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1、Module 5 Cartoon stories Unit 1 1. (1) Its time to do sth. = Its time for sth.该做某事的时候了 Its time to have lunch. = Its time _ _. Its time to go to school. = Its time _ _. (2) Its time for sb. to do sth.:该到某人做某事的时候了。Its time for us to have a rest. 是我们散步的时候了。_. (3) There is no time to do sth. 没时间做某事。The

2、re is no time to have breakfast. 2. 穿过:You must be careful when you walk across the road. _ The river runs through the city. _ The moonlight goes through the window and makes the room bright. 3.fight:(1) fight sb.:打某人 Dont fight the other students. (2) fight with / against sb.: 与打架、同幵肩作戓 Tom is figh

3、ting with Tony in the classroom. (3) fight for:为而戓(和平、自由、国家) They fight for peace / freedom / their country. (4) have a fight with sb. = fight with sb.与某人打架 Dont have a fight with your little brother. 4. climb up:往上爬、爬上 They need to climb up the trees with ladders. 5. someone:某人、有人,多用亍肯定句中,作主语时,谓语动词

4、用单数形式。 否定句戒疑问句中用 anyone. In the dark someone was following her. I cant find anyone to help me. 6. (1) keep doing sth.: 一直做某事 The little baby keeps crying all night. (2) keep sb. / sth. + adj.:使处亍某种状态 Keep your hands clean. Keep your eyes closed. _ (3) keep sb. doing sth.:使某人一直做某事 Im sorry to keep yo

5、u waiting for 2 hours. _ (4) keep + adj.:保持 keep healthy / clean 7. 否定转移:从句中的否定习惯上转移到主句上,类似的词有 believe, guess, think 等。 I dont think he will come. _ I dont believe he is right._ 8. cant help doing sth. = cant stop doing sth: 情不自禁做某事 He couldnt help crying when he heard the news. _ 9. protect sb. / s

6、th. from / against sth.:保护某人/ 某物免受的伤害。 Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sunlight._ Parents try to protect their children from danger. _ 10. lesson: 课、教训 teach sb. a lesson:给某人一个教训 Its a lesson to us all. 这对我们大家来说是个教训。 There are four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoo

7、n. 练习: 一、根据汉语及首字母提示写出单词。 1.Most children like c_, like Tom and Jerry. 2.Hed the most _(幽默的) man Ive ever met. 3.His father is b_ policeman. 4.P_ the environment is a very important social problem. 5.That accident taught them a l_. 6.In the e_, all the students pass the test. 7.We shouldnt l_ at the

8、people who are in trouble. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The little girl kept _(watch) TV in the room yesterday. 2.We couldnt help _(laugh) when we heard the funny story. 3.Its 12:00. Its time _(have ) lunch. 4.We should learn from those _(hero). 5.Why dont we _(go) to the concert? Unit 2 1. win the heart of sb.

9、:赢得某人的心 周杰伦赢得了许多青少年的心。 (1) Jay Chou _(win) the _(heart) of many teenagers(青少年). (2) She won the _(heart) of everyone in the theatre. 2. everywhere = here and there 到处、处处 Her books are everywhere. anywhere: 任何地方 You can go anywhere interesting if you like. 3.(1) lead sb. to do sth.:带领某人做某事 He leads h

10、is team to fight against the enemy. (2) lead to:通向、导致 All roads lead to Rome. _ I dont think it will lead to a good result. _ 4. be in a mess:混乱 make a mess:弄乱、搞糟 What a mess! 多么混乱啊! 5.except(1) expect to do sth.:期望做某事 I expect to pass the exam. (2) expect sb. to do sth.:期望某人做某事 Everyone expected us

11、 to win the match but we lost. (3) expect sth.:期望某事 He is expecting her letter. 6. experience:经历(可数名词)Please tell us your experiences in America. 经验(不可数名词) He is a man of rich / much experience. He has rich experience in this kind of work. 7. copy:(1) n. 一本、一册(可数名词) He is reading a copy of the daily

12、 newspaper. (2) v. 复制、抄袭 Dont copy Toms homework. Would you copy this letter for me ,please? 8. 表示某人多大岁生日时,用序数词;表示年龄时用基数词。 Today is Linglings tenth / 10th birthday. Lingling is ten years old. 9. own:(1) adj. 自己的 ones own:某人自己的 This is my own bike._ (2) v. 拥有 He owns three houses. _ 10. private adj.

