外研版七年级下册英语期中复习 ppt课件.pptx

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1、七年级下册复习 M1 1.失物招领 2.欢迎回. 3.首先 4.there be (就近) 5.注意./小心. 6.从现在开始 7.匆忙地 lost and found welcome back to first of all be careful with from now on in a hurry 8、everyone/everybody/everything 做主语,谓做主语,谓 语动词用单数语动词用单数Everything is half price . 二、知识点二、知识点 9、 in the lost and foundlost and found box at the lost

2、 and foundlost and found office 10、welcome back to 欢迎回. welcome to +表示地点的名词表示地点的名词 欢迎来某地 You are welcome. 不用谢。 welcome home 欢迎回家 11. arrive/get/home(here/there) 12、get on the bus 上公交车 get off the bus 下公交车 短语 get up起床/起立/打扮;安排;组织 get to到达 | 开始 | 接触 | 找到 get on with 与友好相处;继续干 get on well with sb. 与相处好

3、 get by 通过 | 过得去,(勉强)过活 | 通过,经过 | 走过, 侥幸躲过 get down (从)下来;写下;使沮丧;(to)开始认真做, 着手做 get in 进入 | 进入,抵达 | 收获(庄稼等) | 收获 get into 进入,陷入 ./(使)进入;卷入;对发生兴 趣 . get aroundround 走动,克服,设法回避(问题等); (协)抽出时间来做(或考虑) get away 逃脱;离开;出发 get through 接通电话 | 到达 | 完成 | 度过(时间) 13、 1)talk to sb 和某人说话(侧重主动说) talk with sb 和某人说话(侧

4、重两人都说) talk about sth 谈论某事 2)say 说,强调说的内容 say hello/yes/no to sb. wave to say goodbye to sbsay goodbye to sb. 3)speak 说,接语言 English/Chinese/Japanese/Russian/German 4)tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事 10、1)look for 寻找(不一定找到) 2)find (偶然地)找到 3)find out 查明,弄清楚(经过努力) Please help me find out the timefind o

5、ut the time of the train. 词汇辨析 two hundred composers(具体数不加s,不加of) 14.hundreds of 成百上千的成百上千的 thousands of 成千上万的成千上万的 millions of 成百万的,许许多多的成百万的,许许多多的 billions of 数十亿的数十亿的 15.leave sth+介词短语介词短语 把把-忘(落、丢)在某地忘(落、丢)在某地 I often leave my mobile phone in the office. He left his bag on the train. Forget sb./

6、sth.忘了某人或某物忘了某人或某物 16、Every day 每天每天 everyday job/life每天的每天的(形容词,后面接名词)(形容词,后面接名词) My mother gets home at six every day . 17、at the moment=at this moment=now 此时此刻,现在此时此刻,现在 at that moment=then 在那时在那时 18、such as 例如,后面不加逗号例如,后面不加逗号 for example 例如,后面加逗号例如,后面加逗号 19、 help sb (to)do sth帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 help

7、 sb with sth 20、-whose . is this? 这是谁的这是谁的.? -Its+名词性物主代词名词性物主代词. 21、Are these .+名词性物主代词名词性物主代词?这些?这些.是某是某 人吗?人吗? Are these crayons yours? 人称代词: 在英语中, 表示人称代词的有I(我), you(你), he(他), she(她), it(它), we(我们), you(你们), they(他们/她们/它们)。 我们已经学到的人称代词有: I, you, he, She, it; 如: I am Frank. You are Gina. He is Bo

8、b. She is Alice. It is a pen. Grammar 数数 格格 人人 称称 单单 数数 复复 数数 主主 格格 宾宾 格格 主主 格格 宾宾 格格 第一人称第一人称 we me we us 第二人称第二人称 you you you you 第三人称第三人称 he him they them she her it it 物主代词: 在英语中, 物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和 名词性物主代词,。表示形容词性物主代词的有 my(我的), your(你的), his(他的), her(她), its(它), our(我们的), your(你们的), their(他们/ 她们/它

9、们的),后面跟名词。 我们已经学到的物主代词有: my, your, his, her; 如: My name is Frank. Your name is Gina. His name is Bob. Her name is Helen. Grammar 1.1.人称代词与人称代词与bebe如何搭配呢?如何搭配呢? 顺口溜顺口溜 我(我(I)用)用am,你,你(you)用用are, is连着他连着他(he)她她(she)它它()it,遇见复数全用,遇见复数全用are。 2 2、单数你他我,复数一二三,道歉我为先、单数你他我,复数一二三,道歉我为先. . 1.我、你、他、都我、你、他、都18岁

