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1、Unit 2 knives and forks are used for most Western food. 1.1.What things can you see in the What things can you see in the western mealwestern meal? ? fork fork e egggg hamham breadbread cheesecheese hamburgerhamburger knifeknife 2.2.What things can you see in the What things can you see in the Chine

2、se mealChinese meal? ? vegetablesvegetables soupsoup meat meat chopstickchopsticks s rice rice a bowl of rice a bowl of rice 3 3. .CanCan you you find the find the differencedifferences betweens between the the Western Western and and ChineseChinese mealmeals?s? . are eaten by the Westerners. But,.a

3、re eaten by the Chinese. .are used by the Westerners. But. are used by the Chinese. a). A Westerner eating a Chinese meal a). A Westerner eating a Chinese meal b)b) . . A Chinese eating a Western meal. A Chinese eating a Western meal. c ). A Chinese eating a Chinese meal.c ). A Chinese eating a Chin

4、ese meal. d ). A Westerner eating in a Chinese homed ). A Westerner eating in a Chinese home a). In a travel magazine a). In a travel magazine b)b) . . In a dictionaryIn a dictionary C). In a new magazineC). In a new magazine 1 1. . WhoWho is is thethe passagepassage writtenwritten for?for? 3 3. . W

5、hereWhere mightmight youyou seesee a a passagepassage likelike this?this? In the West Meal times Things to say at the start of a meal: Lunch (about 1 pm); dinner (7 pm or later) in France: Bon app tit in Italy: Buon app tito in Britain: there is nothing similar Read the passage and complete the colu

6、mn in the West with notes. The way of eating Things you say when offered food Things to do at the end of the meal Most food is eaten with a knife and fork. “thank you” or “I am sorry, I cant eat this” or “No, thanks. It was delicious, but Ive had enough.” Stay and talk around the dinner table long a

7、fter the last dish is served ,and dont leave as soon as you finish eating. Read Para 1Read Para 1 1.1. What the Chinese meaning of What the Chinese meaning of “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.”?“when in Rome, do as the Romans do.”? 2. 2. What should you use when you eatWhat should you use when you

8、 eat the the Western meals?Western meals? 当你在罗马时,像罗马人那样去做。当你在罗马时,像罗马人那样去做。入乡随俗入乡随俗. . We should eat We should eat with a knife and fork in handswith a knife and fork in hands. . Read Para 2Read Para 2- -3 3 1. 1. What time is lunch served in the west?What time is lunch served in the west? 2. 2. What

9、 time is dinner served in the west?What time is dinner served in the west? It It is servedis served about 1 pm .about 1 pm . It It is servedis served aroundaround 7 pm or even later.7 pm or even later. 3 3. . What do the Englishmen say What do the Englishmen say at the start ofat the start of the th

10、e a meal ?a meal ? There is nothing similar to say.There is nothing similar to say. Read ParaRead Para4 and tell4 and tell T or FT or F 1.1.The Westerners The Westerners holdhold the fork the fork in in their right their right hand and the knife in the left hand. hand and the knife in the left hand.

11、 2.When people eat the Chinese food,they 2.When people eat the Chinese food,they had had betterbetter use the use the chopstickchopsticks s. . (T)(T) 3.You will see the Westerners use their 3.You will see the Westerners use their spoons to eat the chicken wings and spoons to eat the chicken wings an

12、d hamburgers.hamburgers. (F)(F) ( (F F) ) leftleft rightright fingersfingers finger finger foodfood 1)During the meal, you may be _ (usually the ladies before the gentlemen) by someone who says , “_.” 2) you will be served by someone who asks, “_” you can take it and say, “_.” 3) If youre given some

13、thing you dont like, you can just say “_.” or “_”. No one will be cross. 4) If youre offered more food, but cant eat any more, just say. “_.” Read ParaRead Para 5 5 Read ParaRead Para 6 67 7 2.Should you leave the party 2.Should you leave the party as soon asas soon as you you finish?finish? 3. When

14、 should you leave?3. When should you leave? We We are expected toare expected to stay and talk around the stay and talk around the table long after the last dish is served.table long after the last dish is served. 1.1. What do you remember to say What do you remember to say at the end of at the end

15、of a meala meal? ? Remember to say how much you enjoy every dishRemember to say how much you enjoy every dish how much you have enjoyed the foodhow much you have enjoyed the food watchwatch thethe otherother peoplepeople. . DoDo asas theythey dodo. . TheThe GoldenGolden rulerule Do as the Romans do

16、We often say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” So when you eat western food, do as the Westerners do. Here are some things you may need to know about eating together in the West. In some Western countries , lunch is usually eaten at about 1 pm. Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later. In Spai

