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1、1women (n.)womens(名词所有格)妇女的 2children (n.)childrens(名词所有格)孩子们的 3real (adj.)really(adv.)真正地 4marry (v.)married(adj.)已婚的;结婚的 5successful (adj.)successfully(adv.)成功success(n.)成功 succeed(v.)成功 6die (v.)dying(ing形式)died(过去式)死;去世death(n.)死亡 7relax (v.)relaxed(adj.)轻松的relaxing(adj.)令人轻松的 8French (adj.&n.)F

2、rance(n.)法国 9sell (v.)sold(过去式) 10shake (v.)shook(过去式)shaken(过去分词) 11British (adj.)Britain(n.)英国 12German (n.&adj.)Germany(n.)德国 13nod (v.)nodding(ing形式)nodded(过去式)点(头) 14foot (n.)feet(复数形式) 15mouth (n.)mouths(复数形式) 16foreign (adj.)foreigner(n.)外国人 17polite (adj.)politely(adv.)礼貌地impolite(adj.反义词) 无

3、礼的 18noise (n.)noisy(adj.)吵闹的noisily(adv.)吵闹地 19violin (n.)violinist(n.)小提琴手 20music (n.)musician(n.)音乐家 1Womens Day 妇女节 2National Day 国庆节 3Childrens Day 儿童节 4find out 发现,查明 5at the age of 在岁时 6in the 1860s 在19世纪60年代 7around the world 世界各地 8how long 多长时间 9shake hands 握手 10each other 彼此 11arm in arm

4、臂挽臂地 12not at all 一点也不 13in fact 事实上 14dance music 舞曲 15take/show sb. around 带领某人参观 1He left school and started/began to work at the age of twelve. 他12岁时离开学校开始工作。 2Like many people 400 years ago,Shakespeares parents didnt learn to read or write. 像400年前的许多人一样,莎士比亚的父母没有学习 过读书和写字。 3There was a fire in

5、the old theatre. 老剧院发生过一场火灾。 4Where are you going on holiday,Tony? 托尼,你要去哪里度假? 5How long did it take you to get there? 你去那里花了多长时间? 6We waited till/until all the lights were on 我们一直等到所有的灯都亮了。 7Thats because people do different things in different countries. 那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。 8Dont stand too close to N

6、orth Americans! 不要和北美人站得太近! 9Its not/It isnt polite to look somewhere else while talking. 交谈时看别的地方是不礼貌的。 10This is Western music,isnt it? 这是西方音乐,是吧! 11Is this by Strauss or Mozart? 这是施特劳斯的还是莫扎特的作品? 12What a beautiful city! 多么美丽的一座城市啊! 1marry He married in 1582 and had 2 children.他1582年结婚并有2个孩子 When

7、did you marry the rich woman?When did you get married to the rich woman?你是什么时候娶那位贵夫人的? marry一般用作及物动词,可作“娶,嫁,结婚”讲,其后直接 跟宾语。 (1)marry sb.be/get married to sb.与结婚。get married只表 示“结婚”。 (2)marry sb. to sb.把某人嫁给某人,让某人娶了某人 (3)marry为非延续性动词,不能与一段时间连用;与一段时间连 用时,要变成be married的形式。 (4)注意:千万不能说marry with sb.或be/g

8、et married with sb. (1)Alice _ his husband in 2019. Amarried with Bmarried to Cgot married to Dwith married (2)She _ for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter Amarried Bhas been married Cgot married Dhas got married C B 2die William Shakespeare died at the age of fiftyfour.威廉莎 士比亚54岁去世的。 Is he

9、 alive or dead?他是活着还是死了? The old man is dying.But he isnt dead yet.这位老人奄奄 一息。但他还没有死。 The cats death makes me sad.那只小猫的死使我伤心。 die是不及物动词,意思是“死,去世”,过去式和过 去分词都是died。它的名词形式是death,形容词是dead, 现在分词形式是dying。dying也可以当形容词“要死的, 奄奄一息的”。die是一个短暂性动词,其延续性表达为 be dead。 常见短语有:die out(灭绝);die of内因(死于); die from外因(死于);di

10、e down渐渐减弱至消失。 (3)His grandma has _ for 5 years Adied Bbeen died Cbeen dead Ddead (4)This is a _ tiger. Who killed it? Adie Bdying Cdead Ddied C C 3somewhere In other countries it isnt polite to look somewhere else(while talking)在别的国家,(说话时)看别的地方是不礼貌的。 Itll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane.乘飞机到

