外研版七年级下册英语Module 8 Story Time知识复习 练习(无答案).docx

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1、外研七年级下册外研七年级下册 Module 8 Story Time 教学目标教学目标 1. 能够掌握 Module8 的重点词汇、句型 2. 能够运用实义动词的一般过去时的各种句型 3. 能用一些规则动词的过去式描述过去的事情或讲一个故事。 能够读懂简单的故事,明白其中的人物关系,并能就故事作答。 4. 学会用自己的语言向别人讲述自己喜欢的故事。 教学重点教学重点 Module8 的重点词汇、句型、语法 教学难点教学难点 一般过去时中动词点变化规则;肯定句、否定句、疑问句变化 教学过程教学过程 一、一、重点词汇重点词汇 1) 单词拓展单词拓展 1. hair (n.)_ 2. gold (n

2、.) golden 金黄的 golden hair 金牌 gold medal; 银牌 silver medal; 铜牌 bronze medal 3. forest (n.) wood 树林 4. once _ twice_ three times _ four times_ 5. decide (v.) 决定 decision (n.)_ 6. alone (adj.) lonely (adj.) _ 7. dark (adj.) 反义词 bright (adj.) _ 8. around (prep.)_ round 圆的 9. little (adj.) _ a little girl

3、 一个小女孩 adv._ 10. push (v.) _ pull 拉 11. enter(v.) _ n. 12. hungry (adj.) _ 反义词 thirsty 口渴的 13. right (adj.) _ adv._ 2) 重点短语重点短语 1. once upon a time 从前 2. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 decide not to do sth. 3. go for a walk 去散步 4. in the forest 在森林里 5. pick flowers 摘花 pick up sth. 捡起/拿起某物 pick it/ them up

4、6. be lost = lose ones way 迷路 7. look around+sb.(宾)看某人的四周 look around her/me /him 8. notice sth. 注意到某物 9. hurry to + sw. = go to sw. in a hurry 急忙去某地 10. knock on / at the door 敲门 11. open 开着的 adj. closed 关着的 adj. 12. open 打开; 经营 13. enter + sth 进入 14. finish sth. finish doing sth. 15. rush out of +

5、 sw. 冲出某地 16. be tired 累 try (tried) to do sth. 尽力做某事 try sth 试某物 try it/ them on 17. destroyed sth. 毁坏了某物 18. walk into the bedroom 走进卧室 19. very soon 不久; 很快 20. be asleep(形容词)= be sleeping(动词) asleep:(形)一般作表语,表示“睡着了”,强调状态。 21. go to bed:(动词短语)表“上床睡觉”,但不一定睡着,只强调“去睡觉”这 个动作 22. in pieces 成了碎片 at firs

6、t = at the beginning of 23. point at / to 指着 24. open ones eyes 睁开眼睛 25. be around sb. 在某人周围 26. jump out of bed and hurry out of the house 跳下床匆忙冲出房子 27. without sth. 没有某物 without doing sth. 没有做某事 without anything= with noting 28. return to sw. = come back to sw. 返回某地 return= give back 29. 讲故事的顺序:Fi

7、rst Next Then Finally 30. and 前后的时态要一致 31. answer the door 开门 32. all around/over the world 全世界 33. again and again 一遍又一遍 34. change into 变成 二、重点句型重点句型 1. She decide to go for a walk in the park with her basket.她决定拿着篮子去公园里 散步。 2. Then she noticed a little house. 然后,她看到了一所小房子。 3. did she often go for

8、 a walk in the forest alone?她经常独自在森林里散步 吗? 4. It was not comfortable either.它也不舒服。 5. All around the world mothers tell their children fairy tales.在世界各地,妈妈们都 给她们的孩子讲童话故事。 三、重点知识详解重点知识详解 Unit 1 Once upon a time 1. Once upon a time 从前 常用于故事的开头 Once upon a time ,there was a Snow White. Once upon a time

