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1 M6M6 复习题复习题 ( )1.-Excuse me. Where is the bank? Take the No.4 bus and____ at the third stop. A. get on B. get to C. take off D. get off ( )2. My friends dog is a white one ____ a black nose. A. of B. with C. and D. at ( )3.Please_____the boat______ Tower Bridge. A. get off; at B. get of ; at C. get off; in D. to get off; at ( )4.The station is far from our school. Lets_____ taxi. A. by B. taking a C. take a D. by a ( )5.-______ can I get to the nearest post office? -You can go there on foot. A. What B. How C. Where D. When ( )6.-Look! Its raining heavily. ______ take a raincoat with you? -Well, Ill take one right now . A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like ( )7.My grandma is ______ my parents in this picture. A. in B. to C. of D. between ( )8.Alice doesnt know the way ______ home. A. over B. / C. at D. across ( )9.We have lunch after _______ the Palace Museum. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visits ( )10.China is great country. I hope youll enjoy the _____ .A. tour B. tours C. size D. sizes 二、连词成句二、连词成句 1. stadium/ your/ you/ will/ the/ on/see/ left ( . ) __________________________________________________________________________ 2. go/right/and/turn/the/at/road/second/across/ the/street ( . ) __________________________________________________________________________ 3.the/Shanghai/underground/best/by/to/visit/is/way (.) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. me/how/to/tell/ could/ National/ you/ to/ the/ Stadium/ get ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. museum/are/they/to/a/painting/visit/with/a/lot/going/of/famous ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________________________ 三、作文三、作文 假如你的学校来了个外国朋友,请帮他们介绍怎么从学校到郊外的动物园。内容提示:1.我 们的学校在城市的中心,学校的对面有个书店。沿着校门口 Red Street 直走 ,便会看见左边的机器人 博物馆,右边的银行。 2.在银行的对面是地铁站,坐地铁到动物园站。3. 走出地铁站,对面就是动物 园。 Welcome to our school. ________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ M7 复习题复习题 ( ) 1.Yang Mi was born ____ Hong Kong but they _____ in Beijing now. A. in ;are B. on ;was C. at ;were D. by ;was ( ) 2._______were you like when you were a kid ? I was quiet. A. How B. Why C.Where D. What 2 ( ) 3.Mike is a(an) _______ boy. His teachers are worried about him. A. good B. nice C. easy D. difficult ( ) 4.Lily is looking forward to ________the Great Wall. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. visits ( ) 5. There are many interesting books _______in the school library. A. to read B. reading C. to reading D. reads ( )6.I think its easy______ English well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns ( )7.My cousin was ______ with the ______movie. A. boring; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; bored D. bored; boring ( )8. Where ______your teacher two days______? A. were ; before B. was ; before C. were ; ago D. was ; ago ( )9. Pandas like eating _____ and elephants like eating ____. A. leafs, grasses B. leaves, grass C. leaf, grass D. leaves, grasses ( )10. He got up late this morning. There _________ no time to have breakfast. A. have B. had C. was D. were 二、连词成句二、连词成句 1. he / primary / was / he / was / in / difficult / when / the /school ( . ) ________________ 2. the / east / Xiangshan / a / of / China / town / on / is / coast ( . ) _________________ 3. was / the / born /American / when / President ( ? ) __________________ 4. were / the / many / there / things / in / park / to / see ( ? ) __________________ 5. Bettys / photo / what / the / bedroom / like / shows/is ( . ) __________________ 三、书面表达三、书面表达 根据表格所提示的信息,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。可适当发挥想象。 