外研版七年级下册英语语法专题复习讲义:第 1讲 be动词和人称代词的用法.doc

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1、- 1 - 第第一一讲讲 人称代词与人称代词与 be 动词动词 课前小测课前小测 1. 选择正确的 be 动词填空。 1)I _a doctor. 2)My father_a policeman. 3)We_having breakfast. 4) Mike _ from Canada. 5)Her sister _a nurse. 6)They _ my classmates. 7)He _ my brother. 8)She _ a dancer. 9)I_a student. 10)His mother_a housewife. 答案:1.am 2.is 3.are 4.is 5.is

2、6.are 7.is 8. is 9.am 10.is 2. 用括号中的适当形式填空: (1)Are these _(you)pencils? Yes, they are _(our). (2)I love _(they)very much. (3)She is_(I)classmate. (4)Miss Li often looks after_(she)brother. (5)-Are these _(they)bags ? -No, they arent _(their). They are _(we). 答案:1.your ; ours 2.them 3.my 4.her 5.thei

3、r ; theirs ; ours 3、选择填空 : ( ) 1. She is a student, and _ name is Julia. A. its B. her C. hers D.his ( )2. _ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii. A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you ( )3. Could you help _ with _ English, please? A. I, my B. me,mine C. me, my

4、D.my,I ( )4. My uncle bought a new bike for _. A. theirs B. they C. me D. I ( )5. _like Chinese food. A. They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs ( )6. -Heres a letter for you, Jim! - Oh, _ is from my friend, Mary. - 2 - A. he B. it C. she D. its 答案:1-6BBCCAB 考点一考点一 人称代词和物主代词人称代词和物主代词 一、人称代词一、人称代词 延伸:什么是代词?延

5、伸:什么是代词? 代词是用来代替各种名词,像人、动物、东西或者地方等,让对话更为简洁自然,不 用一直重复提到同一个名词或者名称。 1. 什么是人称代词? 用来代替人、动物和东西等的代词,有单数也有复数,分成以下两种: 1)代替句子中的主语,这种代词叫做“主格代词”,即人称代词的主格形式; 2)代替句中宾语的代词,叫做“宾格代词”,即人称代词的宾格形式。 注:宾语是动作行为的对象或者内容,如 eat apple ,eat 为动词,apple 为 eat(吃)的对 象或者内容。 2. 人称代词表 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 第二人称 you you y

6、ou you 第三人称 he him they them 3. 人称代词解题思路 关键在于人称代词所处的位置。一般来说,主格代词位于句首或动词前(但疑问句中, 主格代词位于句中或者句末) ; 宾格代词位于句中、 句末或者位于动词或者介词 (如 of, with, in, to, about, on, at 等)后面。 二、物主代词:表达该名词是属于谁的代词二、物主代词:表达该名词是属于谁的代词 表达该名词是属于谁的,方法有两种,第一种会提到是“谁的什么东西”,例如:我的 家、你的猫咪等,前面的“谁的”就叫做“形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词”。当你使用形容词性物主代词 时,直接把它们放到名词前

7、面就可以了。 而第二种则是用来表达“这个东西是谁的”,只指到谁是所有人(我的、你的、他的、 - 3 - 她的、它的等),但不会提到是什么东西,因为通常前面已经提过了,这种代词叫做“名词名词 性物主代词性物主代词”。 1. 物主代词表 数 人称 类别 单数 复数 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 形容词性物主代词 (my/your/his/her/its/our/their

8、)+名词(用于修饰名词) 名词性物主代词 (mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs 则相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。如: Is this your book? No,,it isnt, its hers(her book) (Jims , Toms, Marias ) 2. 解题思路 关键在于看后面有没有名词,如有则用形容词性物主代词,如没有则用名词性物主代词。 三、人称代词、物主代词总解题思路三、人称代词、物主代词总解题思路 1. 首先从意思上考虑,如果是“谁”,则用人称代词;如果是“谁的”,则用物主代词。 2. 然后从位置上考虑,如果在句首(疑问句、倒装句除

9、外)、动词或介词前则用人称 代词的主格;如果在句中、句末、动词或介词后用人称代词的宾格。 3. 最后从后面是否带名词考虑,如果有名词则用形容词性物主代词;如果没有则用名 词性物主代词。 牢记:只用形容词性物主代词后面才能带名词。牢记:只用形容词性物主代词后面才能带名词。 四、名词所有格四、名词所有格 除了用物主代词表达东西是属于谁的外,也可以用人名或名词表达东西是属于谁。即 常用的句型为(A 的 B): 1. A 为人或者用生命的东西,如 A 为不以 s 结尾的词,则为 As B ,如 Toms book, Xiaomings father。如 A 为以 s 结尾的词,则为 A B, 如 gi

