人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit 7知识点精讲精炼(带答案).docx

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1、新目标八年级下册新目标八年级下册 Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?讲义讲义 一、词一、词性转换性转换 Section A 1. protect (n.) protection 2. wide (最高级) widest 3. achievement (v.) achieve 4. succeed (adj.) successful 5. challenge (n.) challenge 6. force (v.) force 7. thick (反义词) thin Section B 1. weigh (n.) weight 2. r

2、esearch (pl.) researches 3. keeper (v.) keep 4. awake (v.) wake 5. excitement (adj.) exciting/excited 6. remaining (v.)remain 二、短语归纳二、短语归纳 1. as big as 与一样大来源:学科网 2. one of the oldest countries 最古老的国家之一 3. feel free to do sth. 随意地做某事随意地做某事 4. as far as I know 据我所知据我所知 5. man-made objects 人造物体 6. in

3、the future 将来将来 7. any other mountain 其他任何一座山 8. run along 跨越 9. freezing weather 寒冷的天气 10. take in 呼入呼入;吞入吞入(体内体内) 11. in the face of difficulties 面临危险 12. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事放弃做某事 13. achieve one s dream 实现某人的梦想实现某人的梦想 14. the forces of nature 自然界的力量 15. reach the top 到达顶峰 16. even though 虽然虽

4、然;即使即使 17. at birth 出生时出生时 18. be awake 醒着醒着 19. run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去 20. walk into sb. 走路时撞到某人走路时撞到某人 21. fall over 绊倒绊倒 22. every two years 每两年 23. cut down the forests 砍伐林木 24. endangered animals 濒危动物濒危动物 25. be in danger 处于危险之中处于危险之中 26. the importance of saving these animals 拯救这些动物的重

5、要性拯救这些动物的重要性 27. five square kilometers in size 面积五平方千米 28. thick clouds 浓云 29.challenge oneself 挑战自我挑战自我 30. the first people to succeed 最先成功的人 31. risk ones life 冒着生命危险冒着生命危险 三、三、 句型集萃句型集萃 1. feel free to ask sb. sth. on 就随意问某人问题 2.one of+最高级+可数名词复数 最之一 3.Whats the+最高级+in the world? 界上最的 4. How hi

6、gh is. 有多高 5. protectfrom/against 保护使不受影响 6. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 7. spend.doing 花费做某事 8. There be sb./sth. doing 有某人/某物正在做某事 9. teach sb. about sth. 教某人有关的东西 10. send sb. to do sth. 派某人去做某事 四、重点句子四、重点句子 1. about 9,600 ,000 square kilometers in size. 大小约 9,6000,0000 平方公里平方公里。 【解析解析 1】square (

7、1)adj. “平方米” ,用于数字后表面积。 Ex. an area of 95 square meters 95 平方米的面积 (2) n. 正方形;广场 Ex. Many old people like dancing on the square after supper. 【解析解析 2】数字读法数字读法: 8844.43 米高 8,844.43 meters high 1025 米深 1,025 meters deep 英语数字中的单位有英语数字中的单位有:百:hundred 千:thousand 百万:million 十亿:billion 百位和十位或个位之间有 and, 若读数中

8、无 hundred, 则在 thousand 后加 and 练习:下列数字如何表达? 一万 ten thousand 十万 one hundred thousand 一千万 ten million 一亿 one hundred million 10001 ten thousand and one 134,520,012 one hundred and thirty four million five hundred and twenty thousand and twelve 2. China has the biggest population in the world.中国是世界上人口人口

9、最多的国家。 【解析解析】population 是一个集合名词,意为“人口” 。 用法用法:(1) population 常与定冠词 the 连用,作主语且强度整体人口时,谓语动词一般用单 数, Ex. The population is increasing faster and faster. 人口增长得越来越快。 (2) 当主语时“人口的百分之几、几分之几”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。 Ex. Three quarters of the population are workers. 四分之三的人口是工人。 (3) 表示人口的“多”或“少”时, 用large或small Ex. The p

10、opulation of China is very large. 中国人口众多。 (4) 询问某国、某地有多少人口时, 用How large.?。 Ex. How large is the population of your hometown? 你们家乡有多少人口? (5) 提问有多少人口,常用“ what is the population of ?” Ex. What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少? (6) 表示“某地有多少人口” 时,常用 “has a population of”句型。 Ex. India has a populati

