外研版八年级下册英语Module 3 Journey to space 复习教案.doc

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1、Module 3 Journey to space 一一、课程介绍课程介绍 知识点知识点 1. 重点词汇用法:hundred, borrow, lend 的用法 2. 重点词组用法:be up to/in order to/thats why 的用法 3. 重点语法: 现在完成时 教学重点教学重点 1. 各重点词汇及短语用法 2. 现在完成时 教学难点教学难点 现在完成时的标志词 二、要点回顾二、要点回顾 . .词汇短语词汇短语 1 n. 地球 2 n月亮,月球 3 n新闻,消息 4 n. 行星 5 v到达,抵达 6 adv. 刚才,刚刚 7 n. 模型 8 n. 航天器,宇宙飞船 9 n.

2、计划,工程,项目 10 adj 最近的,最新的 11 v. 发现,找到 12 no problem 13 space travel 14 solar system 15 hundreds of 16 thousands of 17 in order to 【答案】【答案】1.earth 2.moon 3.news 4.planet 5.reach 6.just 7.model 8.spaceship 9project 10. latest 11.discover 12. 没问题 13.航天旅行 14.星系 15. 数以 百计的 16.数以千计的 17. 为了,以便 . .活用句型活用句型 翻译

3、下列句子 1.你在干什么呢? _. 2.我刚刚为我们的学校项目做了一个宇宙飞船的模型 _. 3.这就是为什么它会上新闻。 _. 4.宇航员已经去过月球了 _. 【答案】【答案】 1. What are you up to? 2. Ive just made a model spaceship for our school project 3. Thats why its on the news 4. Astronauts have already been to the moon. 三三、知识精要、知识精要 1 1)词汇)词汇 earth n. 地球 on prep. 在(播放)中 moon

4、n. 月亮 discover v. 发现,找到 news n. 新闻,消息 astronaut n. 宇航员 planet n. 行星 none pron. 没有一人 reach v 到达,抵达 environment n.环境 yet adv. 还,尚 solar adj. 与太阳有关的 just adv. 刚才,刚刚 system n.系统 model n. 模型 group n. 群,组 spaceship n. 航天器,宇宙飞船 galaxy n. 星系 project n. 计划,项目 universe adj.宇宙 latest adj. 最新的,最近的 impossible ad

5、j. 不可能的 out adv. 在远方 communicate v. 联系,交流 2 2)词组)词组 far away 遥远 Thats why. 那就是为什么. one day 有朝一日 asas 像一样 go online 上网 decide to do sth 决定做某事 be named after 以而命名 millions of 数以百万计的 come back 回来 billions of 数以十亿计的 3 3)语法)语法 【语法点一】【语法点一】what are you up to ? 你在干什么呢你在干什么呢 1.be up to 是固定搭配,表示“正在做某事,忙于某事”

6、What is he up to with all those books on the floor? 这么多书放在地上,他在干什么? 2. be up to sb 也可以表示“由决定” Do you want to stay or go? 你想要留下还是走? Its up to you. 完全由你决定 【语法点二】【语法点二】Thats why its on the news. 这就是为什么它会上新闻这就是为什么它会上新闻 Thats why 表示“那就是(为什么).的原因” 其中 why 引导表语从句 Thats because + 原因,“那就是因为.” Thats why I dont

7、 like animals. 那就是我不喜欢动物的原因 【语法点三】【语法点三】So have they discovered life on Mars?那么,他们在火星发现生命了那么,他们在火星发现生命了 吗吗 No, they havent yet. 不,他们还没有发现不,他们还没有发现 本句中的 discover 作动词,意为“发现” ,表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观 存在的事物,真理或错误。既指发现客观存 但不为人知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。 Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在 1492 年发现了美洲。 W

8、e soon discovered the truth. 我们很快就找到了真相。 四四、要点讲练、要点讲练 【要点【要点 1】in order to 为了,以便为了,以便 Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day. 许多科学家努力工作,为的是有朝一日能够送宇航许多科学家努力工作,为的是有朝一日能够送宇航员去火星。员去火星。 1.in order to 意为“为了,以便” 后接动词原形,引导目的状语从句。有时为强 调动作的目的性,也可将 in order to 结构 提至句首。

9、We started early in order to arrive before dark 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。 2.同义表达 In order to/ so as to /to 后跟动词原形,so that/ in order that 后跟目的状语从句。 I am saving money in order to buy a house = I am saving money to buy a house. = I am saving money so as to buy a house = I am saving money so that I can buy a h