10、。岁。_ 2.你们、我们、他们都来自中国。你们、我们、他们都来自中国。 _. You, he and I are 18. We, you and they are from China 物物 主主 代代 词词 形形 容容 词词 性性 物物 主主 代代 词词 名名 词词 性性 物物 主主 代代 词词 我的;我们的;你的;你们的;他的;她的;它的;她他它们的我的;我们的;你的;你们的;他的;她的;它的;她他它们的 后面后面有有名词名词 后面后面无无名词名词 my mine our your her its their ours yours his hers its theirs his This

11、is my book, thats yours. 后面后面无无名词名词 后面后面有有名词名词 book my book=mine our books=ours your book=yours your books=yours Their books=theirs its nose=its her book=hers his hook=his 1. (我的我的)father is a teacher. How about 根据汉语提示根据汉语提示完成句子完成句子 My yours (你的你的)? 2.Thosere (他的他的)books,not (我的我的). his mine 3.The r

12、uler isnt ( 她的她的 ). ( 她的她的 ) is in ( 她的她的 ) pencilcase. hers Hers 4.Thesere (你们的你们的)pencils.Thosere ( 我我 们的们的). your ours 5. (我们的我们的)books are in the desk. Where are (你们的你们的). Our yours “ “形物”后面形物”后面有有名词名词 “ “名物”后面名物”后面无无名词名词 her 用括号中的适当形式填空用括号中的适当形式填空 1. Are these _(you ) pencils? Yes, they are _(o

13、ur). 2. Whose is this pencil? Its _(I). 3. I love _(they)very much. 4. She is_(I)classmate. 5. Miss Li often looks after_(she)brother. 6. Are these _(they)bags ? No, they arent _(their). They are _(we). your ours mine them my her their theirs ours 语法:语法:can 肯定句结构肯定句结构: 主语主语+can +动词原形动词原形+其他其他. 否定句结构

14、否定句结构: 主语主语+cant(can not)+ 动词原形动词原形+其他其他. 一般疑问句一般疑问句: 把把can 提前提前 肯定回答肯定回答: Yes,主语,主语+can. 否定回答否定回答 :No,主语,主语+cant. Module 2 一、语法一、语法 1.弹钢琴弹钢琴 2.踢足球踢足球 3.想要做某事想要做某事 4.想要成为想要成为. 5.想要某物想要某物 play the piano play football would like =want 想要 would like to do sth= want to do sth would like to be=want to be

15、 would like sth=want sth 二、知识点二、知识点 6.和某人相处的好和某人相处的好/不不 好好 7.努力学习努力学习 8.准备好做某事准备好做某事 9.选择选择.作为作为 10.承诺做某事承诺做某事 11.享受做享受做. 12.擅长擅长 13.得到最好的分数得到最好的分数 get on well/badly with sb work hard be/get ready to do sth choose .as /for promise to do sth enjoy doing sth. be good at =do well in get the best score

16、14 、join加入the Music Club/Party/the army/a theatre company(团体、组织 join sb. in doing加入活动Can you join us in playing football? take part in 加入活动(侧重发挥作用) take part in a sports meeting/English contest 15.What about you?=How about you?=And you? 你呢? What about doing sth?=How about doing sth?做某事怎么样? 16./becau

17、se/so不能同时出现在一个句子中 17.thats all 仅此而已,就这么多仅此而已,就这么多 I can cook eggs , but thats all . 17 worry about =be worried about 担心担心. dont worry 不用担心不用担心 18 teach sb sth =teach sth to sb 教某人某事教某人某事 teach sb. to do教某人干某事教某人干某事 learn to do 19 favourite=like.best 最喜欢最喜欢 English is my favourite subject. =I like En

18、glish best . 20 really 副词,修饰形容词或动词副词,修饰形容词或动词 run really fast real 形容词,修饰名词形容词,修饰名词 real story/name 21 at the start of=at the beginning of 在在.的开的开 始始 22.ride a bike 骑自行车 She rides a bike to school. =She goes to school by bike. Take a bus/ train/ car/ taxi/ underground to sp. =go to sp. by bus/ train