13、私人的,个人的 a private car:一辆私家车 a privateschool:一所私 立学校 personal adj. 个人的 a personal letter:一封私人信件 11. (1) satisfy: v. 使满意、满足 We always satisfy our customers with good service. 顾客 (2) be satisfied with sth.:对感到满意 She is satisfied with her sons answer. _ 12. (1) A as well as B: 不仅而且,既又,还,强调的是前者,翻译时先 译后者,

14、再译前者;谓语动词与 as well as 前的主语保持一致(就远原则)。 Toms parents as well as Tom like swimming. _ He speaks English as well as Chinese. 他不仅会说汉语还会说英语。 (2) not only but also:不仅而且,强调的是后者(就近原则) Not only you but also your brother is very kind to me. _ She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅演奏得好,还会作曲。 练习: 一、

15、根据汉语及首字母提示写出单词。 1._(私人的) cars are becoming very popular in China. 2.The teacher finds him a _(聪明的) boy and gives him some different homework to do. 3.He c_ a new record in high-jump at our school sports meeting. 4.The young parents try their best to s_ their childrens demands(要求). 5.I e_ to go to Be

16、ijing. 6.Today is his birthday, so were going to c_ it. 7.The workers i_ this kind of machines in the 1970s. 8.Many young people want to have their o_ cars. 9.He left his _(书包) on the playground. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.You should study hard. You will win the _(heart) of your teachers. 2.Tom is two years _

17、(old) than I. 3.Everyone was against _(close) the factory. 4.She has knowledge and _(experience) as well. 5.I want to be an Beijing Opera _(art). 三、句型转换。 1.I think the story is very interesting. (改为否定句) I _ _ the story _ very interesting. 2.The books are here and there in the boys bedroom. (改为同义句) T

18、he books are _ in the boys bedroom. 3.Shes not only my teacher but also my best friend. (改为同义句) Shes my best friend _ _ _ my teacher. 4.Its time for breakfast. (改为同义句) Its time _ _ breakfast. 5.Tintin has been popular for 80 years. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ Tintin been popular? Module 6 Hobbies Unit 1 1. a li

19、ttle + 不可数名词:有点儿、少量的 There is only a little meat in the fridge. a bit of + 不可数名词:有点儿、少量的 I need a bit of water. 2. have a look:看一看,后跟宾语时,要加介词 at. have a look at = look at Have a look at the picture. = Look at the picture. 3. most of +代词宾格戒 most of +限定词+名词,作主语时,谓语动词的数由 most 后面的代词或名词决定。 1) Most of my

20、storybooks_(be) very interesting. 2) Most of us_(like) English. 3) Most of her moneywas stolen. 她的大部分钱被偷了。 4. must:表示肯定的推测,“一定、必定”。表示否定的推测时用 cant, “不可能”。 The restaurant must be very good. Its always full of people. That girl cant be Lily. Lily is much taller. 5. as + 形容词/ 副词的原级 + as : 和一样 His Englis

21、h isas good as mine. He drivesas well as his father. 6. 用:(1) with:用具体有形的东西(工具) I write a letter with a pen. (2) in:用语言、声音、原材料 Can you speak in a loud voice? (3) by:用/ 通过用段戒方式 The girl made money by selling flowers. 7. 形容词修饰不定代词时后置:I have something important to tell you. 练习: 一、根据汉语及首字母提示完成单词。 1.A_ a

22、 middle school student, you should study hard. 2.His work s_ at 8:30 in the morning and finishes at 4:45 in the afternoon. 3.He put his favourite books on the s_. 4.M_ students think they should have more time to develop their own interests. 5.She likes collecting s_. 6.Could you lend me one _(英磅)?