10、ouse = I am saving money in order that I can buy a house. 我正在攒钱,以便我能买一所房子。 3. in order to do sth 的否定结构是 in order not to do sth In order not to get my parents angry, I wont go to the movies with him. 为了不使我父母生气,我不会和他去看电影的 【例题例题】 _ stop more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed. A. In order

11、 that B. In order to C. Thanks for D. Thanks to 【解析】【解析】 句意:为了防止更多的事故,我们应该降低开车速度。A,为了,后接句子 B,为了,后 接动词原形 C 感谢 D 幸亏。故选 B 【答案】【答案】B 【即学即用】【即学即用】 1. 用翻译下列句子 为了赚到足够的钱,他工作到深夜。 为了弄懂老师所讲,他听得很认真 【答案】【答案】 In order to earn enough money, he worked late into the night. He listened to the teacher carefully in ord

12、er to understand what the teacher said. 2. 同义句转换 Lisa worked day and night so that she could make more money. Lisa worked day and night _ _ _ make more money. 【要点【要点 2】It is +adj +( for sb )+ to do sth 句式句式 It is impossible to imagine 它是不可能想象到的。它是不可能想象到的。 (1)本句属于 It is + adj + ( for sb) + to do sth

13、的句式,其中 to do sth 是真正的主语,it 只 是形式主语 It is important to learn about safety knowledge.学习安全知识是很重要的 (2)impossible 是形容词,意为不可能的,如 It is impossible to live on the moon. 在月球上生活是不可能的 【例题例题】 It is important _ people _ learn team spirit. A. of, of B. of, to C. for, to D. to, to 【解析】【解析】本题本题考查 It is + adj + ( fo

14、r sb) + to do sth 的句式,故答案为 C 【即学即用】【即学即用】 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 Its impossible_ (master)English if you dont have enough practice It is difficult for him _ (finish) the maths problem It is hard for me _ (drive) a car 【答案】【答案】 to master to finish to drive 【知识拓展】知识拓展】 在“It is+adj.+(for sb)to do sth 的句型中,若是表示人

15、物的性格,品德,主观感情或态度的形 容词, 如 good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right 则用 “It is+adj.+(of sb)to do sth.的句型 Its very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。 【要点【要点 3】 现在完成时的标志词及现在完成时的标志词及 have gone to /have been to 与与 have been in/at 的区别的区别 (1)以 already, just,yet 为标志 already,just 或 yet 分别表示到现在为止动作或状态已经,刚刚,或还

16、没有发生。如 He has already got her help. 他已经得到了他的帮助。 He has just seen the film. 他刚刚看过这场电影 He hasnt come back yet. 他还没有回来。 (2)以 ever 或 never 为标志 ever 或 never 分别表示到现在为止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过 This is the best film I have ever seen.这是我曾经看过的最好的一部电影 He has never been to Beijing. 他从没有去过北京。 (3)have gone to /have been t

17、o 与 have been in/at 的区别 have gone to+地点 含义为“某人去了某地,现在仍在某地或在途中” He isnt at home, he has gone to Shanghai.他不在家,他去上海了 have been to+ 地点 含义为“某人去过某地,此时已经回来了”常与 twice(两次),several times(几次),ever(曾 经)或 never(从未)等搭配 The old man has been to China three times 这位美国老人已经去过中国三次了 have been in/at + 地点 含义为“在某地待了多久” Ho

18、w long have you been in Paris? 你在巴黎待了多久? 【例题例题】 - wheres your math teacher? - He _to Shanghai . Ahas gone B. has been C. is going 【解析】【解析】jiehe 结合本题场景可知,我们的数学老师去上海了,现在不在说话人处,故答 案为 A 【答案答案】 A 【即学即用】【即学即用】 (1) Miss Green isnt in the office, she_ to the library. A.has gone B. went C.will go D. has been

19、 (2) . My parents _ Shandong for ten years. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been 【答案】【答案】 (1)A (2)A 【要点【要点 4】 borrow, lend 与与 keep (1)borrow.意为“借入” ,指向别人借东西,常见搭配为 borrow sth from sb She often borrows some books from the library. 她经常从图书馆借一些书 (2) lend 意为“借出”指把东西借给别人,常见搭配为 lend

20、sth to sb = lend sb sth I lent the umbrella to him 我把伞借给他了 (3) keep 表示“借,保存”是延续性动词,可以和时间段连用 -How long can I keep the book? 这本书我能借多长时间? You can keep it for a week 你可以借一个星期 【例题例题】 改为同义句 I often borrow a dictionary from Bruce Bruce often _ his dictionary _ me 【解析】【解析】本题考察的 borrow 与 lend 之间的转换 【答案】lends

