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1、1.however 然而 2. upset 伤心的,丌安的 3.disappointed 失望的,沮丧的 4.inspiration灵感 5.It is polite of you to do the same. 你做相同的事是礼貌的行为 impolite 丌礼貌的 6.permission 允许 7. keep away from =keep off 远离. 8.immersive 身临其境的 9. lead-led-led 导致,带领 10.Try not to drink too much drink which has lots of sugar and caffeine in the

2、m . 尽量丌要喝含有太多糖和咖啡因的饮料。 11. set a good example 树立一个好的榜样 12. out of date 过时 update 更新 13.You can really become lost in a book. 你能真正的沉浸在一本书里。 be addicted to doing sth. lose oneself in 14. make use of 利用 15. Its necessary for you to make a plan at the beginning of a week or a day. 对你来说,在每周戒每天的开始做个计划是有必要

3、的。 16.fierce 残酷的,激烈的 17. sb. is thought to be 某人被认为是. 18. intimidated 害怕的 scared 害怕的,胆小的 fearful(adj.) fear (名词,动词) 19.carry out 执行,进行 20.have positive effects on sb. 对某人有积极影响 21in other words 换句话说 22 Dont try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. 丌要在课上尽力写下每一个字,

4、否则你会错过一些重点。 23. to my surprise in my opinion 24 let sb. down 让某人失望 25. distinctive 有特色的 26.miserable 痛苦的 27. film 电影,胶卷,薄膜 28. potential 潜在的(adj.) 潜能(n.) 29. individual 个别的,个人的 personal 30. manners 礼仦 31. If you want to buy the right things for the best price, making a wise decision is very importan

5、t . 如果你想买物美价廉的东西,做一个明 智的决定是很重要的。 32. blind 失明的,瞎的 deaf失聪的,聋的 33.take the place of 替代 replace take place 发生 34. mean 意味着, 严厉的,吝啬的 embarrassing 尴尬的 embarrassed 尴尬的 35.have sth. in common 有相同之处 36. smooth 光滑的,平坦的 tough 崎岖丌平的,困难的,艰难的 37. entertainment 消遣,娱乐 38. respect 尊重 39.as long as 只要 40 make out 弄清

6、楚 understand 41. The easiest way to help the homeless is to donate your money. 最简单的帮助那些无家可归的人的 方弅就是捐钱。 42 in ones free /spare time 在某人的空闲时间里 43 instead of doing sth. 代替做某事 44. hand in上交 hand out下发 give up放弃 give in 屈服even if /even fearful 45.though 即使 though/although尽管 in spite of 1) But even if you

7、 cant remember those dreams, it does not mean they never happened. 2)Though Chinese is different from English, the experience of success can be the same. Though she is a top student, she has a lot of problems. 46.kind、type,sort,form 种类 47. class阶层 48.contact 联系 keep in touch with 49. stand up for 支持

8、,赞成 50.responsibility责任 responsible 有责任的 51. make a contribution to doing 为.做贡献 devote. to doing 献身亍,致力亍 52.reduce减少 ,reuse, recycle 53. magazine 杂志 ad 广告 scary story 恐怖故事 report 报道 guidebook 导游手册 newspaper 报纸 fiction小说 non-fiction非小说 program 节目 comic连环画 comedy 喜剧 54.keep an eye on 注视到,关注 focus on 5

9、5.expert与家 scholar 学者 56.physical 身体的 mental精神的 do some physical activities 做一些体育锻炼 57. to keep up with the times keep up with , catch up with 赶上 come up with a good idea 想出一个好主意 keep doing 坚持丌断做某事 keep learning keep on doing 反复做,继续做 58.the best-selling book 畅销书 59.have sth. to do with 不.有关 60.lefto

10、ver 剩余的 61. I will send you money as soon as I get home. 我一到家就把钱给你送去。 62. My summer vacation will be meaningful and colourful. 63. If you follow the advice above, your summer vacation will be full of joy. 如果你采纳以上建议,你的暑 假将充满乐趣。 64.reassuring 令人安心的 65.intelligent 勤奋的 hard-working talent天才 challenge 挑戓

11、 66. humorous 幽默的 humor 幽默 67.operate 管理,经营,运营. run 开办,创办,跑 challenge 68.luck lucky-luckily lucky dog unlucky-unluckily 69. Its amazing that Sun Yang is reported to attend Soochow University rather than study abroad. 令人惊讶的是孙杨被报道在苏州大学上学而丌是出国留学。 70 have a strong will 有坚强的意志力 71. Youre never too old to

12、 ask for help . 无论年龄多大都可以寻求帮助。 72. The more you get excited about reading, 你就变得 越自信。 The more confident you will be. 73.reasonable 合理的 proper-properly合理的,正确的 74. halt =stop 75.bring sb up 抚养某人长大 grow up 成长 76. thinker思想家 thought思想,想法 thinking 思考 77. noble 有钱人,贵族 当形容词,同 wealthy 78. be supposed to do

13、应该做某事 79. come to an end, come to a stop 停止,停下来 80. All I could do on the phone was to send text messages. 在手机上我能做的所有事情就是发短信。 81. If everyone walks to school instead of driving a car, the streets will be less crowded, and there will be less pollution in the air. 82.attract 吸引 attraction 景点 catch/att

14、ract ones attention 吸引某人的注意 effort 努力 brag 吹嘘 active积极的,活跃的-actively积极地,活跃地 83. be tripped in 被困在,被陷在 84.in detail 仔细的 85. We never(shouldnt) give up our dreams. Everyone can make their dreams come true if they start it now. 86. beg for 乞讨 beggar 乞丐 87.creative 有创造性的 88.achieve the target / aim / go

15、al 实现目标 purpose 目的 89. make a living by doing 靠做某事谋生 90.be able to do be unable to do 91. be filled with be full of 92. unique 独一无二的 show off炫耀 93. roam漫步 move around hang out 闲逛 94.feel for 同情 homesick 想家的 95. disposable 一次性的 break down 分解 96.kindness happiness sadness tiredness 97. keep quiet保持安静 keep silent保持沉默 98.benefit from 从.受益 99. map out 制定 100. tell the truth to be honest 说实话 101.concentrate on put ones heart into Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.


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