17、n its usual to have lunch at 3 pm and dinner at 10 pm! At the start of a meal , the French say “Bon appetit”, and the Italians say “Buon appetito”. But theres nothing similar to say in English! “Enjoy your meal” is usually only said by the person who brings the food. Knives and forks are used for mo

18、st Western food. The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right, and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife. Soup is eaten with a spoon. However, there is some food which you can eat with your fingers, such as chicken wings and hamburgers. During the meal, you may be i

19、nvited to serve yourself (usually the ladies before the gentlemen) by someone who says ,”help yourself.” Or you will be served by someone who asks, “would you like some?” you can take it and say,”thank you.” If youre given something you dont like, you can just say ,for example, “Im sorry, I dont eat

20、 meat.” or “I dont eat fish”. No one will be cross. If youre offered more food, but cant eat any more, just say. “No, thanks, it was delicious, but Ive had enough.” Remember that it is polite to say that you enjoy every dish when it is served, and that you have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal.

21、 Its sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over. If youre invited to dinner by western friends, youll be expected to stay and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish is served, and its not polite if you leave as soon as you finish eating. The rule is: Watch the other people. Do

22、as they do. 入乡随俗入乡随俗 跟西方人一样做跟西方人一样做 在一餐开始的时候在一餐开始的时候 没有类似的没有类似的 用右手拿刀用右手拿刀 随便吃随便吃 生某人气生某人气 在在开始开始/ 结束结束 需要做需要做 提供太多菜提供太多菜 被期望做某事被期望做某事 被用于做某事被用于做某事 被用作某事被用作某事 被当做被当做. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. do as the westners do at the start of a meal nothing similar hold knife in right hand help yoursel

23、f to= serve yourself to be cross with sb/angry at the start of/at the end of need to do offer more food be expected to do sth be used to do sth be used for be used as Revision of phrases We often say, “_(入乡随俗)入乡随俗) And when you eat western food, do as the Westerners do. Here are some things _ (关于聚餐你

24、或许需要了解(关于聚餐你或许需要了解 )in the West. _(在一些西方国家)在一些西方国家) , lunch is eaten after 12pm and usually at about 1 pm. _(晚饭在晚饭在7点左右甚至更晚才点左右甚至更晚才 吃)吃). _(在西班牙通常在下午在西班牙通常在下午3点吃午饭)点吃午饭) and dinner at 10 pm! _(在进餐前)在进餐前) , the French say “Bon appetit”, and the Italians say “Buon appetito”. _(但是英语中没有类似说但是英语中没有类似说 法)

25、法)! “Enjoy your meal” is usually only said by the person who brings the food. _(刀和叉在大多数西餐时都要用)刀和叉在大多数西餐时都要用). _(左手拿叉左手拿叉, 右手拿刀)右手拿刀) _(用叉子拿食物,用刀来切食物)用叉子拿食物,用刀来切食物). Soup is eaten with a spoon. However, there is some food which you can eat with your fingers, such as chicken wings and hamburgers. Duri

26、ng the meal, _(这是在邀请你为自己服务,有人会对你说这是在邀请你为自己服务,有人会对你说 “请随意“请随意.” )Or you will be served by someone who asks, “would you like some?” you can take it and say,”thank you.” If youre given something you dont like, you can just say ,for example, “Im sorry, I dont eat meat.” or “I dont eat fish”. _(没有人会生气)没有

27、人会生气). _(如果有人给你提供更多的食物,你吃如果有人给你提供更多的食物,你吃 不了)不了), just say. “No, thanks, it was delicious, but _(但是我吃但是我吃 饱了)饱了).” _(记住当每道菜端上来时记住当每道菜端上来时, 说你喜欢它),说你喜欢它),and that you have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal. _(有时很难知道这顿饭什么时候结束)有时很难知道这顿饭什么时候结束). If _(被邀请吃饭)被邀请吃饭)by western friends, _(你仍被希望你仍被希望) sta

28、y and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish is served, and _(如果你一吃完就(如果你一吃完就 离开视不礼貌的)离开视不礼貌的) _(建议是,观察其他人,照他们那样做)建议是,观察其他人,照他们那样做) 完成句子 1.我叔叔想周游世界。我叔叔想周游世界。 My uncle wants to _. 2. MP3是人们用来播放音乐的。是人们用来播放音乐的。 MP3 is _ music _. 3. 你做错了,因为你没有按照老师说的去做。你做错了,因为你没有按照老师说的去做。 Youve done wrong.