21、 , to 【即学即用】【即学即用】 1. 翻译句子 1 我们经常从学校图书馆借书. 2)我从老师那儿借来了这本字典. 3 谢谢你把自行车借给我. 4)他经常借钱给他弟弟. 【答案】【答案】 1)We often borrow books from our school library. 2) I borrowed this dictionary from my teacher. 3) Thank you for lending me your bike. 4)He often lends money to his brother. 五五、双基达标、双基达标 1. 词汇练习词汇练习 发现,找到

22、_ 行星_ 最新的_ 为什么_ 【答案】【答案】 discover planet latest why 2. 翻译句子翻译句子 星期六是按土星的名字命名的 _ 那就是为什么她为什么不喜欢动物的原因。 _ 【答案【答案】 Saturday is named after the planet Saturn . Thats why she doesnt like animals. 3. 完型填空完型填空 I always believed in UFOs, but I didnt see one. My husband didnt believe in UFOs before that_1_.Las

23、t Friday night, he drove home_2_work. He drove near a gas station(加油站) when he saw a bright light. It looked_3_a light. It was low, and itwasnt moving. He didnt_4_too much about it. He thought maybe it was a street light, so he_5_up farther and then the light went off. But a few minutes later, it wa

24、s on. He stopped the car. He_6_and looked around, but saw nothing. After a short while ,the_7_was on again. He got on the car and drove another 2 miles to our house. He sat in the_8_for a few minutes thinking of what he saw. He got out of the car and the moving light went off. Then when he looked ba

25、ck, he could_9_it in the sky. Then he was_10_it must be a UFO. He went into our house and told me about it. ( )1. A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. year ( )2. A. before B. then C. of D. after ( )3. A. like B. of C. out D. over ( )4. A. watch B. look C. think D. Guess ( )5. A. drove B. ran C. walke

26、d D. Jumped ( )6. A. got in B. got down C. got off D. got on ( )7. A. noise B. train C. car D. light ( )8. A. gas station B. car C. bedroom D. office ( )9. A. watch B. hear C. see D. look at ( )10.A.bored B.sure C.interested D.surprised 答案 :6 10 CDACA 11 15 CDBCB 4. 阅读理解 Scientists tell us so much a

27、bout the moon, it is quite easy to tell what it is like. Its certainly not a friendly place. As there is no air or water, there can be no life of any kind. Mile after mile there are only plains(平原) of dust with mountains around them above, the sun and the stars shine in the sky. If you step out of t

28、he mountains shadows(影子) it will mean moving from terrible cold into great heat. The moon is also a very silent world, for sound waves can only travel through air. But from the moon, you can see a friendly sight. Our earth is shining more brightly than the other stars. It looks like a very large bal

29、l, coloured blue and green and brown. ( )1. What kind of place is the Moon? It is an unfriendly place. B.It is a lively place. C.It is a nice place. D.It is a place with many plants. ( )2. Temperature on the Moon_. is usually the same B.is always very low C.can be very different D.is usually very hi

30、gh ( )3.The Moon is a silent world because_. there is no life there B.there is no air there C.there is no green tree there D.there is no water there ( )4. The underlined words “step out of” means _. A. 登上 B. 走出 C. 上来 D. 步入 答案: 1-3 ACBBA 5. 习文练笔 题目要求 假设你是 Tom,学校组织了一项活动,要求同学们给外星人写一封信,向他们介绍一下地 球的一些情况,写

31、出太空方面的一些成就,并表达人类愿与他们交流的想法。 要求:语言 流畅,不少于 100 词。 【参考范文】 Dear unknown friend, Im a boy from the Earth, one of the planets of the solar system. The Earth and seven other planets forms the solar system. They all go around the Sun. We know that we live in the universe. There are a large number of galaxies

32、 in space.I know you live so far that the light has to travel many years to arrive. Scientists have sent some spaceships in space. They hope to get some information from you. The people on the Earth are willing to make friends with you. Welcome to our Earth. Im looking forward to hearing from you Yo

33、urs sincerely Tom 六六、单元自测单元自测 1. 词汇检测词汇检测 earth universe moon galaxy discover group hundred astronaut project solar reach none latest environment 2. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子 他们刚刚在火星着陆了。 They_ _ _on Mars. 他们已经把信息发送回地球了。 They have already _messages_ to the Earth. 我们在山里发现了很多其他动物。 We have _ _ _animals in th

34、e mountains. 地球上的人类还没有到过太阳系的其他行星。 No man on the Earth_ _ other planets in solar system. 【答案】 1. have just landed 2. sent, back 3.found many other 4. has reached 3. 知识运用知识运用 1)完形填空 A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers, and they happened to pass a lake. So they s