NameJane Born inJinan,the capital of Shandong Province Born onJune 2nd, 2006 Primary SchoolSunshine Primary School First English teacherMrs. Gao Character(性格)Friendly,strict and well-behaved(彬彬有礼的) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ M8 复习题复习题 3 ( ) 1. Tom was very ______. He would like someone to play with him. A. tired B. hungry C. asleep D. lonely ( ) 2. ________ Alan have a party last week? A. Was B. Were C. Do D. Did ( ) 3. They finished ________ the passage soon. A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading ( ) 4. Mike ______his homework yesterday. A. didnt do B. wasnt do C. didnt D. didnt did ( ) 5. I noticed the boy _______ out of the room just now. A. walk B. walked C. walks D. to walk ( ) 6.There were some books on the ground. Betty ______ and gave them to the teacher. A. picked up it B. picked up them C. picked it up D. picked them up ( ) 7. Jenny _______ the yard, but Ted did. A. didnt enter B. didnt enter in C. didnt enter to D. wasnt enter ( ) 8. The baby is ________. So his mother can sit down and have a rest. A. asleep B. sleep C. slept D. sleepy ( ) 9.The old woman came to the big city and soon she got ________. A. lost B. losed C. losing D. lose ( ) 10. It ________ hard in Beijing last week. A. raining B. rain C. rained D. rains 二、连词成句 11. hurried /of / out /she / house / her /basket / without / the (.) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. she/ did/ go/ a / for/walk/ the / alone/ in / forest/ the /often (?) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. she / like / middle /the / bed / the / bed/ big /or/ did/ not (.) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Goldilocks / to / sit/ wanted/ down /was /she/ tired/ because (.) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. are /stories / enjoy / to / again/ the/ exciting / and / children / them / listening (.) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 三、书面表达假设你叫李华,你的笔友 Mike 发来电子邮件想了解你上周六的活动情況。请你用英文给 他回一封 70 词左右的电子邮件。内容包括: 1上周六你在哪里,和谁在一起;2那儿的环境、人和食物如何;3自己的感受怎样。 Dear Mike I am happy to receive your email. Now let me talk about my last Saturday.____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Yours, Li Hua M9M9 复习题复习题 ( )1. What ______ you ______ just now ? I couldnt hear clearly. A. did , say B. will , say C. do , say D. are, saying ( )2. Did you play computer games last night? ___. I did my homework till eleven oclock. AYes, I did.BNo, I didnt. CYes, I was.DNo, 1 wasnt. ( )3. ________ comes after July. AMayBJune CAugust DSeptember ( )4. When ________ you ________ to China? In February, 1999 Ado, comeBdo, cameCdid, comeDdid, came ( )5. We still see Shakespeares plays _____ English and other languages. A.in B.on C.withDby ( )6. Shakespeare decided ___________ an actor when he was fourteen. A/ Bto Cto be D. to do ( )7.The Greens visited England and many ________ European countries. AotherBthe otherCanother Dthe others ( )8.My grandmother was born ________, but I dont know the exact year. A. in 1965 B. in 1965s C. In the 1965 D. in the 1965s ( )9. He _______ the Party in 2008. A. joins B. joined in C. took part in D. joined ( )10. He ____ a pretty girl last month. And they have a happy life now. A. marry B. marries C. married D. married with 1 1、连词成句。连词成句。 1.1.twelve/ he / began/ school/ left/ the/ age/ and/ at/ of/ work (.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. information/ can /find/ Internet /we /some/ about /out/ him/ on /the (.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Mark Twain / he /the/ took / the / and / very/ became /in /1860s/ famous/ name (.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. he / as / pop / in / 1980s / was / the / writer / a / famous (?) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. to / be / did / he / an / actor / years / decide / two / ago (?) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、作文三、作文 学校的读书节活动即将进行,写一篇英语短文介绍你最喜欢的作家 J. K. 罗琳。内容要点如 下: 1. 简单介绍 J. K. 罗琳的情况及爱好:J.K. Rowling 是笔名,1965 年 7 月生于英国,5 岁上学,小时候 喜欢讲故事,有两个女儿,一个儿子。2. 概括 J. K. 罗琳的作品及成就。(全世界 70 多种语言版本的 Harry Potter) 3. 谈谈你对她的作品的看法。 Let me tell you something about J. K. Rowling.________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ M6 答案 1-10 DBACBADBCA 1.You will see the station on your left. 2. Go across the road and turn right at the second street. 3. The best way to visit Shanghai is by underground. 4. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadum? 5. Are they going to visit a museum with a lot of famous paintings? Welcome to our school. Our school is in the centre of our city. There is a bookshop opposite the school. Walk along the Green Street until the end, and you will see a robot museum on your left and a bank on your right. Opposite the bank is an underground station. Take the underground to the Zoo station. When you go out of the station, you will see that the zoo is opposite the station. M7 答案 1-5 ADDBA 6-10 CDDBC 1.He was difficult when he was in the primary school. 2. Xiangshan is a town on the east coast of China. 3. When was the American President born? 4. Were there many things to see in the park? 5. The photo shows what Bettys bedroom like. Jane is my new friend. She was born in Jinan,the capital of Shandong Province. She was born on June 2nd, 2006.The name of her primary school was Sunshine Primary School and Mrs. Gao was her first English teacher. At that time, she was strict but very friendly, and also well-behaved. I think all her classmates liked her very much. M8 答案1-5 DDCAA 11.She hurried out of the house without her basket. 12. Did she often go for a walk in the forest alone? 13. She didnt like the middle bed or the big bed. 14. Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired. 15. The stories are exciting and children enjoy listening to them again. Im happy to receive your email. Now let me talk about my last Saturday. Last Saturday, I was on the beach near my home with my parents. The air was clear and the weather was very comfortable. And there were lots of beautiful flowers on the coast. There were many people swimming In the sea. And the people were very friendly and the food was very delicious. At five in the afternoon, we were on a bus, and at 5: 30 pm, we were at home. I was tired but very happy. How was your last weekend? Can you share something with me? M9 答案 1-5 ABCCA 6-10 CADDC 1. He left school and began work at the age of twelve. 2. we can find out some information about him on the Internet. 3. He took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. 4. Was he famous as a pop writer in the 1980s? 5. Did he decide to be an actor two years ago? Let me tell you something about J. K. Rowling. She is a famous writer. But J. K. Rowling is not her real name but her pen name. She was born in England in July, 1965. She has three children, two daughters and a son. At 6 the age of 5, she went to school. When she was young, she liked telling stories. Harry Potter is one of her famous works. Today you can read it in over 70 languages. I think J. K. Rowling is one of the most successful writers in the world.1 M6M6 复习题复习题 ( )1.-Excuse me. Where is the bank? Take the No.4 bus and____ at the third stop. A. get on B. get to C. take off D. get off ( )2. My friends dog is a white one ____ a black nose. A. of B. with C. and D. at ( )3.Please_____the boat______ Tower Bridge. A. get off; at B. get of ; at C. get off; in D. to get off; at ( )4.The station is far from our school. Lets_____ taxi. A. by B. taking a C. take a D. by a ( )5.-______ can I get to the nearest post office? -You can go there on foot. A. What B. How C. Where D. When ( )6.-Look! Its raining heavily. ______ take a raincoat with you? -Well, Ill take one right now . A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like ( )7.My grandma is ______ my parents in this picture. A. in B. to C. of D. between ( )8.Alice doesnt know the way ______ home. A. over B. / C. at D. across ( )9.We have lunch after _______ the Palace Museum. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visits ( )10.China is great country. I hope youll enjoy the _____ .A. tour B. tours C. size D. sizes 二、连词成句二、连词成句 1. stadium/ your/ you/ will/ the/ on/see/ left ( . ) __________________________________________________________________________ 2. go/right/and/turn/the/at/road/second/across/ the/street ( . ) __________________________________________________________________________ 3.the/Shanghai/underground/best/by/to/visit/is/way (.) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. me/how/to/tell/ could/ National/ you/ to/ the/ Stadium/ get ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. museum/are/they/to/a/painti
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