9、,there was a king. 【拓展拓展 1】once (1)adv.曾经,一度,常用于故事的开头 The town isnt as big as it was once. (2)一次 once more 再来一次 once a week 一周一次 (3)立刻,马上 at once 【拓展拓展 2】 long long ago “很久很久以前” 【练习练习】 同义词替换 Sorry,I forget her name,for I have met her only once. A.a moment B.in the past C.one time 2. decide v.决定决定 de

10、cide =make up ones mind decide to do sth 决定做某事决定做某事 decide not to do decide+宾语从句宾语从句 He decided to buy a new car.(=He decided that he would buy a new car.) He decided not to go. 【词性】decision 名词“决定” 【练习练习】 He is too heavy,He has decided_some exercise to keep healthy. A.to take B.not to take C.take 3.

11、 go for a walk 散步散步 =have/take a walk go for 常表示“旅行、远足、野餐、航海”等一类的名词连用,意为“去,进行” The children are going for a picnic tomorrow. Do you want to go for a walk after supper? They often go for walks on weekends. 【拓展拓展】 walk 还可作动词,“走路,散步” He likes walking. Can I walk there from the station? 【练习练习】_-Blacks a

12、re going to the park this Sunday.Why dont we go for _walk? A.A,a B.An,/ C.The,a D./,a 4. be lost 迷路迷路=get lost Im always lost in big cities. Please follow me,or youll get lost. lost 还可以做定语置于名词前面,“失去的,丢失的” a lost child Try to make up for lost time 【练习练习】同义句替换 My wallet is lost.I cant find it anywhere

13、. A.missing B.new C.old D.broken 5.Goldilocks looked around her.金凤花姑娘环顾四周 look around 意为意为“向四周看,环顾四周向四周看,环顾四周” She looked around her but she saw nothing.她环顾四周,但是什么也没有看到。 around 在此处为副词,在此处为副词,“到处,向各处到处,向各处” There were papers lying around all over the floor. Let me show you around our school. Dont loo

14、k around when you are having lessons. Look around you when you get on the bus. 【练习练习】The girl stopped and _,but found nobody there. A.looked into B.looked around C.looked after D.looked at 【拓展】与 1ook 相关的短语 look at 看 look after 照料,照属 look up 上看,查找 look out 向外看;当心 look for 寻找 look over 仔细检查 look forwa

15、rd to 盼望 look like 看来像 ( )Linda, I have to go shopping now. Please_your little sister at home A look for B. look like C. look after 6.Then she noticed a little house.接着,她注意到一幢小房子 (1) notice 此处用作及物动词,意为“注意到”。 notice sb. doing sth.意为意为“注意到某人正在做某事注意到某人正在做某事”; notice sb.dost.意为意为“注意到某人注意到某人做了某事做了某事”。 Di

16、d you notice the man with black glasses?你注意到戴墨镜的那个男子了吗? I noticed that he left very early 我注意到他走得很早。 I noticed her crying in the room.我注意到她正在房间里哭。(正在哭) I noticed her cry in the room.我注意到她在房间里哭。(不一定正在哭) 【拓展 notice 可用作名词名词,意为“布告;公告;启事”。 There was a notice in the building about the meeting. 【练习练习】 1. T

17、hey drove by without _ (notice) us. I _(notice) that she looked,unhappy. 2. Just now I _(notice)him enter the supermarket. 3. The teacher told us to write a _(notice) about “ask for sick leave”. 4. Do you _-that Nancy has been a little too quite these days? Yes, She didnt even say a word this aftern

18、oon. A.hope B.notice C.explain D.decide (2) little 处用作形容词处用作形容词,意为意为“小的小的”,与 big 或 large 意思相对。 Look at the little girl. Shes crossing the road.看那个小女孩,她在横过马路。 Thats a little toy car.那是一辆小玩具汽车。 辨析: little 与 small little 常指数量、分量、范围、程度、年龄等方面的小 有感情色彩 small 常指面积、体积、度量、数字、力量、价值、重 要性等方面的小 客观陈述,无感情色彩 【拓展】 li

