外研版八年级下册英语Module 5 Cartoons 教案.doc

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1、1 Module 5 Cartoons 【教材分析】【教材分析】 Module 5 的主要内容为运用三种时态,来描述所喜爱的卡通片,包括自己喜爱的卡通片 人物和介绍自己喜爱卡通片的人物和原因。从全书来看,本模块承接上一模块对现在完 成时的学习和运用,着重三种时态的使用区别,让同学们根据文章来理解运用。 Unit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon. 【教学目标】【教学目标】 Knowledge objective 1. Words: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, cant help dong sth.,

2、 laugh, lesson 2. 一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。 Ability objective 能听懂和阅读关于介绍卡通片的语言材料, 能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的对卡 通片的观点;能编写关于卡通片的对话。 Moral objective 学会倾听他人的对卡通片的看法;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质;认识到动画片的悠久 和灿烂。 【教学重点】【教学重点】 三种时态的区分。 【教学难点】【教学难点】 1. cant help doing sth. 的使用。 2. 三种时态的区分。 【教学方法】【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method an

3、d interactive approach 【教学手段】【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in 1. Ss watch the video and answer “Whats this cartoon about?”. 2 2. Ss look the pictures and answer the questions. Do you know this cartoon? Whats the name of the cartoon

4、? What do you think of the cartoon? Step 2 New words Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible. 1. cartoon n. 漫画;动画片 2. handsome adj. 英俊的 3. smart adj. 聪明的 4. sky n. 天空 5. cool adj. 酷的 6. hero n. 英雄;男主角 7. humorous adj. 幽默的 8. laugh

5、v. 笑 9. lesson n. 经验;教训 Step 3 Answer the questions 1. What kind of cartoons do you like? 2. Do cartoons always end in a happy way? 3. What cartoons do you think are funny? Step 4 Listening 1. Listen to Part 2 and find out Bettys and Tonys answers to the questions in Activity 1. brave, cartoon, cute

6、, funny, handsome, smart 2. Now work in pairs and check. Do they like the same cartoons as you? 3. Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions. 1) What are Tony and Daming talking about? 2) What does Daming think is better? Answers: 1. They are talking about cartoons. 2. He thinks Superman i

7、s better. Step 5 Reading 1. Read the dialogue and mark T or F. 2. Now answer the questions. 1. What does Tony think about Spiderman? 2. Why does Daming think Superman is better? 3. Why do they both like Tom and Jerry? 4. What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry? 3 Answers: 1. Spiderman cant fly

8、, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet. Thats cool. 2. Because hes stronger than Spiderman. He can fly though the sky and fight bad people. 3. Because Tom and Jerry are very funny. 4. They fight a lot, but they really love each other. Step 6 Everyday English Let Ss say what they have l

9、earnt in the passage. Step 7 Language points Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3.If possible, let the students to say at first. 1. Do cartoons always end in a happy way? 卡通片常以快乐的方式结束吗? in a way 表示“以一种的方式”。 e.g. He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。 2. Its time to w

10、atch a cartoon. 是时候看卡通片了。 Its time to do sth. 表示“该做某事的时候了”。 Its time for sth./doing sth.表示“该做某事的时候了”。 e.g. Its time to have breakfast. =Its time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。 3. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. 他能在空中飞并且打败坏人。 fight v. (fought, fought) 与战斗 n. 战斗;斗争 fight sb. “和某人打仗” fight for

11、sth. “为打仗” e.g. Lets fight poverty and disease together. 让我们一起来克服贫困和疾病。 4. He keeps fighting bad people. 他坚持和坏人作斗争。 keep doing sth. “坚持做某事”。 e.g. We must keep learning English every day. 我们必须坚持每天学英语。 5. I cant help laughing when I watch them. 我看这些总禁不住大笑。 cant help doing sth. “禁不住做某事”。 e.g. The boy c

12、ant help crying when he knows what is happening. 当男孩知道发生了什么的时候禁不住地哭了。 4 6. I think theres a lesson there! 我认为这里面蕴含着道理。 lesson n. “经验,教训” e.g. This is a lesson for you of all! 这就是给你们所有人的教训! Step 8 Writing Work in pairs. Describe your favorite cartoon character or the characters below. You can use the

13、 words in the box in Activity 2 to help you. Step 9 Listening 1. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. 2. Now listen again and repeat. 1) Thats a real hero! 2) I dont think we agree. 3) They fight a lot, but they really love each other. 4) I think theres a lesson there! Step 10 Acting

14、 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1) What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV? 2) When do you read or watch them? 3) Which one do you like best? Why? -What cartoons do you like reading? -I like reading Step 11 Summary 时态区分时态区分 一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时。观察下列句子。 1. I often watch cartoon

15、s films. 我经常看卡通片。 2. I watched Spiderman last week. 我上周看了蜘蛛侠 。 3. I have already watched Spiderman. I do not want to watch it again. 我已看过蜘蛛侠了,不想再看了。 可以看出: 5 1. 经常性、习惯性的动作,所以用一般过去时。 2. 在过去某个时间发生的行为,用一般过去时。 3. 动作也是在过去,但是没有明确的表示过去的时间,并且强调的是结果,即现在不想看了, 所以用现在完成时。 Step 12 Exercises 1. Its time _ after sch

16、ool. Lets go now. A. go home B. going home C. to go home 2. Look! The plane is flying _ the sky. A. on B. at C. through D. for 3. The boy kept _ until twelve oclock yesterday. A. studying B. to study C. studied 4. The woman couldnt help _ when she saw the beautiful clothes in the shopping window. A.