19、/ car/ taxi/ underground Ride-rode take-took 语法:语法:can 肯定句结构肯定句结构: 主语主语+can +动词原形动词原形+其他其他. 否定句结构否定句结构: 主语主语+cant(can not)+ 动词原形动词原形+其他其他. 一般疑问句一般疑问句: 把把can 提前提前 肯定回答肯定回答: Yes,主语,主语+can. 否定回答否定回答 :No,主语,主语+cant. 二、语法二、语法 1、明确can表达的是“某人能做什么”, 体现的是一种能力。词性是情态动词。 Example 例子例子 They can speak English very

20、 well. They cant speak English very well. Can they speak English very well? Yes, they can. No, they cant. 情态动词can后一定要接动词原形。 情态动词can没有人称和数的变化。 补充 2. 表示表示请求或许可请求或许可时,意为“时,意为“可以可以”。”。 3. 表示表示猜测猜测时,意为“时,意为“可能可能”。”。 Can I help you? 要我帮忙吗?要我帮忙吗? Where can she go now? 她现在可能到哪里去了呢?她现在可能到哪里去了呢? M3 1.制定计划 你周末

21、的计划周末的计划是什么? 2.在周末 4.复习 make plans /make a plan Whats your plans for the weekend ? on/at the weekend on/at weekends go over 复习 知识点知识点 5、 做作业做作业 6、 帮忙做某事帮忙做某事 7、看电影、看电影 8、 还有谁还有谁 其他的其他的 还有什么还有什么 用许多其他的语言用许多其他的语言 9、 上钢琴课上钢琴课 10、 和某人一起来和某人一起来 11、 去野餐去野餐 do onedo ones homework s homework help sb.do sth.

22、 help sb.do sth. help sb.with sth.help sb.with sth. see a movie(film) see a movie(film) who elsewho else /somewhere else/somewhere else Something Something else else what elsewhat else In many In many other languagesother languages have a piano lesson have a piano lesson come with sb come with sb ha

23、ve a picnic have a picnic 12.would you like to do.? 肯定答肯定答语语-Yes,Id like(love )to. Thats a good /great idea. 否定答语否定答语 Sorry, but I cant. / Yes,Id like(love )to, but Im afraid I cant. 13. get the best score 得到最好的分数得到最好的分数 14. stay at home 待在家里待在家里 15. alone =by oneself 单独,独自单独,独自 16. dont be silly 别傻

24、了别傻了 14.make sb/sth +形容词(或介词短语)形容词(或介词短语) 使某人使某人/ 某物怎么样某物怎么样 make our classroom beautiful/clean and tidy Make you happy / sad / relaxed/excited/famous make the classroom just like home make sb do sth 使某人做某事使某人做某事 The news made him feel excited. My joke makes her laugh . 15.be kind to sb 对某人友善对某人友善 b

25、e friendly to sb. 对某人友好对某人友好 16.try to do sth 尽力做某事尽力做某事 try doing sth 尝试做某事尝试做某事 17.fly a kite 放风筝放风筝 1)1)、人、人+spend+spend+时间时间/ /金钱金钱 (inin)doingdoing sth.sth. 花费花费 on on sthsth He spentHe spent ten yuan ten yuan onon this book.this book. 2)2)、物、物/ /事情事情 cost cost 人人+ +金钱金钱. . The bookThe book cos

26、t cost him ten yuanhim ten yuan . . 3)3)、It takeIt take(s s) 人人 + +时间时间 to do sth.to do sth. It tookIt took the workers 5 months the workers 5 months to buildto build the new the new library.library. Building the libraryBuilding the library tooktook the workers 5 monthsthe workers 5 months 4)4)、人、人+

27、 + paypay + +(金钱)(金钱)forfor 物物. . I I paidpaid ten yuan ten yuan forfor the book .the book . take a walk =go (out)for a walk去散步 26、be different from 与.不同 be the same as 与.相同 27、summer camp 夏令营 28. see/visit friends 看望朋友 29. Im not sure. 不确定. 14.14.盼望做盼望做. 15.15.和某人教朋友和某人教朋友 16.16.玩儿得愉快玩儿得愉快 17.17.起床

28、起床早早/ /晚晚 18.18.去散步去散步 19.19.去观光去观光 20.20.去购物去购物 21.21.去游泳去游泳 22.22.做运动做运动 23.23.到了做到了做.的时间的时间 了。了。 look forward to doing make friends with sb enjoy oneself=have a good time =have fun get up early/ late take a walk go sightseeing 去观光去观光 go shopping 去购物去购物 go swimming 去游泳去游泳 do some sports 做运动做运动 Its