11、任何地 方旅游将会很便宜。 Youll be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time. 你在世界的任何地方随时能够收到它。 somewhere(某处;某个地方),anywhere(任何地方), nowhere(无处;任何地方都不)和everywhere(到处;每个地方) 是不定副词,修饰语放在其后。anywhere通常用于否定句或 疑问句中。不定副词前面常常不用介词。 (5)Do you have your summer plan,Bill? Well,I want to go _ to relax with my family

12、. Ainteresting somewhere Bnowhere interesting Csomewhere interesting Danywhere interesting (6)If you want to get on well with your classmates, youd better not think too much about yourself,because a selfless(无私的) child is popular _ Asomewhere Beverywhere Cnowhere Dwhere C B 4successful He became a s

13、uccessful actor and began to write plays.他成 为了一名成功的演员并开始写戏剧。 Tom was operated on successfully by the doctor.医生给汤姆 做的手术很成功。 I wish you success.祝你成功。 successful是形容词,意为“成功的”,其名词为success ,动词为succeed,副词为successfully。“成功地做某事” 为succeed in doing sth.。 (7)Overseas experience may help make our life _So why no

14、t try to study abroad?A usual Buseful Csuccessful Dtraditional (8)You need hard work and a little luck if you want to achieve _(successful) C success 5sell He has sold over one million records.His records sell well.他 已经出售一百多万张唱片了。他的唱片很畅销。 The tickets to the concerts have always been sold out.演唱会 的票总

15、是销售一空。 sell动词,意为“卖,销售”。 sale名词,意为“卖”。 相关短语:sell out卖完;sell well畅销;on sale廉价出售 ;have a yard sale旧货出售。 注意:sell well没有被动语态;sell out可用于被动语态, 也可用主动表被动。 (9)The supermarket _ many different kinds of fruits. And the fruits are on _ today. Asale;sell Bbuys;sale Csells;sale Dhave;sell (10)The cakes taste _,an

16、d they sell _I will buy some. Agood;well Bwell;well Cwell;good Dgood;good C A 6show Mum shows me how to make cakes.妈妈展示给我看怎么制作 蛋糕。 Why not show your friends around your town?为什么不带你 的朋友到镇上去参观一下? They just want to show were wrong.他们只是想表明我们错了 Can you show the old photos to me?你能把那些旧照片给 我看看吗? Sorry.They

17、 are on show in the museum.对不起,那些照片在 博物馆展出。 I dont like the TV show.我不喜欢那个电视节目。 Is Yang Lan the host of the talk show?杨澜是脱口秀的节目主 持人吗? show动词,意为“给看;出示;显示;带领;(向 人)说明;表明;指示;展出;放映”。还可以作名词 ,意为“展览;陈列;演出;短片;表演”。 相关短语:show sth. to sb./show sb. sth.把展示给 某人看;show sb. around带某人参观;show off炫耀;on showon display展览

18、 (11)My friend showed _ some old photos of his family Amy BI Cme Dmine (12)I have never been to your school before. Can you show me _ it? Ato Baround Coff Dabout (13)请带我参观一下你们的新校园好吗?(每空一词) Could you please _ me_ your new school campus? C B show around 1He decided to be an actor when he finished scho

19、ol at the age of 14.当他14岁结束学业时,他决定成为一名 演员。 He started to raise money for the poor people at the age of seven.他七岁的时候开始为穷人募捐。 at the age of.在岁时,相当于at年龄;也相当于 一个由when引导的时间状语从句。询问对方的年龄,不 仅可以用“How old are you?”,还可以用“Whats your age?” (1)He began to work when he was fourteen years old. (改为同义句) He began to w

20、ork _ (2)She began to learn English at the age of five. (改为同义句) She began to learn English _ at the age of fourteen when she was five 2Itsadj.(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是 的 It was very difficult to build a railway because it was in the mountains.修建铁路很难,因为它处于山区。 Itsadj.(for sb.)to do sth.句中it是形式主语,

21、真正的 主语是不定式结构。若形容词是描述事物的性质时,如 difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im)possible 等用for sb.;若形容词是描述人的性格品质的,如kind, good,friendly,nice,right,clever,polite等则用of sb.。 (3)It is _ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English Abad Beasy Chard Dright (4)Its very friendly _ him to help

22、 me when Im in trouble Aof Bwith Cto Din B A 1how often,how long,how soon How often do you have a sports meeting?你们多久开 一次运动会? Twice a year.一年两次。 How long have you lived here?你住在这儿多久了? Five years.五年了。 How soon will this book come out?这本书多久才会出 版? In a few days.几天以后吧。 How far is the new supermarket fro