17、 stop walk B. stop to walk C. stopping to walk Answers: CCAC Step 13 中考链接中考链接 让同学们直击中考,把握重难点。 1. Why are you worried? Im expecting a call from my daughter. She _ New York for three days. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. has come in 2. What did you do last night? I _TV and read books.

18、A. watch B. watched C. have watched 3. Do you know who took the students to the old peoples home, Tony? Well, Mr. Smith _. 6 A. took B. does C. did D. do 4. It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _ to bed too late A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone Answers: ABCA Step 14 Homework 谈一

19、谈你对这部卡通片的看法。60 词左右。(Snow White and Seven Dwarfs) Unit 2 Tinting has been popular for over eighty years. 【教学目标】【教学目标】 Knowledge objective Key vocabulary: orange-and-white, ugly, schoolbag, lead, clever, as, heaven, expect, artist, invent, copy, black-and-white, own, private, create, satisfy Key struc

20、tureswin the heart of, ever since, lead against Ability objective To get information about cartoons. To master the three tense. Moral objective To know more about other persons opinion and splendid culture in the world. 【教学重点】【教学重点】 1.To learn some expressions in the passage. 2.To learn three kinds

21、of tenses. 【教学难点】【教学难点】 1. To get information from the article. 2. The use of “win the heart of”. 【教学方法】【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 7 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the

22、cartoon characters. Which of them do you know? Which of them do you like? Why? Give the pictures about the cartoon characters on page 36, and show some new words. Step 2 New words Look and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words. Step 3 Reading 1. Read the passage and choose a sentence tha

23、t best summarizes it. 2. Read the passage again and finish the following tasks. 一、本课以卡通为话题,介绍了 5 个著名的卡通形象,它们分别是_ _。 二、课文共有 4 个自然段,请选出各段的大意,并把字母编号填写在横线上。 A. a cute dog that lives in his private world B. a favourite cartoon hero, and he works for a newspaper C. he is the hero of Havoc in Heaven D. two

24、 cartoon heroes are popular with young people all over the world 1. 第一段: _ 2. 第二段: _ 3. 第三段: _ 4. 第四段: _ 三、请根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Nemo and Shrek are green animals. ( )2. The Monkey King has celebrated his 60th birthday. ( )3. The Monkey King is brave, humorous and clever. ( )4. An artist invented

25、Tintin in the 1980s. ( )5. Snoopy and his friends satisfy older people and children. 3. Complete the notes. Step 4 Language points To learn about the main points in the passage. Step 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box 8 1. Read the sentences carefully. 2. Choose t

26、he right words to fill in the blanks. Step 6 Exercises Let the students practice the main points in Unit 2. Step 7 中考链接中考链接 Do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools. Step 8 Written task 1. Write down the name of your favorite cartoon. Then answer the questions. 1) What is it a

27、bout? 2) Who is in it? 3) Why do you like it? 2. Now write a passage using your answers. Unit 3 Language in use 【教学目标】【教学目标】 Knowledge objective Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unit Ability objective To summarize and consolidate three kinds of t

28、enses. Moral objective To be glad to listen to others opinions and enjoy the splendid cartoon culture in the world. 【教学重点】【教学重点】 To be able to tell the differences among the three kinds of tenses. 【教学难点】【教学难点】 Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the present three tenses. 【

29、教学方法】【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: 9 Step 1 Revision and lead-in Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions to review what they have learnt. Step 2 Language practice To master the three tens

30、es. 用适当的单词补全句子。 1. He _ _ popular for over eighty years. 2. Tintin _ in China in the 1980s. 3. Snoopy _ in his own private world. Answer:has been, appeared, lives Step 3 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets 1. Read the dialogue carefully. 2. Use the correct form o

31、f the words in brackets to fill in the blanks. Daming: Hi, Tony. What are you reading? Tony: The Adventures of Tintin. Its fantastic. (1)_ you _(ever read) a Tintin book? Daming: No, I (2)_ (never read) a Tintin story. (3)_ (be) they popular? Tony: Yes, they (4)_(be) popular for more than eighty yea

32、rs. The first Tintin story (5)_(appear) in 1929. Daming: What does Tintin do? Tony: He (6)_ (work) for a newspaper and he (7) _ (have) lots of exciting experiences. Daming: And (8)_ the stories _(have) happy endings? Tony: Oh, yes, they always do. Daming: Sounds great! Do you mind if I borrow your b

33、ook? Answers: 1.Have, ever read 2. have never read 3. Are 4. have been 5. appeared 6. works 7. has 8. do, have Step 4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets 1. Read the passage carefully. 2. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to fill in the blanks. When I was