11、on of more than one billion. 印度有十亿多人口。 ( )1.The experts think that Indias population may be than Chinas 2017. A. much; by B. more; in C. larger; by D. larger; on ( )2.【2017 湖北荆州 3】The words population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice. A. more; less B. larger; fewer C. larg

12、er; less D. more; fewer ( )3.【湖南衡阳 1】 _ the population of China? Its about 1.3 billion. A. Whats B. How many is C. How much is 3. How long is the wall? 长城有多长有多长? 【解析【解析】how long 多长;多久 用法用法:(1) 对长度提问对长度提问 Ex. How long is the table? 桌子有多长? About 1.2 meters. 大约 1.2 米长。 (2) 对时间提问对时间提问,常用 for 或 since 引导的

13、时间状语来回答。 Ex. How long does it take you to do your homework in the evening? 晚上做作业要花多 长时间? For two hours. 两个小时 ( )1.【2017 上海 2】_ have you been in the sports club? Since the first month I came to the school. A. How old B. How long C. How much D. How soon ( )2.【2017 湖北孝感 3】_ have you been married? For t

14、wenty years A. How far B. how often C. how long D. how soon 4. The main reason was to protect their part of the country. 来源:学科网 主要的原因是保卫保卫自己的国家。 【解析解析】 protect v. “保护” Ex. We should protect children. 用法用法:protect sb./ sth. from sth./doing sth.保护某人保护某人/ 某物使其不受某物使其不受 Ex. Protect your eyes from the sun

15、. 不要让阳光伤害你的眼睛。 We should protect ourselves from being hurt. 我们应当保护自己不受伤害。 ( ) 1. Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun. ( ) 2. The sunglasses can protect your eyes from the sun.(保护) ( ) 3. The sunglasses can protect your eyes from hurting by the sunlight.(伤害) 5. As you can see, its

16、 quite tall and wide. 正如正如你所看到的,长城非常高,也非常宽广。 【解析解析】as (1) conj.像一样,正如 (用来引导状语从句) Ex. I was surprised as he opened the door. (2) prep. 作为 Ex. I get job as a teacher. ( ) 1. Mrs. Black doesnt agree to keep a cat _ a pet because she hates cats. (2017 本溪 5) A. for B. on C. as D. with ( ) 2. Well have di

17、nner at Qianxilong Restaurant, which is famous _ its food. (2017 山东聊城 4) A. of B. to C. for D. as 6. One of the words most dangerous sports is mountain climbing. 登山是世界上最危险的运动之一最危险的运动之一. 【解析】解析】one of + the+最高级最高级+可数名词复数可数名词复数: “最的之一” 。 Ex. 尼罗河是世界最长的河流之一。The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the w

18、orld. Jenny 是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。Jenny is one of the most popular teachers in our school. ( ) 1.【2017 曲靖中考】A good book may be one of your best friends (friend). ( ) 2.【2017 曲靖中考】Qujing is one of _ cities in Yunnan , and has attracted many people living and working here. A. the largest B. the large C. larg

19、er D. largest ( )3.【重庆市 2017】What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? Oh! Its one of _ films Ive ever seen. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 7. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. 并且越接近顶部呼吸呼吸越困难。 【解析【解析】take in 吸入;吸入; 吞入(

20、体内)吞入(体内) 【拓展【拓展】与与 take 相关的词组相关的词组: take after(外貌)相像 take away 拿开 take down 写下,记下 take in 吸收,吸纳 take off 起飞;脱下 take it easy 别紧张 take to 喜欢,开始从事 take pictures 照相 take care of 照顾,照料 ( )【2017 江苏常州】Why have you got so much water here? For the workers. After they finish the tough hike, they need to _ lo

21、ts 来源:学科网 of water. A. keep off B. give out C. take in D. put up 8. The first Chinese team did so in 1960 , while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. 1960 年第一支中国登山队登上了顶峰,1975 年日本的田部井淳子成为第一个成功成功登上 顶峰的女子。 【解析解析】 success, succeed, successful 和和 successfully 的辨析的辨析: (1) succes

22、s:名词,意为“成功” (2) succeed:不及物动词,后常接 in doing sth. succeed in sth. “在某事上取得成功”; succeed in doing sth. “成功做某事”。 (3) successful: 形容词,意为“成功的”。 (4) successfully: 副词,意为“成功地”。 选词填空:succeeded, successful, successfully 1. She succeeded in passing the exam. 她成功的通过了考试。 2. The performance was successful. 演出很成功。 3.