19、ttle 作形容词作形容词,还可意为“很少,几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词,表示否定的含义。 There is little time.时间不多了。 5. hurry v.赶紧,急忙赶紧,急忙 (1) 动词动词 hurry to+地点地点=go to+地点地点+in a hurry “急忙去某地急忙去某地” We hurried to school. We hurried back to office.(=We went back t office in a hurry.) (2) hurry 作名词,作名词, “in a hurry (匆忙,赶紧),匆忙,赶紧),in no hurry(不急于)

20、(不急于)” He left in a hurry. 【拓展拓展】 相关短语 hurry up 急忙,赶快 hurry off 匆匆离去 【练习练习】找出与划线部分意思相同的选项。 Im sure we wont be late.Take your time,please. A.Lose no time B.Dont hurry. C.Be on time 6. knock at 敲,打敲,打 (1) knock V.敲,击,打 knock on / at the door 敲门 The dog knocked the vase off the table. Someone is knocki

21、ng on/at the door. (2)knock n.敲,击 Did you hear a knock on the door? 【练习练习】Linda,theres somebody _-at the door,Go and see who_is. A.knock,he B.knocking,it C.knocking,she D.knock,that 7.pick up 拾起拾起 Please pick up your toys. Well go to the farm to pick up some apples. 【相关链接相关链接】pick up (1)搭载,让某人乘车 The

22、 bus stopped and picked up some passengers. (2)好转,改善 Trade picks up again. (3)取回 Please pick up my coat for me. 【练习练习】 Karin found some waste paper on the floor.She _it _-and threw it into the dustbin. A.put,up B.picked,up C.turned,up D.looked,up 10.【辨析辨析】answer 与与 reply answer 用法比较普遍,可指口头或笔写的答复。I c

23、alled,but no one answered. reply 较正式,经过考虑后的答复。They asked me to reply as soon as possible. answer sb.=reply to sb. Someone called you just now. 【练习练习】 1. I know,But I was busy at that moment.When I called back,there was no_. A.voice B.sound C.answer D.result 2. 翻译 answer the door _ answer the questio

24、n _ answer the phone _ U1 练一练练一练 根据句义及首字母提示,写出正确的单词。 1.I didnt have breakfast. I am h_now. 2.I called you this morning.But no one a _. Oh,sorry.We were in the park. 3.We are l_in the new city.Lets look at the map. 4.What colour is her h_? It is yellow. 5.When will you f_your homework,Lucy? In half a

25、n hour. 选择题 1.The ticket is on the floor,Please _for me. A.pick it up B.pick up it C.clean it up D.put it up 2.Our teacher asked us to _the new word in the dictionary. A.look up B.look at C.look for D.look around 3.They decided _for the lost bird. A.look B.looking C.to look D.to looking 4.Please _th

26、e door before you come in. A.knock at B.knock C.knock to D.knock with 5.Did you give Tom a phone call? Yes,I did.But nobody _. A.answer B.answered C.will answer D.had answered U2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house 1. It was not comfortable either. either adv. 副词,副词,“也也”,常用于否定句中,常用于否定句中 【拓展:】辨析 too,

27、 also, as well, either 也 as well 肯定句 句末,前面不加逗号 too 肯定句或一般疑问 句 句末,前面通常加逗号 also 肯定句 句中,助动词、连系动词 be 之后,实义动 词之前 either 否定句 句末,前面通常加逗号 【练习练习】 I asked two people the way to the station,but_of them could help me. A.both B.neither C.either D.all 2. asleep 的用法的用法 “睡着的”,强调动作的结果,不能用 very 修饰,只能用 much,fast 等词修饰。

28、 反义词“awake” Dont talk loud when others are sleep. The boy asleep is my brother.(asleep 作后置定语) 【拓展】 辨析 sleep, asleep, sleeping, sleepy sleep (v.睡觉)睡觉) asleep (adj.睡着的睡着的) sleeping (adj.正在睡觉的正在睡觉的) sleepy(adj.困的,有睡意的困的,有睡意的) 1. Look! There is a _ beauty. 2. The baby is _ 3. Dont make any noise. Grandf

29、ather is _ 4. I felt _ all day. 5. He was so tired that he_as soon as he went to bed. A.slept B.fell asleep C.asleep D.is sleeping 3. Return return 回来,返回(vi. = go back); 还,归还(vt.) (1)返回返回=come back He returned to his hometown last year. (2)归还归还=give back Im giving to the library to return my books.