29、 Just because you didnt do _. 4. 孩子们,请随便吃些水果。孩子们,请随便吃些水果。 Please _ some fruit,my children. 5. 这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情。这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情。 The children _ something for the old man. travel around the world used for playing by people as the teacher said help yourselves to hope to do Do as the Romans do.Do as the

30、Romans do. mealmeal timetime mealmeal wordswords mealmeal toolstools eateat politenesspoliteness dishdish numbernumber leaveleave timetime 1. Theres a saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” 有一句谚语有一句谚语, “入乡随俗”。入乡随俗”。 在该句中,在该句中,do as the Romans do的意思是的意思是 “像罗马人那样去做”。其中,“像罗马人那样去做”。其中,as表示“正表示“正 如

31、,像如,像”。例如:。例如: While in the chemistry lab, do as I say, please. 在化学实验室在化学实验室, 请按照我说的去做。请按照我说的去做。 As I mentioned in my last letter, Ill be back in Tianjin in June. 正如我上封信提到的,我将在正如我上封信提到的,我将在6月份回到天月份回到天 津。津。 Language points 1) saying n.谚语谚语 2) In Spain its usual to eat lunch at 2pm E.g.There is a sayi

32、ng:No pains,no gains.(有付出必有获). East or west,home is best. (金屋银屋不如自己的草屋) Its +adj +(for sb) +to do sth.对某人来说做对某人来说做怎么样怎么样 这类形容词有different,easy,happy,important. E.g. Its hard for Jim to work out this math problem. Paragraph 4 (1)be used for sth /doing sth 被用于被用于. 1) Knives and forks are used for the m

33、ost food. 刀和叉被用来吃大多数的食物。 E.g. Dictionaries are used for looking up new words. (2)be used to do sth 被用被用来做来做. E.g. Chopsticks are used to eat the food. (3) be used as 被当成被当成.使使用用 E.g. English are used as their second language. Paragraph 5 1)serve v.服务服务,接待接待,招待招待: serve sb E.G serve the people heart

34、and soul 全心全意地为人民服务. 2)serve v.开饭开饭,端上端上: serve sth E.G serve the coffee 端上咖啡 The food is served by a waiter. serve yourself 自我招待 服务员呈上了食物服务员呈上了食物. 语法重点语法重点:被动语态被动语态 be +done 2. No one will be cross. 没有人会生气的。没有人会生气的。 这里这里cross是形容词是形容词, 表示“生气的”。表示“生气的”。 The old lady was really cross when the boys bal

35、l broke her window. 那个小孩儿的球打破了老太太的窗户那个小孩儿的球打破了老太太的窗户, 她她 很生气。很生气。 All right, you two, dont get cross with each other. 好了好了, 你们两个不要互相怨气了。你们两个不要互相怨气了。 我们还学过我们还学过cross用作动词,表示“横用作动词,表示“横 穿穿, 穿过穿过, 交叉”。例如:交叉”。例如: It took them two months to cross the desert. 他们用了两个月横穿沙漠。他们用了两个月横穿沙漠。 She was sitting on the

36、 floor with her legs crossed. 她盘着腿坐在地上。她盘着腿坐在地上。 Discussion in pairs and complete the table In the Westerner In China Meal times Things to say How to eat food Being served Refusing food Number of dish At the end of the meal Lunch after 12 about 1pm Dinner 7pm or later At the start of meal:Nothing is

37、 said in Britain With a knife and fork Be asked to serve yourself or by your host Fewer than China Stay and talk around the table Say you cant eat more or dont want more Lunch around 11 am Dinner around 6 pm At the start of meal:man man chi With chopsticks Be served by your host Go on eating though

38、you cant eat more Eating is over,meal is over More than 10 dishes Read ParaRead Para 5 56 6 _ a a meal,meal, if if youreyoure thethe guestguest, , youyou ll_toll_to _,_, oror youryour plateplate will_bywill_by thethe hosthost. . If If youyou havehave _ somethingsomething youyou dontdont like,like, i

39、t it shouldshould bebe _ toto _ ofof thethe plateplate. . YouYou dontdont havehave toto saysay why,why, butbut if if youyou feelfeel _ is is requirerequired, d, justjust say,say, “ “ ImIm sorrysorry. . I I cantcant eateat thisthis. .” ” NoNo oneone willwill bebe _. . If If youyou _ moremore food,foo

40、d, butbut cantcant eat_,eat_, justjust say,say, “ “ _ _. .Generally,_Generally,_ _are_are preparedprepared thanthan in in ChinaChina. . It It isntisnt thoghtthoght toto bebe soso importantimportant toto offeroffer tootoo muchmuch foodfood. . At the start of At the start of be invited be invited serv

41、e yourself serve yourself be filled be filled been given been given pushed pushed the edge of the edge of an explaination an explaination cross cross are offered are offered any more any more No, thanks. It was No, thanks. It was delicious, but Ive had enough. delicious, but Ive had enough. few few dishes dishes


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