29、 time for sth.=Its time to do sth. Its time for sb to do sth Module3-4 :一般将来时 1、be going to do sth 多用于口语,强调事先打算、计划 要做的事情或有某种迹象要发生的事情。如:What are you going to do this evening? Look ! There are so many clouds in the sky. Its going to rain. (看!天空有那么多云,我想要下雨了。) 一般疑问句和否定句一切遵循be动词的变化规则。 The clever boy is g

30、oing to cook a meal. The clever boy isnt going to cook a meal. Is the clever boy going to cook a meal? Yes, he is . No, he isnt. Example 例子 I will go shopping with Mozart. I wont go shopping with Mozart. Will you go shopping with Mozart? Yes, I will. No, I wont. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句:一般将来时的特殊疑问句是将疑 问词(wh-/how)

31、放在句首,后接一般疑问句。 when will you be here?(你什么时候会在这儿?) I will be here on Sunday.(我周日会在这里。) 2、will为情态动词。will + v.原形原形 (没有人称和数的变化) 否定为否定为wont 变疑问句时,将变疑问句时,将will 提前提前 如何确定呢?-找关键词 1) tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening 2) next year/week/month/hour/day/century 3) in+一段时间 4) in th

32、e future 5) this afternoon,Sunday,evening 6) from now on 7) one day,someday (未来的)某天 8) soon 9. right away= at once 立刻,马上 10. after +时间点 以后 练习 .There be .There be 句型的一般将来时:句型的一般将来时: 肯定式:肯定式:There is/are going to be+sth. 否定式:否定式:There is/are not going to be+sth. 一般疑问式:一般疑问式:Is/Are there going to be+st

33、h? ( (肯肯) )Yes, there is/are. ( (否否) )No, there is/are not. e.g. ( (肯定式肯定式) ) ( (否定式否定式) ) Is there going to be a sports meeting next week?( (一般疑问式一般疑问式) ) 1.There is/are going to be There going to be a sports meeting next week Yes, there is.( (肯肯) ) No, there isnt.( (否否) ) There is going to be a sp

34、orts meeting next week.( ( 翻译:翻译:下周这里将会有一个运动会。下周这里将会有一个运动会。 isnt 拓展 2. There will be 肯定式:肯定式:There will be+sth. 否定式:否定式:There will not be+sth. 一般疑问式:一般疑问式:Will there be+sth? ( (肯肯) )Yes, there will. ( (否否) )No, there will not. There will be a sports meeting next week.( (肯定式肯定式) ) There will not be a

35、 sports meeting next week.(.(否定式否定式) ) Will there be a sports meeting next week?(?(一般疑问式一般疑问式) ) Yes, there will.( (肯肯) ) No, there will not.( (否否) ) M4 1 1、in the future in the future 在将来在将来 2 2、chalkchalk、paperpaper为不可数名词为不可数名词 a piece of+chalk/paper a piece of+chalk/paper /music/music 3 3、in +in

36、+一段时间,句子用一段时间,句子用将来时将来时 对对in+in+一段时间提问,用一段时间提问,用 How soonHow soon 4 4、maybe maybe 可能,也许可能,也许 一般放句首一般放句首 MaybeMaybe you are right.you are right. 也许也许你你是对的是对的 You You may bemay be right .right . may be may be 可能可能 放句子中,放句子中,maymay是情态动词,是情态动词, be be 是谓语动词是谓语动词, ,用原形用原形. . 5 5、use . use . to do sthto do

37、 sth 用用.做某事做某事 UseUse the information the information to writeto write an email.an email. 知识点知识点 6. 在网上在网上 7. 通过网络通过网络 8.能,会能,会 9. 不再不再. 10. 回答某人的问题回答某人的问题 11. 需要做某事需要做某事 12.也,和,又也,和,又 13.有许多作业要做有许多作业要做 on the Internet by Internet be able to do sth. not .any more=no.more answer ones question need to

38、 do sth as well(too) not only. but also.not only. but also.不仅不仅.而且而且. 连接两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则连接两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则 Have a lot of homework to do I have something important to tell you. Do you have anything else to do ? I have nothing to worry about . a good place to play We decided_(go) out. We decided_(not go)

39、out. We didnt decide what _(do) next. We didnt decide how_(do) it next. We didnt decide which one_ (choose). to go not to go to do to do to choose e true 实现实现 主语是主语是dream、idea Im sure my dream will come true in the future . 15.mean sth 意味着意味着 mean doing sth 意味着做某事意味着做某事 mean to do sth 打算做某事打算做某事 16.