30、return home _ return to the forest _ return from abroad _ return the book _ 同义词替换 Did you return the book to the library? A.give in B.give up C.give back D.come back 4. Theres nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces! (1)nothing=notanything 本句同义表达:There is not anything in my bowl. (2)in pieces “

31、碎片碎片” piece“块,片,张”常作不可数名词的单位,与不同名词搭配,意思不同 a piece of bread_ a piece of paper_ a piece of music_ a piece of news_ a pieces of chalk_ 【练习练习】Ill write down his telephone number.Please pass me_. A.a paper B.piece of paper C.a piece paper D.a piece of paper 5. point v.(用手指等)指(用手指等)指 point at “用手指着用手指着” p

32、oint to“指向指向” He pointed at/to the door. It is rude to point at people. 【注意注意】point at 可以分开使用,构成 point sth at sd.用指/瞄准 He pointed the gun at her. 【练习练习】Its not polite to_others with your finger. A.point B.point at C.point with D.point to 6. shout (v.) _; _ shout at 对大声叫嚷,含有因生气而对某人喊叫,带有感情色彩。 shout to

33、 向喊叫,只是由于相隔距离远而要大声喊,没感情色彩。 7. jump (v.) _ jump up _ jump out of _ 8. try 的用法的用法 (1)作动词作动词 “尝试,努力,试图尝试,努力,试图” try to so sth 尽力做某事 try not to do sth 尽力不去做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事 try ones best 尽力 try on 试穿 She is trying to draw a horse. You should try taking more exercise. Ill try my best to help him. W

34、ould you like to try this dress on? (2)作名词,作名词,“尝试,努力尝试,努力” Let me have a try. What a hard life my parents live! 【练习练习】 So do my parents.When I grow up,I _to make them live more happily. A.try B.tried C.will try D.have tried 9. Theres the naughty girl. 倒装句倒装句 原句为:The naughty girl is there. 有一个淘气的女孩。

35、There is a naughty girl. 10. without prep. “无,没有无,没有”(介词后边用动词的介词后边用动词的 ing 形式)形式) He went to school without having breakfast this morning. When Daniel heard the news.he jumped with a big smile. 【练习练习】I couldnt do it_your great help.Thanks a lot! A.with B.without C.for D.to 11. 表示先后顺序的副词的使用表示先后顺序的副词的

36、使用 (1)表示时间顺序的副词 first then next afterwards finally (2)如何使用表示先后顺序的副词 First ,I come into the classroom. Then ,the lesson begins. Next,I eat some snacks. Afterwards,the teacher becomes very angry. Finally,I stand outside the classroom. 12. right adj. right adj. 合适的;恰当的 I was just in the right place.我只是

37、出现在了合适的地方。 U2 练一练练一练 单项选择 1.Its too noisy.I cannot fall_at all. A.off B.behind C.asleep D.sleep 2.Her best friend _three years ago. A.return B.returns C.returned D.will return 3.Dont point _the little girl. A.at B.on C.for D.of 4.What are you doing? Im cutting the wood_. A.on piece B.on a piece C.in

38、 pieces D.in a piece 5.He cant tell a story in English.I cant ,_. A.too B.either C.also D.well Unit 3 Language in use 1.die v.死死 现在分词 dying,过去式 died Her grandma died at the age of 70. 【词性】died 对应的形容词为 dead.名词为 death。 【注意】如果后面为延续性动词,则不能用动词 die,只能用形容词来表达 The old man is dying. Li Feng was dead foe many

39、 years,but death cant bring him away from peoples heart 【练习练习】On April 14th,2010,a serious earthquake happened in Yushu,More than 2,000 people _in it. A.dead B.death C.died D.die 2.begin with 以以开始,用开始,用开头开头 Lets begin with Lesson One. The TV play begins with a beauty. 如果要表示“开始的方法”,通常用“by+ving”形式 The

