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1、Module 7 My past life Unit 2 I was born in Quincy. 设计说明设计说明 本单元围绕过去的生活展开活动,以培养学生的读写能力为主,兼顾 听说,并包括词汇、语法学习等。通过语篇阅读活动,一方面让学生掌握 相关主题的语言结构与词汇,并进行基础知识和语言技能的训练,另一方 面训练学生的阅读技能。通过写作活动,让学生学会根据需要选择性地组 织语言,并结合自身经历描述过去的事情。 教学目标教学目标 通过本单元的教学,让学生达成以下目标通过本单元的教学,让学生达成以下目标: : 1.1.知识目标:知识目标: 掌握新单词和短语: bathroom, bedroo

2、m, garden, living room, east, coast, ago, store, movie theater, bored, president, comfortable, lake, last, yesterday。 2.2.能力目标:能力目标: (1)能读懂叙述过去生活的短文;理解语篇的主旨和细节。 (2)能用 be 动词的过去式形式表述自己过去的经历,并能询问对方过去 的经历。 3.3.情感目标:情感目标: 通过了解过去的生活, 增进学生对今天美好生活的珍惜和对家乡的热爱 之情。 重点难点重点难点 重点:重点:理解描述过去生活的短文。 难点:难点:能用 be 动词的过去式

3、形式表述自己过去的经历,并介绍同学过 去的生活。 教学准备教学准备 PPT 课件;有关各种房间的图片,如洗手间、卧室、花园、厨房、起 居室、电影院;活动 2 的录音。 授课时数授课时数 2 课时 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Show some pictures to the students. 2. Ask them to work in pairs and ask and answer like this: 教学反思教学反思 A: Whats this? B: Its a bathroom/bedroom/garden/kitchen/living room/

4、movie theater. bathroom bedroom garden kitchen living room movie theater Step 2 Pair work 1. Get the students to work in pairs and label the picture with the words from the box in Activity 1. 2. Check the answers. Answers: 1. garden 2. living room 3. bedroom 4. bathroom 5. kitchen 3. Have the studen

5、ts answer the following questions according to the picture in Activity 1. (1) What can you see in the picture? (2) How many rooms are there on the first floor? (3) Where is the bedroom? 4. Ask some pairs to share their answers in class. Step 3 Fast reading 1. Play the recording of the passage in Act

6、ivity 2 and ask the students to read and match the headings. Para. 1 A. Our garden Para. 2 B. My friends and dreams Para. 3 C. Our house in Quincy Para. 4 D. My hometown Quincy Para. 5 E. Two presidents. 2. Ask some students to share their answers. 3. Check the answers. Answers: Para. 1D ; Para. 2E;

7、 Para. 3C; Para. 4A; Para. 5B 4. Get them to read again and choose the correct answer. (1) Betty was/wasnt happy when she was in Quincy. (2) Two /Three US presidents were born in Quincy. (3) There were/werent pictures on Bettys bedroom walls. (4) There was/wasnt a small lake in the garden. (5) Betty

8、 was/wasnt in Quincy last year. 5. Check the answers. Answers: (1) was (2) Two (3)were (4) was (5) wasnt Step 4 Careful reading 1. Ask the students to read Para. 1 and finish the exercises. (1) When and where was Betty born? (2) Were there lots of things to do? 2. Check the answers. Answers: (1)She

9、was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago. (2)Yes, there were. With many stores, two movie theaters, football clubs and basketball teams too. 3. Have them read Para. 2 and discuss the question. Why is Quincy so famous? 4. Check the answer. Answer: Because two presiden

10、ts were born in Quincy. 5. Read Paras. 3, 4 and check () the true sentences. (1)Bettys house was small but comfortable. (2)There were five rooms in Bettys house. (3)There was a garden and a lake behind the house. (4)Betty liked playing in the garden very much. 6. Check the answers. Answerers: (3) (4

11、) 7. Read Para. 5 and translate the following sentences in groups. (1)在昆西有很多孩子。 (汉译英) (2)One day Ill go back, and Im looking forward to seeing my friends again. (英 译汉) 8. Ask some groups to share their answers. 9. Check the answers together. Answers: (1)There were lots of children in Quincy. (2)总有一天

12、我会回去 的,我盼望再次见到我的朋友们。 Step 5 Language points 1. I was born in Quincy,a town on the east coast of America,twelve years ago. 12 年前,我出生在昆西美国东海岸的一个城镇。 ago 副词,意为“以前”。“一段时间+ago”表示“之前”,常用于一 般过去时态的句子中作时间状语。 My father was in Beijing two weeks ago. 我父亲两周之前在北京。 How old were you 8 years ago? 8 年前你多大年龄? 2. I wasn

13、t bored in Quincy. 我在昆西不会感到无聊。 bored 形容词,意为“厌烦的,厌倦的”,常位于 be, feel, become 等连系动 词之后作表语,用来描述人的主观感受,句子的主语通常是人。be bored with意为“对感到厌烦”。 With nothing to do, I was bored last Sunday afternoon. 上个星期天下午我无事可做,感到很无聊。 She is bored with her job. 她厌倦自己的工作。 拓展 boring 形容词,意为“无聊的,令人生厌的”,指事物本身的特征,常用来 修饰物。 That was re