23、 I finished my training successfully. 我成功地完成了训练。 9. One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. 最主要的原因之一是因为人们在面临困难的时候想挑战自我。 【解析解析】challenge v./n. 挑战 用法用法:challenge sb. to sth.向某人挑战向某人挑战 Ex. He challenged me to a race.他向我挑战赛跑。 challenge sb. to d

24、o sth. 向某人挑战向某人挑战Ex. Lily challenges him to play the tennis. 1. I challenged him to a game of chess. 2. Their school challenged ours to play another basketball match.(play) 10. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. 它还告诉我们,人类有时候比自然的力量的力量更强大。 【解析解析】force (1)n.

25、力量;the forces of .的力量的力量 Ex. The force of human is great. 人类的力量是强大的。 V. 迫使;强迫 force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事强迫某人做某事 Ex. Nobody can force me to do anything. 没有人能强迫我做任何事。 11. The elephant weights many times more than this panda. 来源:Z*xx*k.Com 这头大象的重量是这只熊猫的很多倍。 【解析解析】time (1)“是.的几倍” 主语主语+数词数词+ times+as +

26、形容词形容词+as+被比较的内容被比较的内容 Ex. Our new school is four times as big as the old one. (2) “次数” 一次 once 两次 twice 三次及三次以上 : 基数词 + times ( )We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ we speak. 2017 浙江 杭州 2 A. as twice much as B. twice as much as C. as much as twice D. as much twice as 12. The baby

27、 often die from illness and do not live very long. 熊猫幼崽常死于死于疾病,并且活不久。 【解析解析】die v. 死亡死亡 death n. 死,死亡死,死亡 dead adj. 死的死的 dying adj. 将死的将死的 【拓展拓展】常见搭配: (1) die from “死于” ,“死于” ,宾语表示死亡原因。当表示因病而死时,可与 die of 通用; 常用于由于外部创伤或间接原因致死,如衰弱,饮食过度,劳累或不明原因 死亡。 Ex. He died from a car accident/a wound/disease/overwo

28、rk/polluted air. 他死于事故/受伤/疾病/过度劳累/污染的空气。 (2) die of “死于”“死于” ,主要指疾病、衰老、情感等自身原因造成死亡。 Ex. His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992. 他的爷爷于 1992 年死于肝癌。 (3) die out“ (家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”“ (家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹” Ex. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. 恐龙在六千五百万年前灭绝了 ( )1. 【2017 曲靖中考】 The national hero Wu Bin, a

29、 bus driver, hardly had time to think about himself when in danger. Yes, His _ is starting to make people think a lot. A. die B. death C. dead D. died ( )2.He died _ the traffic accident last week. A. of B. from C. with D. for ( )3.【2017 湖北荆州】Do you know that Mr. Zhang passed _ last week. Yes. He di

30、ed _ illness. A. away; of B. on; from C. by; with D. off; as 五、重点语法五、重点语法 形容词及副词的最高级用法形容词及副词的最高级用法 一、形容词副词变最高一、形容词副词变最高级变化规则:级变化规则: 1.一般在词尾直接 est; long - longest 2. 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的单词在词尾直接加 st; nice - nicest 3. 以辅音字母+y 结尾的词,把 y 变为 i,再加 est; heavy - heaviest 4. 重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加 est; big - bi

31、ggest 5. 多音节词,在前面加 the most; beautiful - the most beautiful 6. 不规则变化,我们应该牢记。 原级 最高级 good/well best many/much most little least old old /eldest bad/badly/ill worst far farthest /furthest 二、形容词最高级的标志词二、形容词最高级的标志词 (1)标志词)标志词 the:形容词最高级前面通常会带有定冠词 the。 Ex. The blue dress is the most expensive of all. 那件蓝