23、m here?新的超市距 离这儿有多远? how often意为“多久一次”,答语通常是always, usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等表 示频率的副词或短语。 how long意为“多长时间”,答语通常是(for) three days/weeks/months等时间段。 how soon意为“多久以后”,常用在一般将来时态的句 子中,其答语通常是“in一段时间”。 how far意为“多远”,答语通常是表示距离的短语。 (1)Excuse me,sir._ is it from here to the nearest shopp

24、ing mall? Well,only about 5 minutes walk. AHow often BHow long CHow far D. How soon (2)_ will the dinner be ready? Just a minute. AHow much BHow long CHow soon DHow often C C 2arrive,get,reach Betty arrived in Paris two days ago.贝蒂两天前到达巴黎。 He will get to Tokyo tomorrow.他将于明天到达东京。 We are sure to reac

25、h there by 12 oclock.12点以前我们一定 到达那儿。 arrive是不及物动词“到达”,其后加地点时用arrive in/at;in国家、城市之类的大的地点,at小地点。 reach是及物动词“到达”,其后直接加地点。 get是不及物动词“到达”,常用于口语中,其后加地点 时要加to。 (3)Who was the first to _ school yesterday? Tom was Areach Bget Carrive Dgo (4)当那几个德国人到达机场时,雨正下得很大。 It was _ heavily when the Germans _ at the air

26、port. A raining arrived 3older,elder The father,Johann Strauss the elder,wrote and played music for traditional dances,called the waltz.父亲老约翰 施特劳斯创作并演奏一种古典舞曲,叫华尔兹。 Kate is older than I凯特比我大。 elder指“年长的”,通常修饰人,用来表示家庭中有血 缘关系的年龄较大的哥哥或姐姐等。常用作定语,不可与 than连用。 older指“年龄较大的,较老的,较旧的”,可修饰人或 物。既可作表语,也可作定语。可与tha

27、n连用。 (5)My _ brother is one year _ than I in my family. Aolder;older Bolder;elder Celder;older Delder;elders C 4sound,noise,voice I heard the sound of running water.我听见流水声。 Light travels faster than sound.光比声音传播得快。 What a terrible noise!多么令人讨厌的噪音啊! Try not to make so much noise.别那么吵吵闹闹的。 Please spea

28、k in a loud voice.请大声说。 The girl has a beautiful voice.这个女孩有一副甜美的 嗓音。 sound泛指听到的任何声音或响声。 noise通常指噪声。可用作可数名词或不可数名词。 voice用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音。用于其他方 面时,常表示悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声、乐器声等。 (6)I couldnt stand the _ I almost woke up all night. (7)Listen,the birds are singing in the tree. The_ is so beautiful. noise voice 1I

29、m surprised that John is only 25.I thought he was_, for he seems to be in his thirties. Aold Bolder Cyoung Dyounger 2Where would you like to go this MidAutumn Festival? Id like to go _ Aeverywhere relaxing Bsomewhere relaxing Cpeaceful anywhere Dpeaceful somewhere 3When did the bus _? 5 minutes ago.

30、 Aarrive Bget Creach Darrive at B B A 4The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the _ from the factory Avoice Bnoise Cmusic Dsorry 5It is _ that Mr Guo sailed across the world by himself _ within about 130 days Aterrified;successful Bscary;successfully Camazing;successfully Dconvincing;success

31、ful 6How long have Mr and Mrs Smith_? For more than twenty years. Amarried Bhas married Cgot married Dbeen married B C D 7These days,the toys about Transformers_ because of Transformers . Asells good Bsell good Csell well Dsells well 8In March,2014,MH370 got lost. Over 300 people _ Adead Bdeath Cdie

32、d Ddying 9Did you sleep well last night? Oh,no._ noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad. AToo much BMuch too CToo many DSo many C C A 11_ wake up your sister,Ben.She needs a good sleep. ADont BDoesnt CArent DCant 12Theres little important news in the newspaper today ,_? Aisnt there Bis there Ci

33、s it Dare there 13Its dangerous _ with the wild animals. Afor us to play Bof us playing Cfor us playing Dof us to play A A B 14I hear they are going to London,but I dont know _ they will stay there. Ahow soon Bhow often Chow long Dhow fast 15_ sleep too late. Its bad for your health. ADo BNot CDont DPlease not C C 通知类写作 一、通知的基本格式 Announcement/Notice(标题) _(称呼), Im glad to tell you that_(交代时间、地 点等) Please_(提出要求、希望等)Do be_(表示强调) _(落款) _(日期)


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