14、ally a very boring movie. 那确实是一部很枯燥的电影。 3. Behind the house, there was a big garden with lot of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. 在房子后面,有一个大花园,里面有许多树,还有 一个小湖,里面有鱼。 with 介词,意为“有;具有”。 Lingling is a Chinese girl with long hair. 玲玲是一个中国女孩,留着长发。 They live in a big house with four bedrooms

15、. 他们住在一座大房子里,有四个卧室。 4. It was great to play there. 在那里玩耍很开心。 “It +be+形容词+to do sth.”是一个固定句型,意为“做某事是的”。 位于句子开头的 it 作形式主语,后面的动词不定式(短语)才是句子的真正 主语。 It is interesting to play this game. 玩这个游戏很有意思。 Its not easy to learn English. 学好英语并不容易。 拓展“It +be+形容词+for sb. to do sth. ”意为“对某人来说做某事是 的”。 Its easy for me

16、to carry the box. 对于我来说搬这个箱子很容易。 Step 6 Group work 1. Ask the students to work in groups and fill in the blanks. The Framework of My life in Quincy Para. 1: I was born (1) , a town (2) American. (3) lots of things to do. I was (4) there. Para. 2: Two presidents (5) . You can (6) . Paras. 3-4: Our ho

17、use was (7) . (8) the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and (9) a small lake with fish in it. Para. 5:There were (10) in Quincy. (11) seeing my friends again. 2. Ask some groups to say their answers in class. 3. Check the answers together: Answers: (1) in Quincy (2) on the east coast

18、of (3) There were (4) very happy (5) were born in Quincy (6) visit their old family houses (7)big and comfortable (8) Behind (9) there was (10) lots of children (11) Im looking forward to 4. Give the students several minutes and retell the passage according to the framework they have just finished.

19、5. Check their retelling in groups. Step 7 Practice 1. Finish the exercise in Activity 3. 2. Check the answers together: Answers: (1) Yes, there were. (2) Yes. (Two presidents of the US were born there.) (3) John Adams and John Quincy Adams. (4) It was big and comfortable. (5)Six. (6)On her bedroom

20、walls there were pictures of her favourite movie stars. (7)Yes, there was. (8)Yes, there were. 3. Ask the students to put the following phrases into Chinese. (1)be born (2)on the east coast of (3)lots of (4)living room (5)a picture of (6) many of (7)for the last time (8)one day (9)look forward to 4.

21、 Check the answers. Answers: (1)出生 (2)在的东海岸 (3)许多;大量的 (4) 起居室; 客厅 (5)一张的照片 (6)中的许多 (7)最后一次 (8)终有一 天 (9)期待;盼望 5. Finish the exercise in Activity 4 and check the answers. Answers: (1) coast (2) east (3) presidents (4) ago (5) comfortable (6) stores (7) bored Step 8 Writing 1. Ask the students to imita

22、te and write new sentences with with. There were lots of things to do in Quincy. There were many stores There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores (1) There was a big living room. There was a TV. (2)There was a big garden. There were lots of trees. (3)There was a small lake. There w

23、ere fish in it. 2. Ask the students to check their answers according to the passage in Activity 2. Check the answers together. Answers: 1.There was a big living room with a TV. 2. There was a big garden with lots of trees. 3. There was a small lake with fish in it. 3. Have the students to write down

24、 their own answers to the questions in Activity 6. (1)When and where were you born? (2)Were you happy there? (3)What was your house like? (4)What was your bedroom like? (5)Were there lots of things to do? 4. Have the students describe their past life with the answers from Activity 6. 5. Get some stu

25、dents to share their writing in class. Step 9 Homework 1. Read the passage. 2. Talk with your partner about your past life. 当堂达标当堂达标 I.单项填空。单项填空。 1. Julia, who is calling you? Your mobile phone is ringing. Wait a minute. Its dangerous _ it while crossing the street. A. answer B. answering C. to answ

26、er D. to answers 2. We live in a big house _ a beautiful garden. A. with B. on C. for D. has 3. There are a lot of games _ in the park. A. play B. plays C. to playing D. to play 4. Mike, with his sister Joan, _ at the supermarket an hour ago. A. was B. were C. is D. are II. 根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。根据句意和汉语提示完成

27、句子。 1. Were the seats in the hall _(合适的)? 2. How many _(浴室)are there in the house? 3. Do you know the name of the _(总统)? 4. The sun rises from the _(东方). 5. It was quite cold _(昨天). 6. What was Linda like three years _(以前)? III. 根据汉语意思完成根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词) 。句子(每空一词) 。 1.你最近一次在杭州是什么时候? When were you in

28、Hangzhou _ _ _ _? 2.我们计划明天返回北京。 We plan to _ _ to Beijing tomorrow. 3.他们正期待参观我们的学校。 They are looking _ _ _ our school. 4.十年之前她仅有三岁。 She _ only three years old _ _ _. 5.在学校里我从未感到枯燥。 I was never _ _ _. 答案:答案:I. 1-4 CADA II. 1. comfortable 2.bathrooms 3. president 4. east 5. yesterday 6. ago III. 1. for the last time 2. go back 3. forward to visiting 4. was;ten years ago 5. bored at school 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 I was born in Quincy. bathroom bedroom east bored ago comfortable last I was born in There was/were It +be+形容词+ to do sth.


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