10、rls teacher。 2. A 为动物或者无生命的东西,为 B of A. 如 the name of the dog (狗的名字) - 4 - 课堂巩固课堂巩固: 一、单项选择 1. This isnt _ pencil box. I left _ at home. A. my, mine B. me, my C. I, my 2. Is this _ baseball? No. Its _ baseball. A. you;my B. my;you C. your;his D. my ,your 3.This is Gina. _ phone number is 58746923. A

11、. She B. Her C. He D. His 4.-Are these your rulers ? -No,_ arent. _rulers are in the box. A.they;They B.they;My C.their;Their D.them;We 5._ a bird. I know _ name. A.Its; its B.Its; its C.Its; its 6._ name is Danil. A. I B. My C. Him D. Hers 7.Whats _given name? Mary! A. she B. her C. his D. he 8. Th

12、is is a _ bike. _ is over there. A. visitors; My B. visitors; Mine C. visitor; My 9. This year, the most popular _ hat is that kind. A. womans B. womens C. womens D. womans 10. This is my dress. That one is _. A. Mary B. Marys C. sister D. mother 11. Where is _ jacket ? I cant see it. A. Lucy B. Luc

13、ys C. Lucys 12.This is _ruler. A.I B. my C. hers D. us 13.What color is _jacket? Red. - 5 - A. your B.I C. you D. it 答案:1-5 ACBBA 6-10 BBACB 11-13 CBA 二、用括号中的适当形式填空 1. -Are these _(they)bags ? -No, they arent _(their). They are_(we). 2. The dress is _. Give it to _. ( she ) 3. Here are many dolls, w

14、hich one is _ ? ( she ) 4. Could_(你)ask_(他) to call_(我)back? 5. May I sit beside _? ( you ) 6. _ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _ is a nurse. ( she ) 7. Dont forget_(我们). 8. My ruler is long. _ ( 她的 ) is short. 答案:1.your ;theirs ;ours 2.hers ;her 3.hers 4.you ;him ;me 5.you 6.She ;her ;She 7.us 8.he

15、rs 三、用括号中的适当形式填空: 1. This bike is my sisters. It belongs to _ (她的)。 2. This isnt my book. _(我的) is in the bag. 3.Could you ask_(他) to call_(我)back? 4._(我们)would like to buy_ (它们). 5. -Who is it in this picture? -Its _(我). 6. Theres one dollar on the floor. Pick_ _(它)up. 7._(他们)are friendly to you. 8

16、.He does_(他的)homework on Sunday. 9. Hello, may _ (我) speak to Jack? 10. My bag is small. Can I use _yours_ (你的)? 11. That is_(他们的) new house. 12 My ruler is long. _ ( 她的 ) is short. 13. _His_(他的) teacher is good. _Hers_(她的) is good, too. - 6 - 答案:1.hers 2.mine 3.him;me 4.We;them 5.me 6.it 7.They 8.h

17、is 9.I 10.yours 11.their 12.her 考点二:考点二:Be 动词动词 一、 什么是 be 动词 be 动词是系动词的一种,表示“是”的意思。现在式有 am,is,are 三种。这三 种动词的原形是 be,所以它们称为 be 动词。 二、be 动词的现在式 be 动词的现在式有 am,is,are 三种,分别接在不同人称的主语之后: 三、动词句型的构成 1. be 动词的肯定句 句型:主语 + be 动词(am/is/are). be 动词的肯定句由“主语 + be 动词(am/is/are) + 表语”构成: I am a doctor.我是一名医生。 Mary is

18、 at work.玛丽在工作。 They are students.他们是学生。 2. be 动词的否定句 句型:主语 + be 动词(am/is/are) + not. be 动词一般现在时的否定句结构,是在 be 动词 am,is,are 之后加 not: - 7 - Im not Tom.我不是汤姆。(Im 是 I am 的缩写,读作/aim/。) Things are not always what they seem(to be).事物并不总是与表象一致。 be 动词否定句的缩写方式: is not 的缩写是 isnt,读作/iznt/;are not 的缩写是 arent,读作/a

19、:nt/;I am的否定句 是 I am not,缩写为 Im not;am not 不缩写在一起。 3. be 动词的一般疑问句 句型:be 动词 + 主语.? 回答方式:Yes,主语 + be 动词(am/is/are). No,主语 + be 动词(am/is/are) + not. be 动词的一般疑问句是将 be 动词置于主语之前(大写 am/is/are 的第一个字母),在句尾 加问号;这种语序是主语和谓语倒装语序: 肯定句:They are fruit.它们是水果。 疑问句:Are they fruit? 它们是水果吗? (主语和谓语倒装) 肯定句:The book is on

20、the table.书在桌子上。(主语和谓语倒装) 疑问句:Is the book on the table? 书是在桌子上吗? 回答由 be 动词构成的疑问句时,肯定要用 Yes,否定用 No: Are you Johns brother? 你是约翰的兄弟吗? Yes,I am. 是的,我是。 Are Mary and John still at school? 玛丽和约翰仍在学校吗? No,they are not.不,不在了。 【注意】 Yes 或 No 的后面一定要加逗号,其后的主语小写,I(我)除外。I 永远大写。 在回答句子时,主语必须是代词。 Are you there? 喂,你