32、色的裙子是最贵的。 但最高级前若有序数词、物主代词等修饰时不加定冠词 the. Ex. 他是我最好的朋友。He is my best friend.来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K (2)标志词)标志词 in:in 表示“在之内” 。表示的比较范围被看做是一个整体,其后常接表 示单位、团体、组织、时间等概念的名词或代词。 Ex. She is the tallest in her class. 在她班上,她是最高的。 (3)标志词)标志词 of:of 表示“属性” ,表示比较对象被看成逐个的个体,常有两种结构: of all/the/ones +名词复数。 Ex. This is the ch

33、eapest of all. of the +基数词/名词复数 Ex. She is the tallest of the three. 练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.My sisters English is worse (bad) than mine. 2. My mother is the busiest (busy) in my family. 3. Li Ming is one of tallest (tall) boys in our class. 4. Which do you like best well), Chinese, English, or Math? 5.

34、Mary is one of the most creative (creative) writers in the city. 6. She is eldest (old) of us all. 7. English is more important (important) than math. 8. Which computer is the worst (bad) of the three? 三、最高级常用句式三、最高级常用句式 形容词最高级基本句式:主语+谓语+the +最高级+比较范围。 (1)表达“第几长、大、远” ,一般用:主语+be+ the +序数词+最高级+单数名词+in

35、 短语。 Ex. 黄河是中国的第二长河。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. (2)在表达“最的之一”时,一般用:one of the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数 +in/of 短语。 Ex. 重庆是我们国家最大的城市之一。 Chongqing is one of the biggest cities in our country. (3) “特殊疑问词+be +the+最高级, A, B or C?” Ex. 太阳、月亮和地球那一个最大? Which is the biggest, the sun, the moon

36、 or the earth? 四、形容词最高级与比较级的互换 最高级句式:the + 最高级+of/in 短语 =比较级句式:比较级+than any other +单数名词 Ex. Shanghai is the biggest city in China.= Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. 【注意注意】 (1)表示“最高程度”的形容词,如 excellent,extreme,perfect 等,没有比较 级和最高级 (2)asas 中间用形容词或副词原形,表示同级比较。 Ex. She is as tall as Lily.

37、 她和 Lily 一样高。 六、真题演练六、真题演练 ( )1.【2017 襄阳】Who run_ of all in the sports meeting? A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. more fast ( )2.【2017 广东】What do you think of the film? Wonderful! I think its _ than the other films in recent years. A. the best B. the worst C. much better D. much worse ( )3.【2017 上

38、海】The volunteer spoke as _ as she could to make the visitors understand her. A. clearly B. more clearly C. most clearly D. the most clearly ( )4.【2017 雅安】Which month has _ days in a year? February. A. few B. little C. the least D. the fewest ( )5.【2017 浙江】Its much _ to have a small lovely room than

39、a big cold one. A .good B. well C. better D. best ( )6.【2017 兰州】If there are _ people driving, there will be _ air pollution. A. less, less B. less, fewer C. fewer, fewer D. fewer, less ( )7.【2017 黄石】I am good at math, but his English is _ than mine. A. much better B. more better C. very better D. p

40、retty better ( )8.【2017 盐城】There isnt an airport near where I live. The _ one is about 90 miles away. A. busiest B. farthest C. newest D. nearest ( )9.【2017 鄂州】 Do you like the western food, Lili? No, I think the food of our country is_ that of western countries. A. much more delicious than B. less

41、delicious than C. not as delicious as D. as delicious as ( )10.【2017 大连】Who plays the violin _,Sally or Kylie? Sally. But she gave the chance to Kylie. A. well B. better C. best D. the best ( )11.【2017 苏州) Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of course not _ a local speaker in China. A. so fluently

42、 as B. more fluent than C. as fluent as D. much fluently than ( )12.【2017 茂名】 _ you hit the horse, _ it will go. A. hard; fast B. The hard; the fast C. The harder; the faster ( )13.【2017 福州】Dad. Would you please drive _? No hurry. We have enough time before the plane takes off. A. faster B. more slo

43、wly C. more carefully ( )14.【2017 十堰】Many boy students think math is _ English. I agree. Im weak in English. A. much difficult than B. so difficult as C. less difficult than D. more difficult than ( )15. 【 2017 达 州 】 Peter is _ than you, right? Yes, but he runs_ in our class. A. heavier, the fastest B. heavy, the fastest C. heavier, faster D. heavy, faster


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