35、topped there to 41 for a while, and the wise man said to one of his followers, “I am very thirsty. Could you please 42 me some water from the lake?” The follower walked to the lake 43 the wise man requested (要求). Some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several carts

36、(手推车) started crossing the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy (浑浊). Then he went back and told the wise man that the water was very muddy and not 44 to drink. After they had rested for about half an hour, the wise man again asked the 45 follower to go back to the lake and get him some wa

37、ter to drink. As requested, the follower went to the lake. This time he found that all the mud had settled (沉淀) to the bottom. The water was very 46 and looked fit to drink. So he 47 his water bottle and took it to the wise man. The wise man took the water bottle and drank, then looked up at the fol

38、lower. “See what you did 48 the water clean?” he said. “You let it be for a while and the mud settled down on its own, 49 you could get some clear drinking water. Your mind can also be like that lake when it is disturbed (打扰) by something. If you just let it be and give it a little time, it will mos

39、t likely settle down on its own 50 putting in any effort at all to calm it.” 41A. rest B. look C. watch D. see 42A. get B. to give C. take D. to bring 43A. while B. before C. as D. until 44A. fit B. able C. important D. interesting 45A. different B. same C. other D. left 46A. dirty B. clear C. fresh

40、 D. sweet 47A. got B. finished C. reached D. filled 48A. making B. to make C. made D. had made 49A. so that B. in order to C. because D. when 50A. without B. with C. after D. Like 答案:1-5 AACAB 6-10 BDBAA 2)阅读理解 House For Sale Golden Garden, Wuhan 3-story home, 509 sqm (平方米) total land area, 428.8 sq

41、m built-in, 312.2 sqm garden. Asking 13 million ($ 1.57 million). MP: 13761973547 Tel: 027-58609228 Fax: 027-58609728 Job Wanted Cherry, 24, a shining girl, good at spoken English and Putonghua. Now I am working at an international trade company in Guangzhou. I am kind-hearted, hard-working and heal

42、thy, and would like part-time weekend work offering Putonghua lessons to foreign friends. If you are interested, please email me at . Beijing Snow World Ski Park Price: 18 yuan (entrance ticket), 50 yuan/hour on weekdays and 70 yuan/hour on weekends, 120 yuan/four hours on weekdays and 190 yuan/four

43、 hours on weekends. Tel : 010-69191617 51. If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese, he or she can _. A. call 027-58609228 B. email C. fax 027-58609728 D. telephone 010-69191617 52. How many square meters is the total land area of the house for sale? A. 509 sqm. B. 428.8 sqm. C. 312.2 sqm. D.

44、 80.2 sqm. 53. Where is Cherry working now? A. Shanghai. B. Pudong. C. Beijing. D. Guangzhou. 54. If he goes skiing on _ in Beijing Snow World Ski Park, Nick has to pay more money than on Tuesday. A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Sunday D. Monday 55. If you want to ski for four hours on weekdays, how much

45、money will you pay at least? A. 138 yuan B. 200 yuan C. 208 yuan D. 280 yuan 答案:BADCA 4. 书面表达 最近,八年级英语组举行了英文写作比赛,题目是中学的我和小学的我 。同学们踊跃投 稿, 讲述自己进入中学以来的成长故事。 作为一名英语爱好者, 大明也参加了这次征文活动。 写作要点如下: 学习 出行 健康 小学 上课写下所有笔记, 但是比较容易遗忘 知识 交通比较繁忙, 家长 每天开车接送 没有大量的时间运 动,身材比较胖 初中 上课听要点, 向老师 询问更多学习方法 来 源 : 学 科 网 ZXXK 家距离学

46、校近了一 些,自己骑车上学 教练帮助训练踢足 球,参加比赛,身体 越来越健康 要求: 1. 应包含所有要点,特别注意划线部分。 2. 恰当运用所学句型,不要逐字翻译。 3. 字数 80 左右,作文的开头已经给出,不计入总字数。 参考范文: I have studied in the middle school for more than one year. I m a better student now than in the primary school. When I was in the primary school, I wrote down everything in class,

47、 but it was much easier for me to forget the knowledge. At that time, the traffic was heavier, so my parents drove me to school every day. What s more, I was a little fatter because we didn t have plenty of time to do sports. Now I listen for the key points and main idea in class and ask my teachers

48、 for more advice on how to study well after class. Most luckily, my home is a bit closer to the school, so I can go to school by bike. Besides, our coach helps me practice playing football and he encourages me to join in more games so that we can be strong and keep healthy. In a word, I become more and more confident in the middle school


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