不,它不会。 Can the monkey swim? No, it cant. 2. You are helpful. 你很乐于助人。你很乐于助人。 形容词形容词helpful意思为“有帮助的;有益的”意思为“有帮助的;有益的”, 在句子中要与在句子中要与be动词动词连连用。用。 例句:例句: 好书对我们

8、是有帮助的。好书对我们是有帮助的。 Good books are helpful to us. Do a survey and report What can you do for our party? I can sing an English song. Can you sing a Chinese song? No, I cant. Name Sing a Chinese song Sing an English song Play the music Take photos Draw a picture Buy some balloons Kitty Kitty can sing an

9、 English song. But she cant sing a Chinese song. Read a story There are many bananas on the trees. How can I get them? I can climb the trees. But I cant cross the river. The bananas are nice. How can I have them? I can cross the river. But I cant climb the trees. I can help you cross the river. And

10、you can pick some bananas for us. We can help each other. Thats a good idea! How nice! Yummy! Yummy! 1. How can I get them? 我怎样得到他们呢?我怎样得到他们呢? 以特殊疑问词以特殊疑问词how(怎样,怎么怎样,怎么)提问的的特殊疑提问的的特殊疑 问句,其句型为问句,其句型为“How+情态动词情态动词+人称人称+动词原形?”动词原形?” 例句:他是怎样画出这幅画的?例句:他是怎样画出这幅画的? How can he draw the picture? Language po

11、ints 2. I cant cross the river.我不能过河。我不能过河。 含有情态动词的否定句型一般为“人称含有情态动词的否定句型一般为“人称+情态动词情态动词 +not”,此句中”,此句中“cant”是“”是“can not”的缩略形式”的缩略形式。 例句:这个男孩不能唱英语歌。例句:这个男孩不能唱英语歌。 The boy cant sing an English song. 3. And you can pick some bananas for us. 而你能为我们摘些香蕉。而你能为我们摘些香蕉。 us意思是“我们(宾格)”意思是“我们(宾格)”,we是是us的主格形的主格

12、形 式。一般在动词和介词后面用人称代词的宾格形式。式。一般在动词和介词后面用人称代词的宾格形式。 例句:让我们来帮助你。例句:让我们来帮助你。 Let us help you. 拓展:人称代词的主格与宾格拓展:人称代词的主格与宾格 第一人称第一人称 第第二二人称人称 第第三三人称人称 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数 复数复数 主格主格 I we you you she, he, it they 宾格宾格 me us you you her, him, it them 4. We can help each other.我们可以互相帮助。我们可以互相帮助。 help each

13、other.互相帮助。互相帮助。 例句:例句: 在学校他们经常互相帮助。在学校他们经常互相帮助。 They often help each other at school. Unit 8 What can you do? Part C 陕旅版陕旅版 四年级下册四年级下册 Review 1. 含有情态动词的特殊疑问句及答语:含有情态动词的特殊疑问句及答语: What can you do? 你能干什么?你能干什么? I can swim very well. 我能游得很好。我能游得很好。 2. 以情态动词以情态动词can提问的一般疑问句及答语:提问的一般疑问句及答语: Can you sing

14、an English song? 你能唱一首英语歌曲吗?你能唱一首英语歌曲吗? Yes, I can.是的是的,我能。我能。 No, I cant.不,我不能。不,我不能。 Listen and tick See you! 你好!你好! Circle and say 1. A. Miss Zhao can hear. B. Miss Zhao cant hear. 2. A. The cat can jump. B. The cat cant jump. 3. A. The kites can fly. B. The kites cant fly. 4. A. He can run. B. H

15、e cant run. Look, ask and answer A: What can the students do? B: They can read and write. Play roles What can he do? He can take photos. What can he do? He can open the door. Match and write 1.close 2. see 3. help 4. hear 5. sing 6. speak 1. My grandma cant close the window. 2. The boys can_. see the sun 3. The policeman_ _. 4. _. can help the old The old man cant hear woman cross the street 5. _. 6. _. The teacher can speak English The young man can sing A B 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现 在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!


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