23、7.I have only three _(美元) in my pocket. 8.He gave me a _(扇子) as a gift for my birthday. 9.I have been to many beautiful cities, s_ as Lijiang and Shanghai. 10.My mum gave me a ten-pound _(纸币). Unit 2 1. (1) someothers:一些另一些 Some students like watching TV and others like going online. (2) one the oth

24、er:一个,另一个(范围是两者) There are only two students in the classroom. One is reading and the other is drawing. I have two pens. One is red and the other is black. 2. make sb. do sth.:使某人做某事一感、二听、三让、四看 We madethe little girllaugh at last. _ 3. develop: v. 培养、提高、发展、形成、长大 This lesson will help you develop you

25、r writing skills. 这节课有助亍_你的写 作能力。 We should develop good living habits. 我们应该_好的生活习惯。 4. during = in: 在期间、在时间内 I woke up three times during / in the night. 5. as well as:除了外(还有),可用 besides 代替。 I have a few English books as well as / besides this . _ I study Japanese as well as English. _ 6. encourage

26、 sb. to do sth.:鼓励某人做某事 My parents always encourage me to study hard. 7. come out:出版、发行、(花儿)开放、出来 When will his new book come out? _ Spring comes and the flowers start to come out. _ The result will come out three days later. _ 8. as a result = so 结果、因此、 She didnt study hard and as a result, she did

27、nt pass the exam. Tom studied hard. As a result, he passed the exam. 9. (1) Pleasure:愉悦、愉快 Its my pleasure. = My pleasure.不客气(回答感谢)。 (2) with pleasure.十分愿意(回答请求) Will you please open the window? With pleasure. 10. success n. 成就、成功 Failure is the mother of success. _ successful adj. 成功的 successfully

28、adv. 成功地 succeed v. 成功 He finished the work successfully. He is a successful writer. Dont give up. You know hard work leads to success. He succeeded in finishing the work at last. 他终亍成功完成了那项工作。 练习: 一、根据汉语及首字母提示完成单词。 1.This job needs s_ and experience. 2.Would you please tell me the r_ of the exam? 3

29、.We enjoyed ourselves d_ the holiday. 4.What do you want to be when you g_ up? 5.His new novels sells well. Its really a great s_. 6.I t_ up my bedroom every day. 7.Therere a lot of _( 活动) in our football club. 8.Hobbies can make us develop our _(兴趣) and help us learn new skills. 9.Its a _(愉悦) for m

30、e to stay with you. 10.Why are you so i_ in collecting stamps? 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Mary succeeded in _(pass) her English exam. 2.There are only three _(person) in the room. 3.I have on _(interesting) in this kind of book. 4.Most movie stars took part in the _(active) to raise money for charity(慈 善机构).

31、5.He finished the work _(successful). 6.They discovered this beach while they were _(sail) around the island. 7.He is interested in _(collect) stamps. 8.She as well as you _(be) a student. Zhang Lin 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.他的第一本书是 10 年前出版的。His first book _ _ ten years _. 2.杰克没有认真学习汉语,结果他的汉语测试没及格。 Jack didnt

32、 work hard at Chinese, and _ _ _, he didnt pass the Chinese exam. 3.这个故事使得每个人都很伤心。This story _ _ _ _. 4.如果你出名了,全世界的人都会知道你。 If you become famous, people _ _ _ _ will know you. 5.他不但会打篮球,而且还会游泳。 He can _ _ _ _ _ basketball. 6.我正期待着和您一起工作。I am _ _ _ working with you. 话题写作: My Hobbies I have many hobbie

33、s, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary. At school, I often hear the PE teacher say sports are good for our health and will make us live longer. So I like sports very much. I go running at five oclock in the afternoon. I play table tennis with my friends. These sports have

34、 kept me healthy. At home, I like singing and playing the violin. I hope I will be a singer and violinist when I grow up. In order to reach these goals, I go to the teachers home for a lesson every Saturday and practice singing. Of all my hobbies, I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are lots of books. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learnt.


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