40、 teacher began by telling a joke. 【练习练习】I remember his telephone number _a “6” and ends with an “8”. A.begins to B.ends with C.begins with D.finish with 3.change into change 作动词,“改变,变化,改革” The village changed a lot. (1)change into 变成变成 Ice may change into water. (2)change ones mind 改变注意改变注意 At last

41、he changed his mind. 【练习练习】根据汉语提示完成句子。 孙悟空变成一只小蜜蜂飞进洞里。 Sun Wukong _ _ a little bee and flew into the cave. 四、四、重点语法:一般过去时重点语法:一般过去时 1. 规则动词过去式变化规则动词过去式变化 2. 一般过去时一般过去时 结构:结构:did 肯定句肯定句 3. 一般过去时一般过去时 结构:结构:did 否定句否定句 4. 一般过去时一般过去时 结构:结构:did 一般疑问句一般疑问句 一)定义一)定义 用一般过去时来谈论在过去发生的动作或存在的状态。用一般过去时来谈论在过去发生的动

42、作或存在的状态。 在一般过去时的句子中,常带有明显的表示过去时间的状语,如在一般过去时的句子中,常带有明显的表示过去时间的状语,如 just now、 yesterday、yesterday morning/afternoon/evening、last night/week/month/year、 two days/a week/three years ago、in 1999/2008。例。例: Yesterday Tom asked me a funny question. 二)动词过去式的变化规则如下:二)动词过去式的变化规则如下: 动词过去式的不规则变化动词过去式的不规则变化 三)句子结

43、构三)句子结构 1. 肯定句肯定句 一般过去时中,谓语动词应用其过去式形式。 一般过去时含 do 的肯定句结构为:主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式+其他。其他。例: I made the bed just now. 注意 助动词 did 没有人称和数的变化,适用于所有的人称。 2.否定句否定句 结构:结构:“主语主语+did not (didnt)+动词原形动词原形+其他其他.” 当句中谓语动词为实义动词时,否定句中需借助 did not (didnt)构成否定,同时 将谓语动词变为原形。 I did not (didnt) walk to school today.我今天没有走路上学。 She

44、 did not (didnt) like the food in the big bowl.她不喜欢大碗里的食物。 按要求改写下列句子。 1. The farmer cut the rice yesterday. (改为否定句) 2. The farmer _ _ the rice yesterday. 3. Jack read a book with his friend yesterday. (改为否定句) 4. Jack _ _ a book with his friend yesterday. 5. Oh, its you. Im sorry I _ know you _ here.

45、 A. dont; are B. didnt; are C. dont; were D. didnt; were 3.一般疑问句一般疑问句 结构:结构:“Did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他其他?” 肯定回答:肯定回答:“Yes, 主语主语+did.” 否定回答:否定回答:“No, 主语主语+didnt.” 当谓语为实义动词时,句子变为一般疑问句需在句首添加助动词 Did,动词则 改为原形。 -Did you go to the party last night?你昨晚去派对了吗? -Yes, I did./No, I didnt.是的,我去了。/不,我没去。 1. 按要求改写下列句子。

46、He found some meat in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ any meat in the fridge? 2. 翻译句子。 这些游客前天参观我们学校了吗? _ the visitors _ our school the day before yesterday? 3. -Look at the sign! It says “No Smoking”. -Oh, sorry. I _ it. A. dont see B. havent seen C. wasnt seen D. didnt see 4. .-Your phone number again?

47、 I _ quite catch it. -Its 695-6844. A. didnt B. wasnt C. dont D. cant 5. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(不限词数) He _ (do) his homework every day. But he _ (not do) it yesterday. 6. 杰克逊先生在年轻的时候经常去上夜校。 Mr. Jackson usually _ _ evening schools when he was young. 【语法语法练习练习】 1.They _some trees in the park yesterday. A.will plant B.plant C. plants D.planted 2._he go to Central Park? Yes,he did. A.Did B.Do C.Does D.Is 3.What do you think of the film Lost ? Its


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