40、kind 种类种类 a kind of 一种一种 all kinds of 各种各样的各种各样的 kind 友善的,形容词友善的,形容词 Be kind to sb. 17.light rain 小雨小雨-(反)(反)heavy rain 物物做主语时,用做主语时,用expensive或或cheap 价格(价格(price)做主语时,用)做主语时,用high或或low 18.traffic jam 交通堵塞交通堵塞 复数复数 jams 一、购物相关句型一、购物相关句型 1. What can I do for you? 2. Can I help you? 3. What colour doe

41、s she like? 4. What size does she take? 5. May I try it on? 6. Theres a sale on today. 7. How many/much would you like? 8. How much+ be + sth? 9. =Whats the price of .? 10. Ill take it. 11. Ive got some food to buy. Module 5 Shop worker: ( ) Lingling:Id like a pair of shoes. Shop worker:( ) Lingling

42、: Black,please. Shop worker:( ) Lingling:Size 31 Shop worker:How about this pair? Lingling:( ) Shop worker:Of couse. Lingling:( ) Shop worker:Only 30 yuan Lingling:It cheap. ( ) Can I help you? What colour do you like? What size do you want? May I try it on? How much is it ? Ill take it . 11几天后几天后 1

43、2在任何时间在任何时间 13把把和和进行比较进行比较 14省钱省钱 15网上支付网上支付 16生活方式生活方式 17一天一天 18没有人没有人 19能,会能,会 a few days later(after a few days) In a few days 与将来时连用与将来时连用 at any time compare with save money pay over the Internet way of life one day no one be able to(can) 20.carry 拿,带拿,带 不强调方向不强调方向bring 带来带来 take 带走带走 Chinese s

44、tudents carry heavy bags to school. change 可做名词,也可做动词可做名词,也可做动词 change A into B 把把A变成变成B 1. 什么什么 2. 什么颜色什么颜色 3. 多大号多大号 4. 什么时间什么时间 5. 多少,对数字提问多少,对数字提问 6. 多少,提问价格或不可数名词多少,提问价格或不可数名词 7. 提问频率提问频率 8. 多久(以后)多久(以后) 9. 多长多长(时间)时间) 10.多远(距离)多远(距离) 11.多高(距地面)多高(距地面) 12.多高(身高)多高(身高) what 什么什么 what colour 什么颜色

45、什么颜色 what size 多大号多大号 what time =when 什么时间什么时间 how many 多少,对数字提问多少,对数字提问 how much how often 提问频率提问频率 how soon 多久(以后)多久(以后) how long 多长多长 how far 多远多远 How high How tall 语法:特殊疑问句语法:特殊疑问句 ( (特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+ + 一般疑问句一般疑问句) ) GrammarGrammar、特殊疑问词、特殊疑问词 练习题 1. 1. _? _? Id like to buy some books. Id like to buy

46、 some books. A. What are you doing? A. What are you doing? B. What can I do for you B. What can I do for you C. How are you? C. How are you? D. How is it going? D. How is it going? 2. 2. _ is your T_ is your T- -shirt? shirt? ItIts 40 dollars. s 40 dollars. A. How many B. How big A. How many B. How

47、big C. How much D. How long C. How much D. How long 3. There are _ students in our school. 3. There are _ students in our school. A. six hundred B. six hundreds A. six hundred B. six hundreds C. six hundreds of D. six hundred of C. six hundreds of D. six hundred of 4. Here is a big sale ! Everything

48、 is_price. 4. Here is a big sale ! Everything is_price. A. half B. full C. zero A. half B. full C. zero D.D. B C A A 5. Hi, Susan. Your hat is so nice! _. A. Yes,please B. No,no. C. Thank you! D. Just so so 6. I want to buy a shirt _ my father. A. to B.for C. in D. on 7.How much _ the bag and the ha

49、t? _60 yuan. A. is; Its B. is; Theyre C. are; Theyre D. are; Its C B C 1. 为某人买某物为某人买某物 2. 在母亲节在母亲节 3. 怎么样?怎么样? 4. 试穿试穿 5. 当然当然 6. 太多太多 7. 一公斤一公斤 8. 还有什么?还有什么? 9. 网上购物网上购物 10. 中之一中之一 buy sth. for sb. on Mothers Day what about ? try( it /them) on of course too much/too many a kilo of what else online shopping one of+名词复数名词复数 One of the greatest composers 三、短语三、短语 11.make sb sth=make


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