21、听着吗? (打电话时用) 4. be 动词的特殊疑问句 句型:疑问代词/疑问副词 + be 动词(am/is/are) + 主语.? who“谁”: Who is she? She is my mother.她是谁? 她是我母亲。(就表语提问) what(指某一或某种未知的事物或人)“什么”: What are these? These are books.这些是什么? 这些是书。 - 8 - whose“谁的”: Whose house is this? The house is Janes.这是谁的房子? 是简的房子。 which“哪一个、哪一些”: Which is heavier,ir

22、on or copper? 铁和铜,哪一个更重? where“在哪里”: Where are John and Tom? They are at school.约翰和汤姆在哪里? 他们在学校。 how“怎样、如何”: How is Helen? She is very well,thank you.海伦好吗? 她很好,谢谢您。 How old is your son now? He is fifteen.你儿子多大年纪了? 他 15 岁了。 课堂巩固课堂巩固: 一、一、在下面的短文中填上恰当在下面的短文中填上恰当 be 动词。动词。 I _ a girl. My name _ Mary. I

23、_ in Class 2, Grade 7. I _ 12 years old. Here _ my family photo. Look! These _ my parents and those _ my grandparents. This boy _ my brother. He _ 15 years old now. That _ my cat, Mimi. It _ very lovely. 答案:am/is/am /am/is/are/are/is/is/is/is 二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的 Be 动词。 1. I _from Australia. 2. She _ a st

24、udent. 3. Jane and Tom _my friends. 4. My parents _very busy every day. 5. I _ at school. 6. He _ at school. 7. We _ students. 8. They _ from China. 9. Yang Ling _ eleven years old. 10. Where _ your friends? 11. How old _ you last year? 12. Which dog _ yours? - 9 - 13. Ten and two _ twelve. 14. _she

25、 from Jinan? 15. _you American? 16. _ your mother in China? 17. These _ buses. 18. What class _ you in? 19. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 20. Whose socks _ they? 答案:1.am 2. is 3.are 4.are 5.am 6.is 7.are 8.are 9.is 10.are 11.are 12.is 13.is 14.Is 15.Are 16.Is 17.are 18.are 19.am;Are;am 20.are

26、 三、模仿 Eg. That is a book. 否定句:That is not a book. 疑问句:Is that a book? 回答: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 练习:练习: 1. This is a coat. 否定句: This isnt a coat. 疑问句: Is this a coat? 回答: Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 2. I am a student. 否定句: I am not a student. 疑问句: Are you a student? 回答: Yes,I am. /No,I am not. 3. You

27、 are a star. 否定句: You are not a star. 疑问句: Are you a star? 回答: Yes,you are. /No,you arent. - 10 - 课后作业课后作业 一. 选择正确的 be 动词填空。 1)I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2)The girl_ Jacks sister. 3)_ your brother in the classroom? 4)Who _ I? 5)The jeans _ on the desk. 6)My sisters name _Nancy. 7)There _ a

28、 girl in the room. 8)There _ some apples on the tree. 9)There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park. 答案:1.am;Are;am 2.is 3.Is 4.am 5.are 6.is 7.is 8.are 9.is 二.句型转换: 1.I am a teacher.(转换成为一般疑问句并回答) _ Are you a teacher? Yes,I am. 2.They are reading a book. .(转换成为一般疑问句并回答) Are they r

29、eading a book? Yes,they are. 3.He is playing computer games. (转换成为一般疑问句并回答) _ _ Is he playing computer games? Yes,he is. 三、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空 : A. 从括号内选择正确的代词填空: 1. Your clothes are on the desk. Please put _(they,them,their,theirs) away. 2. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_ English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like _

30、(she, her,hers). - 11 - 3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_ cant get my kite. Could you help _(I,me,my, mine)? 4. Tom cant get down from the tree. Can you help _(he,him,his)? 5. Her kite is broken. Can _(you,your,yours) mend it? 6. We cant find our bikes. Can you help _(we,us,our,ours)? 7. These are _(he,him,his) pl

31、anes. The white ones are _(I,me,mine). 1.them 2.Our ;her 3.I ;me 4.him 5.you 6.us 7.his;mine B. 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词: 1. This isnt her knife. _ is green. 2. These are your books,Kate. Put _ in the desk, please. 3. They want a football. Give _ the green one,please. 4. My father and mother are teachers. _ a

32、re busy. 5.You are a pupil. Is _ brother a pupil, too? 6. John and I are in the same school. _go to school together. 7. I have many friends. Some of _are good at English. 8. -May I use _bike? -Sorry,_is broken. 9. Dont put your school things here. Put _away. 1.hers 2.them 3.them 4.They 5.your 6.They 7.them 8.your;mine 9.them


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