人教版go for it 八年级下册英语Unit1基础知识测试卷(含答案).docx

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1、Unit1 Whats the matter? 单元单元单元基础知识测验单元基础知识测验 一、一、词汇词汇 A:词形变换 1.decide(名词) 2.hurt(过去式) 3.mean(过去式) 4.die(名词) 5.knife(复数) 6.we(反身代词) 7.she(反身代词) 8.climb(名词) 9.catch(过去式) 10.sick(同义词) B:重点短语 1. 发烧 2.患嗓子疼 3. 胃疼 4. 咳嗽 5. 患(重)感冒 6. 牙疼 7. 流鼻血 8. 有心脏病 9. 没有多想 10. 休息 11. 背疼 12. 躺下来休息 13. 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 14. 看牙医 15.

2、拍 X 光片 16. 量体温 17. 在伤口上面敷药 18. 大声呼救 19. 沿着走 20. 患头疼 21.听起来好像 22.在马路边 23. 以同样的方式 24. 把你的头向后仰 25. 看医生 26. 多亏了;由于 27. 挽救生命 28. 惹麻烦 29. 从出来 30. 水流下冲洗 31.下车 32. 用绷带包扎 33. 使某人惊讶 34. 的重要性 35.及时 36. 摔倒 37.休息几天 38.丧命 39. 立刻;马上 40.呼吸困难 41. 登山运动 42. 被球击中 43. 晒伤 44. 一名登山者 45. 习惯做某事 46.习惯于冒险 47. 用完;用尽 48. 以便 49.

3、 掌管;管理 50. 在困境中 51. 切除半边右臂 52. 头部挨打 53. 继续或坚持做某事 二句式盘点二句式盘点 1.-你怎么啦? -我胃疼。 - - I have a stomachache. 2-我头疼,并且我的脖子动不了。我应该做什么呢?我应该量体温吗? -不,听起来你不像发烧。 -I have a headache and I cant move my neck. ? Should I ? No, you have a fever. 3司机看到一位老人正躺在路边。 The driver an old man on the side of the road. 4今他惊讶的是,他们都

4、同意和他一起去。 ,they all with him. 5作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险. As a mountain climber, Aron taking risks. 6但是当他的水用完时,他知道他不得不做一些事情来挽救他的生命。 But his water ,he knew that he would to save his life. 7在这本书中,阿伦讲述了做好的決定和掌握自已命运的重要性。 In this book. Aron tells of good and of ones life. 8这次事故之后阿伦没有放弃,现在他继续爬山。 Aron did not after t

5、he accident and mountains today. 9多亏了王先生和乘客,这个男人被医生们及时救治了。 Mr Wang and the passengers,the man was saved by the doctors in time. 三、考点精选三、考点精选 I. 单词拼写单词拼写 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. Yesterday Judy was s ,so she had to go to the hospital. 2. When you shake your head, it usually m “no”. 3. As students, we must

6、know the i of study. 4. He made a d to give away all his money to help homeless people. 5. Do you have any t looking after these little kids? II根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子 1. You should (躺下)and rest. 2. (令我惊讶的是), the little boy can speak English. 3. The doctor had to (切除)his right leg. 4. You cant get rich

7、 without (冒险). 5.He was sent to the the hospital (马上). III.完成句子完成句子 1.你看上去很疲劳,你怎么了? You look tired. You? 2你应该和他谈谈. You to him. 3.我习惯在睡觉前喝牛奶。 Im milk before I go to bed. 4.多亏李老师,我的英语提高了很多。 Miss Li, my English improved a lot. 5使我惊讶的是,所有的同学都同意去公园帮助清理垃圾。 ,all the classmates agree go to park and clean up

8、 the litter. IV.语法专练语法专练 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Dont worry about me. I can take care of (I). 2. Li Ming hurt (he) when he played basketball yesterday afternoon. 3. The children enjoyed (they) at the party last night. 4. He should (finish) his homework on time. 5. Should I (tell)him the news? 6. He (shou

9、ld not )tell a lie again, It makes me sad. 句型转换 7.I saw him yesterday. He was writing a letter.(合并为一句) I him a letter yesterday. 8.Many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble. 就画线部分提问) many people want to help others? 9.He should see a dentist.(就画线部分提问) he ? 10. I think h

10、e is a smart man. (改为否定句) I _ _ he _ a smart man. 11. Having a healthy lifestyle is very important. (改为同义句) It is important _ _ a healthy lifestyle. 12. Put your hands in the cold water.(改为否定句) _ _ your hands in the cold water. 13. I spend lots of time on my homework. (改为同义句) I spend _ _ _ time _ my

11、 homework. 词汇和句型部分答案见课本 参考答案(部分)参考答案(部分) 三三.精选考点精选考点 I. 1.sick 2.means 3.importance 4.decision 5.trouble II. 1.lie down 2.To my surprise 3.cut off 4.taking risks 5.right away III. 1.Whats the matter with 2.should talk 3.used to drinking 4.Thanks to 5.To my surprise IV. 1.myself 2.himself 3.themselves 4.finish 5.tell 6.shouldnt 7. saw, writing 8. Why dont 9.What should, do 10. dont think , is 11.to have 12.Dont put 13.a lot of , doing


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