34、young, I (1)_ (not like) green vegetables. The only vegetable I (2) _ (eat) was potatoes. I was quite small and not very strong, so I was not very good at sport. Then 10 when I (3)_ (watch) television one day I saw the cartoon Popeye. When Popeye stands next to the bad man, Bluto, he(4)_ (look) smal

35、l and weak, and when they fight, he always (5)_ (lose). Then he eats some green vegetables. His arms(6)_ (grow) thicker. He becomes stronger and he wins his fights. The next day I was going to play football at school, so I asked my mother for some green vegetables. I (7)_ (score) three times and we

36、won the match! I (8)_ (love) green vegetables ever since. Answers: 1. didnt like 2. ate 3. was watching 4. looks 5. loses 6. grow 7. scored 8. have loved Step 5 Complete the passage with the words in the box 1. Read the passage carefully. 2. Use the correct form of the words in the box to fill in th

37、e blanks. Many people love cartoons because they are great fun. Parents and children (1)_ together as the Monkey King makes a terrible (2)_ or Shrek, the (3)_ green animal, sing a song. Cartoon heroes often live in a(n)(4) _ world of their (5)_. Artists (6)_ good cartoon heroes as well as bad people

38、. The heroes always win, and their stories (7)_ us and help us feel safe. Answers: 1.laugh 2. mess 3. ugly 4. private 5. own 6. create 7. satisfy Step 6 Work in pairs and decide on the best order for the pictures 1. Look through the picture and discuss in pairs. 2. Draw the correct answers from othe

39、r group. Step 7 Now listen and check Now listen and check which one is right. Step 8 Listening Listen to Part 5 and answer the questions. 1. Why does Betty not think the cartoon is funny at first? 2. Why does Tony think the cartoon is really clever? Answer:1. Because she does not understand it at fi

40、rst. 2. Because the policeman could catch the man in the lift, but he doesnt. They both just stand there, waiting for the lift to stop! Step 9 Learning to learn 11 Learn about how to listen to a word you dont know. When youre listening, do not stop paying attention when you hear a word you do not kn

41、ow. Keeping listening. The word might not be important, or the speaker may say something to explain its meaning. Step 10 Listening Listen to Part 6 and answer the questions. 1) Where did the first cartoon appear? 2) When did Walt Disney start to make films? 3) Was Micky Mouse Walt Disneys most famou

42、s cartoon character? Answer:1. In newspapers. 2. In 1920s. 3. Yes, it was. Step 11 Read the passage and complete the sentences Read the passage in Part 6 and fill in the blanks. Step 12 Around the world Learn about classical American cartoons. Step 13 Writing 1. Work in groups. Plan your cartoon. Ta

43、lk about your favourite cartoons and decide on the kinds of cartoon hero you would like to create. Talk about developing the heroes. What are they like? What do they look like? What do they do? How will they win peoples hearts? Decide who will write the story and who will do the drawings. 2. Make yo

44、ur cartoon. 3. Show your cartoon to your classmate. Step 14 Grammar 一般过去时常犯错误 1. 把动词变为过去式易出错。 例如:They stoped talking just now. 解析:stop 的过去时为 stopped。辅音加 y,y 变 i 加 ed;元音加 y,在词尾直接加 ed。 12 2. 忘记把动词变为过去式。 例如:I fly kites on the afternoon of last Sunday. 解析:fly 应该用过去式 flew。对此,我们应该记住在一般过去时的时态里,过去式不要 忘记。 3.

45、 在句式变换时出错。 例如:We didnt went last Friday. 解析:didnt went 应改为 didnt go。 请记住“见助动词用原形”。 4. 易与现在完成时弄混。 例如:I saw the film, so I dont want to go now. 解析:正确答案为:I have seen the film, so I dont want to go now.“我不想去”说明了我了 解这部影片的内容,强调现在的情况,应该用现在完成时。 Step 15 Summary 三种时态区分 Step 16 Exercises Do some exercises and

46、draw the answers from the Ss. 1. He _ me English last year. A. teach B. taught C. teached D. is teaching 2. -How long have you used this book? -Since you _ it to me. A. lend B. borrow C. lent 3. I have _ for two days. I want to ask for two days leave. A. ill B. been ill C. feel ill 4. It _ not healt

47、hy to watch TV too long. A. is B. are C. was D. were Answers: BCBA Step 17 中考链接中考链接 Do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools. 1. Since 2000, Jingmen has become a new city. Everything _. 【2013 湖北荆州】 A. is changed B. was changed 13 C. had changed D. has changed 2. I dont know if

48、 Jack _. If he _, call me, please. 【2013 黑龙江绥化】 A. comes; come B. will come; will come C. will come; comes 3. How long _ you _ this book? For two weeks. 【2013 黑龙江齐齐哈尔】 A. did; borrow B. have; borrowed C. have; kept 4. What_ the noise, Bill? Sorry, I broke my glass. 【2013 河南】 A. is B. was C. has been D. will be Answers: DCCB Step 18 Homework 请选择你喜爱的一部卡通片,然后自己动手画出其中你喜爱的一个人物,并用英文说一 说你喜爱的原因。


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